40 Screenshots Of People Who Are Unaware Of The Existence Of LGBTQ People And It’s Like They’re Living Under A Rock
LGBTQ history dates back to the first recorded instances of same-sex love and sexuality in ancient civilizations. Ancient Egyptian royal servants Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who lived c. 2400 BCE, are believed to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history, so you get the perspective.
But many oblivious people refuse to believe that being homosexual, bisexual, queer, and transgender are as old as history itself. In fact, some delusional people would go as far as to think they've spotted actual mistakes in movies, books, and media that speak of LGBTQ existence in the past.
And thanks to the wonderfully colorful corner of reddit “Sappho And Her Friend,” “a sub dedicated to historical and other LGBTQ erasure from academia and other spaces,” we have the cringiest collection of such delusional examples.
The subreddit that, according to its description, is “Mostly humorous but open to serious discussion as well,” was created a year ago and has since gained a 266k-solid fanbase who waste no time to cut the crap.
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That Dad’s Name? Harold
Saw This On Facebook Today
Yes, Very Heterosexual Indeed.
Yeah, as a Pole I can assure you that you can tell the difference even in XIXth century letters.
On Thursday, February 25, The House of Representatives voted to pass the Equality Act, a bill that would ban discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It would also substantially expand the areas to which those discrimination protections apply. The Equality Act would enable protections within education, particularly on how teachers implement LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum.
But when it comes to education from an early age, LGBTQ curriculum is still widely underrepresented in classrooms. Only five states announced in 2019 that LGBTQ history must be taught in public schools, with California being the first. Here, it’s been required from schools to teach kids LGBTQ History since 2011, and the first K-8 textbooks should be approved to meet new state standards in six years.
They Are Lesbians Goddammit
Just A Fan
They Were Housemates
On the other hand, enforcement, funding, and teacher preparation are often ambiguous. This has partly to do with the fact that even though the history of LGBTQ people is as old as history itself, the history of its curriculum is relatively short. From the creation of LGBT History Month in 1994 to the National Park Service’s first report on LGBTQ historic sites in 2016, the last decades showed a promising increase in mainstream teaching of LGBTQ history.
According to historian Eliza Byard, Executive Director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), “A lot of us grew up with history taught to reinforce the idea that only certain ways of being are natural. It is hugely important that every child understand the complexity of human history in all different dimensions in order to have a full understanding of the past, present and possible futures, and that’s what this is ultimately about.”
"But Hey That's Just A Theory"
An Interesting Title
Two Bro-Ets, Chillin In An Apartment
With LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, there’s hope of a higher level of education from people about same-sex love and gender inclusivity. It’s a much-needed mark of progress which, if anything, came a little too late. Moreover, teaching LGBTQ history in schools will have a tremendously positive impact on the members of the LGBTQ community who will feel less unsafe for their sexual orientation.
GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey backs it up. It showed that LGBTQ students in schools with an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum—compared to their counterparts in schools without that curriculum—were “less likely to feel unsafe because of their sexual orientation (41.8% vs. 63.3%) and gender expression (34.6% vs. 47%).”
Medical Classmates
His Roommate Is So Nice
Just A Friendly Reminder, The History Books Accidentaly Forgot A Few Pages From Anne's Diary
Gay Irl
Just Guys Being Dudes
No way man!!! The ancient greeks were bisexuals. No shame, until the Christianity said it was a capital fault.
Two Very Good Friends
ok, this is not actually gay! This is an advertisement for wives. Things were very different in the past. Not everything that looks gay to our modern sensibilities actually is. This was a very common thing to have a pic taken with friends and post to the newspaper in rural areas. It was expensive for one man to do, so he might pose with a brother or friends.
Two Bros Sharing Storage Space
We Must Be Careful Not To Jump To Conclusions
But How Certain Is She?
Greece Wasn't Gay
Such A Wholesome Friendship. But Where Are Their Wives?
Just A Couple Of Cowboys
No, We're Sisters
Hmm, But Who’s Getting Married?
Oh My God They Were Strangers
There is too much in that picture for a conservative brain to proceed correctly. Two colored women of two different cultural styles cannot also be lesbians.
Two “Comrades” Naked On The Beach
I Think This Counts (Xena And Gabrielle)
Did I Find One?
"Her Alter Ego"
Lol They’re Married
We're Both Girls
Couldn’t Possibly Speculate What They’re Up To
Guys, people back then shared beds all the time. There was barely any privacy and servants would often sleep in the same room as their employers and their employers children. A mistress and servant sleeping in the same bed doesn't automatically mean they were a couple. The fact that they embrace is the real clue imo.
