58% of employees admit they are scared of being fired. This fear is completely understandable, as getting dismissed is one of the most pivotal moments in our professional lives. It catapults us into uncertainty and the many upcoming challenges associated with the search for a new job

Unfortunately, for 40% of Americans, this fear has come true. To find perspective or perhaps take such a burden off their chest, some people share their getting fired stories online. We at Bored Panda compiled a whole list of them, ranging from ridiculous to downright unbelievable. To find them, all you have to do is scroll down.

While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with career counselor Timothy J. Desmond, who kindly agreed to share some tips on surviving a layoff.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I used to work at a certain fast food restaurant with a kingly mascot.

My family used to do a big vacation to the beach every year during the same week. So I put my request in, well in advance, and was told it would be fine.

A few days before I leave, I see the schedule posted and it has me working 4 days of the week I had requested off. I brought it up to the manager, she looked into the book where they kept all the time off requests and sure enough, there was my request.

She updated the schedule, taking me off that week and I went on my merry way to the beach.

8:05am, my first day at the beach I get a call asking where I am from a different manager. I told him I was on vacation. He said I needed to come in anyway. I told him that was impossible, and I already cleared this with the other manager, and I had put in for this months ago. He doesn't care. tells me to be there in 15 minutes or I was fired.

Folks I was 8 hours away at the time. Even if I wanted to cancel my vacation and come in, I couldn't have made it before my shift was over.

So I told him fine. I'll be there soon.

9:00 he calls back. Seething. Asking where the hell am I. Sorry boss. I'm almost there. Just a few more minutes.

This continued every 10-15 minutes for the next 2 hours. I figured if I was fired anyway. Might as well f**k with the a*shole that fired me.

Crash_cash , Armin Rimoldi Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories About 3 years ago I used to work as a videographer doing social media content for a 7 figure company. I was paid roughly just better than minimum wage and was cranking out (at one point) 50 videos a day. I was freelancing and was on a loose contract. I was desperate for the money.

It was an insane amount of work and however I managed to do it for 6 months is beyond me, especially for how s****y I was paid.

The office was an incredibly bitter and snide place and it was clear that management would purpolsely stir s**t to watch staff fight as a form of entertainment. I kept well away from it but it was incredibly stressful on top of video work.

After about six months I pitch to the higher ups that my videos are making an insanely positive difference to their sales (I showed them graphs of interactions and direct links to sales on the website via my content) and asked for a pay rise. I compared my ideal salary to others in the industry and made a big deal about how it would still be less than I should be paid however I still wanted to continue working for them. I was fired hours later for, and I s**t you not, not "pulling my weight" as well as not having the desired effect they wanted on social media.

I was fuming and now unemployed. I struggled for months to find any other job.

Today (years later) whilst browsing a very old Google drive account, I found that said company was still using a folder I created and owned. They were mostly active in the files containing templates, adjustment layers, presets, and even video that I all created. Over 18 people were actively using it daily to continue with their social media campaigns. This was a cloud service that I was paying monthly for as I wanted extra space for my work.

This is my drive and my work. I own it. So I copied the file as a local version for myself and then deleted the online version. Tomorrow they will wake up with none of their video assets (including things they were working on).

This_Manner_256 , Agung Pandit Wiguna Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There was an update 2 years ago: "The update is, nothing. Nothing has came from what happened. The company obviously had no more access to my files so they no longer feature them in their promotion, which is about as good as I can ask for. I also noticed that since then all their video output is very very below par, and borderline amateur given their size."

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I was fired last week after reaching my limit with my boss. He’s sexist, bigoted, racist and a narcissist. I’ve heard countless words of abuse over the years but have stayed with company for the sake of our health insurance and stability while trying to find something else… Last week he (mid 40sM) asked me to decorate the office for the holidays on unpaid time. I (29F) reminded him it’s not in my job description but I will do so while on business hours. He said I should enjoy doing this. I asked how so. He replied women usually do unless their frigid. After months of these side comments I saw red, and said “then send my regards to your wife because clearly you don’t know how women work”. He left my office without a word but I knew I just canceled my employment. I took action immediately and deleted every password and saved contact I had. I worked as the office manager for 8 years and paid all the companies bills, worked with our accountant, advertising team , HR firm and payroll portal.

Oh and I was the only one in the company who knew the process for all these things. I have a very well written “how to” manual I sent to him last year with all the information to take care of this via email that he never responded to. I BCC’d myself because I had a feeling this would happen. And I’m glad I did.

