Having a terrible day at work can be frustrating, overwhelming, and even demoralizing. Whether it's a challenging project, an annoying colleague, or just a series of misfortunes, sadly, there are plenty of reasons you might feel like you're a failure.
But as Sigrid and Bring Me The Horizon sang, "It's just a bad day / Not a bad life." And one of the ways to recover is by venting online. So we at Bored Panda decided to remind ourselves that the universe hasn't conspired against any of us. From time to time, everyone runs into some (undeserved) adversity.
Continue scrolling to see all the messed-up nonsense people have had to deal with on the job! And when you're done, see more fails previously posted here.
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I Work In Mosquito Control. Everyday I Go Into Vacant Lots, Holding Ponds Swamps, Low Areas, Woodlands And Onto Residence Properties. This Is Typical Of What I Find
I've lost my faith in humanity. What we do defines us and this is what we do. We are not stewards of the land or caretakers. We are a blight. We are just vultures picking at the carcass of a dying world.
I Work As A Valet And Make $3.85/Hour And I Received This As A Tip
Getting dealt a bad hand at work isn't the end of the world. Especially for content employees. According to Annie McKee, Ph.D., who is a best-selling business book author and advisor to top global leaders, from CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to government officials, those who are engaged with their jobs and colleagues work harder — and smarter. But that's quite rare.
"Far too many couldn’t care less about what’s happening around them," McKee wrote in Harvard Business Review. "For them, Wednesday is 'hump day' and they’re just working to get to Friday. And then there’s the other end of the bell curve — that nearly one out of five employees is actively disengaged. These people are sabotaging projects, backstabbing colleagues, and generally wreaking havoc in their workplaces."
Sorry Class, My Dog Ate Everyone's Homework
and this young boys and girls is the result of feeding your teachers' doggo all those treats ..well played :D
As A Practical Joke, Some Coworkers Wrapped My Office In Foil. In The Process, My 30" LCD Monitor Was Accidentally Turned On, And It Boiled Itself
Here's what it looked like when I unwrapped it.
I hope this came out of their paychecks and you were given compensation for this damage.
If the monitor is owned by the company the employee isn't entitled to compensation, they'll just get a replacement monitor.
Load More Replies...Haha, thinking the same thing. This is the blue screen of death after you’ve been condemned to burn in hell for eternity!
Load More Replies...Everyone saying they should be fired needs to calm down. They need to make amends by paying the amount the screen cost, and be watched a bit more carefully with a note on file. I'm sure they sh!t their pants when they saw what happened, and it wasn't on purpose.
Totally agree. Getting fired for this is too harsh of a punishment.
Load More Replies..."And that, your honour, is when I punched my idiot co-worker in the face."
This is a perfect example as to why goofball practical jokes are frowned upon in offices. Just imagine the cost of replacements if just two times a year. Plus the costs of loss of employees time waiting for the place tove cleaned and equipment replaced.
Make the idiots pay for the equipment they ruined, the cleaning and the wasted time and they will never feel like "joking" again.
Load More Replies...Practical jokes are neither practical OR jokes. Mostly they are bullying :-(
Totally agree. It always seems to me that the ppl who do 'practical jokes ' are the same ones who think upskirting is 'just having a laugh ' ... Or think it's funny to offer Jewish or Moslem colleagues a ham sandwich 😧
Load More Replies...This is why I am not a fan of pranks. The pranksters just don't care about the consequences of their actions.
Wow, these comments. It was a joke/accident, not a criminal offense lol.
I totally agree! And now the joke should be on those pranksters once they salary is cut for the month. Totally worth it I'm sure.
Load More Replies...This is why I find those “everything is a joke / prank” people annoying as it leads to stuff like this very quickly if not called out on
I know I shouldn't laugh but my first thought was 'this would so happen to me' and now I can't stop laughing.
From a testers perspective, interesting. As an owner of this I would be nothing other than eff in angry.......
My 14 year old son thought ot would be a great idea to put tape across his 8 year old sister's doorway. He HATES spiders. Good thing the plastic ones are on sale right now. We're going to teach him a lesson in messing with little sister. Those plastic spiders will be found EVERYWHERE in his room until next Halloween.
my dad works in IT and it really wouldn't surprise me if he brought something like this home to show me. he works with some of the most technology-illiterate folks. they always want the most expensive equipment even when my dad points out the major red flags (like a shiny new apple product that can't be upgraded and therefore, will be considered obsolete by the user in a few years)
I really hope they were reprimanded and that you didn't personally have to pay for this!! What giant eggs
If my coworkers did this, I would have to file a police report for breaking and entering my home. I hate working from home. I've worked remotely for this company longer than when I was in the office.
OOer that was not intended or even considered I guess...so did they replace your monitor too?