I Checked The Comments; And Yeah, She Was Serious
Travelling Buds
A Likely Story
All we can say is that they were close enough that their loved ones thought they’d like to be laid to rest together. I think that’s lovely
Because They're Bi, Harold. Get Over It
This Piece Is Called "Brotherhood Of The Nations" Lmao
I Can't Titles
My Friends Got Engaged This Weekend, A Distant Cousin Chimed In
Like Mother And Daughter
May Have Come Out After Tweeting I Am Non-Binary
I can't wait for the day when 'coming out' is no longer a thing. When I go car shopping and buy a truck instead of a car, I don't have to 'come out' as a truck owner because it's a super boring non issue. 'Cool. You bought a truck. Wanna go grab some pizza?' People's sexuality should be like that.
I just don't get the obsession with sexuality. Who cares who you think is cute? Why does that even matter?
Love, Simon did a whole thing on this. It was great. I love that movie.
Downvote me as you want, but I've always found the idea of life-long platonic friendship, as seen in some historical periods, very touching. It'd be quite a dissapointment if it turned out that ALL these pairs were gay. Nothing against LGBT people, but why we can't have any non-sexual relationships?
That's a legit comment. Guys should be able to have a "bromance" without people assuming they are gay, and gay couples should be able to have a romance, without people pretending they are straight.
Load More Replies...And everybody can and should have close friends outside of their own sexual orientation. Sharing non-sexual physical contact is healthy.
Its thought that about 1 in every 100 people are asexual so dont feel sexual attraction to anyone and yet we never see or hear of these people somehow. Its possible that some of the life long friendships are non sexual but loving nonetheless
I'm aroace and I used to hold hands with my friends and stuff. I would hate someone assuming I'm in a relationship, because I'm not. Platonic love and family love (like parents, siblings, cousins etc.) are completely normal to me.
to clarify: thought by whom? and we’re hearing everything about everybody’s life on the regular. it is MORE than possible that life-long friendships are not sexualized. they are called um, friends.
By researchers and scientists. Google it and you'll find my figures were quite reserved compared to a lot of studies. Dont try to make out people dont exist because it doesnt fit your narrative. I dont share my sexuality with everyone so what you mean is that we all assume lots ie. Based on who I'm in a relationship with and what others think that means
I think that's a valid point. Men and women should be able to have close friendships without it being seen as sexual. But I think the thrust here us that some folks refuse to see the glaringly obvious in front of them. Maj sa!
My best friend I've known since college do a lot together and it sometimes gets annoying that people always assume we're gay. I am, but he's not - and married to a woman.
In the old English dub of Sailor Moon, there's a lesbian couple. So instead of making them lesbian... THEY MADE THEM COUSINS. THEY MADE A F*****G LESBIAN COUPLE COUSINS. So you have "cousins" flirting and holding hands...
Russia tried to censor Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe. they edited a mustache onto Ruby and tried to make her a dude...but Rebecca Sugar got back at them in the best way 05c723be99...1515a5.jpg
I love that the new dub just lets the gay and lesbian characters exist. Oh yeah, don't forget the "brothers" in season 4. Basically one of the victims of the day who the sailors had to save was a fashion designer (aka the most stereotypical gay job) and his assistant was obviously into him but they changed them to brothers. Old English dub was big into banjos apparently.
*That* hand-holding scene after Neptune came out of the shower in just a towel, the focus on just their hands as everything gets all hazy and romantic, but yeah, "cousins". *Incestuous* "COUSINS!" 😂 And that's not even counting the "Stupid Sexy Flanders"-type interactions Uranus had with the other Scouts even after knowing she's a girl like Moon blushing while being hugged against her chest.
I cannot wait for the day when we say "couple' instead of "mix-race-trans-lesbian-couple" (just an example). People should have the safe space to just be without the need for explanations or categorizing. The terms "outing" and "coming out" should not even exist. Whatever happens between two consenting adult humans is no one else's business. Let people live peacefully and authentically.
Ah, labeling. The government loves it (because without it they don’t know how to categorize and collect) and therefore all the public workers have to live it. Makes everything rational people want to go with antisocietal.
Load More Replies...I guess people still want to live in denial. Homosexuality is nothing new. It's been around since the dawn of time. It's even prevalent in the animal kingdom so I never understood the sanctimonious decadent human against-natural spiel through out history.