He fired me 2 hours later and I have had the utter delight to send him straight to voicemail 3 times now. F**k him and merry Christmas.

justasking01837490 , Mizuno K Report


Even though losing one’s job can be a soul-crushing experience, it’s definitely not the end of the world. Career counselor Timothy Desmond agrees, saying, “Losing a job can be a doorway to unexpected opportunities, even when it's painful.

It's often the push we need to pursue our true passions or discover hidden talents.”


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I worked for a supermarket chain here in the US for the past three years. I busted my butt there for minimum wage so that I can pay for school. I always took extra shifts and did everything my manager asked me to do. I was a good employee and I never even had so much as a write up.

Yesterday a woman came in to the store. She came up to the customer service desk while I was helping another customer. She started to snap her fingers at me and demand my attention. Stating she was in a rush and needed help finding something immediately.

I told her that I had to finish with the current customer first and than I would be right there to assist her. She was not too happy about it but waited until I finished.

When it was her turn, I asked her what she was looking for. The woman asked me where the “chicky figs” are.

I was confused and didn’t understand what she meant so I asked her to repeat herself but she said it the exact same way the second time. I honestly had no idea at the time what she was referring to. My mind just went blank as I have never heard someone use that terminology before.

I asked her what that was as I was not familiar with it. That’s when she suddenly became violent. Screaming at me that I was an idiot and worthless. I tried to defuse the situation but this women just would not calm down. She was causing a huge scene that was drawing the attention of other customers. I felt that it was necessary to call for the manager and security.

My manager got there first. He has always been the “customer is always right” type. He came down and immediately asked me what I had done wrong. He apologized to her for my behavior and asked her what she wanted. He was able to figure out that she was looking for frozen chicken fingers. He gave her a free box of chicken fingers and she continued to verbally insult me.

Later my manager said I was in the wrong. That I was being rude and condescending to the customer and I should have understood what she was asking for. I tried to defend myself and explain my side of the story but he would not listen. He said there are many college students he can hire to do my job and that I was a dime a dozen girl. I was fired and told to get off the property.

I feel stupid now for not realizing she was asking for chicken fingers but I honestly did not understand her. I don’t understand why she couldn’t have just said it properly. I don’t understand how it is my fault that she caused a scene and scared other customers.

Now I’m unemployed and trying to figure out what to do next. I don’t understand how the customer is always right even at the expense of a hard working employee. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

StarryEyed729 , Pixabay Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The customer is NOT always right. And some of them need a good butt kicking for their nasty behavior.

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Got laid off from Google today…
No notice.

Just remote shut off my laptop and locked me out of the building. I had to tell my own boss.

My wife is pregnant.

This is life in America.

racknstackmack , Alex Dudar Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I dislocated my shoulder. Two doctors told me it'd take 4 weeks to heal.

I told my boss my progress every week and he kept wishing my healing well. Come the 3rd week, I let him know I'm ready to come back next week and he let me know he'd already replaced me....

I feel so much anger for the work industry. I give them so much: a commited schedule, a good personality, good customer service, conscientiousness, promptness, attention to detail, good and careful driving, good communication, etc.

I get injured and no loyalty. F**king replaced me while pretending I still had the job and only let me know when I'm ready to come back.

Ducking bastards

ShowerForsaken2190 , Karolina Kaboompics Report


The data seems to also back this up, as the authors of the book titled The CEO Next Door have found that 91% of those who get laid off end up finding a new position that is as good or even better than the last.

They also revealed that getting fired can make people overall stronger and more attractive to employers. Managers understand that setbacks are inevitable parts of life, and those tested by failure often show resilience and boldness.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I cant believe I'm sitting outside writing this. I don't actually feel like this is reality at all. Walmart can fire you for any reason by law so I guess this is on me.

I had a miscarriage at work. I started hemorrhaging to the point where HR had to get me a change of clothes and called emergency for me.

I ended finding out at the ER I miscarried. I bring my medical records to work, and tell my supervisor why I have taken days off and she said ok. never even informed Me of sedgwick the online system where you have to call out and reuqest sick time. A week later my supervisor tells me I'm fired and that it's from my missing days. I tell her why, she says to take it up with the store manager.

