Welcome to jerk land, the nasty part of humanity where people are everything but nice. Here, the tension is so high it makes your blood boil. It's all because the devil found a cheap flight deal and is now off on holiday.
Any nasty scenario your mind can make up has been here and done—from washing a dog’s bum on a drinking fountain to stealing from your date. Clenching your teeth already? Tune in and let’s see who graduated with honors from jerk school.
To all our fellow Pandas, please share your reactions in the comments since it’s always easier to go through this together. For those who need some extra jerk-spiration, feel free to feast on our previous compilation here at your own risk.
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Take Your Poo Home
I would figure it out and sue the hell out of them. I'm not litigious by nature, but this is unacceptable on many levels.
Block An Electric Charging Station. Get Towed
You’ve Got To Be The Worst Kind Of Heartless Twat If You Can Go Around Slashing Homeless People’s Tents
But don't hate the Cloaca. The Cloaca is like asshole+. Unless you're talking about the nine odd modern "art" pieces that exist to make human poo. Then hate away.
@earringnut : most homeless people have sharpies to make signs and things. How ignorant can you be to say “well that can’t be a homeless person because homeless people obviously have zero money therefore cannot but a $1 sharpie”
At least a******s are useful and serve a purpose. Some people don't even fit that description
Have to downvote you for that one, since I'm in a demographic (older and with respiratory problems) that makes me pretty much done for if I catch it.
Homeless people can have jobs. Might not make enough money to buy or rent somewhere to live but they may well be able to stretch to a pen. In the UK (and probably many other countries but I can only speak for my own) there are charities that give out tents to people in need.
How some people treat homeless people with so much disrespect is beyond me. Homeless people have rights like everybody else. You must be a pathetic little coward to do something like this. Homelessness can happen to anybody.
I hope the person who slashed their tent gets their comeuppance somehow. What an awful thing to do.
Don't hope for that, it just fuels the bad energy. Hope that that person has an experience that educates them about others and makes them realize that good triumphs over evil and that we should always strive to be kind to others, especially those less fortunate.
Load More Replies...Not sure where your 'here' is but that is s****y if that's the case.
Load More Replies...What???? Where is "here"? Just to make sure I never visit that place. How can anybody be so mean?
Please, don't tar everybody with the same brush. There are plenty of people who care, who help those in need. Pricks who do c**p like this are in the minority.
Yes. Those look like grommets. What else would I be applauding?
Load More Replies...Always remember, 62% of Americans are just a pay check and a job loss away from being homeless. That tent you slash could be your next door neighbor that just lost a job.
If it gets rid of the homeless squatters, there is nothing wrong with it.
Some people are just a holes. They are inconsiderate rip tents abuse animals, kids, babies, seniors. Some people spawn by the devil.
It has to be a small minded idiot to do This to a homeless person! KARMA!
Something like this, is the reason I like animals more than most people.
It gets worse, recently some thugs attacked a homeless man who was living in a tent, minding his own business, and kicked him to death. They just left him there to die, he was discovered by accident and brought to hospital and that was where he died.
That tent may be the only thing that poor bastard has; you MOVE the tent, you DON'T destroy it!
Building management and the law would have tossed it in the dumpster to discourage people from doing this again
If anyone has source info on this photo or whose home that is, please post! I want to do something for them
Homelessness is a terrible situation. But there are people who believe that they shouldn't be allowed to be homeless where they live or work.
There's a really good chance this was just another homeless person. This isn't a problem solved with tents.
You know that place in the picture? I have seen a tent in a busy area, but in an alcove, definitely out of the way.
Load More Replies...Humans are inherently social animals, so you can’t help but wonder where the root of this evil behavior is. Well, some scientists believe that lack of empathy might be to blame. Simon Baron-Cohen, professor of developmental psychopathology at the University of Cambridge, believes that empathy determines how we interact with others. He explains: “Empathy is our ability to identify what someone else is thinking or feeling, and to respond to their thoughts and feelings with an appropriate emotion.” Those who lack this ability see others as mere objects, and as a result, don’t feel for them.
The Painter, Who Didn't Get Payed For The Work, Took Revenge On The Greedy Client
Stealing From A Free Condom Vending Machine
What The Heck
Some people confuse empathy with sympathy when, in reality, those are two very different things. Psychology Today defines sympathy as “understanding another person's situation but viewed through your own lens. That is, it's based on your version of what the other person is dealing with.” That’s how some people experience love—they sense their own affectionate feelings rather than the reality with another person.
Meanwhile, empathy requires to step outside and put yourself in the shoes of another person. “There, without abandoning or losing your own perspective, you can experience the other's emotions, conflicts, or aspirations from within the vantage point of that person's world.” This is precisely the connection that builds healthy mutual relationships among humans.
