37 Of The Creepiest Things Kids Have Said About Their ‘Past Lives’ Shared In This Online Group
Bringing up children is not only challenging, rewarding, and entertaining. Besides all of the obstacles and hardships parents encounter on the journey with raising little ones, they make sure that the parents have enough things to laugh about. Well, sometimes it’s not really clear whether grown-ups should laugh or freak out about things their kids say. Especially when it comes to 3 to 4-year-olds talking about bizarre events and experiences that can easily be interpreted as glimpses of their ‘past life.’
Reddit user TapiocaTuesday asked their fellow community members to share the spookiest ‘past life’ memory their kids have ever recalled. And th e stories were pouring in by the thousands. We picked some of the weirdest ones, so let us know what you think and share yours!
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I don't believe in the paranormal. I'm a pretty reasonable guy. I have degrees in science and healthcare and I'm pretty grounded. But since I was a child, I had a memory of me stumbling out the backdoor of a club, I couldn't hold myself (either really drunk or on drugs) and I slipped down a staircase, hit my head in the alley and died. I was about 19, I was thin, had long blonde hair, I was wearing a brown-red leather jacket. I remember the neon signs, the staircase, the door I walked out of, even the interior. I can paint the picture perfectly if I had any talent in art.
ANYWAYS! So 2 years ago, I took a leisure trip to Budapest, and while exploring the ruin pubs with my wife. I FOUND THE FU*KING ALLEY! It was funny because I remarked to my wife earlier, when we arrived, that I felt something about Budapest that felt like 'home' and familiar and I felt oddly too comfortable there, like I could have never left.
I think about this quite often.
Kids tend to say a lot of things, but some of them can really raise the hair on your body. TapiocaTuesday asked “Parents, what spooky ‘past life’ memory did your kid utter?” and received over 13k comments: anything from the work they did before they died, to having ‘other mothers,’ to living in foreign countries and growing rice. Dr. Jim Tucker, director of Perceptual Studies at University of Virginia, has been focusing on cases of young children who remember previous lives. He published a book on the topic and states that young children between 2 and 5 years old tend to speak about memories of a previous life they claim to have lived. He advises parents not to prompt them for more information nor prevent them from saying things. And as the studies are carried out, the kids continue to creep their parents out anyway. If you’re after more bizarre stories, check out some unexplainable things happening to people that they couldn’t explain.
I had a brother pass away from brain cancer. At the time we had a cat who was a calico and just sort of knew he was battling something. She was really mean to most people but with him she was gentle. He would grab her paws and she would just let it happen. Well about three years after he passed my parents had another child. Another boy. He was about three when he told my parents about the white, brown and black cat that used to let him grab her paws. She had died about a year before he was born.
My son said once, "Mommy, when I was big and you were little, I remember when we danced in the kitchen."
The only person I ever danced in a kitchen with as a child was my grandfather.
My middle son used to talk about having a different mom before me. He would say she was blond and looked nice but wasn’t nice. He would bring it up randomly and only ever got a bit emotional when he would tell me that when he was with her he never got to grow up. He said he chose me to be his mom this time because I would let him grow up and get old. When he would say the last part it was as if he was looking for reassurance. He’d ask me like “right, mom? I can grow up this time?” Really fu*ked me up sometimes.
My daughter, when she was 3, used to talk about her imaginary friend all the time. Said he was big and fun, and spent alot of time playing with her. One day I was scanning old photos and had a photo of my father on my desk and she said, “hey how did you get a photo if my friend?”
I instantly got shivers down my spine. My father died in the house ~15 years previously, and she played in a room that used to be his office.
I cautiously asked her to tell me more about her friend, and without hesitating she told me he talked funny. The chills stopped me dead in my tracks because dad was an Aussie who never lost his accent.
My 5 year old daughter said to me “I was in your belly twice, Mama. The first time I died before I came out...but I came back. “
I did lose my first pregnancy 8 months before getting pregnant again. She was never told. I don’t know what it was but- that’s what happened.
Not me but a friends little sister. The whole family was out for dinner at a restaurant in a skiing village which they recently bought a cottage near. My friends little sister as soon as they walked in said “I know this place. My mother and I used to paint here.” To which her mother replied “We’ve never been here before, what do you mean?” she replied with “No. My mother from before. We used to paint here all the time.” The family was obviously a little freaked out but didn’t think much of it as she was pretty young and they figured just messing around. Later on though, when talking to the waitress, the little girl again adamantly mentioned how she used to paint there and the waitress revealed that it in fact was an art studio for many years in the 1900s but had been converted sometime in the early 2000s into a restaurant. Needless to say the entire table, waitress included, got goosebumps and were at a loss for words.
