There are communities online dedicated to jerk behavior. In them, people post their stories pondering who is in the wrong and who should own up to their mistakes. “Should I have threatened my wife with divorce?” “Should I have sold the house without telling her?” “Should I be taking care of our newborn baby?” There’s confusion, there are different sides, miscommunications and misrepresentations—in other words, it’s juicy with ambiguity.
This list has none of that. Here, there’s no pondering, no other side, no other possible options—just pure, unadulterated jerks. Undeniable, unapologetic, unabashed jerk-y jerks that hopefully will get their portion of karma served sooner rather than later.
Do you wish to get disappointed by humanity? Are you in the mood to get your mood ruined? Then scroll down to witness the jerks and feel your blood pressure rise as if you’re doing cardio. You’re welcome.
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People That Do This Are The Jerks
The infamous Am I The [Jerk]? (AITA) community on Reddit has become quite popular in recent years. The subreddit was created back in 2013, gained popularity in 2018, and by 2019 July had over 1 million members. Now, 10 years in, it has versions in multiple languages such as German and Portuguese and stands at 11 million users and counting.
The premise is simple: you post your morally questionable situation for the world to peruse and judge and wait 18 hours for people to do so. Then, the votes are tallied up and it is revealed whether the majority of the readers consider you a jerk or not. In fact, there are four different judgements you can be issued: You’re the [Jerk] (YTA), Not the [Jerk] (NTA), No [Jerks] Here (NAH), Everyone Sucks Here (ESH).
I Don't Understand Why People Can't Carry Out Their Own Trash. Especially At A State Park
Girl Scouts taught me to pick up other people’s trash as well as leaving the forest cleaner than I found it. Always. Even when drunk.
Well That's Unfortunate
The phenomenon of the subreddit didn’t go unnoticed by scientists. In a 2022 study, a group of Australian researchers looked at 100,000 posts from the subreddit to see how this internet space reflects on the state of our ethics.
They came back with a few curious takeaways. The first is that the majority of the inquiries are related to either relationships or communication. The second is that they usually contain two different topics. This could be a clash between family and money or loyalty and honesty.
This Guy In Front Of Me At The Movie Theater. He Had The Brightness All The Way Up
Lady Wants A Refund Because Of The Divorce
Woke Up And Saw My Door Removed By My Parents. I Asked Them "Why?" And They Replied With "Privacy Isn't Necessary"
And that's how you get kids that the moment they can get out of the house, get out and never look back, never talk to their parents anymore, and the parents are just falbbergasted
The third insight is probably the most compelling one that speaks a lot to the nuances that come with ethical decisions. That is that the “final verdicts do not line up with the moral concerns in the original stories in any simple way.” This means that a seemingly straightforward question such as “Should I support my wife’s dream aspiration?” gets way more complicated once it is revealed that the wife is crossing agreed-upon boundaries and is lying about it. In other words, the devil is in the details.
It's 3 AM. There Are No Lights On In My House
My neighbor has installed a floodlight that lights up my house (including my bedroom) from 7 pm to 7 am every night.
Get a mirror and direct the light back, preferrably to their bedroom window.
How People Leave An Airplane
Unbelievable the lack of respect people have, this is an Air Algiers flight from Montreal to Algeria.
Nothing Better Than Special-Flavored Bacon
I can be a bit of a LOUD-MOUTH, so I would say what the #@&$ you pig? Stop that now. Oh, and I'm always looking to correct imbeciles.
This only speaks to how perfectly the subreddit reflects the real world. Ethics is messy and there seems to be no straightforward way to solve a typical situation because there’s no such thing as a typical situation. Each case is different in its own way and judging them by some set-in-stone principles can be wrong.
Amazon Said It Was Delivered 2 Weeks Ago. Couldn't Find It, Snow Finally Melted A Bit (1/2 Mile Away From House)
Wearing This Shirt At A Kids Trampoline Park
A Generous Tip For Someone Working At A Restaurant
Another study found that the members of the AITA community tend to prefer the positive stories, those in which they absolve the authors who end up being right after all. Those end up being upvoted the most. This shows that naturally tend to see the good in people and like to root for the protagonist instead of condemning them. It also speaks to our desire for complexity. It gives us a glimpse into a situation where nuance does matter.