Got Fired For “Telling The Boss How To Do His Job” When All I Did Was Say “We Can’t Obstruct A Fire Escape”
"Disengaged, unhappy people aren’t any fun to work with, don’t add much value, and impact our organizations (and our economy) in profoundly negative ways," McKee explained.
"It’s even worse when leaders are disengaged because they infect others with their attitude. Their emotions and mindset impact others’ moods and performance tremendously. After all, how we feel is linked to what and how we think. In other words, thought influences emotion, and emotion influences thinking."
If You're A Parent And Let Your Kids Make A Mess Like This
Two Domino's Workers After Their Shift In San Antonio, Texas Today. All Food Gone In 4 Hours
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Consequences Of Working In A -10°C Lab Where I Have To Wash My Hands 40 Times A Day
I feel so sorry for you. I guess a good hand cream won't quite do the job?
McKee thinks it’s time to finally blow up the myth that feelings don’t matter at work.
"Science is on our side: there are clear neurological links between feelings, thoughts, and actions. When we are in the grip of strong negative emotions, it’s like having blinders on," she said. "We focus mostly — sometimes only — on the source of the pain. We don’t process information as well, think creatively, or make good decisions. Frustration, anger, and stress cause an important part of us to shut down —the thinking, engaged part. Disengagement is a natural neurological and psychological response to pervasive negative emotions."
Two Teams Of Builders Was Building A Bike Lane "On The Right-Hand Side" (Mariupol, Ukraine)
2 Hours Into A 10-Hour Shift When A Passenger Asks If I Know About The Stowaway On My Bus
I Work In A Mall With An Indigo Book Store And Found This Yesterday, It Really Pissed Me Off
New Guy Tried To Empty The Fryer Grease Into A Plastic Bucket
However, it’s not just negative emotions we need to watch out for. "Extremely strong positive emotions have the same effect," McKee said.
"Some studies show that too much happiness can make you less creative and prone to engage in riskier behaviors (think about how we act like fools when we fall in love!). On the work front: I’ve seen groups of people worked up into a frenzy at sales conferences and corporate pep rallies. Little learning or innovation comes out of these meetings. Throw in a lot of alcohol and you’ve got a whole host of other problems."
So it sounds like having your suspenders stuck in your chair every once in a while can be actually quite beneficial.
They Can't Pay A Living Wage But I'll Waste Hundreds On Food Waste
Stayed At Work For The Storm. This Is The Road I Take Home
Got Laid Off Today With Zero Notice, Found All My Stuff Already In A Box When I Got To Work
Over 2,000 Pounds Of Fresh Pork Being Rejected By The Walmart Distribution Center Because The Sell By Dates Occur When Their Stores Are Closed For Thanksgiving
This product will still be safe to eat for the next 15 days but they won't even attempt to sell it. This will end up in a dumpster today.
Since nobody can prepare for the unexpected (just the way they can react to it), it isn't surprising that workers worry about other things.
"One could argue that today's employees are as equally stressed as their predecessors, but for different reasons," said Jodi Chavez, president of Atlanta-based Randstad Professionals, a segment of Randstad US, which provides finance, accounting, HR, sales, marketing, legal staffing and recruitment services. "They fear having their jobs outsourced to another country, have anxiety about how best to work alongside new technologies such as automation and robotics, have increased financial pressures with rising student loan debt and late retirement, and feel pressure to be 'on' and answering e-mails 24/7."
Absolutely Shattered
At The End Of Shifts, We Split The Tips Evenly. We Had More Than 50$ Of Tips And My Coworker Had To Leave About 10 Minutes Early She Ended Up Taking All But 2.50$
I'd call her out and then cut her out of the next tip split..give her only $2.50 in shares
I Collect Carts At Walmart. Please Stop Being Lazy And Return Your Cart To Where It Belongs
OMG I Won I Won I Won
In difficult times, you need to find an internal reserve of energy and hope to help you make your way through. In other words, you need to tap into your resilience.
"Like so many other human traits, resilience can be woven into the fabric of one’s being (nature) and/or it can be learned (nurture)," career and business coach Marjie Terry said.
"One’s natural disposition may lead them to always look on the bright side or to look for the silver lining. For others, with an accumulation of life experience, they develop a resilience perspective and realize that, as the old saying goes, what doesn’t break you makes you stronger. They develop an ability to recognize that it’s important to keep going even when life hands you challenge after challenge—they develop perspective."
Sometimes, there really isn't much else we can do but endure. And laugh!
Something Went Wrong With The Line Painting
Paint Truck Breaks Long-Standing Speed Record - Hits 88 MpH
Colleague Definitely Drew The Short Straw On Email Naming Conventions
We had a lot of foreign contractors work at my company at one time, we had a "last name first initial' email naming policy, I was always sure to ask them first if the naming was ok and not inappropriate for their language, and was always sure to check new names. We could also set up aliases if they wanted a 'personalized' favorite email name.