My little brother when he was little (like three or four) said that he was in the jungle saving animals and one day he had to decide if he would stay with the animals or come live with us. He chose us, but reminded my mom that he couldn’t stay forever. Just for a little while.
He passed this last January at 26 years old.
My younger sister, when she was 3, started talking to my mom about "When I was a big girl, and you were a little girl". She said she went to my parent's wedding. She described her old self physically, and my mom says that sounded like my mom's grandmother Grace.
My sister also talked about the "green" house she used to live in at the end of a dirt road and the fact that her mother (my mom's great grandmother Matilda), died from a snake bite, while they lived there. She described the snake as "pretty" and with the full description my mom thinks she was describing a copperhead. Now we lived in northern Nebraska (no copperheads), and Matilda died in southeast Oklahoma (copperhead region.) My sister said she killed the snake with a hoe.
These discussions always took place at bedtime. One day, we were putting in the garden and my dad was sitting down and sharpening the hoe with a file and my sister told him he was doing it wrong. He told her to show him how to do it. She put her hands on his and placed them in the correct position, and later he said that she was right, he was doing it wrong.
For those of you interested in timelines. This would be in 1980, my mother's grandmother Grace died in 1968, and her great-grandmother Matilda died in 1902. Also, we don't know if snake bite was the cause of death for her great grandmother Matilda. I was 15 at the time these little nightly discussions were going on so I remember them fairly well. She probably told these things on and off for about 6 months and by 4 she would say "I'm tired of talking about it".
I am not a great writer, so I hope this is not too confusing.
When I was 4 my parents and I went to my aunts farm. The wind started picking up and I looked back at my parents and said “gotta tie the hay bale down in the wind. That’s how David died.”
To this day no one knows who David is.
Was watching an old video of a jazz drummer playing a solo. No idea who it was but he was really good. My daughter, probably age three, was looking over my shoulder for minute before she said "I used to play the drums like that when I was a man".
I used to watch my nephew when he was about 3 or 4. One day he was at my house and pointed to a magnet of Arizona - it had a picture of the desert with rock formations. Kid pointed at it and asked where it was. He said he used to live by "red rocks like that with his first family" who all had straight, dark hair (his is blond and curly... now) and that he had a mom and a dad and he had had a brother until he went too far into the desert too close to dark and got eaten by "not dogs, not wolves but smaller". I said "coyotes"? And he kind of mouthed the word and said, "oh, that's what you call them." Then he was sad and didn't want to talk about it anymore so we had lunch and that was the first and last time he mentioned it.
When he was around 4, my grandson used to talk about his job at the ice factory. One day he was talking about his boss "Farvo" and the day he quit. I asked him why he quit and he turned to me and quite passionately said "I'll tell you why I quit! They made me work 15 days in a row without a break and I had enough of that!" It was weird hearing all that righteous anger coming out of that little boy.
My little brother said when he was 3 or 4: When I was a grown up, I went to war, and I never came back.
I was driving my family across the state to visit family. Some commercial on the radio about Vegas came on and I started singing “Vivaaaaaa Las Vegas” in my best Elvis impersonation. My son was about 3-4 and he says “I don’t like Vegas. I lost my life and a lot of money there.” His mom and I glanced at each other like “WTF?” He never said anything else about it.
When my son was 4 we had driven past a cemetery. He asked me if I remembered when he died and was buried. I said no and asked him what he meant by saying that. He said he had died, was buried in a cemetery and that's when he started growing in my belly. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he said this. He doesn't remember say this.
My middle son (5) is named after my wife's grandfather.
He just looked at her a couple of weeks ago and said "I remember when you were little and you sat on my lap."
He also once gazed into my mother in law's eyes (at 3-4 years old), stroked her cheek and said "my daughter."
When our son was maybe 3 or 4 he described his life as a ballerina on stage - from the lights, to the music, to the applause. His next words chilled me to the bone "I was at a party on a boat, and I fell into the water, then POOF I was here." I asked him to relate the story when his father came back from a business trip a couple weeks later, and it was identical. But after that we never discussed it again. I didn't want to go there.
My coworker has a son who, when he was about 3, told her he used to grow rice and lived in a place where two rivers met. He was able to name the rivers, and she located it on a map of East Asia. Pretty wild.