My brothers longtime best friend is gay. They lived together for 5 years and does everything together. In this case it's the opposite: people are always like "sure they're 'just friends'" *wink wink goofy smile. But my my brother is a grown ass man completely secure and comfortable in his gender and sexuality (straight). He comes from a family where our dad has always openly poly-amorous, our sister openly gay, and of course, he has a gay best friend that his entire family adores. If he was gay, bi or anything else, he would just be it. But for some reason some people can't wrap their heads around a healthy, loving, and supportive male friendship. This is also really sad to me.
Random person in history: says or does something that clearly shows they are gay/lesbian/trans+ Historians: GeE i WoNdEr WhAt tHaT cOuLD mEaN
As a gay man I loathe the term LGBTQI+. Being gay has nothing in common with gender identity politics. LGB and the rest should go separate ways.
But the two groups have been interconnected from waaay back (if I recall my history correctly, it started as gay men + transgendered activists around the time of Stonewall). It's the same fight (to be legally and socially recognized as equal) - why would you feel the need to separate yourself from the non-gender-conforming folk?
Load More Replies...Not entirely accurate, gender norms are reinforced by and coupled with heteronormativity. When, for example, a man assaults a trans woman he is dating when he finds out she is trans, it's because he wrongly believes there is a manly aspect about the woman that would make him less straight. He assaults because he's uncomfortable both about his precieved notion about trans AND his precieved notion he must uphold his heterosexuality, with violence if needed. That's why the umbrella term is useful, because even though you and me can separate them, the oppression doesn't. It's an umbrella for a marginalized group, therefore it makes sense to define it from the margins. No trans person _wants_ to hear it would be gay for an opposite gender person to date them, but yet the problem exists. No gay person wants to hear "so who's the woman and who's the man in the relationship" yet the problem exists. Also, historically, safe spaces and communities found strength and relatability in the cooperation between the facets within the umbrella term.
Sometimes you just want to bang someone's head against the nearest wall......
I didn’t really see an issue with the ones talking about friendship. When they say ‘oh what great friends you are’, I hope that’s the case. It would be pretty awful if you weren’t friends with your SO.
https://twitter.com/KellyWatsonTX, so i dont have a twitter account but i found her, omg shes so stupid
I see her posts about there being no gay animals and I'm thinking about the gay penguins on here and the story about the first time scientists found octopuses(?) mating in the wild it was two males.
Load More Replies...This is a really amazing video about the animal kingdom and what it or isn't "natural". The talk is done by a bisexual biologist and it contains a rap. ;) Highly recommend. https://youtu.be/bK6EwIoQl34?t=193 (this link zooms past a lengthy intro which you may or may not want to watch)
Our interpretation of history really needs to get detached from our own cultural framework. It's about time different sexualities are being acknowledged! That being said, just because that framework is more progressive, doesn't make it magically the right one to explain all historical events. Maybe people were gay, maybe people were less prude in hanging out with others naked. Maybe people were trans, maybe they had to hide their gender because of time period's gender norms. Everyone loves talking about how gay the Greeks were but don't mention the enormous cultural gap between their execution of homosexuality and ours.
People need to realize, you love who you love. You don't need to "come out" to anyone. I am straight, but I have tons of gay friends. I embrace them in public, I kiss them in public, I love them in public. I know I am straight but I don't need to explain to anyone what I do. That is MY LIFE. Don't assume. And all the Bible thumper, the passage " suffer the children come to me" does not have a sentence behind it saying "except for...". We are the human race, not the gay race, black race, white race...we all need to let people be who they are, love who they want. We all deserve to love and be loved. If I love my cats, is there a question that my love is odd? Be who you are, these rest of the naysayers be damned. That's their problem.
Shakespeare sonnet 18. It was written for a guy. It's so painfully obvious a love poem, yet in school they say it was written in a friendly way and nothing more. I wouldn't go comparing my friends' beauty to a summer's day :/
Why is it a thing? As a straight 58 yo woman, I have never found the need to walk up to a group of people and state I am heterosexual. Only when approached by a lady wanting to go out with me did I find it necessary. And maybe the opposite when approached by creepy dudes.
Nah, it's more that you want the entire world to be white, cis and hetero, so every time a single black, gay or trans person appears on screen you lose your s**t, when in fact, they are merely acknowledging that black, gay and trans people exist in the world. I believe that if you actually tallied up all of the white, hetero, gay, black, or trans characters, there would still be more white hetero cis characters than actually exist in the population at large. You literally just hate the fact that black, gay and trans people even exist.