Sgt. Vanderheiden Got His Suspenders Stuck In A Chair Yesterday, But Some Helpful Friends Came To The Rescue
In the UK "suspenders" hold up sexy stockings. Them things are braces.
Guy At Work Dropped So Much Oil We Got Invaded By The US Government
Girlfriend Works At A Local Target And Had A Family Stroll In And Do All This
Ahh, retail. I worked in vitamins and supplements. Having flashbacks to families with undisciplined children who loved to hurl the glass vitamin bottles onto the floor.
Coworker Found A Surprise At The Bottom Of Their Cup This Morning
When You Have A Long, Active Day Surrounded By People, Then Get Home, Take Off Your Work Pants, And Just Stare At The 6" Tear Straight Down Your Back End
I was closing late one night and it was just me and the restaurant GM. I was getting ready yo leave and he notices a bar towel in my back pocket. Then he realizes I've just worked an 8hr shift with torn pants. He quietly hand the towl back and wishes me a good night.
Last Night Someone Tried To Steal A Car From The Dealership I Work At
I Finished Rolling My Silverware After An Eleven-Hour Shift, Only To Have The Drawer I Loaded It In The Break And Fall To The Floor. I'm So Done With Today
5 Minutes Into My Maintenance Shift I Get Called Up To The Public Bathroom, This Is What I Found
Can't Get Into Work This Morning Because The Closer Didn't Realize They Took Home The Core To The Door Lock
I'm A Night Custodian At A High School. This Is What The First Day Of School Looks Like
Colleague Stepping On A Wet Concrete
Yikes! Cement burns are a serious thing! Let’s hope he cleaned up thoroughly and quickly.
Coworker Drove A Forklift Over A Can Of Oil
Fresh Refurb At The Pub I Work At And Someone Decided To Write A Review Of The Paint Job
"You didn't sand or undercoat these doors!"
They’re right, though. The entire door is chipped and looks like c**p.
Bought Myself A Little Chair For When I Have To Program Robots For Long Hours At A Time At Work. Someone Over Capacity Borrowed It On The Off Shift
I Literally Just Got Home From My First Day Of Work
Scrolling thorough these posts do US citizens actually have any workers rights?
I Live In A Tiny Town (Less Than 10,000) And There's Only One Road In And Out. Whenever There's An Accident, Traffic Gets Jammed. It's My First Day At My New Job
First Day On The Job As A Pool Attendant And Some Lady Thought It Was A Good Idea To Dump An Entire Chocolate Fountain Into The Sink
Testing Out Our New Printer. Left The Room For 5 Minutes And Came Back To This
A Colleague Tipped Over 7 Crates Full Of Wine Bottles
My First Day As A Delivery Guy At Domino's
When You've Had A Bad Day At Work, Just Remember Someone Else's Work Day Is Probably Much Worse
Eh. They’ll be fine. Just tap the lids a few times before ya open ‘em.
This Is The "Black" Coffee I Just Ordered From The Vending Machine At My Work. Good Morning To Me
Spilled Half A Pot Of Hollandaise On The Floor At Work. The Majority Of It Went Underneath The Cooler
Well...c**p..I guess slide it out and start cleaning there is probably something else under there too
Cleaned My Glasses Too Hard. I Am At Work, Don't Have A Spare Pair
On My First Day As A Janitor Assigned To This Area Of My School, The Rain Flooded Everything
Key Broke Off Inside The Lock To A Very Important Work Door. Wonder How Much Trouble I Am In
Wandalutz is on a downvote and negative reply rampage, petition to get them banned starts here. The reasoning for this is what is below me and what they did to Zara the Squid
Load More Replies...Nah, we've had a handful of these, not new, they're just less common
Load More Replies...I found the EXACT SAME pics in the same order on the fun post. Who got it first?
The person who was a cart returner at Wal-Mart. Was complaining that people were not returning their carts? I... Well.... If?.... umm...? Forget it. If I explain it to them, I would be doing the job of learning for them. If this is not enough information for sometime in that type of situation; life is going to continue to be a abundance of differing disappointing situations. Puppies can bring happiness. Get yourself a puppy. . . DO NOT get a puppy. My apologies. They are only going to last you about 1 year each. . . Bonzi Tree
Wandalutz is on a downvote and negative reply rampage, petition to get them banned starts here. The reasoning for this is what is below me and what they did to Zara the Squid
Load More Replies...Nah, we've had a handful of these, not new, they're just less common
Load More Replies...I found the EXACT SAME pics in the same order on the fun post. Who got it first?
The person who was a cart returner at Wal-Mart. Was complaining that people were not returning their carts? I... Well.... If?.... umm...? Forget it. If I explain it to them, I would be doing the job of learning for them. If this is not enough information for sometime in that type of situation; life is going to continue to be a abundance of differing disappointing situations. Puppies can bring happiness. Get yourself a puppy. . . DO NOT get a puppy. My apologies. They are only going to last you about 1 year each. . . Bonzi Tree