Look. If you had. One shot. Or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted. In one moment. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?
The subreddit r/TheyKnew is a place that honors those who do. Its 407K members collect and share pictures of the times people without a doubt understood what message their actions were sending but went along and did it anyway.
Like designing a Game of Thrones calendar and putting Peter Dinklage's character Tyrion Lannister as the face of February. Or naming the 420th carpet in the store smoke.
Continue scrolling and check out some of the ballsiest moves these heroes pulled off!
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This Couldn't Have Been A Coincidence
Kevin's Parents
But as the before-mentioned Peter Dinklage showed with his reaction to the calendar, we shouldn't take everything too seriously.
Psychotherapist and author Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D., said that if you find yourself getting overly angry, upset, or defensive over little things, take comfort in knowing that there are actions you can take to more effectively manage your emotions.
First of all, know your triggers. "If we know what [sets us off], we can learn to be more in control of ourselves when our buttons are pushed," Cohen wrote. "Personally, I overreact and feel triggered whenever I work hard on something, and someone is critical of it. I’m pretty positive and encouraging toward others, and I can also take constructive criticism pretty well. However, if I think another person is being unfairly critical, it’s easy for me to lose it. Knowing this about myself, I become more aware of my reactions and try to more calmly respond to people when they’re offering criticism."
I Thought It Was A Great Idea To Buy 5000 'Bone Shape' Paper Clips For Our Veterinary Clinic
An Employee With A Sense Of Humor
They Definitely Knew!
"Always keep in mind that if something has been bothering you for a really long time, the smallest inconvenience can push you overboard," Cohen explained.
"Try to address the past and resolve anything that’s truly bothering you in the present moment. If you don't, I can assure you that you’ll continue to sweat the small stuff. Address issues head-on as soon as they arise. Let it out so you can let it go and move on. Keep a journal, write a letter, do whatever it takes to talk it out. It’s no secret that life can get tough. And when things don’t go our way, it’s easy to lose patience. Try to manage yourself with the tips below, so that you can appropriately respond to the situations that arise in your life, one at a time."
Then, even people who are trying to get under our skin (including those who know what they're doing) aren't going to be a (huge) problem.
He’s Watching
Man’s Cock Wins First
They Really Did
Mask Up!
Valentine's Day Special
My Grandma Knitted These "Handle Huggers" And Wants Me To Help Sell Them On The Internet
That’s Some Party
A “Super” Fountain
mmkayyyyyy i'm just gonna ignore the shape of the tap in relation to his body
Amazing Placing!
Dad Knew... For Sure
Please Don’t Take My Crown Jewels!
How Could You Not Know?
How Did This Even Get So Far?
A modern day Cerne Abbas Giant, virgins dancing on midsummers eve by appointment only. ;o)
He Really Came Through
Government Ad In Brussels Airport
This Tissue Box
Author Having A Laugh
Mcdonalds In Yass, Australia, Definitely Knew
But Have Their Subs Unionized?
IKEA Knows!
They Might As Well Have Put A Winky Face Emoji
What is the Inventor of hand sanitizer doing right now? Rubbing his hands ...
Modelling Cycling Clothes
Ah The New And Natural Propulsion System
Let Us Never Forget The Robot That Drew The First D Pic On Another Planet
Yep Its From Florida
At Least They're Being Upfront About It
This Ad Placement
Yes! I Like It Any Place
She Knew
Thanks Management
North Americans Unite!
Somebody In The Engineering/Design Department Thought This Would Be Funny
Thats 12 Inches Or 30cm
They Knew
There Are No Accidents
It’s Hard To Imagine A Universe Where This Wasn’t Planned
Sounds like a doctor Suess book that would be funny to young children
The Sign Maker Knew
They Ain’t Talking About Burgers
Men that don't enjoy doing this confuse me, why would you not enjoy it, yet seem to demand the reverse from her??
Disney “Dumbo” Shirt
Innocent Amazon Search At Work!!
My Latin Workbook
Gee thanks Bored Panda, today's going to be fun to navigate. Overheard an episode of "Leave it to Beaver" my husband was watching while I got ready for work. June says "Well it was a struggle but we finally got them off". LMAO!!
Saw a smokehouse van today, it's motto was "Moist and Juicy - it's how our day starts and yours should end". Not sure if it's just my mind that hit the gutter....😂
On of my favorite Bored Panda posts in the last couple weeks! I really like the "unintentionally funny" genre, like translation fails. Even though a lot of these were intentional, there's a level of creativity here that brings a smile to my face :)
One of the best/weirdest translation fails I saw was a young Asian girl wearing a jacket with two heart-shaped patches with English writing on them. It was meant to say "Daddy's girl," I believe, but it ended up saying "Girl Daddy." Cute kid, tho' :)
Gee thanks Bored Panda, today's going to be fun to navigate. Overheard an episode of "Leave it to Beaver" my husband was watching while I got ready for work. June says "Well it was a struggle but we finally got them off". LMAO!!
Saw a smokehouse van today, it's motto was "Moist and Juicy - it's how our day starts and yours should end". Not sure if it's just my mind that hit the gutter....😂
On of my favorite Bored Panda posts in the last couple weeks! I really like the "unintentionally funny" genre, like translation fails. Even though a lot of these were intentional, there's a level of creativity here that brings a smile to my face :)
One of the best/weirdest translation fails I saw was a young Asian girl wearing a jacket with two heart-shaped patches with English writing on them. It was meant to say "Daddy's girl," I believe, but it ended up saying "Girl Daddy." Cute kid, tho' :)