My brother was 3 when he would tell us stories of working in the rice fields. He described wearing the hats, like in the picture. He also said that he used cattle to pull his rice carts. We all believe him. How could a baby talk about rice farming and rice carts from half way around the world. We are from ultra small town USA, and this was way before the internet, hell we barely watched TV.
None of mine have, but back pre-pandemic I was watching my friends then three year old for her and he saw a big military ship and he got this kind of far away look and said “I remember when my boat sank. There were so many sharks.” I said what? He blinked said what, and then started asking questions about the boat. I mentioned it to my friend and she said “yeah, he does that sometimes.”
When my daughter was 4 she told she used to be my grandma. Which I’d like to believe it’s true because when I was pregnant with her I would dream my grandma frequently.
When I was 3 I used to tell my mom stories about my other family every night before bed. The siblings I had and the dog too. One day she took me to target and I told her I wanted big girl undies and she said she would buy them for me and I could wear them when I was potty trained. I told her that my other family already potty trained me so I can start wearing them now. I put them on that day and never had an accident after that. She never potty trained me and was just shocked.
My little brother was born just after 9/11. When he was a toddler one time, he went on about how he used to work in a tall building and wore a suit and tie. Freaked my parent out.
When my nephew was about 3 or 4 my sister said he was throwing a tantrum in the car while he was in his car seat and he yelled at her randomly “I waited 100 years to be born!”.
My mom told me when I was 3 or 4 that I scream cried when we passed an old blue Volkswagen bug. I told her that was the car I died in. It was apparently very hot and “I had a baby in my belly”.
My son was 3 at the time.
At bedtime he said “mama, one time the bad guys got me and drove me in their car.”
And I said what?
And he continued to tell me a story about being locked in a room and he was hungry and I didn’t find him. The bad guys got away and he never got out.
That sh!t scared me so much I still get freaked by it. I held him so right that night.
According to my Dad, when I was around 5 I was staring out of the window during a heavy thunder storm. When he asked me what I was doing I answered “when do the bombs drop? Are they gone yet?”. I grew up in Germany, and my dads dad used to alert the city for incoming air raids. My grandpa died three days before I was born, and at five I had no idea about the war, or my grandpa. Really freaked him out at the time. A couple moments later I forgot what I said when he asked me more questions.
I don’t have kids but when my brother was a toddler he said something to my mom about throwing hay in the window for the horses. My grandfather died before his birth and was a farmer. The barn had windows and he would just throw the hay in the windows for the horses to eat. My mom was really freaked out but he never said anything else similar again.
My nephew, around 2 or 3, would talk about his "other mom" and then look confused when you asked him to elaborate. "She's not here now".
When my son was about 3, he told us how he remembered being a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. This was in 1998.
My parents don't use reddit so I'll answer this for them. I think i was 3 playing with a corkscrew when i blurted out that "I used to have one of these when I had black hair" (I'm blond). My parents said they asked me what it was and I responded that it's used for opening wine. Freaked the hell out of them.
For people who let a three year old play with a corkscrew, they sure frighten easily.
Apparently when I was really little, around 3 or so, I told my mom that this was my last time here, that I wasn’t going to come back.
My daughter would refer to me as her “new mommy.” Then, as her vocabulary increased, she said “You’re my new mommy, but it’s ok, I like you.” Then one day, “You’re my new mommy. I had two brothers, but they all died, but it’s ok bc I like you.” She never mentioned her “real” family again. Last time she did she was was about 3 or 4 years old.
My daughter asked me, “Remember my fancy hat,” and when I said no, she said, “Yeah, before I was dead, I used to work in a bank. I saved my money and bought a hat in a round box. I was on the bus and a man almost sat on it. Then the bus crashed and I died.” She was about three and totally casual about it.
Editing for clarity: My daughter definitely knew about hat boxes; she was very into musicals, one of which was Easter Parade, a movie where fancy hats were a very big deal. She went through a phase of being really interested in death after my mom died, so I think that's where the bus crash came from. At the time, we were talking a lot about death and dying and the idea that accidents can kill a person and how scary that is. I personally think kids say weird stuff because they aren't yet fully wired, mentally-I reportedly used to talk to a Teddy Bear that lived in a cabinet at about the same age, and would sit there happily chatting at an open door for ages.
This was told to me by my parents. When I was 6 or so my dad was watching a war documentary and it talked about a tube. I then said "you mean the tube from when i was a grown up?" My dad asked me to explain more and I said "me and another person was put in a tube with a knife and was tasked to kill the other person but i got stabbed in the chest". He says it still keeps him up at night.