Just Why? The Trash Can Is Right There
My Uncle's Suitcase After His Flight
What the Sam Hill did they do with it - throw it into the propeller??
A Local Restaurant Offered Free Meals While The Community Is Still Recovering From Multiple Tornados. This Person's Response:
The same study also found that people who do share negative stories actually prefer to do so in the subreddits dedicated to confessions, such as Off My Chest or Confessions. There, people know they are in the wrong and don’t typically seek any validation for their actions.
Complain About Free Tickets
Built A 7-Foot Privacy Fence. Neighbor Raised His By 2 Feet And Put A Camera Facing Into My Backyard
I've been having problems with this neighbor since they moved in years ago. They originally built their fence 2 feet into my property in early 2020. I had to pay for a boundary survey and a lawyer to get them to correct their mistake. Decided to build a privacy fence and be done with them once and for all this past November. One month later they raise the height of their fence and this pops up (facing front to back). Police won't do anything and I can't afford a civil suit (Texas).
Went To A Concert And Got The Umbrella View (Yes I Asked Her To Put It Away… She Did Not)
Went to Beyoncé’s stadium show and this lady blocked my entire view of the stage…
How rude. And on purpose, I'll wager. What a twat of a human being. I would have "accidentally" lit that frickin umbrella on fire.
After quantifying all the data, the researchers also found that the subreddit’s community only minimally cares about the poster's gender or age. Young females tend to get more favorable judgements than older males, but only by a small margin. As the impact is very slight, the paper concludes that “age and gender have a minimal effect on whether a user is judged to have positive or negative moral valence.” This means the community tends to be quite objective when judging others’ moral behavior.
I Let A Friend Stay At My Place For Two Nights While I Was Out Of Town
It was neat and clean when I gave her the keys. This is how she left the living room. Most of the stuff in boxes and bags is from my kitchen and bedroom. Why?
I'll tell you why. Your friend was tweaking on meth or coke.
Why Are Loud Video/Speaker Phone Calls Now A Spectator Sport In Public?
How The Cop That Lives In My Complex Parks Every Day
All in all, it seems like, just like plenty of philosophers, the Am I The [Jerk] community is fascinated by the workings of morality and ethics. The nuances are often fascinating and show us that no one decision is as straightforward as it might seem. Unless you’re talking about choosing to endlessly scroll on your phone at the cinema. There’s no justifiable reason for that. Or is there?
Had To Sit In Different Seats At The Theater Because This Is What We Found In The Seats We Had Reserved
When The Person In Front Of You In A Drive-Through Line Refuses To Move Up A Few Feet So You Can Order
I dont understand the obsession with beeing bumper to bumper to the front car, for example if the car in front drives a manual or is in neutral it might roll back a little bit in some of these drivethroughs that arent flat, and then you have an accident. You should leave a gap, and what would it matter if you could order a few seconds earlier or whatever, you still need to wait to get to the window... Impatient people smh
„Bumper to bumper“ and „being 10feet away“ are not the only settings in this situation.
Load More Replies...This is what horns are for. You open your bonnet, remove it, and then beat them around the head with it
Toyota driver has left a large gap between themselves and the car in front of them. The driver of the car from which the pic has been taken is just short of the spot to place their order. The delay in placing the order may or may not cause them additional waiting time.
Load More Replies...I'm unpopular here, but I'm paranoid about being trapped. I always leave enough room for me to get out. The extra few feet will maybe make a 45 second difference. Patience.
Aaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhh! It makes me want to gouge their eyes out with my thumb.
Was the driver asked to move, since that's what "refused" implies? Or did op refuse to socialize and assumed the toyota keeping a safe distance is personally attacking them? They could also get out of the car, walk that one meter and order there since you have time to post online. I don't drive, but come on, there's lots of better solutions to this than getting angry. It's not the front car's job to calculate distances so that impatient people don't have to move one meter or wait 3 minutes.
I can't say I have ever used a drive through. Are they actually quicker? Or just another thing to get annoyed about in a car?
Been there not even a month ago. Don't be scared to get up close to the car in front of you.
and (at least for me) it is ALWAYS the Starbucks line (like this one is)
Attorney Near Me Found A Camera In The Carter Co. Jail Attorney Room
Someone Broke Into My Home Last Night And Stole All My Kids' Gifts. Merry Christmas, Everyone
We were at the library around 7 pm and some truly awesome person stole my 3 and 5-year-old's Christmas presents. Luckily I had 1 each put up from Santa. Also stole my small safe with backup money. Someone just tell me it’s going to be okay. I feel like I’m dreaming. It’s 1 am and not only do I not feel safe in my own home, I am devastated for my kids. Heartbroken is an understatement. Also, if you’re wondering - this is an RV.
