There’s nothing quite as exasperating as that ‘final straw’ moment on a terrible day. You know, that day when nothing seems to be going your way; when problems arise one after the other and you can’t catch a break. And while certain inconveniences on such days lead to us waving the white flag, seeing them happen to somebody else often makes us feel a little bit better (as difficult as it might be to admit it).
We have combed through the plains of the internet to bring you a collection of pictures showing how someone’s day was totally ruined. Whether you need a pick-me-up on an equally unfortunate day or you simply want to appease the inner villain in you, bear in mind that this list is always just a couple of clicks away. And if you’re in the mood to browse it right now, wait no longer and scroll down to find the images.
In order to better understand how bad days affect us and how to cope with them, Bored Panda has reached out to the Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, Richard Wiseman and Susan Heitler, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of ‘Prescriptions Without Pills’. They were kind enough to share their insight, which you will find in the text below.
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Every once in a while, a bad day is inevitable. And it doesn’t have to be catastrophic to ruin the mood completely; sometimes a minor thing is enough to push us over the edge. It’s even worse when such things add up (I guess they say “when it rains, it pours” for a reason), and when they do, we tend to blame it on bad luck.
“I think that we all like to try to explain the events that happen to us because it gives us a feeling of control. We often try to make sense of our experiences using the idea of luck because it helps to explain events that might otherwise appear inexplicable,” professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology Richard Wiseman told Bored Panda.
“And so when someone experiences a run of challenging events, they might find some comfort in thinking that they are unlucky because at least they have some kind of explanation.”
My Cat Just Came Back From One Of Her Evening Strolls With Someone Else's Keys In Her Mouth
An Honest Mistake
“I think it might be helpful to remember that everyone has bad days. One thing not to do is to internalize that as an unlucky trait because that will make you focus on things that don’t work out well in the future,” Dr. Wiseman said.
Focusing on unfortunate events usually leads to negative emotions. “I suspect that most of us have a set amount of psychological resources for dealing with stressful events,” the professor added. “When those resources run dry, we will find it difficult to deal with the negative emotions that we are experiencing. For some people it might be anger, for others it might be feeling bad about themselves.”
Heard My Husband Screaming While In The Shower..walked In On This
Tiny Body Or Giant Head?
Anger is a common reaction to frustrating events. Especially when several of them happen on the same day and overwhelm you as if they were waves in the ocean. In order to swim rather than sinking, it’s useful to try and stay mindful of your emotions and actions.
Susan Heitler, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of ‘Prescriptions Without Pills’, suggested three steps you can take to deal with anger: “a) Stop. If necessary, exit the triggering situation, b) calm down, so that your brain is functioning again, then c) ask yourself the three stop sign questions.”
I'm 49. Just Found This In My Mum's Bookcase
Heckin Bots
Priest Accidentally Live-Streamed Mass With Sunglasses And Hat Filter
The clinical psychologist expanded on the three stop signal questions to Bored Panda. She compared anger to a stop sign: “What do you do at a stop sign? First of all, you stop. Stop talking, yelling, and interacting.
“Second, at a stop sign, you look both ways to gather information about the potential problem. Ask yourself: ‘What do I want that I'm not getting; and what am I getting that I don't want?’
“Then, ask yourself: ‘What might be a better way to get what I want, and stop getting what I don't want, than dealing with the situation via anger?’”
Bakery Fail
I Wouldn't Be Going Home After That
If You're Wondering Why The Driver's Window Is Clean, It's Because It Was Down When The Truck Next To Me Drove Through The Puddle
And also, if you were wondering, I can tell you what puddle water tastes like.
Another technique the author of ‘Prescriptions Without Pills’ suggested is viewing upsetting situations in the past as opportunities to find the positive in them. By using the mantra ‘If it's in the past it's for the good’, people can focus on the silver lining or sometimes even come up with a better solution to a problem or bring positive outcomes from adverse situations.