I have a meeting with him and he brings in the same HR lady who witnessed everything. I remind her what happened and this is the first time the store manager even finds out. She stood quiet the entire time he told me he needed people who were going to be consistent and keep up with the fast paced environment.

meltedvelvet , Liza Summer Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories So, my fiancé worked at a bridal shop. She had an appointment set up at the end of the day and the person ended up not showing up. She jokingly said “I said I doubt she shows up so I must’ve manifested this”

Her co-worker ran off to tell the boss, boss pulled her aside and said “you can go home” called her later and fired her with the reasoning being “You’re manifesting my businesses failure and I can’t have that, I need to let you go”

I am absolutely dumbfounded at this reasoning. She was a s**t boss, best for my fiancé in the end.

Dr_Squirtle1 , Kate Andreeshcheva Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Yesterday at work my wife's new coworkers asked her how much she made and when she told them they found out she made more than them. Fast forward to today when my wife gets to work she finds out that one of the new coworkers quit over the wages and they fired my wife on the spot for discussing wages. What do we do? We live in Illinois

Trillanasi , fauxels Report

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3 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Get a lawyer. It's your right to discuss your rate of pay at work no matter what your company tells you.

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After losing a job, the first thing Desmond recommends doing is taking a deep breath. Indeed, pausing to reflect and letting go of any negative thoughts and emotions is crucial during such a time. When you lose your job, the next thing that happens is stress. Once you increase the stressors, they snowball further, leading to even bigger issues.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Had the craziest thing happen to me. I was headhunted for a role. I did multiple interview rounds and formally accepted an offer. I did my first day and in the first hour I talked to the CEO and we went over some stuff...then I was fired. He said because I yawned once during the meeting my energy wasn't right. If anyone has a rec for a good lawyer in CA let me know.

altonbrownfan , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Another one that should be illegal, and probably is outside the US.

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My employer has informed me I will no longer have a job in a couple of months. This is a high turnover place that I've been with for 14 years. They aren't laying everyone off. It appears all of my other coworkers with the most seniority are being laid off as well. I can only imagine it's because we make significantly more than newer hires.

Employers do not care if you've worked for them more than a decade. They do not care if you do your job well, while 80% of the people they hire are fired or quit within the 1st year. They do not care if you have a family to support.

Use your PTO. Take your vacation days. Use your sick days. Don't do more than is required of you. Your employer does not care about you.

GMS_Vasha Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nice of them to give you two months' notice so you can use up all your paid vacation days!

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories So on Friday 12/17, I received a phone call that morning confirming my start date for a new job that pays a few bucks more and cuts down my commute from an 1 hour each way, down to 15 minutes. Naturally, I was ecstatic and immediately typed up my resignation letter. (Side note this place pays bi weekly with physical checks, no direct deposit.) At the end of our shift after he hands me my check, I give him my resignation letter. After a few minutes of silence, he states "I fell like you're stabbing me in the back right now." I found this bit completely hypocritical, two weeks before when I was on sick leave due to having covid symptoms (thankfully I tested negative) I noticed he was interviewing people for my position through the shared email that is on my work phone. This isn't the first time he's done this so I let it go. He asked where I was going and I told him "it's none of your business, just know I'm only leaving because I received a better offer and this place offers actual benefits unlike here" He became visibly upset with that reply and said "I don't need your two week notice, you're fired. Turn in your work phone and keys. Pack up your s**t." What really grinds my gears is while I was trying to resign in a professional manner and leave on a positive note, this man child decides to react immaturely and now I'm out of work for the remainder of the year. I guess the moral of the story is that not every employer deserves your two week notice. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for accepting a better job offer. You have the right to do what's best for you, not someone else's business

_distortedmorals , Sora Shimazaki Report


“You’ll be licking your wounds, so self-care is your number one priority,” says Keva Dine, a creative industry recruiter. “It’s like when you come back from a redeye and you’re completely thrashed. Take it easy.“ Sleep in, go to a museum, catch up with a friend—anything that will help you decompress and get centered.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I worked at a small hospital in a rural area... worked my way up from entry level to upper management over the past 26+ years. I read the posts here, but I thought my situation was different. I thought I was different. I was running multiple projects and supervised several clinical departments effectively (at least that's what I thought).

We had a new CEO come in about a year ago and I was the only member of the admin team that he didn't pick himself, yet I still thought my situation was different and I was safe. Today, in a mere 45 seconds, he told me I wasn't working out and he was making a change to the leadership team. After 26 years, my career ended in 45 seconds.

So I sit here tonight admitting that I was stupid and naïve. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. If you think it won't happen to you, don't be too sure.