As soon as I could talk (about 2) I would tell my parents about my ‘moon’ family and how I had lived with them until I said a bad word and got sent to earth and landed in a bush where my mom made a salad from the leaves and that’s how she had me.
I would make my mom so mad by telling her she was doing stuff differently than my moon mama.
Same Other than the fact that i was on a spaceship, and later was modified into a cyborg and tortured to death in a death pool and turned into parts... Long Story... Comment you want to hear it and i might say what i can remember...
When I was about 4 I walked in to the Laundry where Mum was doing the washing and asked her what she was doing, then stood there with my hands on my hips and said “when I was old I didn’t do it like THAT” Another time I sat bolt upright from a nightmare and mum, trying to comfort me asked about the dream and where she was and I apparently said coldly “I told you mummy, it was a long time ago, you weren’t there” and just went back to sleep. Kids are spooky, not having them for fear they’ll be the horror movie kind that scurry past doorways in the dark!
I actually remember a past life. I was on a swing, and my hair flung in front of my face, then I saw a flash of a past life. So pretty much, when my hair went in front of my face, I heard a ton of gunshots, and I saw many dead bodies, on a big hilly dirt field. I was laying there, seeing my best friend die in front of me, and I was just sitting there, dying, but still seeing everything. A war was going on. I used to be a soldier. I stopped swinging immediately after, a chill down my spine. I just sat there for a while, taking in what I had just seen.
I remember mine as well. I was a man. My friends and I were cattle ranchers. One day, we couldn't find any water. All my cows died. My family was struggling. Many years later, I went to this city, and I was in a bar. It was... strange. I had been walking out when suddenly I felt lightheaded, and my back and jaw were aching. I didn't think anything of it... but suddenly the world when black. Later I looked up the symptoms and the story, and I found a news article. The exact same story. I -the man- had had a heartattack. It was... I don't know a word good enough to describe it.
I had one too, I was a man working day and night in a mineshaft, 27 walked in, and 26 walked out, all I remember is a pain in my chest
What would you expect from a person's profile name being Logic and Reason?
I dont remember mine well, but I remember talking about it. I used to talk about how my other family “didn’t like me or my girlfriend” I had no idea what lgbtq was, but i described a happy high school relationship with another girl. I talked about how i hid it, but decided one day to tell my family the truth. The one thing i still remember is the moment my “past father” held a crucifix to my head and told me that witches have no right to live. I also described being shot with “daddy’s best rifle. My parents were understandably freaked out.
Most people will see these and think of past lives and reincarnation, but what if it's about paralel dimensions? I mean, it's sci-fi, but there are actual studies about paralel worlds, and I don't see how are these less real than religion based theories.
First thing I would do, if a child of mine ever mentioned their past life, is start researching the particulars of what they talk about. I wouldn’t freak out, but be just dying of curiosity. I would also try to see if they remembered any real details, like a name or place. I would just have to know, and if the event happened during a time when newspapers and other sources were abundant, so may have recorded the event, or at least the obituary with a few details. I would follow everything until I either had an answer or hit the final dead end.
I do think that sometimes you need to take some of these with a grain of salt. I was a weird kid, but I know that I would say things like some of these, knowing they were not true. It was just imagination and being able to say things.
Children who are around the ages of 3 and 4 are capable of lying but not to this degree. There is no way they can recall this much detail in explaining events. Their brains have not developed enough to recite such detail or remember stories such as these from either hearing about them or watching them on TV. It is possible that you, Jennifer .S were much older than you remember when you made up your stories.
IDK if this counts but every now and again things will happen in my dream like certain convos and where we are etc. Months even years later my dream will come true. Like we have that exact convo in the exact spot. At first, I thought it was a weird coincidence but it's happened over a dozen times!!!
I've had this too, so many times. Sleep paralysis visions that have come true, the worst of being strangled and almost a video clip of where the body was found (and it came true, even down to the policeman and the trees surrounding my body), I dreamt and foresaw both of my son's motorbike accidents - he wouldn't listen so I was unable to prevent them. I dream of babies and know people are pregnant before they do, and the baby's gender - the list goes on! But at times, due to my anxiety, I have dark imaginings and thought patterns and it can be hard to know if they're a warning or just me. My nanna also had a lot of premonitions so I'm sure it's from her - not always sure I want it though!
I’ve had something very similar happen 3 separate times in my life. And it was such a random dream that had nothing to do with anything going on in my life at the time. But it was kinda spooky and interesting at the same time when the thing happened in real life and I remembered it happening in a dream.
