"Either the pet goes or I go." It's an ultimatum you think exists only in movie scripts. Until you hear it from your significant other.
A few weeks ago, Reddit user Sugar-Soad posted a question to the platform, asking "People who were made to choose between your pet and your partner, how did your ex react when you chose your pet?"
Surprisingly, it received over 9.6K comments, many of which detailed these exact situations people found themselves in. Luckily, they made the right choice.
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Was getting a divorce and the ex-wife demanded my dog or she’d take me to court over the house. I reluctantly gave him to her. She called me five days after taking possession of him. He was chewing everything of hers, peeing all over her and her new boyfriends house. I got him back and he never did any of that for me. Still have him and he is 15 years old now
Holly Sizemore, Chief Mission Officer at Best Friends Animal Society, told Bored Panda that shelter and animal welfare workers have pretty much heard every random story on why people give up their pets. "Occasionally, there are reasons like 'Oh, we got a new couch and now the dog's fur doesn't match it' or 'the cat hisses at my boyfriend every time he comes over and he's offended' but these random and quite frankly, nutty, reasons are rare," Sizemore said.
Most people, according to her, cite having to give up their pet due to having 'too many animals' and 'housing issues', situations that often result in a homeless pet and a heartbroken family. If you're interested, here's a comprehensive article and data analysis on the most common reasons why people surrender their animals.
He wanted me to rehome my cat because he wanted a dog instead. We were not living together, and I’m allergic to dogs. That didn’t matter, HE wanted me to have one, so he demanded I rehome the cat. I rehomed him instead. The look on his face when I took him to his mother’s house was pretty priceless.
This is my favorite story from when I worked in a shelter. A guy came in to surrender his cat, with the reason that his girlfriend didn't like her. He starts filling out the paperwork, but partway through he just stops and says, "Screw this. I'm just going to break up with her instead." He picks up the cat and walks out the door, presumably to leave his GF. I hope he stuck to it and he and his cat got a happy ending.
Luckily, Sizemore said that some couples are willing to do whatever it takes to maintain both their relationship and their pets. "We also hear a lot about how potential romantic partners stand no chance unless they show interest in and are 'approved of' by a pet," Sizemore added. "I know of a story where a couple who fell in love and wanted to get married were instrumental in changing their local town's archaic and overbroad pet-limit law. They each had 2 dogs and wanted to marry and move into the same household with their 4 dogs, but the pet limit in their town was 2 cats and 2 dogs in total (despite no evidence showing that limiting the number of pets/species per household creates more responsible pet owners or fewer nuisances in a community. Cruelty, nuisance, and negligence laws are the best tools to tackle legitimate pet-related issues). For this couple, the thought of giving up any of their furry beloved family members was unacceptable, so they helped get their local community to repeal the outdated pet limit law."
"I also know of another couple who chose to live in separate households because one had cats and one had dogs that really wanted to eat the cats. The woman in this couple joked that the pets (and really maintaining separate households) was the secret to their very happy relationship."
I had an incredibly toxic boyfriend who had at one point paid the fee for a rescue cat for me for my birthday. the cat REALLY didnt like him, she wasnt aggressive she was just skittish and didnt want to be around him. We had gotten into a fight earlier that day about something unrelated and he decided to start ranting about the cat and how he believed we should get rid of her, that she was a bad animal JUST because she was skittish ( she was a rescue!! and a very loving one at that if you let her come to you when she felt safe ).
He started to threaten to leave her at the humane society or get rid of her when i wasnt around so i couldnt stop him. I told him to get out of my house and immediately broke up with him. Butters is still making quality biscuits at my side and loves to take naps with me :)
My ex used to chase his cat around the house. Poor kitty was so scared. I took him to divorce court over that cat. Now she's sleeping on my lap with her sister and she never has to run around the house unless it's happy zoomies.
i bet kitty is grateful for being saved and gives you all the love <3
There have also been very interesting studies on the subject. A survey carried out by Rover.com, for example, found that 60% of couple owners said that bringing up a dog together made their relationship stronger. But that's not all. Half of the participants said their canines had helped them spend quality time together, as a couple.
Which, when you think about it, is understandable. Around 88% of those surveyed also said that raising a dog requires teamwork and 65% agreed that trust is needed, too. Both are important factors for a thriving relationship, so constantly working on these attributes is bound to produce valuable results for the couple's everyday life as well.
I remember him saying my diabetic cat needed to go so he could get a dog. We weren't even living together. I looked him dead in the eyes and said. "My cat will outlive this relationship" considering she was really sick at the time he said it was unlikely and stormed off.
We broke up 6 years ago and my cat is still going strong.
To be fair, anyone giving you an ultimatum to choose between them and one of your loved ones (human or otherwise) isn’t interested in a healthy relationship of any kind, and so isn’t worth your time. Long story short, never choose the one giving the ultimatum.
Sizemore reminded people that there may be occasional legitimate reasons to ask someone to give up their pet for you. "Say for instance, if you were deathly allergic to cats and could not be around them without risking anaphylactic shock. However, anyone worth their salt as a romantic partner would never make such a request unless it was absolutely necessary and unless there was a clear positive alternative for the pet and their partner (maybe the cat is very much loved by the next-door neighbor who would happily give a great home to the kitty)."
"Bottom line, despite all the love and joy pets give us, they aren't without occasional challenges," Sizemore highlighted. "Most challenges, whether linked to a romance or not, can be mitigated by a little research, veterinarian, and/or animal trainer or behaviorist. Occasionally, rehoming a pet is in everyone's best interest, including the pet. And, sometimes it's best to rehome the romance."
For more information on pet care, take a look at all the resources provided by animal experts at Best Friends.
I dated a guy who told me he would convince me to choose him over my cats. I broke up with him shortly after, mostly due to that. Was happily single, then my now husband comes along and says, "I've always wanted to be the husband of the crazy cat lady." Way to win a girl's heart.
My ex husband was a constant cheat, terribly abusive, and loved to destroy anything I owned in order to punish and control me. I put up with anything and everything for over two years because “I loved him”. The last time I ever saw him he yelled at/hit my dog. I instantly packed my car and dog and left. Immediately filed for divorce. Haven’t seen him since. His lost his wife, source of income, vehicle, maid, scapegoat, bodyguard, sober driver, and emotional support in ten seconds. He was absolutely astounded I chose the dog over him, regardless of how many times he was warned not to act out around her. She is my soul mate and I would die for her.
