‘Catspotting’ Is A Facebook Group Where People Share The Best, Unexpected Encounters With Cats (40 Pics)
We've introduced you to dogspotting, so it's only fair we cover catspotting as well. After all, what is our world with just one and not the other?
In its core, the group is a place to post photos and videos when you unexpectedly encounter a cat. "Cats are elusive and have lots of attitudes, so the scenarios you'll find them in are always really interesting," Ruby Black, the creator of the Catspotting Facebook group, told Bored Panda.
She started the online community in 2014 and said they've had some crazy and weird spots throughout the years, cats in unbelievable situations or beautiful scenery and such. "We encourage members to share a bit of the story with their spot, like the circumstances surrounding how, when, and where," Black explained.
Continue scrolling and check out some of the most memorable spots the group has ever seen!
More info: Facebook
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The Last Thing I Expected To Spot In The Sahara Desert Was A Tuxedo Kitty. The Berber People In Our Tent Told Me He Visits Sometimes To Chase Away The Scorpions
The more unique or interesting the spot is, the more likely it is to become successful within the group. "Most of our viral posts have been either extraordinarily silly (cats with wild expressions or in really silly places or positions) or really, really unique (one of our most popular posts was a beautiful photo of a cat standing triumphantly on top of a huge sand dune in the middle of the desert)," Black explained.
My Chest, Not My Cat! Spotted This Beautiful Big Guy In My Dad's Garden A Few Days Ago
There is, however, one big difference between Dogspotting and Catspotting groups. The first is public while the second is private -- new members can join only after they're approved by the admins. "Initially, it was set to public but there were lots of people who would try to spam and troll us with photos of dead cats and porn and other gross stuff," Black explained. "It was easier and [required] less manpower to go private than to keep trying to weed out the trolls all the time."
This Stray Mama Has Come Around For A Few Weeks Looking For Food. She Finally Brought Her Baby Around And I Cannot Handle The Politeness
After the community dealt with these pathetic individuals, it was able to once again enjoy what it likes best – cats. Black said the members of the group are all pretty much crazy cat people who just love everything about these majestic animals. "In our member requests, we ask people to answer the question 'What do you love about cats?' and 99% of answers are 'Everything!' and 'Toe beans!'"
My Boyfriend And I Rescued This Little Guy Off The Side Of The Side Of The Road. He’s So Little! Poor Little Guy Kept Almost Running Out Into The Road Crying For Help
"I never really intended for the group to get this big," she said. "I created it years ago as just a thing for me and my friends because I kept seeing cute cats and didn't have [anywhere to share the encounters]. I was a member of Dogspotting but I didn't really like the way that they did their admin and some of their rules were a bit weird so I figured I would make my own version with cats and it just blew up immediately." Now, the founder is really proud of how many awesome people are in the group and it makes her really happy to see how it makes so many of them smile, too. "We've had heaps of members say that seeing fun spots brightens their day. I love the group a lot."
Spotted In The Building In Front Of My Job!
I Was Watching TV In My Living Room, Only To Realize I Too, Was Being Watched. Bc, Canada.
The Smoke Has Cleared Up A Little Bit Here In The Bay Area, So I Went Out For A Walk And Spotted These Two Buddies Enjoying The Night Air Together.
My Brother Spotted This Lil Baby In The Middle Of The Road So He Brought Her Over To Give Her A Bath. He Bought Some Kmr Since She Seems To Only Be Around 2 Weeks Old And Took Her Home
Love to both the precious kitty and your brother, who knows the value of a life.
Took This Photo Of The Most Cuddly Lil Ginger In The Middle Of A Head Shake While It Wouldn't Stop Purring, Such A Majestic, Graceful Beauty
Ensuring No Bookmarks Are Stolen On His Watch
I dont think anyone will want to take the bookmarks - they'll want to pet the kitty instead!
My Friend And I Were Out To Get Something And Were Walking To The Station When She Points At This Adorable Cat And Gives Me The “Ugh Fine” Look And I Gave This Floof The Best Pets. She Was Letting Me Scratch Her Belly And Under Her Chin
She was very elegant and very pretty. I think the owners lived nearby since someone was biking by with their daughter and said “look who’s sitting on the stairs, it’s pjuske (fluffy in Danish)”. 10/10 would pet and miss a train for again.
My Stairs. Not My Cat. The Eyes
I Saw The Most Beautiful Speepy Angel, Lounging In Their Kingdom. (A Restaurant In My Hometown Amsterdam)
Mitzi Is A Cat Who Hangs Out At The Gate With The Security Guards In The University Where I Work/Study. But In Hebrew, "Mitz" Means Juice. So Whenever The Students Make A Post About The Cat, Facebook Translate Turns Her Name Into "Security Juice." Meet Security Juice. She's A Fluffer Who Enjoys Pets
This New Neighbor Has Been Coming To Visit Me Everyday For The Last 4 Days
Stumbled On This Super Old Trooper Today. Even Broke Social Distancing Rules To Give Him A Head Scratch. Massive Paws. 12/10 Worth A Bit Of Hand Sanitising Afterwards
Spotted: Ginger Soil, Super Rare Swedish Phenomenon. A Little Reluctant To Pets, But Overally 11/10
Spotted This Black & White Dough Ball On The Way Home. 10/10 For Inspiring A Black & White Photograph
*my Bathroom, Not My Cat* We Left The Garden Door Open And Juno (A Neighbour Cat) Snuck In And Made Herself At Home - Who Could Be Mad At That Face!!?