Hamden's Historic "Door Tree," A Natural Feature Celebrated For Nearly 150 Years, Has Been Cut Down By Vandals
Celebrities Are People Too
You're not entitled to pictures with anyone. Sometimes a celebrity is nice and might take a moment out of their understandably busy days to take a picture with you, but that should be treated as a special case. Terry seems to be one of the nicest celebrities and he's a father first and foremost
That’s Just Being A Jerk
I know someone like this and I absolutely hate them. I don't want to ever invite them for anything but I gotta since that would mean singling them out. EDIT: clarification: this person has a lot of kids and I know they're struggling to feed them so will use anyone's kindness whenever Free Food was mentioned, thus why I can't really singling them out. I still don't like how they're taking advantage of me so openly though.
This Grouch Thought It Was Ok To Pop A Squat On The Buns. Then She Proceeded To Yell At Me For Stealing Her Spot In Line At The Deli Courter
This is why I always grab things from the bottom or back of the pile of literally everything. You never know who has sat on, sneezed on, licked, etc. before you got there
This Hidden Camera Disguised As A Clock In My Airbnb
Daycare Worker Wrote A Note On A Baby's Stomach To Shame His Mom Into Packing More Diapers
The worker has been fired.
People That Feel Entitled Enough To Disrespect Signs
Signs typically assume that visitors have basic human intelligence to see, read, understand and follow a posted sign. They typically do not address the lack of a higher intelligence in animals like cats, dogs and jackasses.
Calling A Hardworking Man Trash
This Guy Is Watching Netflix In The Cinema Without Headphones
We asked the staff to do something about it, they came after 40 minutes and told him to mute it. He doesn't give a damn.
Absolute Jerk Sells Her Friend's Dog. Who Would Do That?
Drugging Your Whole Workplace Because Why Not
I Watched An Artist Spend Days On This, Two Days After He Finished I Walk Past This. What's Even The Point
Seem Like A Lovely Couple
Wendy Williams Mocks Joaquin Phoenix For Having A 'Cleft Lip'
Local Thrift Store
Girl Is Repulsed By Man Having An Old Phone
Using A Pitcher Plant As Trash Bin
This Woman, Who Would Not Stop Sunbathing Next To A Funeral Even After Being Asked To Move Several Times
"Dont Get Me What I Asked For"
Using Your Child’s Educational Growth For Views
No wonder children and young people nowadays are suffering from massive levels of mental health, with parents doing sh*t like this it's no surprise. It's a form of child abuse and the video should be deleted and the Mum educated on how to support her sons mental well-being not exploit it for views and going viral.
Rot In Hell, Brad
Teacher Making You Feel Bad For Using The Bathroom
Saw This On My Facebook Feed This Morning. Just When I Thought My Hometown Couldn’t Get Worse
I Was On A 9 Hour Flight And My Seat Was Broken So The Flight Attendent Told Me To Sit Next To This Woman
2 seats next to her were free. The woman told me that I couldn't sit there because she had another layover and needed to sleep. This is what I came back to after leaving my seat for the toilet.
Bros, Don't Be Like This
Washing Dog's Bum On A Drinking Fountain
Stealing From A Guy Who Asked You Out
She's a thief, not a hero and he should get law enforcement involved.
Got Soiled Diapers? Put Them Underneath Chaise Lounge At Beach Resort
When I read about things like this my blood starts boiling. If they find the person responsible for this, he or she should get banned for lifetime.
My Mom Gave Him 120 Days To Find A New Place To Live, His Is How He Left It, Also Infested With Bedbugs And Dumped Paint By On The Hardwood Floors
Coworker Brought His Dog To The Office. Dog Did This, Coworker Says "I'm Real Busy So Can Some Else Get It"
People Don’t Exchange Their Human Dignity For £46
What Could Go Wrong If My Neighbor Put Hot Charcoal From His Grill Into A Trash Can
Being A Cinema Worker And Having To Clear Up After These Delightful People
Yes, sadly, the boxes are still half full of soggy cereal and milk.
Currently, this is number 16 and I have to stop going any further. These things just make me angry.
Leaving Fake Currency Around To Trick People Into Seeing Your Message
He said that he was rooting for it on last post, was downvoted a lot, this is upvoted a lot, I am now too confused to exist(starts disappearing thanks snap style)
Sorry bored panda, I had to give up on this 3 pictures in. My faith in humanity is paper thin already. What a world we live in, I despair for the next generation.
They've always been here. We just didn't have the internet to see how many.
Load More Replies...Put it in perspective : One act of vandalism to thousands of acts of kindness keeps me from hating anyone.