Not me, but my sister was dating a guy who angrily accused her of loving her elderly cat more than him. She said she did -- she had had him for 14 years and they had only been dating for about a month.
Guess he wasn't expecting that because he just kind of shut up and left the house.
I have an elderly rat (going on four years, which is quite the feat for a rat). I’ve raised him since he was a baby with his brother, who passed away two winters ago. When we moved in with my in-laws over the summer, they didn’t want me to bring my rat. I straight up told my partner that I’ll live somewhere else for awhile (we’d been living together for almost three years at that point) because my rat is my responsibility, he’s very old, and that I was going to see him through to the end. They were a little upset and accused me of choosing the rat over them, but I explained that he’s an animal that relies on us. It worked out, I convinced my in-laws to let me bring him, and we’re all still kickin. He’s on his last days and I’m glad I’m here with him. He’ll be buried with his brother when it’s time.
I found out my girlfriend was hitting my dog when I wasn't around. I left her and she was unable to admit that was the reason. I guess answering the question of "what happened to you guys?" With "oh he found out I was secretly hurting his dog" might make for awkward conversations.
I had a live-in bf (we had been together a year, decided to cohab because LDR wasn’t fulfilling). I had a cat for 15 years. He didn’t demand I get rid of my old man but he repeatedly made comments about how it was time to PTS because my cat was old and thin. He always commented on my cat’s weight. Even went so far as to stop by a vet and pick up cremation pamphlets so I could shop for urns.
I spent $$$ on all senior bloodwork, checked thyroid, etc. He had a clean bill of health because I always provided the best nutrition and care.
One day I told him, “the next time you mention me putting my cat to sleep or imply I’m not doing right by him make sure your bags are packed.”
He was gone 3 weeks after that. The cat had 3 more wonderful years before cancer got him and I did PTS.
People: 15+ years of love and emotional investment will trump your new relationship, every time
This was a long time ago but I just started dating this person and I was told they hated my dog, it was a bit of a shock but I was like no biggie just get to know my dog and you will fall in love with him.
So the next time, we had a doggie date and HE TRIED TO KICK MY DOG. I literally grabbed my dog and turned around and walked away. And that was that!!!
Anyone who tries to kick a helpless (as in non-attacking/violent) animal deserves to be kicked in the crotch.
I knew a couple that had to break up because she was badly allergic to his elderly dog. They were both understanding of the situation and there’s was no animosity. They ended up getting back together after the dog had passed away and are now very happy.
My friend had his girlfriend spend the night at his house. While he was making her breakfast she began complaining about his "nasty dog". My friend told her, "You should stop complaining, the dog lives here and you don't". They broke up a week later.
Not me but my sister choose our cat over her boyfriend of 4 months. He was furious when she dumped him and called her an idiot for picking a “dirty fleabag” over him. Cat was not a dirty fleabag, he just hated pets and wanted to try to control my sister. I was relieved when she dumped him. I never got good vibes from him.
True story:
ex says "im leaving"
im all worried about our cats. Dont want to lose them, dont want to seperate them
ex says: "dont worry im not taking the cats"
Immediate relief.
She acted like she'd never even considered I'd choose the cat over her. I don't think that thought had ever entered her mind. Then she went into a big spiel about how I'm a loser, I'm missing out, there's only one of her, etc etc. Yeah, I knew all that when I put my foot down over her idiotic jealousy of the cat liking me more than her.
The cat is now 16 and still with me, happy in her senior years. There's been other women since her, ones that treated me a lot better than she did. It was a total win for both the cat and myself.
I had a boyfriend I dated for a few months and things were starting to get serious. One day he said “you know if we ever move in together your dog will have to be an outside dog. Dogs aren’t meant to be inside.” My dog was a 7pound chihuahua. I told him if he was not willing to change his mind we would not be moving forward with us. He told me it was my loss. I was ok with that. After that I would try and find excuses for my pup and potentials to meet before. When I met my now husband he told me he did not like small dogs. He met my pup and fell in love. Sadly she passed away two years ago but he just celebrated 12 years ago. I hope the other guy found someone good for him.
What some people fail to understand is that pets are not just household items, they're family. They're not up for negotiations.
I had a friend who was dating this real assh**e guy. One weekend her parents came to town with a puppy. Let her play with it and love on it all weekend. At the end of the weekend they said “you can keep this dog if you dump assh**e.” She didn’t even think about it, dumped him immediately.
I bred tarantulas professionally for a few years. Most were in a specially designed shed outside, but I had a few in the house. Was totally upfront with people when dating, and if it was a dealbreaker, then no hard feelings.
I dated this one guy for a few months, but we'd always go out or to his. I didn't really think much of it. Around month 4, he started getting annoyed and one day, straight up asked me how long it was gonna take to "sell a few spiders".
I thought he was talking about my actual job, so I was like, "oh, I sell them in bulk to a supplier. He's coming round on Tuesday, actually." And my bf was so relieved, but I couldn't really understand why.
So the dude comes round on the Weds and sees the tarantulas in the house and goes on an abolute tirade about how I lied to him, how I've broken his trust, and how he's gonna need time to heal. NGL, I just burst out laughing. I was like, "you really thought I was gonna give up my job for you?"
Well that was apparently not the reaction he expected. He stormed out, yelling about how I was such a dumb bitch for not realising how great he was lmao. Tried to crucify me on social media, but he just ended up looking like an idiot lol
Not my partner but my mom gave away my dog when I was away on a trip visiting my sister when I was 18. She called me while I was away to explain my dad was going to leave her if she didn’t rehome him.
Fast forward several years later.. my mom gave her cat to my 7 year old daughter only to later take the cat back after getting mad at me for something. 2 years later my daughter still cries over missing the cat. I went no contact with her immediately following that incident.
I had a fortnight to decide, him or my cat. I thought he was joking! Nope, a fortnight later and he asked for my decision. We'd been in a relationship for nearly two years and were living together, I loved him but the whole thing was absurd and I wasn't getting rid of my cat. We broke up and in general he took it well. Too well. I was pretty sure he wanted an to break up with me, but couldn't admit it. So I left with my cat and went to stay with my brother. I came back that weekend to sort out our joint possessions only find him sneaking out the back door the 19 year old receptionist from his work that he'd been [having sex] in my bed. 12 years later and me and the cat are doing great! I hope he's turned into a better human being.