I Went To A Wedding, Got There Early, Found A Decent Seat With A Good View. Minutes Before The Nuptials Started, This Lady Sat Down In Front Of Me
She did not care one bit that her fan blocked the view of every person sitting behind her.
Seats Empty in front of her, so not a real problem, just move, you never going to win it from stupidity anyway.
Stealing Catalytic Converters In Broad Daylight
$20 A Ticket To Sit Next To This Loser Writing A Paper, Texting, Talking To His Friends, Reacting Out Loud Playing Games On His Phone
Took My Kids To McDonald's Drive Thru. I'm Guessing The Person In The Car In Front Of Me Asked For No Pickles
This Person Has A Three-Car Garage And A Large Driveway But Parks On The Sidewalk
Someone Keeps Using My Bike As A Trash Bin
This Family Taking Up An Entire Sightseeing Platform So Nobody Else Can Take Photos
It's a long weekend so Wilson's Promontory was very busy, a lot of people missed out on great photos and views because these people wanted it for themselves.
People Are Robbing Grass At A Square That Is Being Constructed In My Neighborhood
This Sign At My Doctor's Office. Who Does This?
Who does this? Nurses. I've known two nurses who were kleptomaniacs, who consided it a challenge to steal from everyone they visited. And I mean everyone.
Why? The Cart Return Was Only Like 25 Feet Away
This drives me bananas. Return the cart you lazy turds - it’s not that difficult. Also, karma dictates that your car will be hit by one of these in the future.
Roommate Crashed My Car While Borrowing It To Go To Work Then Refuses To Pay Anything Unless I Let Her Continue To Drive It In The Future
This Jerk Who Parked On The Handicap Stripes In A Hospital Parking Garage
Three Semis Going The Same Speed
Most trucks in US governed to only go 5-10 mph below the speed limit. Takes forever for one to pass another.
Username Checks Out
Swapping Your Nasty Shoes With New Ones At The Store
What Is Wrong With People? Open Your Own Mail
Why Do People Think This Is Okay?
Contractor Drills Through Ceiling Right Into My Bathtub
There's a hole there. Could fill the bathtub and see what mayhem ensues.
Someone Crashed Into Our Wall And Drove Off Last Night
Guy In Front Of Me Refused To Take Off His Hat After I Told Him It Was Blocking My View
This Absolute Misunderstanding Of How Superchargers Work
Somebody Unbolted The Whole Bike Rack In An Attempt To Steal My Bike. When The Lock Didn't Fit, They Just Stole The Tires Instead
May your socks always be damp and your pillow always be warm on both sides.
Growing Up My Parents Refused To Ever Get Me Dolls Or Accessories. Now I’m In My 20s And They Have Decided To Buy Obnoxious Doll Stuff Each Year And Laugh In My Face
This was this year’s “gift”.
Why are you celebrating Christmas with them? Your parents and the spirit of Christmas are in direct opposition to each other. Go and have Christmas on your own or with friends or just pretend to be out of town. You owe your parents nothing. If they weren't your parents, you wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot barge pole, so go on, take the plunge and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas! God bless!
This Has To Be A Joke
Went To Costco To Grab A Rotisserie Chicken For The Weekend, But This Lady Beat Everyone To It
Can we stop using the word 'triggered' to refer to being annoyed or disgusted? That's not what a trigger is.
Triggered is an excuse for people who claim they are above such things to act like a screaming baby
Load More Replies...'Trigger' isn't a buzzword, it's an actual term used in psychology to describe a stimulus, memory or event that causes a person to experience sudden and intense negative emotions; most people are familiar with the stereotype of a veteran having a flashback, whatever caused them to have that flashback is a trigger.
Hey bp you really shouldn’t use triggered like this, it diminishes the experiences of people with PTSD and other mental disorders where they can get triggered
I have PTSD, and triggers scare the c**p out of me. Not nice by using the word if you don't know what is means
Load More Replies...Not sure what pissed me off more: the pictures or the fact that people are way too nice and just let people get away with it. Speak up and if that doesnt work: petty revenge.
