40 Times People Were Stupid Enough To Do Something So Inappropriate That It Cost Them Their Job (New Pics)
With the economic crisis and inflation breathing down our backs, many employees hang onto their desks more than ever before. This is understandable, because prices of living are soaring with no end in sight, and that includes anything from rent, groceries, and gas to lifestyle.
Some people, however, take on a more chill approach to work. So chill that it borders on the verge of becoming jobless any minute. And in case they cross that line and mess up real bad, they end up on this corner of Reddit known as “Bye Bye Job.”
Created in 2020, the community is now home to 598k members coming in for the images, posts and stories of people losing their opportunities in life, whether it’s a job or a scholarship. Below we collected the most interesting posts shared on the group, so scroll down.
After you’re done, be sure to check out more ‘Bye Bye Job’ moments in our previous feature.
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Screwed With The Natives And Found Out
The racist owner of the Grand Gateway Hotel said she is banning Native Americans from the property. Five tribal leaders signed a Notice of Trespass. Indicating the hotel has violated the terms of a Treaty made with the Sioux in 1868 based on the location of the hotel, and the racist comments made that they say violate article one of the treaty. They instructed the hotel and its subsidiaries to vacate the premises or be held liable.
Bummer Joe
I don't even feel sorry for his fans who bought tickets because uh, ...Joe Rogan. lol
Today Is The Day
I love that with vaccines it's 'my body, my choice' but if you're a woman wanting her medical choices to remain between her and her doctor, well... that just can't be allowed.
In your work life, the thought of getting fired for one reason or another has probably crossed your mind at least once. Even if it was a “what if” scenario that had no solid ground in reality, or even if you know all too well that one particular faux-pas could cost you the job contract.
According to recent data from Blind, an anonymous network for professionals, one in five respondents (21%) to the poll which asked “How often do you think about getting fired?” said they think about getting fired every day. An equal percentage of respondents (20%) said they think about being fired weekly or monthly and 131 respondents (6%) said they think about being fired every other day.
Maybe The Priest Can Give Alex His Last Rites Because Woolies Just Smoked Him
Russian Driver Who Raced Under Italian Flag Due To Sanctions Threw A Nazi Salute On Podium, Today His Contract Is Immediately Terminated By The Team
Wow did he really do that? I didn't see the footage but sometimes I worry I'm going to be mid-wave to someone and it will look like I'm doing that in a picture, lol. But if he really did...putting aside how horrible it is, what did he think was going to happen? All the work he did is flushed down the drain because he can't control himself. I'm glad he lost everything!
She Hates Leftists Now
There are many reasons why an employee can get themselves fired. But what’s interesting is that employees and employers have somewhat differing opinions about what causes people to be fired from jobs, this research from Airtasker showed.
Airtasker’s report was based on data from a survey of 831 individuals who have lost a job and 93 employers, and it had some interesting findings. Respondents who have been fired from a job say they think it occurred because of personality conflicts (30% cite this as a key reason), because their boss was a jerk (23%), because of office politics (19%), and because of poor performance (18%).
I Have No Words
Trucker Fired For Participating In Ottawa Protests With Company Truck While Displaying Right Wing Terrorist Flag
The convoy was in Ottawa for three weeks, making noise, polluting, and some visitors harassed locals. I refuse to call it a "truckers'" protest -- most truckers were on the road, working hard. Plus the protest leaders had a petition online that called for firing the government -- and for themselves running Canada alongside the Senate (who are government appointees).
Meanwhile, employers say the last person they fired was let go because of attitude issues (57% cite this as a key reason), because of personality issues (41%), because the person was not completing their job as described (40%), and because of poor attendance (34%).
To find out more about the procedure of getting fired and the hold it takes on both an employee and an employer, previously we spoke with Dawn Moss, the founder of “Your Interview Coach” set up in 2013 to help both candidates and hiring managers through the complexities of the recruitment and selection process.
Maga Rioter Tells Court He Lost His 'Six-Figure Job' To Storm The Capitol For Donald Trump
Good. If you are that stupid to be a MAGA twit then you deserve it.
Doctor No Longer Allowed To Practice After Branding Patients' Livers With His Initials
Tis goes beyond unprofessional - it's dead creepy. Like he's claimed ownership. Sick.
CEO Of B.c. Resort On Leave After Sexist Remark At Tourism Conference. He Told Women At Conference To 'Go Clean Some Rooms And Do Some Dishes' On International Women’s Day
“It’s a less than easy process to fire someone in the U.K., both legally and ethically,” Dawn said. “In terms of the process, there are lots of factors to take into consideration; reason for dismissal, performance, capability, gross misconduct, length of service, etc.” Although Dawn reminded us that she’s not an employment lawyer, she said that these situations can get complex.
As Usual
Yep! You must not have read your contract. The government owns you once you join our military.