Load More Replies...@Tres D: if you look at demographics, Caucasian people (known to you as "white") make up approximately 12% of the human population... on the sexuality side, the statistics are murkier but even at a conservative estimate of 2.0% self identifying as "other than heterosexual", it's still quite a large number when applied to the global population.
I can't wait for the day when 'coming out' is no longer a thing. When I go car shopping and buy a truck instead of a car, I don't have to 'come out' as a truck owner because it's a super boring non issue. 'Cool. You bought a truck. Wanna go grab some pizza?' People's sexuality should be like that.
I just don't get the obsession with sexuality. Who cares who you think is cute? Why does that even matter?
Love, Simon did a whole thing on this. It was great. I love that movie.
Downvote me as you want, but I've always found the idea of life-long platonic friendship, as seen in some historical periods, very touching. It'd be quite a dissapointment if it turned out that ALL these pairs were gay. Nothing against LGBT people, but why we can't have any non-sexual relationships?
That's a legit comment. Guys should be able to have a "bromance" without people assuming they are gay, and gay couples should be able to have a romance, without people pretending they are straight.
Load More Replies...And everybody can and should have close friends outside of their own sexual orientation. Sharing non-sexual physical contact is healthy.
Its thought that about 1 in every 100 people are asexual so dont feel sexual attraction to anyone and yet we never see or hear of these people somehow. Its possible that some of the life long friendships are non sexual but loving nonetheless
I'm aroace and I used to hold hands with my friends and stuff. I would hate someone assuming I'm in a relationship, because I'm not. Platonic love and family love (like parents, siblings, cousins etc.) are completely normal to me.
to clarify: thought by whom? and we’re hearing everything about everybody’s life on the regular. it is MORE than possible that life-long friendships are not sexualized. they are called um, friends.
By researchers and scientists. Google it and you'll find my figures were quite reserved compared to a lot of studies. Dont try to make out people dont exist because it doesnt fit your narrative. I dont share my sexuality with everyone so what you mean is that we all assume lots ie. Based on who I'm in a relationship with and what others think that means
I think that's a valid point. Men and women should be able to have close friendships without it being seen as sexual. But I think the thrust here us that some folks refuse to see the glaringly obvious in front of them. Maj sa!
My best friend I've known since college do a lot together and it sometimes gets annoying that people always assume we're gay. I am, but he's not - and married to a woman.
In the old English dub of Sailor Moon, there's a lesbian couple. So instead of making them lesbian... THEY MADE THEM COUSINS. THEY MADE A F*****G LESBIAN COUPLE COUSINS. So you have "cousins" flirting and holding hands...
Russia tried to censor Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe. they edited a mustache onto Ruby and tried to make her a dude...but Rebecca Sugar got back at them in the best way 05c723be99...1515a5.jpg
I love that the new dub just lets the gay and lesbian characters exist. Oh yeah, don't forget the "brothers" in season 4. Basically one of the victims of the day who the sailors had to save was a fashion designer (aka the most stereotypical gay job) and his assistant was obviously into him but they changed them to brothers. Old English dub was big into banjos apparently.
*That* hand-holding scene after Neptune came out of the shower in just a towel, the focus on just their hands as everything gets all hazy and romantic, but yeah, "cousins". *Incestuous* "COUSINS!" 😂 And that's not even counting the "Stupid Sexy Flanders"-type interactions Uranus had with the other Scouts even after knowing she's a girl like Moon blushing while being hugged against her chest.
I cannot wait for the day when we say "couple' instead of "mix-race-trans-lesbian-couple" (just an example). People should have the safe space to just be without the need for explanations or categorizing. The terms "outing" and "coming out" should not even exist. Whatever happens between two consenting adult humans is no one else's business. Let people live peacefully and authentically.
Ah, labeling. The government loves it (because without it they don’t know how to categorize and collect) and therefore all the public workers have to live it. Makes everything rational people want to go with antisocietal.
Load More Replies...I guess people still want to live in denial. Homosexuality is nothing new. It's been around since the dawn of time. It's even prevalent in the animal kingdom so I never understood the sanctimonious decadent human against-natural spiel through out history.
My brothers longtime best friend is gay. They lived together for 5 years and does everything together. In this case it's the opposite: people are always like "sure they're 'just friends'" *wink wink goofy smile. But my my brother is a grown ass man completely secure and comfortable in his gender and sexuality (straight). He comes from a family where our dad has always openly poly-amorous, our sister openly gay, and of course, he has a gay best friend that his entire family adores. If he was gay, bi or anything else, he would just be it. But for some reason some people can't wrap their heads around a healthy, loving, and supportive male friendship. This is also really sad to me.
