77 Incredible #2012vs2018 Transformations Prove People Can Become Totally Unrecognizable In Just 6 Years
Remember that dumb photo from the past that you put away in a dusty attic, and swore to never show to anyone? It's time to get it out. The hashtag #2012vs2018 is going viral, and it has people comparing the way they looked 6 years ago to their current self. Bored Panda has compiled weight loss and haircut, even "ugly duckling" and a few other transformations so unbelievable, it's hard to believe they feature the same people. Scroll down to check out the makeovers, vote for your favorites and to add photos of your own 6-year changes as well!
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5 Years Cancer Free
This Sh*t Was Made For Me
You were a very cute boy - but you really are an extremly stunning woman! WOW.
Be Careful Who You’re Mean To
Who Is This Dude, Your Cousin?
Am I Too Late?
Very different types - but both beautiful in their way. The left picture is only more of an unlucky snapshat.
Finally A Hashtag For Me Lol
Jesus people. Do you guys understand how "posing" works? Because she was laughing in that one picture doesn't define her entire existence at that time as bubbly and happy and fun loving. And just because she is simmering and done up in the second one she isn't a psychopathic Russian spy. Just take it easy and commend the transformation the person chose for themselves for whatever reason they thought it needed to be done!
It's Hard To Post This Even Though I Don't Look Like That Anymore, I Still Struggle With My Self Image. So I'm Asking Nicely, Please Be Kind..
If We’re Gonna Start Talking Glow Ups, Then Please, Allow Me
2012 Vs 2018. Wow
I Did That
2012 Vs 2018
Can I Say Blessed Or What
2012 Vs 2018
Thought I Should Join This
I’ll Just Leave This Here...
Evolution Of Aqasha
I Think I Win
Since Everyone’s Doing It
2012-2018, They Ask Me What My Inspiration Was, I Tell ‘Em Global Warming
2012 Vs 2018
4 Years Of Change..
Last Year, I Cut Off My Chemically Straightened Hair And Now I’m Growing My Hair Naturally.
Hold Up What Even
Still Ain’t Done Glowing Up
I Truly Don’t Know Her
If I Could Kill Anyone Who Saw Me Before 2018, I Would Do It
I don't get this one. She was very cute before, and I love her thick curly chestnut red hair.
Some Pokemon Take Years To Evolve
I Guess I Glo’d Up A Lil
A Little Late To This Trend But I'll Just Leave This Here
Few Years, And - 70kg. I Got New Life!
Something disturbing about the photo on the right, but I can't put my finger on it. I like the left one more!!
I Could Swear There’s Worse Pictures Of Me From 2012 But I’ve Deleted Everything Off Of Facebook In Efforts To Forget About Those Times
Why forget about "those times"? What was wrong? You were (and are) very beautiful.
I Have No Words...
My Weight Loss Journey. 96kg Lost. I’m 184cm Heigh, So The Number Are True.
Wow! Should that was hard, and you had to work very much, congratulations for your will, you look great!
Made Some Gains
I Was A Cute Boy Once Even Thought Im Not A Boy.
Safe To Say Something Changed For The Good
6 Years Past, 130 Lbs Lost, Happier All Around. #2012vs2018
This Is What 6 Years Did To Me
It's Actually 2013 But I Couldn’t Find Any 2012
The other guy was a bit harsh but I would suggest thinning those eyebrow at the top. They just seem out of proportion. You look great though.
Mad Glow-Up
Ion Wanna Talk About It
When You Finally Grow Into Your Five Head & Teeth...
2012 V/s 2018
Angsty/suicidal Teenager To Successful Young Adult.
2018 Glo-Up
You look great! The smile in the first photo is charming, so use your new hotness to create a combo-powerup :D
I Don’t Know What Happened But I’m Glad It Did
This Happened In Under 6 Months.
2012 Vs 2018
The Beginning Of High School And College.
Me Age 21 On The Left, And Now Age 27. New Haircut And More Confidence! #2012vs2018
Let’s Be Honest Where’s The Change
Seriously look into modeling, ignore any & all pissed off pandas (⬇⬇⬇) who skipped their morning coffee.
I Went From “Yikes” To “Iight"
OMG! Just because someone isn't smiling does not mean they are sad or depressed. They could in fact be happy. Do you just assume happy people smile 24/7? Because that's not how it works.
What A Difference 6 Years Makes
I'm going to make a suggestion. If you get a layered haircut I think it would make an even bigger difference. I think you might like it. I don't know, maybe you're growing it out for something but I am feeling like if you have your brows shaped and get your hair layered and cut then you're going to have a third photo for us. You're looking good though Kaylee.
All The Changes. #2012vs2018
6 Years Do Bring Change!!
It Took Me Years To Figure Out Make-Up. Be Gentle I'm Still Learning Make-Up.
But the way over used smooth face/skin tool on the second pic doesnt suit. Your face almost looks blurred!
Still Hoppy
Young Model As A Teenager To Now 28 Years Old 💙
Profile Picture 6 Years Ago Vs Now
Went From Being "The Goth Girl" To Being...i Don't Know What. Me.
2017 Vs 2004 Tho
Ummm.... Wow
Before And After ✌
Yo This Was 6 Months Ago I Cant Belive It!
Horrifically Bullied For Being Fat & Ugly
Mine Is The Opposite I Haven't Changed Much. Photo 1: Prom 2011 Age 17. Photo 2 - 4 Were To Open In A Six Month Span In 2016 Age 22. Last Photo Was Just To Open In February 2018 Age 23.
No Words 😂
4 Years Only
Most of these ppl just grew up. Happens all the time ! Very few are "amazing transformations". But the ones that are, VERY COOL !!!
Most of these ppl just grew up. Happens all the time ! Very few are "amazing transformations". But the ones that are, VERY COOL !!!