Guy in mid-50's looking for a job... It happened a couple hours ago and I feel completely numb. I have chills. Not sure what to do or where to turn. Sorry to be a downer but I'm alone and needed to vent to someone. Thanks for listening. I'm going to bed.

davermonk , Andrea Piacquadio Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories So my 18y daughter was working at a juice store that rhymes with Oyster Moose here in Canada, she gave her 2 weeks notice to go back to school and instead of keeping her on and training someone else up, they fired her. In this economy.

Sadly she loved this job. She'd come home and would tell me about drawing cats on little kids cups to make them smile.

I remember back in the 90s when I gave notice at my gas station job to go to uni, they congratulated me and asked questions about what I was taking and if I'd like to work over my breaks .

How short sighted are store owners these days when they can't find staff and then treat them like dirt?

Well I guess they're teaching their staff to not give any courtesy notice, the idiots.

azsue123 , Polina Tankilevitch Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've been trying to find things that rhyme with Oyster Moose. Ok so it's a juice store so Moose is probably juice, I got that so far.

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My dad has been a truck driver for my entire life. He's only worked for two companies during that time, with the current one being for at least 30 years. I just found out that he got into an accident in his semi 2 weeks ago while swerving to miss a wreck less driver.

His boss fired him and is withholding his last 2 paychecks to "cover damages". I said OH F**K NAH to that. Made sure to let him know how illegal this s**t is and he better get that money.

Aside from how s***ty of a thing it is for a boss to steal your pay, how the f**k can you do this to a man who has loyally worked for your company for 30 f**king years? It just goes to show that we are nothing more than pawns for these piece of s**t business owners to use until we dry up and die.

YeOldeBilk Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

First they cane for the young and inexperienced and we said " they were probably lazy and on their phone".Then they came for the disabled and we said " maybe it's a blessing in disguise, they should take it easy" .Then they came for the lifers, the experienced and we said " maybe they should get new blood and not people stuck in their ways". Then they came for everyone.

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Desmond’s short checklist for a further plan of action includes assessing your finances, updating your resume, and reaching out to your network. “The key is to gain positive momentum with small steps,” he explains.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories It's the middle of the workday, I haven't even gone on lunch break. I'm working on my tasks and getting my work submitted. Then all of the sudden I'm kicked off my work chat server. I assume it's a mistake until I see my boss call me. She said my work wasn't satisfactory and I was being fired.

Job over. Just like that.

F**k two weeks notice, they don't give us that courtesy but expect it in return. There was no warning, no discussion, no effort to talk to me to see if something was affecting my performance. My supervisor praised my work often and told me I was doing a good job. I never saw this coming. I'm so tired of this bulls**t.

supermario218 , Yan Krukau Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I quit via phone, my boss was so busy screaming that she didn't even hear me. I was remote - turned in my work equip 1 hour later. IT didn't notify my mgr. I was fired for "job abandonment" 3 days later... extra pay for me!!

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Noticed on my last paycheck that my clocked hours had been altered/ reduced and I was missing pay. When I asked my boss why he said he didn't like the time my shifts start (too early) so he removed half an hour from each shift and that he thinks I work too slowly so he took another half an hour off of each shift (the shifts were 7 hours with no break). So he's retroactively removing an hour's worth of pay from already worked shifts and is only paying me for 6 hour shifts. When I asked to get paid appropriately for my time he fired me?? Lol.

SCORCHEDZEALOT , Nataliya Vaitkevich Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

From what I've learned - mostly from comments here - this is illegal, even in the US.

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My wife was fired yesterday. So this is what happend. Yesterday she messaged the owner and asked if they could have the staff chair back at the counter. for her and the rest of employees to use, So they did not have to stand all shift. He replied to her come in at 5pm so we can talk. Then called her at 4pm to tell her she was terminated. Did not give no reason. Then another employee video recorded the owner and asked him why he fired my wife and he said because she asked if staff could have the chair back. Thinking about getting a lawyer for wrongful Termination.

hot5hit93 Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What is wrong with letting people sit?!?!?! So many countries allow it and it hasn't hurt anyone.

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It might feel tempting to send your updated resume left and right, hoping that this will improve your chances of getting an interview or at least a call. However, it can easily become a black hole that sucks you in, impedes your productivity, and doesn’t produce any desired results.


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Started a new job 2 months ago. I do field plumbing service work so to speak. It hasn't been going well and I decided Friday to put in my 2-weeks well giving notice I guess was a bad idea because things on the employer's side got real unprofessional real quick.