Random person in history: says or does something that clearly shows they are gay/lesbian/trans+ Historians: GeE i WoNdEr WhAt tHaT cOuLD mEaN
As a gay man I loathe the term LGBTQI+. Being gay has nothing in common with gender identity politics. LGB and the rest should go separate ways.
But the two groups have been interconnected from waaay back (if I recall my history correctly, it started as gay men + transgendered activists around the time of Stonewall). It's the same fight (to be legally and socially recognized as equal) - why would you feel the need to separate yourself from the non-gender-conforming folk?
Load More Replies...Not entirely accurate, gender norms are reinforced by and coupled with heteronormativity. When, for example, a man assaults a trans woman he is dating when he finds out she is trans, it's because he wrongly believes there is a manly aspect about the woman that would make him less straight. He assaults because he's uncomfortable both about his precieved notion about trans AND his precieved notion he must uphold his heterosexuality, with violence if needed. That's why the umbrella term is useful, because even though you and me can separate them, the oppression doesn't. It's an umbrella for a marginalized group, therefore it makes sense to define it from the margins. No trans person _wants_ to hear it would be gay for an opposite gender person to date them, but yet the problem exists. No gay person wants to hear "so who's the woman and who's the man in the relationship" yet the problem exists. Also, historically, safe spaces and communities found strength and relatability in the cooperation between the facets within the umbrella term.
Sometimes you just want to bang someone's head against the nearest wall......
I didn’t really see an issue with the ones talking about friendship. When they say ‘oh what great friends you are’, I hope that’s the case. It would be pretty awful if you weren’t friends with your SO.
https://twitter.com/KellyWatsonTX, so i dont have a twitter account but i found her, omg shes so stupid
I see her posts about there being no gay animals and I'm thinking about the gay penguins on here and the story about the first time scientists found octopuses(?) mating in the wild it was two males.
Load More Replies...This is a really amazing video about the animal kingdom and what it or isn't "natural". The talk is done by a bisexual biologist and it contains a rap. ;) Highly recommend. https://youtu.be/bK6EwIoQl34?t=193 (this link zooms past a lengthy intro which you may or may not want to watch)
Our interpretation of history really needs to get detached from our own cultural framework. It's about time different sexualities are being acknowledged! That being said, just because that framework is more progressive, doesn't make it magically the right one to explain all historical events. Maybe people were gay, maybe people were less prude in hanging out with others naked. Maybe people were trans, maybe they had to hide their gender because of time period's gender norms. Everyone loves talking about how gay the Greeks were but don't mention the enormous cultural gap between their execution of homosexuality and ours.
People need to realize, you love who you love. You don't need to "come out" to anyone. I am straight, but I have tons of gay friends. I embrace them in public, I kiss them in public, I love them in public. I know I am straight but I don't need to explain to anyone what I do. That is MY LIFE. Don't assume. And all the Bible thumper, the passage " suffer the children come to me" does not have a sentence behind it saying "except for...". We are the human race, not the gay race, black race, white race...we all need to let people be who they are, love who they want. We all deserve to love and be loved. If I love my cats, is there a question that my love is odd? Be who you are, these rest of the naysayers be damned. That's their problem.
Shakespeare sonnet 18. It was written for a guy. It's so painfully obvious a love poem, yet in school they say it was written in a friendly way and nothing more. I wouldn't go comparing my friends' beauty to a summer's day :/
Why is it a thing? As a straight 58 yo woman, I have never found the need to walk up to a group of people and state I am heterosexual. Only when approached by a lady wanting to go out with me did I find it necessary. And maybe the opposite when approached by creepy dudes.
Nah, it's more that you want the entire world to be white, cis and hetero, so every time a single black, gay or trans person appears on screen you lose your s**t, when in fact, they are merely acknowledging that black, gay and trans people exist in the world. I believe that if you actually tallied up all of the white, hetero, gay, black, or trans characters, there would still be more white hetero cis characters than actually exist in the population at large. You literally just hate the fact that black, gay and trans people even exist.
Load More Replies...@Tres D: if you look at demographics, Caucasian people (known to you as "white") make up approximately 12% of the human population... on the sexuality side, the statistics are murkier but even at a conservative estimate of 2.0% self identifying as "other than heterosexual", it's still quite a large number when applied to the global population.