I wouldn't have waited 2 weeks to tell him that I choose the cat. No-one has the right to make me choose!
I was in elementary school when my stepdad made a comment about getting rid of my cats. I told him that we had the cats longer than him , and I liked them better. He looked at my mom to defend him, and she told him she had told him not to talk about my cats. One passed away at the age of 14 when I was in college, and the other passed away at 19 after I had graduated. He was never cuddly with them but was always nice after that conversation.
20 plus years later he has his own cat that adores him and hates my mom.
Just a picture of the above cat gang as Japanese bodyguards. EDIT2: Found the artist! https://twitter.com/juunigou. Q3AnuBk-60...494ca4.jpg
The dog chose me lol I divorced my husband and his dog destroyed his house and sadly wouldn’t eat properly or do anything but stress until he came to live with me and my dog. But to be fair, my ex is terrible at pets. He just kept him outside all day and night with no interaction. The dog is a Great Dane and at the time it was me, my toddler and my dog in a little town house but we gladly took in the big guy over keeping him alone and miserable with his actual owner.
Some people really should not keep pets. Glad the Great Dane found happiness and love at last
Late here- my aunt started dating this guy a while after my uncle passed away. Seems nice at first. She ends up basically buying him a house. He quits his job, the whole 9 yards.
My aunt has 2 dogs. Now apparently this guy decided he hates dogs now and they’re too loud and annoying and ends up giving her the ultimatum. When she chooses the dogs he tells her she’ll never find love with those dogs around. So he’s kinda jobless and out of housing right now. Good luck to him lol
I briefly dated a guy who pretended to not be severely allergic to cats. He came over for the first time doped up on Benadryl and I confronted him about it, and he tearfully told me he hoped to keep his allergy a secret long enough for me to fall for him and choose him over my cat.
And that this was a repeat strategy for him.
I laughed so hard (poor confused guy) and told him the only winning move was not to play. I happily never saw him again.
Lol we had a puppy together but she didn't end up liking her very much. 8 months later thanks to the ultimatum she broke up with me, it was the best decision ever. It was an eye opener when I finally realized how unhappy I was in that toxic relationship. My mom offered to take care of the puppy since I was finishing up school, she's now my mom's dog and she turned 12 this year!
Being told to get rid of my puppy for acting like a puppy and 'embarrassing him in front of the neighbors' for 'stealing' something he promptly took back to them was the last straw for me kicking out my ex. Not even the abuse or the cheating
Well, he got jealous anytime I'd even pet the dogs infront of him. He started treating them terribly. Eventually he told me, basically, that he knows I wouldn't get rid of them but so long as they were around our relationship would be negatively impacted and would deteriorate. Then we broke up. Shrugs
Imagine feeling threatened and jealous of your SO (of 14 years!) petting a dog. They are well behaved, house broken, no behavioral issues, no financial burden, and honestly they are low maintenance in the attention department too. Thaaaaaaaaaaats when I noticed something was very off and went ahead and proved him right. I didn't get rid of my dogs, and I just started distancing myself.
I'm the opposite. I fear I may grow more fond of the dogs than the owner lol.
Not my story but my friend. His gf forced him to choose between her or dog but that dog was remaining memento from his deceased mother and of course he instantly dumped his gf. His gf went from facefull with expectations to beet red full of shame and anger and smashed his house windows when she left his house.
My ex was allergic to cats and had asthma. I had a cat.
He just kind of moved in with me without asking over time. I wasn’t against it. His allergies and his asthma never seemed to flare up or anything too badly with my cat around.
We kept the place clean, etc.
He asked me to get rid of my cat multiple times. I said no every time.
Turns out the jerk was cheating on me with multiple women. Dropped the dude like a hot potato.
Glad I kept my kitty.
I love my chihuahua. She’s super sweet and never growls or has ever bit anyone. I have had so many guys say “I hate chihuahuas/ I already hate your dog” before even meeting her. I had one guy lose his sh*t when I told him I was choosing to not go on another date with him because of how he talked about how sh***y and mean my dog was on a first date when I was asked what breed she was. My boyfriend now said the same things at first before he saw her and fell absolutely in love within 2 minutes. They’ve been best friends for almost 5 years.
Chihuahuas get such bad resp due to people raising them improperly. Chihuahuas require attention and extra care from their owners. You need to learn to respect their persknal spacw and enforce it on ANYONE who tries to invade it or rile them up.
Exactly my Chihuahua was abused before we got him and he was a devil dog when we brought him home. He was terrified for a long while and didn't have a personality. With love and patience he changed from terrified devil dog to cuddly, playful, and happy boy. We've had him for almost five years now and he's the sweetest little dog. He still occasionally guards random things, but nothing like when we first got him. He's a completely different dog now and his personality has really shined through.
Load More Replies...Isn't that the case with most dogs, really? You get this sweet, innocent puppy, and can turn it into a good pet, or a menace.
Yep! Each dog has their own little (huge!) personality and it's up to their human companions to learn that personality and work with it. Some chi-puppers ARE shakers and some ARE snappers...and some ARE "shaky snappers", lol, but it's our job to make their lives as steady and comfy as possible so they don't have to instinctively resort to those reactions.
I had a chihuahua who didn't like strangers. Actually, she turned into my dad's dog. At first she barked at anyone visiting us. But eventually we got her to just lie quietly beside him in his chair. Or so we thought. In the chair, but not quiet. A very low level growl the whole time that only he could feel her making. Gotta love them! As far as any dog socialize, socialize, socislize right at the beginning. For the family that was so patient with your little "devil dog", you are wonderful.