Actually something similar happened once with me and twice with my mum. I had a dream of a street corner and road in Munich that I had never been to... two years later, we drove past it and it was just like in the dream. For all you sceptics, my Mum dreamt once of this small village in France (she lived in England, so definetely didn't have the possibility of stumbling across it like I did) and when she drove past it with a couple of friends, she just knew her way around (e.g. where the bakery was). I definetely believe you that this happens! Isn't it strange!?
When I was 14 I dreamed that my 3rd brother died. I was informed over the phone by a family friend. I was upset the entire day--despite the fact that I didn't have a 3rd brother. Not to worry, 3 years later & an accidental pregnancy, my mom at the age of almost 41 gives birth to a 3rd son--who dies before his 17th birthday. It wasn't the last precognitive dream I had--just the worst. I've had 4 types of precognitive things happen also. Sudden knowledge. Visions--well, I had one vision. One's enough as far as I'm concerned. And the fourth was remembering something before it happened. I got up one day, convinced that something had happened, but unable to remember 'when' it had happened. Finally that night--it happened. The second one happens the most frequently--sudden knowledge.
kids have a lot of dreams (and nightmares) when they sleep. And sometimes they remember something, and they dont care and dont think about if it was real or part of a dream.
Kids hallucinate a lot more than we think. Studies have shown that almost two thirds of kids have had a "psychotic like experience"... the thing is, parents often write it off as an "active imagination". It is a normal part of brain development, and isn't a cause for concern... but considering the stigma of hallucinations, many parents who realize their kids ARE seeing things don't talk about it, because of how others would respond.
Agreed. But a lot of these reference things kids wouldn't know much about. Doesn't preclude someone mentioning, say, people falling off a boat and being eaten by sharks, but that's so specific. It's fascinting too, that it seems to happen a lot at this age (3-4) and then pretty much stops.
I have experienced several reincarnation memories in my time. One time I remember getting shot with an arrow, sitting on a castle wall and just fading away and thinking, "Oh, this isn't so bad." With help from a historian, I was able to describe the castle and the landscape, and we narrowed it down to this one place, but it didn't have the wall I described. After more research, it turned out the wall was there, but had sunk into the marshes and was now under water. I don't know why people are scared or freaked out by the idea of reincarnation. I think it's kind of nice that we can keep finding the people we love to share our many lives with them.
I remember that I drowned in my past life, I think it was the middle of the ocean, but I remember looking up as I was sinking down and it was pretty peaceful. But I don't know why I did it, like I have no clue. Or why I was in the middle of the ocean, I had a sense of fear thinking about it.
When I was a kid, I used to have a recurring dream that I was a very young, very scared German fighter pilot in the waning days of WW2 and the dream would always end with a "thump" and a smell of burning rubber and I'd pat my abdomen in confusion and see fresh blood on my glove. Then the plane would roll into a left-hand spin but my hands would feel like lead so I couldn't do anything about it and I'd wake up with a feeling of overwhelming sadness. As I got older the dream faded, but I got obsessed with model making and even later I took up flying for real, but the moment which bought it all back is when I was a teenager and had the chance to check out a WW2 fighter cockpit for in a museum - now, at this point, I had already sat in cockpits numerous times, because of my interest in aircraft, but they'd all been jets. This wasn't even a German fighter but a Soviet one, but the smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I was right back in my childhood, dreaming about being shot down.
One of my oldest memories is a "nightmare" I remember when I was about 3. It rattled me for the whole next few days and according to my mom, I hardly said a word an sat in a corner all day. I was sucked in into a short drainpipe while swimming, and couldn't escape from what looked like a turbine. It appears I got sucked into a pumping station's archimedes screw. I told my mom how I died in a previous life. I still can see these images vividly and it still unsettles me.
My theory is that all kids can remember their past lives until they are about 4 (sometimes longer sometimes shorter) and that some kids like to talk about it but some don't want to then eventually they forget their past lives.
I also remember a past life. I was a little girl and my mother was crying because my little siblings had died. She kept telling me that I had brought home the illness and it was my fault they were dead. She had a very strange accent (it was Irish, but I was four, and had never heard one before). I used to tell my mom all about it, and she would always change the subject. Last summer, when I was 16, she finally told me that my great grandmother had migrated from Ireland with her family, and had indeed brought home an illness that killed her younger siblings. Still think about it sometimes at night.
A couple of years ago, my aunt passed away and my little brother has told us on many occasions that he sees her from time to time. I at first thought that he was just saying something, but then I remembered that little kids can see stuff like this.