This Is The Worst Picture Ever Taken Of Me
It Was A Great Day Till This Moment
When The Bakers Make The Mix Wrong And Don’t Realize Yeast Doesn’t Just Stop Working Because It’s In A Dumpster
It’s important to remember the stop sign questions and other techniques, because oftentimes, when things don’t go our way, we get overruled by emotion. “As anger rises, thinking ability shrinks,” Dr. Heitler pointed out. “In addition, the more you feel anger, the more what you want feels holy, and what others want feels irrelevant.”
Grab Your S**t, We´re Leaving Now
Grandma’s Baking Skills Aren’t What They Used To Be
Grand Rapids, MI Reporter Gets Her New License Plate
It’s not only other people’s emotions that we fail to care for when we’re feeling down. In addition to projecting onto others, we sometimes turn to self-hate and rationalize all the ways we might have been wrong or bad. These are just some of the things we do on a bad day when we feel vulnerable, as Marwa Azab, the adjunct professor of psychology and human development at California State University, pointed out in her article for Psychology Today.
The One Time The Toner Exploded At Work While Switching It Out. You Can See Where I Was At That Exact Moment
Simple As That
This Morning A Bat Crashed Into My Face And Fell Into My Breakfast. He Seemed Fine
One of the reasons bats might do this is rabies. And you might have gotten bit or scratched without even realizing it. If this happens to you, get the bat outside and GET A RABIES SHOT. If you wait until you start showing symptoms of rabies, you will die.
Instead of the negative outbursts, Dr. Azab suggested speaking to yourself with dignity and respect. She also advised showing self-compassion and being kind to yourself and others. In addition to that, the professor emphasized the importance of connecting with someone trustworthy and exercising or getting out into nature. These simple yet significant steps can help you rebalance your mental state on a rainy day.
We Hiked 3 Hours To Get A Good Picture Of Our Hometown. Our City Is On The Left
Whipped Myself Into A Frustrated Rage Trying To Find My Drill For Half An Hour
It annoys me that they make gardening tools like pruners with green handles for the same reason
They Need An Intervention, Not A Convention
No matter how frustrating, bad days are a part of everyday life. It’s something we can’t stop from happening; however, we can control the way we react to them. (To a certain extent, at least; I know how difficult it is to control yourself when you’re so stressed the vein on your forehead is about to explode.)
Also, sometimes they’re a good reminder of the positive things in life—nothing makes you appreciate a regular calm day more than a 24-hour period of pure chaos.
Now We Know Who The Favorite Child Is
The Cat Closed The Balcony Door On Me By Standing On The Handle And Pushing It Down. I Had To Wait For Someone Who Had A Key To My Apartment To Open It Up For Me. Luckily, I Had My Phone With Me
Don't Put Emojis In Your Bank Account Nicknames
Some unfortunate situations are actually not that terrible and can even seem somewhat funny, especially in retrospect. A few amusing ones can be found among these 50 unfortunate fails people had no other choice but to document by taking a picture.
It's Just A Little Ice, It's Fine
Kid probably can't read printing at that age, certainly can't read messy cursive.
I Was Hoping For Post-Chemo Curls As A Consolation Prize After Breast Cancer. Instead I’m About To Go Super Saiyan
Feeling Like Kevin From The Office Right Now
Left A Can Of Tuna In Here To Lure A Pesky Raccoon, Found This In The Morning
3 Am Snack
Last Week A Bald Eagle Flew Threw My Bedroom Window, While I Was Laying In Bed . It Was Insane, To Say The Least
Was Confused When It Didn't Sound Like It Hit The Floor
Please say you bought a new toothbrush. Please say you bought a new toothbrush. Please say you bought a new toothbrush. Please say you bought a new toothbrush.
Lost My Wallet 3 Days Ago, Finally Ordered New Cards And Then
I Paid $6 To Have Two Slices Of American Cheese Delivered To My Door
I was trying to order a plain cheeseburger meal from McDonalds through DoorDash, and so I deselected all the extra stuff (onions, pickles, etc.).
Turns out I deselected the Buns and Meat too, so I just paid $6 to have 2 pieces of American Cheese delivered to my apartment.
