Dating is something that takes a lot of guts and experience from everyone who wants to be good at it. But nobody, not even your friend Trevor who spends all of his weekends chasing Tinder matches, is safe from making a fool of themselves. And some of these misfires can be painful not only for the two people who are on the date, but to everyone around them.
To prove this point, I'll ask you to take a look at the subreddit r/SadCringe. It's a place for awkward and/or embarrassing situations that also make your heart ache, and while we have already covered it in one of our older publications, this one is dedicated exclusively to pathetic attempts of winning over others.
I don't know if we should feel sorry for these folks or not — many from this bunch sound like they would fail a test in common decency. But let's try to judge their behavior rather than their personalities. If that's possible.
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Life Stops Right At 35 insult her out of the gate and then pretend like you're not interested when she turns you down...just...stop.
Just A Normal Guy
Guy Thinks A Girl Was Begging For Sex When She Was Nice To Him At Lunch
Incels Online Are Cringe. In Person? Even Worse.
This is so bad, so fricking bad! These types of people belong in mental asylums, if not jail.
Im Dying Of Cringe
Haha, Yes We Can...
That's Just Nasty
I Salute This Cringe.
The Feeling.
Poor Guy
I JUST REMEMBERED a while ago I said I was lesbian online and this dude was arguing that it's a sin and then someone else said "Bro ur just mad she gets more girls than you" 💀💀
'He Was Bleed From His Mouth'
Would've considered if it said "Hi it's Josh now just got back from the afterlife"
I Posted In Another Sub About Wanting A Breast Reduction. I Just Got This Message
This Guy Is An Alpha Male
Fuck Boi
Homie Just Kept Going
Always Shoot Your Shot?
Just Gonna Drop This Right Here
Happy Anniversary
Did Ian Mean Anything To You?
*cringe Nervously*
My Friend Who Ive Known For Around A Month
The Balls On This Guy
Can I? Please? Please?
I Thought You Were A Good Person
I'm surprised the artist(s) didn't try to talk him out of it, or refuse to take the commission(s).
My Ex From High School Sent Me A Snapchat Video Of Him Begging Me For Nudes, And It Got Worse
I Really Hope This Is Not Real
Promo Code “Cutie”
Sad Cringe?
I Felt This In My Soul
Genuine question: have these techniques ever worked? I mean EVER in the history of flirting? Where are guys getting the impression that these are the methods to use? I get that persistence is a thing in "RomComs", but some of these fall so far on the "Com" side that it's just not funny any more.
I am reminded of something that happened in the mid-1970s when I worked in a gas station. A coworker who was fat, ugly and a jerk called up a girl he knew a d said "do you want some company?" And not much else. A few minutes later she drove up, and picked him up. About half an hour later she dropped him back. I was amazed, mostly at her lack of self esteem.
Load More Replies...Sooner or later there will be 'nice men' who come on to comment about how the examples show women as b*****s. What is really sad is how some of these examples show women being harassed for sex, for nude pics, being catfished and having their number used by strangers. Not all men are like this, I am married to one of them. But those men who aren't like this, need to call out those who are. Enough is enough. Women are not objects to fulfil the whim of men. We have the right to be left alone, to say no, to have our privacy respected, to be treated as human beings.
Nah, your huisband is one of them. He is the nicest of all
Load More Replies...There SHOULD be an incel tip line like any Other crime.harrassment is a crime.and radicalized men(and enablers)should face scrutiny as femicidal terrorists.
Genuine question: have these techniques ever worked? I mean EVER in the history of flirting? Where are guys getting the impression that these are the methods to use? I get that persistence is a thing in "RomComs", but some of these fall so far on the "Com" side that it's just not funny any more.
I am reminded of something that happened in the mid-1970s when I worked in a gas station. A coworker who was fat, ugly and a jerk called up a girl he knew a d said "do you want some company?" And not much else. A few minutes later she drove up, and picked him up. About half an hour later she dropped him back. I was amazed, mostly at her lack of self esteem.
Load More Replies...Sooner or later there will be 'nice men' who come on to comment about how the examples show women as b*****s. What is really sad is how some of these examples show women being harassed for sex, for nude pics, being catfished and having their number used by strangers. Not all men are like this, I am married to one of them. But those men who aren't like this, need to call out those who are. Enough is enough. Women are not objects to fulfil the whim of men. We have the right to be left alone, to say no, to have our privacy respected, to be treated as human beings.
Nah, your huisband is one of them. He is the nicest of all
Load More Replies...There SHOULD be an incel tip line like any Other crime.harrassment is a crime.and radicalized men(and enablers)should face scrutiny as femicidal terrorists.