My direct boss had a meltdown when I told him calmly and professional that I was quitting. Told me to f**k off and hung up on me hah. I took that as being fired.

Their problem was I had their f-350 work truck. They demanded I bring their truck back to main HQ 3 hours away without a ride home.

Yesterday I emailed them and told them to come get their s**t. I had the police come over and declare the vehicle abandoned. They would tow it in 24 hours.

The big boss and the boss that told me to f**k off had to come all the way out here on a Sunday to get their truck before it got towed off my property.

Brilliant-Parking359 , Jonathan Reynaga Report

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories i mentioned to a coworker in confidence recently that I act my wage at this job. She snitched to the boss and he called me into his office today. He said she told him what I said, and that was lazy and dishonest and showed a lack of work ethic and fired me LOL. Good riddance to him but I'm just shocked my coworker is a rat like that. Lesson learned. I'm never going to complain to coworkers like that again, even if they outwardly spout the same beliefs.

edit: To all the non-Americans insisting "they can't fire you for just that!" yes they can lol. most states in this country are at-will states, and even if they fired you for an illegal reason the burden of proof is on you.

edit 2: damn not some of y'all agreeing with my boss about my work ethic 💀 this is the anti work sub are you lost? i was a wagecuck at an arts and crafts store. i was good at my job too- I know a lot about sewing, crocheting, embroidery, and such. but i just wasn't going to go above and beyond. My coworker would talk to me about this kind of stuff on the clock and seemed to have the same attitude about work but she's actually just a rat. I hope she enjoys those extra responsibilities now that I'm gone!

adumba*skid , Anna Shvets Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Several times - mostly here on BP - I have seen "at-will state". By now I more or less understand that you can be fired whenever, for whatever reason at all, if any reason. But could someone here be so kind to explain in a nutshell?

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories First time ever being fired, let alone even talked to negatively by an employer...I don't know how to react.

Still in the probation period,

- one warehouse manager yelled at me on the phone and told me "Do you know who I am?!" all I said was "please be respectful" and she wrote me up to HR

- Site supervisor made me wait in -30C weather with a delivery at the gate for 2.5 hours all I said when HE called me was "please try to hurry I have other deliveries due today" and he proceeded to call me a b**h on the company phone, then wrote me up to HR - HE got reprimanded with a day off unpaid

- Third write up was for "discussing pay with other employees"

They told me "Merry Christmas" as they walked me to my car like a criminal...I'm in shock

getoffmyDoughnut , RDNE Stock project Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Again, in USA , you have the right to discuss wages. So many people dont know their rights and so companies do whatever because they experience no consequences.

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“I really discourage people from hopping on LinkedIn and Indeed and to start sending their resumes everywhere,” says Dine. “If you don’t have a strategy on what you’re doing, it can be a black hole. You’re just wasting your time and wasting huge amounts of psychic energy. You’re going to burn yourself out.”


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories My job is located in new york state, and i got fired today for using sick time. As you know a law came out stating employers needed to give sick time to workers and i never used it. I noticed i had like 80 hours built up and i had a killer migraine, so i used it to cover for a day. The boss claims i shouldve came in and let them decide if i was eligible to use sick time or if they could work around it for the day. I filed for unemployment and emailed the labour board but is there a way to file a claim for this specifically or is it game over? I thought sick time was protected and you cant be fired for it. This happened today, and the migraine was over the weekend and still affected me monday. If anyone can give advice please help. Will provide any more information i need to.

Attention-Otherwise , Ron Lach Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your employer has NO RIGHT to demand that THEY get to decide if you're sick enough to stay home!!!! Unless they have a medical degree, they shouldn't be making medical decisions. And, no, you CAN NOT be fired for using your sick time, as long as you let them know you wouldn't be coming in that day.

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories We were in a call with my team and a team from a different company. She went to share her screen, but forgot that a document was open that said “recommendation for termination: (my name)”

SwagDaddy_Man69 , Diva Plavalaguna Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories On the autism spectrum. Perfect performance, but fired because I am awkward. I was working for a few months at an office job. Everything seemed fine, my performance was getting nothing but good feedback, no one seemed to have any problems with me personally. I was offered a higher paying position with more time off by a former employer and took it to my boss to see if I could re-negotiate my salary or time off.