In the hip, chic uptown district of the city where I live, there used to be one paid parking lot in the middle of it where tons of people would park. Some dudes figured out that they could stand next to the box where people were supposed to put in their money to pay, claim to be 'working for the parking lot and collecting the money', and walk away with hundreds of bucks on a busy Sat. night.
I remember a series of photos a while back that detailed the story of a large, white wall on one side of an otherwise decrepit building. It was initially "vandalized" with many creative, colorful, and stylized name-tag graffitis, but the owner soon painted over them. Then another artist took advantage of the newly-blank canvas and painted a gorgeous undersea mural. Within a week the owner painted over this, too. The final photo shows the result of this artist's angry second attempt to paint the wall, which was a crudely-written sentence reading, "this wall used to have art on it but now it is covered with c***s". Which it was,literally hundreds of them, scrawled in black spraypaint.
Hoping that one day we will be able to punch people like these via internet.
I tell you, the more I loose faith in the humanoid creatures that are so called society the more I wish murder was legal.
In this life, we are supposed to be decent and respectful human beings. However, many of these people showed that they either don't understand what that means or they don't care to understand. Treating other people's property and personal space with this level of disrespect can only lead to you being viewed in a negative light. Let's all try to be better people and stop doing inappropriate things just because we think that we are entitled.
I'd like to hit all these jerks with lengthy instults
Sadly, lack of Common Sense, Dignity, Self-Awareness, Kindness, Empathy are so commonplace in today's disrespectful world. Lack of proper parenting, respect of their environment. These things Can be taught! My parents would have my HIDE if I did Any of these things!
one benefit of the virus.. it will cull the herd. most stupid people will die off.
It’s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, a******s like them... SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL.
That’s fourty reasons I live as much as possible like a hermit. 🤨
I hope this never happens to me because someone is going to get hurt.
If someone seems me act like any of this people, please come to me and slap me in the face so I can connect the dots and wake up for life. Exactly what I want to do to those people.
what i learned and feel like and know , is i HATE people and they SUCK!! the end!
Has anyone noticed things like this are more common since Trump has been in office?
He said that he was rooting for it on last post, was downvoted a lot, this is upvoted a lot, I am now too confused to exist(starts disappearing thanks snap style)
Sorry bored panda, I had to give up on this 3 pictures in. My faith in humanity is paper thin already. What a world we live in, I despair for the next generation.
They've always been here. We just didn't have the internet to see how many.
Load More Replies...Put it in perspective : One act of vandalism to thousands of acts of kindness keeps me from hating anyone.
In the hip, chic uptown district of the city where I live, there used to be one paid parking lot in the middle of it where tons of people would park. Some dudes figured out that they could stand next to the box where people were supposed to put in their money to pay, claim to be 'working for the parking lot and collecting the money', and walk away with hundreds of bucks on a busy Sat. night.
I remember a series of photos a while back that detailed the story of a large, white wall on one side of an otherwise decrepit building. It was initially "vandalized" with many creative, colorful, and stylized name-tag graffitis, but the owner soon painted over them. Then another artist took advantage of the newly-blank canvas and painted a gorgeous undersea mural. Within a week the owner painted over this, too. The final photo shows the result of this artist's angry second attempt to paint the wall, which was a crudely-written sentence reading, "this wall used to have art on it but now it is covered with c***s". Which it was,literally hundreds of them, scrawled in black spraypaint.
Hoping that one day we will be able to punch people like these via internet.
I tell you, the more I loose faith in the humanoid creatures that are so called society the more I wish murder was legal.
In this life, we are supposed to be decent and respectful human beings. However, many of these people showed that they either don't understand what that means or they don't care to understand. Treating other people's property and personal space with this level of disrespect can only lead to you being viewed in a negative light. Let's all try to be better people and stop doing inappropriate things just because we think that we are entitled.
I'd like to hit all these jerks with lengthy instults
Sadly, lack of Common Sense, Dignity, Self-Awareness, Kindness, Empathy are so commonplace in today's disrespectful world. Lack of proper parenting, respect of their environment. These things Can be taught! My parents would have my HIDE if I did Any of these things!
one benefit of the virus.. it will cull the herd. most stupid people will die off.
It’s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, a******s like them... SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL.
That’s fourty reasons I live as much as possible like a hermit. 🤨
I hope this never happens to me because someone is going to get hurt.
If someone seems me act like any of this people, please come to me and slap me in the face so I can connect the dots and wake up for life. Exactly what I want to do to those people.
what i learned and feel like and know , is i HATE people and they SUCK!! the end!
Has anyone noticed things like this are more common since Trump has been in office?