Thank you. We're a dog family since my grandmother is severely allergic to cats. We actually went to the shelter for a Shih Tzu, but we saw this little Chihuahua and he was so cute that spent a little time with him and fell in love. We got him home and that's when the little devil dog came out. The shelter warned us before we adopted him that he tried to eat them when he first got there. His second night home he shredded my grandfather's arm, but once he realized he was in my arms shaking and crying, terrified we were going to hurt him. Instead we cleaned the blood off him, cuddled him, and he apologized to my grandfather. I don't know the details of what he went through, but we're pretty sure he was hit with a flyswatter because of the way he reacts to one. He has a crooked tail which leads us to believe someone broke it. We've tried to socialize him, but that's one thing he still hates. If people come over he's fine, but going out to meet people, he won't have it.
Load More Replies...I have such respect for you for keeping the Chihuahua even after he hurt your grandfather and, also, realizing why he did that. Thank you.
@RebeccaO'Donnell we would never do that to a pet, especially after knowing that he was abused. We understood that and now he's spoiled. The funny thing about him though is if he gets in your lap or in your bed, and you try to move him he either growls and snaps because he's comfortable and doesn't want to move. Also he's a giant blanket hog. He has two blankets that are his. He's stolen five others from around the house and they are in a pile in the living room. He's a blanket hoarder.
i hope people find out that not all chihuahuas are demons from the 8th circle of hell. Not an owner just weirded out by the fact that most media representations of chihuahuas are as demons.
I dislike chihuahaus and dachshunds and would not have either, but would never disparage someone else for their choice.
Chihuahas are great. Mayn are badly bred so they are too tiny, fragile and have issues. But in general they are these giant personalities in small bodies, smart, funny and all in all fantastic and fun dogs.
Chihuahuas are just so adorable and they’re just so tiny they’re like itty bitty teddy bears I love them
That is one hell of a cute chi. I had 3. 2 passed at age 14. Now I have my baby boy and if anyone ever even slightly commented on not wanting animals they were considered eliminated to me. I struggled for 10 mos trying to find a place to live bc I refused to get rid of any of my babies. I'd rather live in a car with them. Luckily now we own our own home and they have a lot of room to play and are all happy. (I have the oldest chi, a chorkie, and a boston terrier. Oh and my ancient cat that was my mother's but I took her when my mom passed. She's 17yo and still my little baby sister.
I never knew how bad some people could hate cats. Me and my fiancé (seven years)broke up. And I think it was partly because I had gotten a cat a year before she moved in. When she finally moved in, she wanted me to get rid of it. She left after barely six months of living together.
I was casually dating a guy who was kicking my cat when I wasn't looking. When I caught him, it made sense why she avoided him and no one else. I beat him out of my house and down all the stairs from my third floor condo. He was almost a foot taller than me but I think he thought I was going to kill him. I have never physically hurt anyone before but when that blind rage took over me, I absolutely lost it.
your ex: She pushed me down the f*****g stairs! you: "push" is a strong word, i prefer to say, gave you the punishment of beating up my cat:)
I would always choose my cat over a boyfriend, but this is not just about loving a pet more than a person. Someone who demands that you give up your pet is an egotist (most likely in other ways, too) and oblivious to the fact that this animal makes you happy. So they don‘t care if you suffer from the loss.
Yes, I do believe that is truly the crux of the matter.
Load More Replies...Spot on. Demanding that you give up your pet is a huge red flag and indicates that the person is uninterested in your happiness as long as s/he's happy.
Or worse, they *do* realize how happy the pet makes you, how much you rely on that pet for emotional support & they are jealous, vindictive or both and aim to deprive you of those comforts. I truly could not even be legit friends with somebody that was openly cold or distant with animals. I'm not saying everyone needs to be a crazy pet person like myself but if a person is cold hearted towards critters, it's unlikely I'd ever really trust them or have much in common.
Life or death situation is one extreme. Insisting that someone get rid of a pet because one doesn't like it is the other extreme. In my case, I'd save the person, but mourn the pet. Break off with the person who capriciously demands that I get rid of a companion as a kind of test. For an allergy or phobia, I'd weigh who's worth more to me.
Neither of these is really about the pet. It's about insecurities (you love the cat more than me) and control (I decide whether the pet stays/what kind of pet is acceptable).
Damn, you're right! Reading the examples I Just thought "What assholes!" but the true motives behind this are even scarier!
Load More Replies...This is so true. A cruel attitude towards animals is a hallmark of several psychotic disorders.
About thirty-ish years ago, boyfriend comes with me to the family farm. First, I stay back to watch him and the cats interact. Then, him and the dogs. They loved him. He was patient and kind with them, and he got purrs from each cat, and happy wags from all the dogs. Yep. He asked, I said yes, still married, and he is right besides me helping with ferals and rescuing shelter animals!
Any person who behaves this way with a pet or a loved one is not going to be a good partner. Some people might not love pets but are neutral about them (often after love them). Some have valid reasons to not want one, like allergies or cleaning; one of my best friends will never have a dog/cat because she loved everything spotless and pets shed. That's all fine. But a person that its like 'I hate dogs/cats", its rude to them or gives ultimatums is a jerk.
My husband wasn't crazy about animals, but he never asked me to choose pets (two cats, a rabbit) over him. He's gotten to like them a bit more. He once surprised me by cuddling a cat that lived in a B&B. We haven't had pets in years, but he does imitations of various animals. Some days, I can't tell the hubby from a baby alpaca ;)
Load More Replies...Was seeing someone, when one day out of the blue, he said "When we get married, your cats will have to be outdoor cats." That was first time marriage was mentioned! I just looked at him and said "You'll live outside before they do." We parted ways shortly after that. The strange part was that he & ex had 2 dogs & 2 cats, that were indoor pets.
My boyfriend never liked Cats, arrogant assholes he called them. Before moving in last August, I one time said that he gets me AND a cat, he only said: I know. Mimi needed some time to get used to him, she is not really fond of people who are not me. But in the last few months their love has blossomed and I swear my boyfriend feels SO special when she screams at him for pets. He's in the inner circle now.
I've met a number of men who told me they don't like cats, but they do adore that one special one. One cat hater was totally charmed by his girlfriend's two friendly and affectionate cats. He was scared of the snake that she draped over her shoulders, but he tolerated it. They're now happily married.
When my ex and I split up, we both wanted the dog (we got him when he was a puppy and we had him for 7 years). So, we split custody, we traded him off every week or two. The dog didn't seem to mind, he was always super happy to trade off and he settled into different routines depending on where he was (I had a city apartment, she had a suburban house with yard). Eventually she moved a few states away and the dog went with her, he lived to be 16 years old, I'd still see him every year or two and he always remembered me.
