We all have our secret shames. Guilty little skeletons in the closet that we would never dare to confess to even our closest friends. Well, not when sober, at least.
The great thing about the internet is its anonymity. Behind the protection of a screen, people can feel liberated to say things they never would in face-to-face conversation, and really say what they mean. Of course, it goes both ways and this can also lead to all kinds of bullying and abuse, but that's for another post.
This post is all about getting it off your chest and owning up to past wrongs. While confessing anonymously to randoms on the internet is hardly taking responsibility for one's actions, the very act of confession can alleviate feelings of guilt and help people to get on with their lives. From the hilariously trivial to the actually quite profound, these confessions will take you through a rollercoaster of emotions, and might even make you reflect on your own past transgressions.
So scroll down below to check out the sordid details for yourself, and let the therapy begin!
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i always did it. and turned them away when i thought i'm doing something they wouldn't approve. just in case :D
According to an article in Scientific American, any type of open and truthful disclosure reduces stress and helps individuals come to terms with their behavior. "It is not coincidental that some of the most powerful people or institutions in many cultures encourage people to confess their transgressions," they write. "And there is very strong evidence that writing about upsetting experiences or dark secrets can benefit your mental and physical well-being."
"First, simply putting emotional turmoil into words changes how we think about it. Giving concrete form to secret experiences can help categorize them in new ways. For instance, when we translate emotional experiences into words and stories, we start to think about them in a simpler, less menacing context. There is no solid evidence to explain this phenomenon, but it most likely occurs because talking or writing about a disturbing event helps us understand it better. And things we do not understand cause greater anxiety."
"Dozens of studies have also shown that expressive writing is linked to less stress and improved sleep and cardiovascular function. We know that better sleep is associated with enhanced immune function and better general health—which correlate with better mental health, too."
"Expressive writing and religious confession are not panaceas, but these forms of release can help us get through difficult times. The beauty is that you do not have to be religious to benefit from confession. The underlying mechanisms are available to anyone for the price of a pencil and paper."
Same tbh. I especially hate it when they do this while hiking/camping. People go in the mountains for the quiet, if you want music blasting go to a club.
So there you go. Got any guilty secrets you've been holding on to? Try writing about them, and allow yourself to properly express your emotions. It is clearly a great benefit to both your mental and physical health!
I live in third world country and I still have more love and sympathy for animals lot more than humans.
my brothers gf got pregnant and lost it. I was secretly pleased cause they don't have their s**t together and live in a trashy apt. with no ambition to make their life better. his gf is also not right in the head. I am glad they lost it cause it would have made mess out of their already messy life. however, I'm curious if it would have given him a reason to change.
If you are his best friend I don't want to know who is his worst enemy. But probably his mom.
I tried the vegetarian life...don't have the discipline for it. lasted one week only.
If you have to discipline yourself to be vegetarian, it's not worth it. If there comes a time in your life when meat disgust you, then go for it.
Load More Replies...It happens. Basically, your body can't handle a sudden assault of meat, including the grease. I'm the same with greasy meats and milk, which I stopped consuming several years ago. My stomach protest loudly if I eat any now.
It’s because the gut bacteria that breaks down meat is no longer there.
Load More Replies...Sorry, this is funny. But easily understandable, ten years of no meat and you eat a burger...it isn't a bad decision, nor a good one, just a decision made. Your stomach and body however are not used to it and any change in the diet can have that effect temporarily. I hope the car was easily cleanable.
A friend of mine (vegetarian, not vegan) decided to drop out meat (and fish) because it made his stomach feel weird. Nowadays, if he eats any meat, he vomits and has diarrea. Your organism "forgets" how to process carnic products and those are the consequences.
This is why I don't eat meat, thankfully it never got diarrhoea bad, but made me feel awful. So I had a giggle at this post
Load More Replies...This can happen with any new food, people who only eat a small number of things can try anything new and it will just go through you quickly.
I have a near-vegan diet. I eat vegan but I occasionally consume meat, dairy, and eggs to keep my gut bacteria regulated. Just in case of the apocalypse and meat becomes easier to find than greens.
Tummy wasn't used to all the grease, the meat and dairy :-P Been there, done that.
I've been a vegetarian all my life... and you can't just "take a break," expecting your stomach to understand :)
My step sister was vegetarian for 10 years. Discovered she's allergic to soya and lentils... The staple of vegetarians' diets
I have given up red meat, sound strange, but I had a moment with a cow. I was at the gas station getting gas, and this man had a tailor of about 4 cows, they were going to a 4-H farm. He just looked at me and gave me a head nod......like come one don't eat us anymore. and I haven't Now I just needs moments with chickens and pigs.
You introduce meat into your diet after not having it for a long time, most likely will result in getting sick some way.