Little Lady Sat In A Planter Waiting On Her Pint
Met A New Friend Today
Just Having Lunch And Then Suddenly This Cat Jumped On My Lap. Obviously I Was Not Thrilled By This At All!
Saw This Beautiful Duo On My Walk This Morning. They Both Came Running Over For Scritches
I Found This Cutie In My Backyard. He Proceeded To Attack My Shoes With Those Murder Mittens And Then Pull Down My Too Big Sweatpants Trying To Climb Up My Leg For More Pets. Would Totally Pet Again With Pants That Can't Fall Down. 10/10
The Neighbour’s House Caught Fire And A 10 Year Old Boy Came Out Of The House Carrying His Cat Yoda. So We Welcomed Him And His Mother Into Our House. Yoda Took Over The Flat And Is An Absolute Sweetheart.
Don’t Pspsps To Me Or My Son Or My Wife Ever Again. 🐱cats At A Local Museum In Ioannina Greece.
I Did Not Dare To Disturb This Little White Cloud
Met This Fierce Lion On My Walk Today. Floof Setting - Extreme. Friendliness - Off The Scale. Miaow Volume - Turn It Down! He Followed Me For A While Before Returning To The Savannah
Think I Ran Into The Same Kitty Enjoying The Sun Again
I Met The Cat Of My Dreams Today Named Alex. Pretty Sure He Was A Maine Coon Based On His Sweet Puppy Dog Demeanor. He Demanded Attention And Would Follow Me If I Continued On My Walk. I Was Absolutely Smitten With Him. Please Peruse
Saw This Beautiful Boy On A Walk. He Was Also Walking, But In The Opposite Direction. He Greeted Us Warmly, But Only Gave Us 30 Seconds Of His Time Before He Continued On His Walk!
What stunning markings on this beautiful cat. Bengals are roamers. Good to see tags.
Found This Pretty Flower On A Walk A Few Weeks Ago, Wouldn’t Let Me Pet But Still Loved The View
I Just Got Off Work, Come Home To Let My Dogs Out And This Little Thing Starts Following Around My One Pupper, It Was Chilly And No Mom
Poor thing must have a cold, keeps sneezing snot out and sounds like it's wheezing. She'll (I think it's a she) will be going to vets to get looked at. In the mean time, pup ain't letting her out of her sight.
The Cutest Staff In Our Local Supermarket
Heard Shouting At The Window In The Cottage I Rented Last Weekend On The Aran Islands. Lifted The Net Curtain To Be Greeted By This Enthusiastic Member Of The Local Welcome Committee!
My Car, But Not My Cat. Very Beautiful, Very Friendly, Likes To Stick Her Tongue Out At You & Show Off Her Balancing Skills. Found Out That This Is The Neighbour’s Cat & Her Name Is Foxy. 10000/10
Ran Into This Sweet Girl On My Way Home
Holy Mackerel!!! I Met This Thicc, Loud, Very Friendly Boy Who Would Not Let Me Leave!!!! Plz Find Attached: Video Of This Big Old Creamsicle Slapping Me With His Paw When I Tried To Walk Away
Was On Zoom For Class And Turned Around And Did A Double Take. Inside Cat Mine, Outside Cat Not My Cat. Da Baby (My Cat) Tapped The Window And Outside Cat Looked At Him Like He/She Saw A Ghost And Ran!
Floppy Eared Cutie, Spotted Up The Road From Me
No photo, but years ago when flatting, I used to sleep in a room with window open to garden. Kept waking up really hot. Woke up one night with a cat asleep on my chest..... Not my cat... I went "OI" and cat boy took a long leisurely stretch and yawn before casually slinking off in to garden.
I'm amazed Mittens of Wellington hasn't made an appearance on this list. If you are all interested there is a Turkish Angora cat in Wellington NZ called Mittens who has a loving home and family but he strolls the city and nearly the whole city let's him in their homes for him. He seems to have enchanted an entire city. His exploits are to be found on the Facebook page "The Wondrous Adventures Of Mittens".
No photo, but years ago when flatting, I used to sleep in a room with window open to garden. Kept waking up really hot. Woke up one night with a cat asleep on my chest..... Not my cat... I went "OI" and cat boy took a long leisurely stretch and yawn before casually slinking off in to garden.
I'm amazed Mittens of Wellington hasn't made an appearance on this list. If you are all interested there is a Turkish Angora cat in Wellington NZ called Mittens who has a loving home and family but he strolls the city and nearly the whole city let's him in their homes for him. He seems to have enchanted an entire city. His exploits are to be found on the Facebook page "The Wondrous Adventures Of Mittens".