Sweet! My nephew got visitation rights to see his ex-girlfriend's cats. :)
Load More Replies...Last year I met a guy who lives in the same building as me; and we seemed to get on well and I invited him over for dinner the next day. He was eager to meet my cat; she greeted him then flopped onto her back with her belly exposed. I took that as a good sign and we've been together ever since!.
Speaking personally, I could never imagine being with someone who doesn't like or want pets. But that's me. In some ways, it's about having common interests. That being said, when I met my husband, I told him there would never be a time that I wouldn't have at least one cat and dog. It was as we called it a "dealbuster". He told me, he had two kids, and they would be his priority. I completely understood that. We have been married 22 years, had another two kids, many cats and dogs (never given one away - they all crossed the Rainbow Bridge). And I know I will get a lot of grief for this, but I simply don't trust people that don't like animals. If you don't agree, that's fine. But this is a metric that I use. I just find that people that don't like animals are either mean or self-centered, and I don't want anything to do with either.
Demanding someone to give up their pets equates to them demanding you give up your children for adoption. It’s selfish and well it’s a severe red flag.
My a-hole ex-husband got rid of my cats when we split up, without warning or saying anything to me. He also got rid of my daughter's cat while she was at school. Because he didn't want to pay for her to be neutered. Unfortunately my daughter couldn't come and live with me; I was in a very abusive relationship and had just had a mental breakdown.
I had been dating a guy for awhile when he was going to first stay the night. I had a Dalmatian and a small mixed breed dog that slept with me. He said the dogs couldn't sleep on the bed now that he was here. I told him it was my bed and they were here first and if he kept up that nonsense they would be there much longer than him. Luckily that shut him up and we're now on out 4th dog together who doesn't share our bed, but only because he's huge! And the dog would rather sleep with his human sister
Hmmm... Basically, if my partner gives me an ultimatum of any kind like either we have tacos for dinner/buy this coach/sell this mug/sing a happy birthday/do a push-up or we break up then... Bye-bye, you are not a boss of me. I'm the boss of me.
Hubby says the most brutal things about my cat, like how he's going to throw her out of the window if she won't leave the curtains alone, or he'll drop-kick her across the garden for sitting on his laptop. Thing is, he's even soppier about her than I am and would probably choose her over me anyway! He stays awake worrying if she doesn't come straight back in after dark, he feeds her treats, he sleeps with her curled up on his pillow and I know he'd never actually hurt an animal in any way.
That's my father who was weird with my dog. One time he said " what if you have to choose between me and your dog?" i just replied "why would you ask a question if you are going to dislike the answer and deep down already know it?".
I don't think people should put up such "People: X+ years of love and emotional investment will trump your new relationship, every time" PSAs... Those people that learn from reading this (and would have put such an ultimatum, but didn't after reading) --- you WANT them to show their real faces soon as possible! We NEED such views into their lack of soul/decency.
But animals are the bests to detect it. Once i had a new boyfriend home then my dog has peed on his dog basket (dogs won't do it unless they are really ill or scared). I was thinking "i hope that he don't have a urinal infection or something". 5 minutes later the new boyfriend had a paranoia crisis... The dog just knew that was coming. They feel a lot of things, always trust animals.
Load More Replies...When i lived with my now ex bf, who was abusive, he got in a boarder who had a lovely brindled staffy named trinity. I was a little nervous (childhood dog fear) but she won me over fast! And she hated, absolutely hated, my bf. Growled at him sometimes, when her owner wasn't around. Anyway one day I'm arguing with bf, he's getting aggressive again, shoves me; trinity comes in, parks herself in front of me, and just warned him to back off (growls, barks). He was angry but didn't want to fight a dog. I loved that girl she was the sweetest, I would sit with her outside for hours doing tummy scratches and playing when her owner has at work. (Good ending: i left the jerk bf. Trinity and her owner found a better flat. And trinity helped me trust the good nature of dogs and overcome the last bits of my childhood fears. Miss her a lot)
Lauren, Trinity did a realy good job at both protecting you and helping you to recover from your dog fear. My dog was an amstaff, he was indeed very sweet and trustworthy, the best doggy i ever had.
I once went on a date with seemingly nice guy. He said he liked cats, and then told me I should get rid of my cat and find "better one" (some expensive breed). We did not went on another date.
my husband told me that if one day we would get a divorce he would take the cats and leave me the house and the car .. no arguing, I would take the cats !!
I'm adopting a cat tomorrow and I already know whom I'd chose if my bf would threaten to leave. 😉
Awww what is it’s name what colour is it what breed is it how old is it where are you getting it... lol i love cats
Load More Replies...He's a six year old, black and white tom cat from a rescue shelter. He has a great personality, is very friendly to humans although being treated badly. They named him Gary in the shelter. 🤗 He has cats HIV which means he should not go outside and meet with other cats but he might even get 14 /16 years old. And I'll make sure the years to come will be filled with love. And he'll get the best health care so he can his life to the fullest. Thank you so much for asking cause I am such a sucker talking about him. I swear, he chose us- when we visited the shelter he came straight up to me and my daughter and rubbed his head on us. Then let me pet his soft belly. And the shelter assistant just said "Well, congrats, I guess this is it." And yeah, we fell in Love instantly 😍
He did choose you! :-) Our HIV-positive cat lived to 18. Big kudos to you and to the cat!
Reminds me of the old joke "I got a dog for my boyfriend. It was a fair trade."
40 yrs ago i left w/my babe to a women's shelter, escaping from abuse. had to leave my doberman, trixie, as it was literally a covert escape while he was at work. he had a male dobie, max, as well.trix never attacked him if he went after me but if around would get between us to keep me safe...for awhile. after divorce in which i got custody of trixie, discovered he shot & buried my dog on friend's property. i think i may have met the legal definition of insanity when i found out & he was lucky i never saw him w/o the court ordered bodyguard for child visitation. still think about her. still miss her. oh, and max...he ran away after i left and trixie was gone. smart dog.
Fortunately never had someone make me choose, but I went on a few dates with a guy that turned out to be allergic to cats. Fortunately, things never really worked out with us, because I could never leave my lovely, fluffy ragdoll cat that has been with me for 8 years. Since that guy, I have prominently featured my cat on my Tinder profile, because if you're dating me, you're dating both of us.