The day someone invents a way to slap idiotic selfish people online and chargue 1 cent per slap, that day we'll meet the first trillionaire.
Worst that ever happened to my family was when someone broke into my great-grandma’s house. Didn’t steal money or anything, but took the accordion that had been in our family for really long. There was a huge jar of money (coins) right next to the door, but they took the one thing that can’t be replaced.
So many of these could easily be prevented by saying something, instead of taking a picture of the bad behavior.
We don't really get the full story. Maybe sometimes they did say something, or maybe they couldn't, e.g. with the hole in the fence, the culprit was gone, identity unknown.
As I see, people being jerks are not only in my country problem. Ruthlesness is everyday struggle here (No, we do not have alpacas).
I stopped looking at it at the 23rd photo. This all shocks me so much!
This is why I loudly proclaim these aśśhole actions loudly in public. Annoys my hubby to death, but if they’re gonna act that way in public, then they’re gonna be shamed in public.
Lots of LOLs there. Plus a few really bad people. The worst I've encountered, I was passenger in the car not driver. Was when someone smeared all of the bonnet and some of the windscreen with blood. Probably human blood.
And when a civil conversation turns into your teen telling you they will do what they want? More conversation? When does it end? Wouldn't it be better to show there are consequences in the real world?
I hate to say this but sometimes if you're the bigger jerk to the jerk it solves things. I'd rather not but personally if you're going to be a prick after I ask you nicely to move your hat or fan, you're going to find out what I'll do.
Well I’m an idiot because I should have known better than to click on this article. I am now needlessly angry and my afternoon is needlessly ruined. I take full responsibility. :/
Sorry about that Paul, I found it really interesting. I like reading about things people do and how other people react.
Can we stop using the word 'triggered' to refer to being annoyed or disgusted? That's not what a trigger is.
Triggered is an excuse for people who claim they are above such things to act like a screaming baby
Load More Replies...'Trigger' isn't a buzzword, it's an actual term used in psychology to describe a stimulus, memory or event that causes a person to experience sudden and intense negative emotions; most people are familiar with the stereotype of a veteran having a flashback, whatever caused them to have that flashback is a trigger.
Hey bp you really shouldn’t use triggered like this, it diminishes the experiences of people with PTSD and other mental disorders where they can get triggered
I have PTSD, and triggers scare the c**p out of me. Not nice by using the word if you don't know what is means
Load More Replies...Not sure what pissed me off more: the pictures or the fact that people are way too nice and just let people get away with it. Speak up and if that doesnt work: petty revenge.
The day someone invents a way to slap idiotic selfish people online and chargue 1 cent per slap, that day we'll meet the first trillionaire.
Worst that ever happened to my family was when someone broke into my great-grandma’s house. Didn’t steal money or anything, but took the accordion that had been in our family for really long. There was a huge jar of money (coins) right next to the door, but they took the one thing that can’t be replaced.
So many of these could easily be prevented by saying something, instead of taking a picture of the bad behavior.
We don't really get the full story. Maybe sometimes they did say something, or maybe they couldn't, e.g. with the hole in the fence, the culprit was gone, identity unknown.
As I see, people being jerks are not only in my country problem. Ruthlesness is everyday struggle here (No, we do not have alpacas).
I stopped looking at it at the 23rd photo. This all shocks me so much!
This is why I loudly proclaim these aśśhole actions loudly in public. Annoys my hubby to death, but if they’re gonna act that way in public, then they’re gonna be shamed in public.
Lots of LOLs there. Plus a few really bad people. The worst I've encountered, I was passenger in the car not driver. Was when someone smeared all of the bonnet and some of the windscreen with blood. Probably human blood.
And when a civil conversation turns into your teen telling you they will do what they want? More conversation? When does it end? Wouldn't it be better to show there are consequences in the real world?
I hate to say this but sometimes if you're the bigger jerk to the jerk it solves things. I'd rather not but personally if you're going to be a prick after I ask you nicely to move your hat or fan, you're going to find out what I'll do.
Well I’m an idiot because I should have known better than to click on this article. I am now needlessly angry and my afternoon is needlessly ruined. I take full responsibility. :/
Sorry about that Paul, I found it really interesting. I like reading about things people do and how other people react.