And whoever made it remarked about it on the other post about weird customer orders...
Somebody Didn’t Strap The Egg Trolleys In Properly On The Truck. 10,500 Eggs Broken
After A Few Weeks, I Returned To My Apartment
When The Sun's Out And You Don't Think It Through
O yes, the mighty tribe of the Sunscreen people
Load More Replies...i actually saw a similar scene in the Jerry Lewis movie, "The Bellboy". Am I old or what?
you will not need to wear leggings for a while. The sun has got you covered.
But not funny. That burn will fade but the subcutaneous damage will NEVER heal and COULD one day become skin cancer. Promiscuous tanners need to Google skin cancer NOW. Even the mildest form is nasty, requiring surgery. The severe forms should scare the hell out of you.
🤣🤣🤣. But why the first Pic? Why do people do that, just take a pic of their legs and feet? But then again why do people do ohh so many things?
I can sympathize. I had a shin sunburn just like that but only on one leg from sitting in a car for a few hours 😂 took months for my skin to even out
This Happened To My Car
After Years Of Saving, I Finally Bought My First House. The Key Snapped In The Door And Locked Me Out
My Sister Bought Some Strawberries From A Very Large Grocery Chain In Bc Canada. Comes With A Live Prize Inside!
I Need A File Lost In This Room
Guess Who's Severely Allergic To Hair Dye? This Girl
Allergic To Almost Everything On The Allergy Skin Test. Some Of It Was So Swollen The Doctor Could Barely Tell Which Was Which
Hiked Two Hours To Set Up A Picnic, Returned To This
A Massive Mineshaft Opens Up Under A Garage At A House In Scorrier Near Redruth In Cornwall
This shaft is truly massive and is approximately 300 ft to water and god knows how deep from there!
Our Puppy Had Explosive Diarrhea All Over My Wife
Happened to me too. Our dog, lovee, had only one pup survive out of the litter, and our son was graduating in another state, so, we brought Lovee and Chub Rock (the pup) with us. Chub didn't even have his eyes open yet, so when we stopped to let her use the restroom, I picked him up to keep him from being stepped on by momma, and he promptly pooped all over me. We still love him, though. Lol
I Brought A Bag Of Used Cat Litter With Me To Throw Away On The Way To Work. I Also Brought My Lunch. Guess Which One Came To Work With Me
The Robot Takeover Has Begun
It's the way your phone loads the page. Instead of caching the entire page at once, it only gets what you see. Then it loads more as you scroll. And by the time you scroll, that post you saw a minute ago has moved down the list due to other people voting, so you see it again. There might be a setting to change that. Or you could try scrolling to the bottom of the list immediately to load everything then go back up to read it.
Load More Replies...I realize I was no longer young when strolling the drop-down menu to enter my birth date it was no more there.
Not a picture but I'm also having a bad day. I didn't eat breakfast, had a gross lunch, my favourite teacher accidentally deadnamed me and then I had a panic attack, and it's my anniversary with my partner tomorrow and we can't see each other. But at least a sinkhole didn't open up in my backyard lol
That's one of the funniest threads I've ever perused. So funny. In hysterics here. Thank you for such a good laugh.
It's the way your phone loads the page. Instead of caching the entire page at once, it only gets what you see. Then it loads more as you scroll. And by the time you scroll, that post you saw a minute ago has moved down the list due to other people voting, so you see it again. There might be a setting to change that. Or you could try scrolling to the bottom of the list immediately to load everything then go back up to read it.
Load More Replies...I realize I was no longer young when strolling the drop-down menu to enter my birth date it was no more there.
Not a picture but I'm also having a bad day. I didn't eat breakfast, had a gross lunch, my favourite teacher accidentally deadnamed me and then I had a panic attack, and it's my anniversary with my partner tomorrow and we can't see each other. But at least a sinkhole didn't open up in my backyard lol
That's one of the funniest threads I've ever perused. So funny. In hysterics here. Thank you for such a good laugh.