I'm very probably a person who would be in one of such stories. Some time ago I had a crush. I realy realy liked the guy. I also like dogs (should had mentioned this at first 😅) we had one when I was a kid. But I can't stand when people let their dogs in bed. We got to his home from an all day walk, it seemed to be THE night, but at the moment we got there, the doggo jumper directly into the bed, as she was used to. I was like "sorry, I can't..." and left. I didn't want to make him to choose but I simply can't share bed with a dog, seems disgusting to me 🤷🏻♀️
People shouldn’t be nasty to you. Women are allowed to decide to not have sex/continue dating for any reason or no reason. Men too. You’re not like the people in the stories because you were honest with him, remained true to your own needs and didn’t make him choose. I think it’s great that you understood and respected his bond with his dog. People being nasty to you aren’t thinking this through.
Load More Replies...Holy heck... my ex boyfriend was terrified of rats. I had two rats and even tho he almost ran in sheer terror when the cage was open he put up with it. If he would have mentioned me getting rid of them i wouldnt just say no because i wanted to keep them but i would break up because i would question his sanity. Its a living creature and i had no idea that this many people would ask such a thing
I love how everyone is leaving their partners for animals. I'd do it too because partners can leave you anytime, yet pets love you forever
Many interesting situations, and so many beautiful pets, I have never had to choose, however, there is no question how I would choose, unconditional love from a pet, they give so much, all of my pets were rescues, all were perfect, not one kitty or dog was a regret, I was blessed !!!
My animals are my children, just as much as my flesh and blood son is. I’m very happy I married an animal lover. Slightly sad that my cat loves him more now that he works from home! XD If someone is unkind to animals it’s a great sign that they will be an unfair partner and parent, just an FYI.
Before my hubby and I first moved in together, I asked him "how many cats are enough?" His response "I think 10 is enough". We have now been married 25 years. He knew cats would always be apart of our relationship as I was a volunteer at a cat shelter.
I feel like I’m going to run into issues like this when I’m older. I absolutely adore bully breed dogs, and big dog breeds, I’ve loved and grown up with them most of my life and I plan to continue loving and caring for them later but I know a sadly large number of people would have a problem with that
Never even consider chosing any human over your pet. They truly love you, they cannot play that. They rely on you regarding everything in their life. Any so-called significant other even trying this ultimatum BS is allowed to immediately leave and never come back. Their stuff, well, they'll get an ultimatum, if this expires, I have a nice front lawn and might feel like putting stuff outside. I come with Gina, and I won't come without her for the next approximately 20 years. And Gina will not be the last cat to live with me - life isn't life without a cat...
I am moderately allergic to animal dander. Because my husband came with a cat, I love ALL animals and am partial to cats, I lived on allergy meds for the first 6 months of our marriage. Between that and the time I spent at his place while dating for a year and a half, my allergies have greatly reduced. We now have five cats. His original is now 18+ and on his final days.
My partner and I had a Mastiff. She was 5 when we split up. She stayed with him and I had her the weekends I wasn't working. Great for the 1st year then he developed a meth addiction. For the next two years he neglected her. We split because of violence so I was terrified to confront him. I bought her her food and meds and picked her up and walked her when he went to work. He became homeless and reluctantly gave her to me. For the next 18 months we endured him taking her and returning her in a deplorable state. The last time I said no more and stood my ground. I can tell you, it hurt. Alot. But it was worth it. We moved states away and I had her till she passed. She was his best friend and untill the drugs she had been his life and I was happy with her being with him. It broke my heart to have to take her from him, but in the end you have to make a choice.
A sign I have had outside my house for a number of years "Dogs and cats live here, we may jump up, we may get fur on you and we may try to lick your face, please don't moan about us and don't ever ask us to be moved somewhere else, our owner probably only barely likes you but I guarantee he loves us".
Easiest choice ever for me. My pets were here first, so any partner who doesn't like them, or worse, hurts them, needs to GO!!
The spell caster that restored my marriage after my husband left me, you can contact him for any help lordmasukaspelltemple@hotmail.com or whatsapp him +1(234)-307-0752
I was casually dating a guy who was kicking my cat when I wasn't looking. When I caught him, it made sense why she avoided him and no one else. I beat him out of my house and down all the stairs from my third floor condo. He was almost a foot taller than me but I think he thought I was going to kill him. I have never physically hurt anyone before but when that blind rage took over me, I absolutely lost it.
your ex: She pushed me down the f*****g stairs! you: "push" is a strong word, i prefer to say, gave you the punishment of beating up my cat:)
I would always choose my cat over a boyfriend, but this is not just about loving a pet more than a person. Someone who demands that you give up your pet is an egotist (most likely in other ways, too) and oblivious to the fact that this animal makes you happy. So they don‘t care if you suffer from the loss.
Yes, I do believe that is truly the crux of the matter.
Load More Replies...Spot on. Demanding that you give up your pet is a huge red flag and indicates that the person is uninterested in your happiness as long as s/he's happy.
Or worse, they *do* realize how happy the pet makes you, how much you rely on that pet for emotional support & they are jealous, vindictive or both and aim to deprive you of those comforts. I truly could not even be legit friends with somebody that was openly cold or distant with animals. I'm not saying everyone needs to be a crazy pet person like myself but if a person is cold hearted towards critters, it's unlikely I'd ever really trust them or have much in common.
Life or death situation is one extreme. Insisting that someone get rid of a pet because one doesn't like it is the other extreme. In my case, I'd save the person, but mourn the pet. Break off with the person who capriciously demands that I get rid of a companion as a kind of test. For an allergy or phobia, I'd weigh who's worth more to me.
Neither of these is really about the pet. It's about insecurities (you love the cat more than me) and control (I decide whether the pet stays/what kind of pet is acceptable).
Damn, you're right! Reading the examples I Just thought "What assholes!" but the true motives behind this are even scarier!
Load More Replies...This is so true. A cruel attitude towards animals is a hallmark of several psychotic disorders.