Something similar happened to my aunt. My little cousin always told my aunt that she played with an 'angel'. My aunt didn't think much of it since they're aware that little kids often have imaginary friends. One day my little cousin saw a picture of my aunt's brother, who had passed away several years before she was born, and she told my aunt that that was the angel.
Kids brains are like sponges, they absorb everything. You may think kids can't see what you're watching or hear what you're saying but they pick up on everything. Add that to an already overactive imagination and playing with equally imaginative kids and you get stories like these.
We visited an old castle and my little girl who has learning disabilities stood under the gallows and mimed being hanged. Like, hand above her head as if holding the rope, tipped her head to one side and stuck her tongue out. She only watches pre-school TV and we monitor her online content really carefully, and she certainly would not see that at her special school. I don't know and prefer not to think about it too much.
I think I was 10 or 11 and we were on vacation driving somewhere in the car. We were going through Iowa and went through a town called West Union where I had never been before (never been there since either!). I suddenly got the sense I had lived there in the early part of the 20th century, that my name had been Rebecca, and that I had died in the flu pandemic of 1918. That's really all I remember about it except that I was about 15 when I died.
I love these kinds of stories, whether they're true or not. I've always thought that you have a certain amount of lives you live - those talkative people who get along with other people and have great social skills are the people who have lived many lives.... then the shy, quiet people with no social skills (like me) are only on their first lives...cause they've had less experience :)
When I was three or so and my parents would punish me for whatever, I would always say the same thing "you're not my real parents". I am not adopted. I would tell stories of my life in California, but we lived in Virginia. I knew my California address and gave very detailed descriptions of a place I had never seen. My dad asked why I was with him and my mom if I missed California and I looked him in the eye and said "cuz I'm dead there"I had a seizure at 4 and never mentioned it again
Do you remember the address / description you made as a kid? Did you ever go to California and check? I myself would be soooo interested if I had such memories.
I don't remember the address and neither does my dad (my mom died over a decade ago) but he says the details I gave were way too much to be my imagination. It was the late '70's so they couldn't really Google the stuff I said. He did remember that I said I was blonde and lived on the beach and died in a car crash. I've also had two different "psychics" tell me that I died early in my past life, violently.
I have always believed in past life’s/ reincarnation even as a kid, before I knew what it was. I remember the first time I learned about the Holocaust being devastated, tearful and thinking that I died in a concentration camp previously. Also I am 49 and I still get nervous going through intersections .. thinking I died in a car crash ( in a previous life) Finally I think my cat is the reincarnation of my husbands mother. She passed away from cancer around the time we got our kitten (19 years ago) and she has always watched over the family in a grandmother way.
I had two of these instances myself. I have dreams of two places. One was a dark area in an urban setting, with only a few lights. Every now and then, I find myself exploring a bit more of the area than before--the last real spot I recall was a loading dock. Another dream that was really vivid and repeated itself when I was a kid was me around 10 years old running through a field. I tripped in a hole, hurt my ankle, tried to crawl around, but got bitten by a snake and died in the field. I still hate fields in the Midwest because it gives me the heebie jeebies. Oddly, when I was young, I was told that I would just stand near the edges of those fields with a thousand-yard stare and refused to go further.
I was a Native American boy and hiding under a bush because soldiers had killed the rest of my tribe. A soldier found me and shot me. I remember the fear, the bullet going in and dying. Everything went black. I was about 4 when I had this flashback. I've always felt an affinity with Native Americans. Still do.
My son,David, said several creepy things. I only had one child and I was 41 when I had him. David came up to me when he was 3. He said that he had been flying around up there for a long time until I had him....!!!!
Ok I know somebody will have something to say about this so here goes. I do not believe in ghosts or reincarnation. I do however believe in demons.
the main thing to remember when you become aware of a past life is that you are living in the here and now. You are not living in the past. All the life lessons you must accomplish are native to this present life, not one you lived before. So don't go back to trying to live out extra chapters in a past lifetime if you become aware of it. The only real advantage seems that it is easier to come to terms with a violent trauma in a former lifetime if you become aware of it. Accept it, let it go, and then move on in your present lifetime of spiritual learning of lessons and spiritual progress.
I had a past life where I was living in the area where Vikings would live and I think my final words were "I wanna be a dancer." I'm 12.
So here's the thing : When we are dying there is that light we see, well people have claimed to see, what if that light we are drawn to, that tunnel with the light at the end of, is indeed a real tunnel with real light. As we are dying our energy, our soul if you like, if moved from our old and now dead body into a new fresh just being born body?? After all the First Law of Physics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed......
It's just the process of your brain dying. That's all. You no longer exist.