Russian Gymnast With ‘Z’ Symbol On Podium Next To Ukrainian Faces Long Ban
McDonald's Employee Loses Job
“For a manager, it’s tough as they were the person to hire them in the first place and I can imagine there are a number of emotions attached to letting someone go. In my experience, most managers didn’t like getting to the point of firing someone and most have probably supported the person to get up to speed prior to starting the dismissal process,” Dawn explained.
This is why the hiring process is absolutely essential to get right the first time. The career coach also noted that the amount of management and HR time it takes to manage a poor performer is draining.
Choice And Consequences
Snowplow Driver Posted A Facebook Video Of Him Spraying Jews During A Storm—now It's Being Investigated As A Hate Crime
Novak Djokovic Out Of U.S. Events Due To Being Unvaxxed
For those who’re wondering, Dawn confirmed that there’s definitely a right and a wrong way to fire an employee. “There are companies that don’t follow any process and unfortunately, if an employee has served less than 24 months, they cannot usually file for unfair dismissal. There are some exceptions, if an employee feels they are being dismissed because of a protected characteristic, for example,” she explained.
Brazilian Politician In Ukraine Recorded Commenting On Ukrainian Women/Refugees, Including “They're Easy Because They're Poor”; Returned To Brazil To Discover He Had Lost Key Allies And His Girlfriend; Withdrew Run For Governor, Will Withdraw From The Free Brazil Movement (Mbl)
Two Lapd Officers Who Were Fired In 2017 For Playing Pokémon Go And Ignoring Calls For Backup While On Duty Have Had Their Appeal For Reinstatement Denied
But They Tell Us It's Not About Politics
“However, if it’s performance-related or a personality clash, it can be fairly easy to dismiss someone without any warning. Most reputable companies will want to follow a structured process. As mentioned previously, most managers I’ve worked with want to support the individual first and dismissal is a last resort,” Dawn concluded in a previous interview.
Chair Of The Dept. Of Psychiatry At Columbia University Is Suspended For Commenting On A Model’s Body Via Twitter
"This Individual No Longer Works For The Queens District Attorney's Office"
This is a very angry person. Something they need to deal with before it leads to unfortunate consequences.
Police Officer Who Touched Colleague's Penis Then Shouted 'It’s A Small One' Is Sacked
A Play In 4 Acts
Guy Makes Multiple Harassing Videos From Hospital. Girl Tells Him To Stop. Guy Makes Fun Of Girl's Eyebrows In Hospital Tiktok. Girl Notifies Hospital And When Multiple Such Cases Are Revealed, He Gets Fired. Bellend Makes Post With 12k Upvotes Blaming Girl With Fake Title
Sexual harassers and stalkers go on to worse (if they haven't already) so he needs therapy. Needs to take responsibility for his toxic masculinity and mature as a human being.
Another Nurse Let Go. Oh Well
Paying The Price For Bullying
Good. We have a semi pro team here. There was one black player on the team. Spectators threw watermelon and fried chicken on the ice. That young man killed himself one night after a game. True fans of sport should admire skill that they don't have instead of being jealous that someone of a race not usually associated with the sport should excel.
Italian Man Who Tried To Use Fake Arm To Avoid Covid Shot Says Life Is ‘Ruined’
Now that's just silly as well as stupid! Like a plan a four year old would dream up.
School Principal Fired And On Welfare After Posting Naked Photos Of Her Boyfriend’s Ex On Facebook
Australian Network Spends $1,000,000 Australian Dollars ($724,685.00 Us Dollars) So Reporter Has Rights To Interview Adele About Her New Album: Reporter Doesn’t Listen To Album Before Interview
She’s Been Fired
So she’s saying she’s happy with defending predators but can’t get past… gasp… trying to protect children and the adults around them from a disease? Wtf? Surely even someone against masks can see the bulls*** here?
Professor Has To Resign Because He Posted Blatant Misinformation To His Students And Was Called Out By His Boss As Well
“Freedom Fighter” Loses Job While Occupying Ottawa
Travis Scott Canceled From Coachella 2022 Despite Offering To Perform For Free
'i've Lost It All' I’m Homeless, My Teeth Are Falling Out And My Career Is Over Because Of My Anti-Vaxx Views, Moans Corrie Star Sean Ward
Did You, Or Did You Not Follow Protocol?
Religious exemptions are bull$h1t excuses people use so they can avoid following rules (usually involving safety of others or paying taxes) everyone else is expected to adhere to.
Marketing Guy Fired For Bad Taste Sales Pitch
Freedom to say what you want does not equal freedom from the consequences of your actions.
I like that in this post there are many situations where people suffered some sort of consequence for their actions. Tired of seeing this kind of bs go unchallenged on daily life.
Freedom to say what you want does not equal freedom from the consequences of your actions.
I like that in this post there are many situations where people suffered some sort of consequence for their actions. Tired of seeing this kind of bs go unchallenged on daily life.