Later that day I disclosed to him, that I would really like to stay, but of course money is something that has to be considered when thinking about employment options. I get called into a meeting a day or two later. They're firing me. I ask if I am being fired for asking for more money and they say no, so I ask them what I am being fired for and they tell me it's because I'm "too quiet", "don't make eye contact", "seem distracted", and "have no filter". I tried to tell them about my diagnosis but they said it was my fault for not telling them earlier, but how could I, if I never had any indication that my behavior was becoming a problem?

It just really hurts to know that even if I do everything perfectly and even offer to TURN DOWN MORE MONEY to work with someone, they would still rather fire me and start over again from scratch than put up with my neurodivergence. It feels like there's nothing I can do. I hate that capitalism makes being even a little different from everyone else a freaking death sentence.

EDIT: Lots of love to all the people suggesting legal action. Unfortunately this happened within the first 90 days of employment, in which they can fire you for no reason if they want to in my state. I also don't have any kind of resources to hire a lawyer, but you all are right that my former bosses should be taught a lesson because I don't want anyone else to feel hurt by them like this.

SECOND EDIT: Lots of people have been asking me to “name and shame” the company and normally I wouldnt because I dont want any conflict, but the person who fired me has been the Director of HR for over 10 years and the company has turnover problems out the a*s so I think maybe its warranted to keep anyone else from making the same mistake I did.

wexpyke , Vlada Karpovich Report

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Of course, staying positive and avoiding burnout while job hunting is easier said than done. To keep oneself from spiraling into negative thoughts and emotions, Desmond advises to remember that “every "no" brings you closer to a "yes," and you only need one. Stay persistent, focus on personal growth, and view each interview as a chance to refine your professional story.”


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories So I just got fired from my job of 4 and a half years that I absolutely loved. I worked at a car dealership and loved every second of it. I never did anything wrong and did everything I was told. Me and my wife recently bought a used car from somewhere else because we want to start a family and needed something bigger. Unfortunately my dealership didn't have the car we wanted. We had the car for over a week with plenty of compliments from other employees.

Fast forward to today, I got off work at 5, drove home, and got a call from my boss. Fired. One unhappy employee made a call to the owner and I was done.

4 years of hard work completely ignored.

Maybe I'm the idiot for thinking that I could spend my wife and I's money how we wanted. Idk what to do. I loved that job, it was perfect. I'm honestly heartbroken that they couldn't even talk to me in person. Just over the phone with no warning right after I left. Maybe I should have talked to them before we brought the car, but I didn't think it was necessary. If I am wrong in this situation, I understand. But I really don't know.

-Derf- , Antoni Shkraba Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Did they give you a reason for letting you go? Get it in writing, then file for unemployment while you look for a new job. If they fired you for buying a car somewhere else, you can sue the living sh!t out of them.

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories Rheinschrift, a German localisation company, hired me from June onwards.

We made video calls so that I could watch another employee execute the company's processes, and I repeated these processes twice on my own while being observed. While doing so, the person training me asked me "But didn't you do this in your previous job?", to which I replied that the previous employer had totally different procedures (and platforms to do them on). Strangely, in an informal conversation with HR, I asked if they were expecting me to have everything in my memory at such short notice, to which they responded with "No, please, you've just joined... that's not what is expected". I also agreed with those "training" me that they would give me access to more work, through other accounts that the company managed (up to that point they had only shared two with me).

On one occasion the CEO himself had a video call with me where he told me about his plans regarding my position and responsibilities, with a lot of enthusiasm.

After that, communication with these so-called "trainers" became less and less, although they would send me work to input into the system, which I did without a problem.

In the middle of the third week, they decided to fire me, without facing me or explaining in any way. I immediately demanded to speak to HR who ridiculously stated that "my performance did not demonstrate the seniority they expected, and I had not passed my probationary period". TWO F*K*G WEEKS.

holamarina , Jack Sparrow Report

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories My boss just fired me last night with no explanation or warning. Just told me not to come back. I was supposed to work tomorrow and now I don’t have a job and I don’t even know why. Just got told I “wasn’t a good fit” after four months working and now I don’t know how I’ll afford rent. This was a boss that I thought actually cared about his employees. Up until now I had been thinking I was so lucky to have finally found a job that treats me like a person.

I love how the laws in the US make this completely legal. I guess even the “good” bosses really don’t give a s**t about us, huh.

Edit: I now have a confirmation in writing that I was fired. Not an official report, just an email from my boss confirming it. I’m going to file for unemployment.