I find it kind of creepy that whenever I hear old music, like from the 70's, I get nostalgic feelings...even though I'm only a teenager...
@Logic and Reason You don't know how wrong you are. I'm a psychic medium. Not only have I am aware of my past lifetimes, I have read many other people's past lifetimes. It actually solves a lot of questions that they had. I will give you a reading if you are interested. I do them over the phone. No charge for you. Let me know in the comments if you are interested.
I’m alright, thanks though. I’m not saying that I think reincarnation is impossible because I honestly have no idea; I’m just saying that personal anecdotes from anonymous people on the internet shouldn’t really be used as proof.
I know this is weird but this gives me so many book ideas. Also kinda reminds me of A Dogs Purpose.
I was little, 5 or 6, my mom tells me this story. So I was playing on a swing, and it hit me in the face, knocking out my two front teeth. My mom was kinda bad with blood, so she cried and asked me if I was okay. I just looked at her and was like, "Yeah, I'm fine, it happened before, but it was Momma that pushed the swing. She laughed after I cried." I'm Telugu. I have only ever called my mom Amma or Mother (when I am being sarcastic)...
1. When I was three -Had no idea what a shark was and they were never mentioned in my house- I would sing a song that went like this: I once had a daughter, she fell in the water, and then the shark got her and brought her home. 2. I would tell my mom that I was her mother once and she was my daughter but then she fell in the water and the shark ate her. 3. I have brief memories of being at a beach and people screaming and seeing sharks in the water. 4. My parents had this cat, Peppy, and he would walk on his toes. I walk on my toes without noticing I do it and I grew up doing it. It feels natural to me. I often walk like a cat and make no sound when I walk unintentionally. Also, my parents also think that I am a reincarnation of one of their past cats. I often act the same as they did and once I heard them saying that I might be.
I remember drowning after a night of gambling I think I was a gambling addict who didn't have the money and was killed by some other people one with red streaky hair and two more
99% of those involved were 3-4. Is that the frequent susceptible age?
I remember I had the weirdest dream. (Most of the MY and I's are me. It was like I could see out of someone's eyes but I couldn't control them they kept doing whatever.;) I wake up in a bed, it isn't MY room MY room has pictures and a cute little desk. But I just continue to get up a women I don't know comes in and says, "Oh, I was just coming to wake you up. Well get ready, you have school." I could feel a similar presence like I knew this woman and had been with her all my life. Whoever it is nods, and walks over to a vanity I catch a glance of myself in a mirror. I have long brown hair (like I do now) and beautiful green eyes. We continue to walk and get dressed in leggings and a T-shirt (I totally approve of the outfit, it's something I wear which creeps me out.) I slip on a pair of socks they're white. I go to the mirror and brush my hair. There's more but BP only allows me to type so much.
According to my mother, when I was about 2-3, I was driving with my mom, and I started talking about my other family. She asked more, and I said that I used to live with a family on the mountains, and they got sick, and I came to live with them. I do not remember saying this, and I have always believed in reincarnation, I think it might be true...
Kids like imagining things. They pick up names and things from TV, books, from other people's conversations and sometimes like to imagine they are somebody else. I used to do it too, but all those things were completely made up - I didn't actually "remember" anything. So, I guess, most of those, especially something non-specific like "I used to have three brothers" or "I used to work in a big office" are just products of a child's imagination. I mean, it's still a pretty interesting read, but I wouldn't take it seriously.
ok relatable :when my brother was 3-4 he would say ¨"my grandma told me ¨ he would say completely strange things like ¨ the flowers grow cuz of sun ¨ he would also randomly say ¨he went to his grandma's house¨ but our grandma at the time lived in Seattle and we lived in Vegas ......
This is completely normal, kids say things like this very often. Every one of my 4 kids has done this and every single one of my nieces nephews and friends kids too, Don't freak out :)
alrighty then that happened. Ima go try to forget all of this now so that I can sleep tonight
Idk, for me it’s kinda comforting, like the ones with the grandparents were sweet in a way. That might just be me tho
yeah I mean it just depends. My brother talks about japan all the time and my grandma thinks he used to be japanese in his past life
When I was a child, I lived in Japan for 3 years. I am 70 now, and if I got to pick one place on Earth to live it would be there.
My sister told me when she was younger, she had dreams that she was this old man with a long beard driving a motorcycle out in the middle of nowhere. I myself vividly remember sitting in the back of a truck being told to be patient, i'll be there soon. I arrived at a farm and was forced into working. My job was to pick tomatoes for an Italian restaurant owned by 2 bald men with mustaches named Chad and Jason. I also remember watching them argue in the doorway when i was helping deliver tomatoes.