About thirty-ish years ago, boyfriend comes with me to the family farm. First, I stay back to watch him and the cats interact. Then, him and the dogs. They loved him. He was patient and kind with them, and he got purrs from each cat, and happy wags from all the dogs. Yep. He asked, I said yes, still married, and he is right besides me helping with ferals and rescuing shelter animals!
Any person who behaves this way with a pet or a loved one is not going to be a good partner. Some people might not love pets but are neutral about them (often after love them). Some have valid reasons to not want one, like allergies or cleaning; one of my best friends will never have a dog/cat because she loved everything spotless and pets shed. That's all fine. But a person that its like 'I hate dogs/cats", its rude to them or gives ultimatums is a jerk.
My husband wasn't crazy about animals, but he never asked me to choose pets (two cats, a rabbit) over him. He's gotten to like them a bit more. He once surprised me by cuddling a cat that lived in a B&B. We haven't had pets in years, but he does imitations of various animals. Some days, I can't tell the hubby from a baby alpaca ;)
Load More Replies...Was seeing someone, when one day out of the blue, he said "When we get married, your cats will have to be outdoor cats." That was first time marriage was mentioned! I just looked at him and said "You'll live outside before they do." We parted ways shortly after that. The strange part was that he & ex had 2 dogs & 2 cats, that were indoor pets.
My boyfriend never liked Cats, arrogant assholes he called them. Before moving in last August, I one time said that he gets me AND a cat, he only said: I know. Mimi needed some time to get used to him, she is not really fond of people who are not me. But in the last few months their love has blossomed and I swear my boyfriend feels SO special when she screams at him for pets. He's in the inner circle now.
I've met a number of men who told me they don't like cats, but they do adore that one special one. One cat hater was totally charmed by his girlfriend's two friendly and affectionate cats. He was scared of the snake that she draped over her shoulders, but he tolerated it. They're now happily married.
When my ex and I split up, we both wanted the dog (we got him when he was a puppy and we had him for 7 years). So, we split custody, we traded him off every week or two. The dog didn't seem to mind, he was always super happy to trade off and he settled into different routines depending on where he was (I had a city apartment, she had a suburban house with yard). Eventually she moved a few states away and the dog went with her, he lived to be 16 years old, I'd still see him every year or two and he always remembered me.
Sweet! My nephew got visitation rights to see his ex-girlfriend's cats. :)
Load More Replies...Last year I met a guy who lives in the same building as me; and we seemed to get on well and I invited him over for dinner the next day. He was eager to meet my cat; she greeted him then flopped onto her back with her belly exposed. I took that as a good sign and we've been together ever since!.
Speaking personally, I could never imagine being with someone who doesn't like or want pets. But that's me. In some ways, it's about having common interests. That being said, when I met my husband, I told him there would never be a time that I wouldn't have at least one cat and dog. It was as we called it a "dealbuster". He told me, he had two kids, and they would be his priority. I completely understood that. We have been married 22 years, had another two kids, many cats and dogs (never given one away - they all crossed the Rainbow Bridge). And I know I will get a lot of grief for this, but I simply don't trust people that don't like animals. If you don't agree, that's fine. But this is a metric that I use. I just find that people that don't like animals are either mean or self-centered, and I don't want anything to do with either.
Demanding someone to give up their pets equates to them demanding you give up your children for adoption. It’s selfish and well it’s a severe red flag.
My a-hole ex-husband got rid of my cats when we split up, without warning or saying anything to me. He also got rid of my daughter's cat while she was at school. Because he didn't want to pay for her to be neutered. Unfortunately my daughter couldn't come and live with me; I was in a very abusive relationship and had just had a mental breakdown.
I had been dating a guy for awhile when he was going to first stay the night. I had a Dalmatian and a small mixed breed dog that slept with me. He said the dogs couldn't sleep on the bed now that he was here. I told him it was my bed and they were here first and if he kept up that nonsense they would be there much longer than him. Luckily that shut him up and we're now on out 4th dog together who doesn't share our bed, but only because he's huge! And the dog would rather sleep with his human sister
Hmmm... Basically, if my partner gives me an ultimatum of any kind like either we have tacos for dinner/buy this coach/sell this mug/sing a happy birthday/do a push-up or we break up then... Bye-bye, you are not a boss of me. I'm the boss of me.
Hubby says the most brutal things about my cat, like how he's going to throw her out of the window if she won't leave the curtains alone, or he'll drop-kick her across the garden for sitting on his laptop. Thing is, he's even soppier about her than I am and would probably choose her over me anyway! He stays awake worrying if she doesn't come straight back in after dark, he feeds her treats, he sleeps with her curled up on his pillow and I know he'd never actually hurt an animal in any way.
That's my father who was weird with my dog. One time he said " what if you have to choose between me and your dog?" i just replied "why would you ask a question if you are going to dislike the answer and deep down already know it?".
I don't think people should put up such "People: X+ years of love and emotional investment will trump your new relationship, every time" PSAs... Those people that learn from reading this (and would have put such an ultimatum, but didn't after reading) --- you WANT them to show their real faces soon as possible! We NEED such views into their lack of soul/decency.
But animals are the bests to detect it. Once i had a new boyfriend home then my dog has peed on his dog basket (dogs won't do it unless they are really ill or scared). I was thinking "i hope that he don't have a urinal infection or something". 5 minutes later the new boyfriend had a paranoia crisis... The dog just knew that was coming. They feel a lot of things, always trust animals.
Load More Replies...When i lived with my now ex bf, who was abusive, he got in a boarder who had a lovely brindled staffy named trinity. I was a little nervous (childhood dog fear) but she won me over fast! And she hated, absolutely hated, my bf. Growled at him sometimes, when her owner wasn't around. Anyway one day I'm arguing with bf, he's getting aggressive again, shoves me; trinity comes in, parks herself in front of me, and just warned him to back off (growls, barks). He was angry but didn't want to fight a dog. I loved that girl she was the sweetest, I would sit with her outside for hours doing tummy scratches and playing when her owner has at work. (Good ending: i left the jerk bf. Trinity and her owner found a better flat. And trinity helped me trust the good nature of dogs and overcome the last bits of my childhood fears. Miss her a lot)
Lauren, Trinity did a realy good job at both protecting you and helping you to recover from your dog fear. My dog was an amstaff, he was indeed very sweet and trustworthy, the best doggy i ever had.