Another edit: people keep commenting “this must not be the full story” Up until yesterday I thought I was a pretty good employee. I knew how to do my job, I showed up consistently, I worked well with my coworkers, and customers regularly gave me good feedback. And the store is currently understaffed. I have several chronic illnesses that have forced me to leave work early a 2 times and take semi frequent bathroom breaks (like once an hour or so). My boss is aware of my illnesses. However I have no evidence that this is the reason I was fired and if it was I’ll never get him to admit it.

circesporkroast , Nicola Barts Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Still worth taking to.... yes, the State Labor Board. They may be able to make a case for you being punished for your illnesses, IF you disclosed them ahead of time. Also look into temp disability!!

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People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I started a new job last week in a warehouse. As we all know most of America is experiencing a heat wave with insanely hot temps. This week it has been 100 degrees or hotter in the warehouse. I've been drinking water non stop. Using a cooling towel and a neck fan to keep cool while moving and working. We'll today I got really light headed and dizzy. My vision was blurry. I let my Manager know what was going on. He told me to sit in his office for a bit a cool off. About 20 minutes go by and I start to feel better and return to work. Another manger approached me and asked me to come to HR with him. The HR rep had me fill out an incident report. After I filled that out I was asked to return my work badge and hard hat and was told I was terminated.

mbizzle70 , Liliana Drew Report

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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fired for what reason? Make them put it in writing. You write down your account of exactly what happened. Be as detailed as you can. Show both to the unemployment office.

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Last week a coworker of mine got fired after complaining about one of the owners. This week, I complained to HR that admin staff are getting fired for talking “bad,” about upper management, but upper management calls us “idiots,” “re%ards,” & “dumb a*ses.” I sent an email expressing my concerns on Tuesday, & was pulled for a meeting on Friday where I was fired for not “calling back a patient,” over a year ago. I told them that I was in contact with the patient, it’s on my email, & they just shrugged and said I was dismissed of my job duties... I can’t prove anything bc they instantly locked me out of my email account. I hate working for other people.

On a separate concern, how are non-clinically trained people allowed to own, & operate a clinical facility??? The job was owned by a wealthy couple, and it was a mental health facility. I don’t understand how that’s allowed..

Editing to add- i KNOW HR is not my friend. I know they are there for the company, not me. I was just venting.

Grouchy_Calendar2702 Report


People Shared 30 Of Their Unexpected Termination Stories I have been working FOH at this restaurant for almost a year. Lately I had been wanting to quit due to a toxic misogynistic atmosphere. Today I was working, and I was going to be working tonight by myself bc we are understaffed and I am one of two employees who can close by myself.

I had grabbed a job application to another job, had it filled out and was going to hand it in this morning, but I was running late, so I just shoved it in my purse to hand in tmr.

Anyways, I was just making boxes with my coworker, and my boss was in the office doing something. He comes out and asks to speak to me. I go into the office and he says “What’s the job application in your purse”. I looked over to my purse and the little section where it has you fill out your references was poking out of my bag. I said “It’s for name of other restaurant”. He asked me why and I said “Because I feel like you guys treat me like s**t.” And he said “Okay if you feel like that go ahead and clock out and go home.” And I was fired.

Feeling very violated and angry. That is my personal property, plus what if I had just wanted to work two jobs? Is that even legal? Is there anything I can do? He has cameras but they are only accessible on his phone/app… I had never been written up here before. I was spoken to a few times bc they were trying to treat me like a manager without the proper compensation or title, and once was spoken to about my socks being the wrong color but that’s it. This is just so unfair… Any advice is appreciated.

ETA: he is the owner and takes an even split of the tip pool every day. Also I am only 21 so I am a bit young/inexperienced with things like this…

Edit 2: I will gladly share the name of this business as long as it will not hurt me in anyway for this lawsuit i am going to be filing.

Edit 3: i wish i could include pictures. when i placed my purse in the office i made sure the application was stuck in there. my purse was not closed, however, the application was stuck in there enough as to not be showing. when he called me into the office the references section (which just had three names, where i knew them from and how many years i’ve known them) was sticking out clearly. that was the section that was on top when i left my purse alone. meaning he saw it and grabbed it to read more of it. to know it was a job application he would’ve had to read the section below it which mentions “employers” and other “job application related words”. i hope this makes sense. with no context this references could’ve been for anything. i hope this makes sense.

bluebrindleivy , Kampus Production Report

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