50 People Who Knew Exactly What They Were Doing And Still Went For It (New Pics)
Richard Branson once said, “opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” He was mostly talking about business, but life is full of those moments where you can see the cards laid out perfectly to give you a win if you take a chance.
If you aren’t sure what I mean, then scroll down. Internet users gathered those moments when some designers, artists, or copy editors had to know what they were doing. So upvote your favorites, comment what you think must have been going through their heads and if you want more examples, Bored Panda has you covered, so find our other article on this topic here.
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Shippers Knew
s-sir this is the highest up it can go large_Baby...bb8df8.jpg
They Definitely Knew What They Were Doing…
I'm just sitting back here watching people argue about human monsters and who did or didn't help them get elected. From where I'm sitting, Hitler and Putin are equally monstrous bástards, regardless of who did or did not help them get elected (or not-elected).
Kevin Lasagna
Many of the ideas here are cleverly, or not-so-cleverly hidden puns. As much as we groan at them, puns have a long, titled history. The ancient Greeks and Romans were aware of them as comedic templates, and indeed, the word pun itself has Greek origins, though that isn’t saying much when one considers all the Greek loanwords in English.
Often we associate puns with groan-worthy dad jokes, but even masters of the language, like Shakespeare, use them frequently. Shakespeare himself used over 3000 puns in his plays, significantly more than can be listed in this article. Indeed, until recently, pun use was seen as a form of literary sophistication. After all, puns require the knowledge that certain words have multiple meanings or similar-sounding counterparts. The writer must then also create the context where the reader or listener can understand which version is being referred to.
The Wasps That Built This Nest Knew What They Were Doing
It Was Well Worth It
Big Cocks
Now most non-visual jokes are a form of storytelling. There is a setup, normally of some information, then a punch line as a finisher. The setup should be vague enough that the punch is unexpected, which humans tend to find amusing. We like it when we are surprised, and often this is achieved by subverting certain expectations. Many of the jokes in this list work in a similar manner, we see lasagna puns in a Wikipedia article about a football player which is not where we expect Italian-food-based puns.
That Resemblance Is Uncanny
The Scientists Had Fun Naming These
Makes Sense
The boob is fine, but a nipple would be the end of civilization as we know it.
So clever joke writers will use the setup to mislead us, so the punchline can be even more unexpected. Deadpan humor goes a step further by never acknowledging that there is a joke. Now the ability to confuse us isn’t always benign. Mall architects use this to great effect. Have you ever been in a store or mall where the layout and variety of options quickly overwhelmed you? More often than not, this design is intentional.
Hee Hee
Oh Snap
Worth Every Penny
This is called Gruen transfer or the Gruen effect. Retailers know that once a person has made the effort to come to a mall, they will probably spend some money. But if they can be confused or distracted, they will often visit stores they don’t need and spend money on things not part of their shopping list. This effect was named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen and, in a case of classic misdirection, he was highly opposed to the practice.
... When Selecting Wood Grain On Toilet Doors
How long you spose it took ‘em to find these two pieces of wood? (Or are they stained?)
Dad Totally Knew
4 Pictures, Side-By-Side In A Newspaper. They Knew What They Were Doing
This is on purpose. They probably bought the whole page for this add.
It Intended To Be Fuji Mountain, Going To Be A New Meme
Dont "poke" fun at this respectable gentlemen! They're just excited to present the paintings! :D
They Took Her Jacket Off But Not His Arm… They Knew
I can’t stop laughing! I have NO idea what an “engagement badge” is, but if it’s something he’s sposta present to his fiancée, I really hope he did because she, too, would laugh like crazy, and that’s a most *excellent* way to start a marriage! (Dang, it’s hard typing through the tears; I genuinely can’t stop laughing!)
Finally Found The Missing Part Of Apple
Grab The What
He Definitely Knew
Ik Most Posts Here Are Sexual But
Someone Thought Long And Hard About This
They Definitely Knew. (My Friend Sent Me This)
This Cannot Be An Accident!
They Knew
They Had To Have Known
Hope I Got My Ticket
The Graeme Clark Oration Award Indeed
They got bronze at the Lesbian Olympics in Labia Manipulation? Sorry. Ive been working for 16 hours! I’m no longer making sense.
A Note From The Mailman
Terry Knew
How Many People Live Here And Have No Idea?
When living in a cul-de-sac is getting old, try living in a ball-de-sac
You Had One Job
What Do You Guys Read?
Pen is broken please use finger (I have proven myself that I am an alien now)
Enough Said
Code Set By A True 8008 Appreciator
I think it’s clever! But what’s the point of the lock if you’re gonna post the code for everyone to see? It’ll only keep curious babies out.
Felt This Belonged Here
Local newspaper once had pictures of six beautiful high school girls all in a row across the top of the page, with the article about them below the rightmost column. PEACH DUCHESSES. The headline under the other five girls' pictures was: RECORD SALES AT CATTLE AUCTION.
Good Old Grandma
Praise Be!
I don't know, kind of nice to have a church for twats - at least one morning a week when they are all together and give the rest of us peace.
Whoever Placed This Stand…
Safety First!
Couldn't Possibly Be A Coincidence
Took me way too long, Phil-Mc-Cann, Fill my can.
The Costume Designers Must Have Known!!
Everyone Loves Pizza
Friendly Reminder
Eleanor Is Always Happy To Help Out
Norway's Biggest Newspaper: "Sperm Bank Exploded." "Sarah Swam For 54 Hours"
And Sarah has … um, stuff on her face, too, which just reinforces the joke. (Yeah, I know it’s sunscreen, but it’s funnier if you pretend it’s not.)
Geology Just Got A Lot More Exciting
What Is Happening Here?
Ugh, SO many repeats! Other than that, fun! Much better than AITA posts
They're getting stupider! I saw one today and it was a lady asking if she was the Ahole for wearing a corps bride WEDDING DRESS to a friend's engagement party. I facepalmed so hard.
Load More Replies...Anybody else getting this message?
This is a screenshot of the top left corner of my iPad as I’m reading these articles, BC23167C-8...8a242.jpeg
Yup, what makes it worse (or better) is that it's a christian book store :D
Load More Replies...Wow, so many photoshops... was there even an attempt to check if these were real? Especially since many were outed as fakes in other BP posts already.
Ugh, SO many repeats! Other than that, fun! Much better than AITA posts
They're getting stupider! I saw one today and it was a lady asking if she was the Ahole for wearing a corps bride WEDDING DRESS to a friend's engagement party. I facepalmed so hard.
Load More Replies...Anybody else getting this message?
This is a screenshot of the top left corner of my iPad as I’m reading these articles, BC23167C-8...8a242.jpeg
Yup, what makes it worse (or better) is that it's a christian book store :D
Load More Replies...Wow, so many photoshops... was there even an attempt to check if these were real? Especially since many were outed as fakes in other BP posts already.