I'm an omnivore and I don't eat "burger." It's the "crackwhore" of animal protein.
it's amazing how bad meat tastes when you stay away from it for a while. and then just watch the videos of how badly factory farm animals are treated. and if you are upset about global warming, you should know that factory farms are the biggest contributor to the gases that affect our environment. the factory farms have caused a larger dead zone in the gulf of mexico than the BP oil spill and at least BP made an effort to clean up.
That is revenge of the meat gods. They are paying you back for being vegetarian.
I kinda laughed at this, I'm vegetarian because eating meat makes me feel really sick. Never to this level thankfully, but the level of feeling bloated and like I'm going to curl up and vomit. And surprisingly I'm a lot healthier, I had to wait until I was healthy to go vegetarian and I lost weight again, but have been healthier 🤷
I've always wondered what would happen if I started eating meat again! Don't think I ever will though - I've been a vegetarian for 4 of my 13 years (bye choice)
Been vegetarian for 8 years and sold out for a hot dog when i was drunk and hungry.....
Uran is also from nature. Still I would not eat it. What's your point?
Load More Replies...Not everybody's body reacts the same way to things that it 'rejects'. Your girlfriend is lucky, and probably doesn't have a serious lactose intolerance. I've heard of other people who can't have even the tiniest bit of lactose, unless they want to spend the rest of the day on the toilet. This person's body wasn't used to the specific meat proteins in the burger - and obviously rejected it.
Load More Replies...It's sad that this is seen as a shameful thing. It's perfectly normal to feel ánd show emotions, for both men and women!
Then stop lying!! Tell people you're ready to date. Watch what happens!
I wish I could get all of these people in a room to talk it out and realize that they aren't that bad, or at least don't have to be. There is a lot to learn here from others' mistakes and it seems like some of these people have already learned from their own.
Well, the two guy who had sex with their best friend's mom are that bad.
Load More Replies...Seeing that same bear 84 times in a row got weird really fast...
Not sure what's more scary. The fact that how many people banged their "best friends'" mom, or how many mother had sex with their son's allegedly best friends.
If you don't hurt any living being in the process, then it's not that bad.
I feel guilty because I couldn't remember most of my childhood memories or college memories..when my friends or family member share the moments I couldn't recollect any of those moments.
Yes, I blocked out a lot of good with the bad. I think it was a totally worthwhile trade-off.
Load More Replies...I really don't care for animals all that much and it makes me feel like I'm a bad person sometimes. I just... really like human people more than animals. Every time I tell someone I don't much care for animals, they act like I'm from Mars.....
People are only human. Shame they don't realize that everything they do isn't as monumental as they have come to view their actions. Most people don't remember, only the people doing it at the time. Still feel guilty? They should do something nice for someone, some animal, do a good deed and balance karma in their life. You can't be responsible for the universe, do what you can in your own life. Cause no harm. Spread some joy. Sometimes it's the best a human can do . . .
Some of these are disappointing that people are embarrassed of these. I relate mostly to the first and second ones
Am I the only one who always thought everyone put their stuffed animal's head above the blanket?
Some of the best confessions I came across. If you want to write your heart out anonymously you can also visit - https://vigyaa.io/
Is this the most hitting confessions, I've completely passed that point in the first 10years of my life. Let me say, that person should not in any way be judged for things that go through his or her mind.
Load More Replies...I wish I could get all of these people in a room to talk it out and realize that they aren't that bad, or at least don't have to be. There is a lot to learn here from others' mistakes and it seems like some of these people have already learned from their own.
Well, the two guy who had sex with their best friend's mom are that bad.
Load More Replies...Seeing that same bear 84 times in a row got weird really fast...
Not sure what's more scary. The fact that how many people banged their "best friends'" mom, or how many mother had sex with their son's allegedly best friends.
If you don't hurt any living being in the process, then it's not that bad.
I feel guilty because I couldn't remember most of my childhood memories or college memories..when my friends or family member share the moments I couldn't recollect any of those moments.
Yes, I blocked out a lot of good with the bad. I think it was a totally worthwhile trade-off.
Load More Replies...I really don't care for animals all that much and it makes me feel like I'm a bad person sometimes. I just... really like human people more than animals. Every time I tell someone I don't much care for animals, they act like I'm from Mars.....
People are only human. Shame they don't realize that everything they do isn't as monumental as they have come to view their actions. Most people don't remember, only the people doing it at the time. Still feel guilty? They should do something nice for someone, some animal, do a good deed and balance karma in their life. You can't be responsible for the universe, do what you can in your own life. Cause no harm. Spread some joy. Sometimes it's the best a human can do . . .
Some of these are disappointing that people are embarrassed of these. I relate mostly to the first and second ones
Am I the only one who always thought everyone put their stuffed animal's head above the blanket?
Some of the best confessions I came across. If you want to write your heart out anonymously you can also visit - https://vigyaa.io/
Is this the most hitting confessions, I've completely passed that point in the first 10years of my life. Let me say, that person should not in any way be judged for things that go through his or her mind.
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