I once went on a date with seemingly nice guy. He said he liked cats, and then told me I should get rid of my cat and find "better one" (some expensive breed). We did not went on another date.
my husband told me that if one day we would get a divorce he would take the cats and leave me the house and the car .. no arguing, I would take the cats !!
I'm adopting a cat tomorrow and I already know whom I'd chose if my bf would threaten to leave. 😉
Awww what is it’s name what colour is it what breed is it how old is it where are you getting it... lol i love cats
Load More Replies...He's a six year old, black and white tom cat from a rescue shelter. He has a great personality, is very friendly to humans although being treated badly. They named him Gary in the shelter. 🤗 He has cats HIV which means he should not go outside and meet with other cats but he might even get 14 /16 years old. And I'll make sure the years to come will be filled with love. And he'll get the best health care so he can his life to the fullest. Thank you so much for asking cause I am such a sucker talking about him. I swear, he chose us- when we visited the shelter he came straight up to me and my daughter and rubbed his head on us. Then let me pet his soft belly. And the shelter assistant just said "Well, congrats, I guess this is it." And yeah, we fell in Love instantly 😍
He did choose you! :-) Our HIV-positive cat lived to 18. Big kudos to you and to the cat!
Reminds me of the old joke "I got a dog for my boyfriend. It was a fair trade."
40 yrs ago i left w/my babe to a women's shelter, escaping from abuse. had to leave my doberman, trixie, as it was literally a covert escape while he was at work. he had a male dobie, max, as well.trix never attacked him if he went after me but if around would get between us to keep me safe...for awhile. after divorce in which i got custody of trixie, discovered he shot & buried my dog on friend's property. i think i may have met the legal definition of insanity when i found out & he was lucky i never saw him w/o the court ordered bodyguard for child visitation. still think about her. still miss her. oh, and max...he ran away after i left and trixie was gone. smart dog.
Fortunately never had someone make me choose, but I went on a few dates with a guy that turned out to be allergic to cats. Fortunately, things never really worked out with us, because I could never leave my lovely, fluffy ragdoll cat that has been with me for 8 years. Since that guy, I have prominently featured my cat on my Tinder profile, because if you're dating me, you're dating both of us.
I'm very probably a person who would be in one of such stories. Some time ago I had a crush. I realy realy liked the guy. I also like dogs (should had mentioned this at first 😅) we had one when I was a kid. But I can't stand when people let their dogs in bed. We got to his home from an all day walk, it seemed to be THE night, but at the moment we got there, the doggo jumper directly into the bed, as she was used to. I was like "sorry, I can't..." and left. I didn't want to make him to choose but I simply can't share bed with a dog, seems disgusting to me 🤷🏻♀️
People shouldn’t be nasty to you. Women are allowed to decide to not have sex/continue dating for any reason or no reason. Men too. You’re not like the people in the stories because you were honest with him, remained true to your own needs and didn’t make him choose. I think it’s great that you understood and respected his bond with his dog. People being nasty to you aren’t thinking this through.
Load More Replies...Holy heck... my ex boyfriend was terrified of rats. I had two rats and even tho he almost ran in sheer terror when the cage was open he put up with it. If he would have mentioned me getting rid of them i wouldnt just say no because i wanted to keep them but i would break up because i would question his sanity. Its a living creature and i had no idea that this many people would ask such a thing
I love how everyone is leaving their partners for animals. I'd do it too because partners can leave you anytime, yet pets love you forever
Many interesting situations, and so many beautiful pets, I have never had to choose, however, there is no question how I would choose, unconditional love from a pet, they give so much, all of my pets were rescues, all were perfect, not one kitty or dog was a regret, I was blessed !!!
My animals are my children, just as much as my flesh and blood son is. I’m very happy I married an animal lover. Slightly sad that my cat loves him more now that he works from home! XD If someone is unkind to animals it’s a great sign that they will be an unfair partner and parent, just an FYI.
Before my hubby and I first moved in together, I asked him "how many cats are enough?" His response "I think 10 is enough". We have now been married 25 years. He knew cats would always be apart of our relationship as I was a volunteer at a cat shelter.
I feel like I’m going to run into issues like this when I’m older. I absolutely adore bully breed dogs, and big dog breeds, I’ve loved and grown up with them most of my life and I plan to continue loving and caring for them later but I know a sadly large number of people would have a problem with that
Never even consider chosing any human over your pet. They truly love you, they cannot play that. They rely on you regarding everything in their life. Any so-called significant other even trying this ultimatum BS is allowed to immediately leave and never come back. Their stuff, well, they'll get an ultimatum, if this expires, I have a nice front lawn and might feel like putting stuff outside. I come with Gina, and I won't come without her for the next approximately 20 years. And Gina will not be the last cat to live with me - life isn't life without a cat...
I am moderately allergic to animal dander. Because my husband came with a cat, I love ALL animals and am partial to cats, I lived on allergy meds for the first 6 months of our marriage. Between that and the time I spent at his place while dating for a year and a half, my allergies have greatly reduced. We now have five cats. His original is now 18+ and on his final days.
My partner and I had a Mastiff. She was 5 when we split up. She stayed with him and I had her the weekends I wasn't working. Great for the 1st year then he developed a meth addiction. For the next two years he neglected her. We split because of violence so I was terrified to confront him. I bought her her food and meds and picked her up and walked her when he went to work. He became homeless and reluctantly gave her to me. For the next 18 months we endured him taking her and returning her in a deplorable state. The last time I said no more and stood my ground. I can tell you, it hurt. Alot. But it was worth it. We moved states away and I had her till she passed. She was his best friend and untill the drugs she had been his life and I was happy with her being with him. It broke my heart to have to take her from him, but in the end you have to make a choice.
A sign I have had outside my house for a number of years "Dogs and cats live here, we may jump up, we may get fur on you and we may try to lick your face, please don't moan about us and don't ever ask us to be moved somewhere else, our owner probably only barely likes you but I guarantee he loves us".
Easiest choice ever for me. My pets were here first, so any partner who doesn't like them, or worse, hurts them, needs to GO!!
The spell caster that restored my marriage after my husband left me, you can contact him for any help lordmasukaspelltemple@hotmail.com or whatsapp him +1(234)-307-0752