I have always believed that babies are born with full abilities that let them see the past and future and other entities we are unable to see , but as they get older these abilities fade away. Never underestimate what a child says cause more often than not they are speaking the truth .
Sometimes i have dreams that feel as if they happened but I know that they haven't happened in this life because no one I know remembers these same events.
the only thing like this that i know of is a memory i have. i’m alone, driving a ‘61 mustang down a dirt road. it’s windy, and the car is blue. then a flash, a crunch, and screaming. then the memory ends
When I was a kid my imaginary friend was my twin sister, she made me write letters to my mom saying she missed her and does not blame her for not being with us and that she was not dead but lives in another country (France) When I grew up I found out that my mom was pregnant with twins (vanishing twin syndrome) I was the only one to fully develop. My mom nearly died giving birth because of that and I understood why she was shook when she read those letters.
I feel like some of what's written here, especially about kids, could be genetic memory, nothing paranormal.
A friend’s son, about 4, saw 2 men playing chess in a park…had never seen chess, and didn’t watch tv. He watched and then said to his parents “this is just like the game ___ i used to play in Egypt.” They researched and indeed there was a game with that name, very similar to chess, which was played in ancient Egypt. These are not woowoo people…
For all of you interested in more about reincarnation, past lives, etc. without a religious perspective, check out this space on Quora from this guy named Richard Martini! He's been fairly scientifically researching this stuff for over a decade, and he's got some pretty cool answers to share: https://hackingtheafterlife.quora.com/?ch=10&oid=1859&share=396067ef&srid=uxIV3q&target_type=tribe
Me and my sister never actually talked about our past lives...so this one might be our first
I think kids remember their past lives/heaven/where they came from for a while after they're born and simply outgrow them. My daughter used to talk to the "pretty faces" in her room after lights out. She was about 2-3. When she say a picture of angels she told me those were "her" faces! Didn't remember anything about it by the time she was 5 or so.
I moved house when I was ten without warning, I forgot my past life in the old town totally...until 45 yrs later someone reminded me on FB from the old town.....I have moved across town several times and each time I forgot the previous neighbourhood...you are too busy with your new life..so its the same with reincarnations I guess..
I have one! When I was little I used to dream about climbing a smaller mountain or rock wall of some kind, I mean really vivid dreams: I could feel the rock surface against my nails and the physical strain in my arms and legs, and also how I fell down and died. I apparently talked about this a lot with my family when I was very little (like 3) which I don't remember but my family does, and when I was a bit older (5-6) I used to dream about it which I do remember. It was a really scary dream that I had for years, and while it may be a common dream with a perfectly reasonable psychological explaination behind it, I still think that it was created from memories.
Probably because remembering how you died isn't a very pleasant thing...
I used to talk about being abandoned under a bridge as a little girl. I had such a vivid memory had I was left under a bridge by my old parents, and it was raining outside and I was scared and crying and then some man came to pick me up and took me somewhere. I'm sure I mentioned it when I was a kid and I was told that it was just a dream. It felt so real though. I did also have a painting in my room of a sad little girl and I used to say that that's how I felt when I was left under the bridge. TBH out of all the theories I do like reincarnation the most and I hope it's real.
I saw one theory that "the light" you see when you die is the light of the hospital room/ place of your next life, and you cry because you still remember your past life and how you died. As you get older, you forget your past life, which might explain why it usually only happens to young children.
take a look at these links, Pandas: https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/boy-says-he-remembers-past-life-hollywood-agent-n327506 https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-ryan-hammons-now-how-did-marty-martyn-die/ https://www.jimbtucker.com/return-to-life.html if you get a grip on what they are saying here, you will be shocked, moved, and perhaps be a better person for it all... Enjoy!
One time when I was little I had a dream all in cartoon. Maybe I lived in a cartoon in a past life.
They always do this lol. Any post that says "this internet group", is a list of similar pictures, etc is a reddit post. Personally I don't mind it too much though, since most websites are just passing stuff around anyways and personally I find the bp community much more approachable than reddit.
I have something kind of like this where I do or see something and then feel like I did or saw that thing before. It's kind of creepy.
i don't know what to think of some of these, but a lot of them seem like toddler gibberish
Ah yes, stories from the internet that are impossible to verify and yet are touted as fact. My favorite.
Yes, and I think there are a lot of things in the spiritual realm that we just won't understand til we get to the other side. Remember, we see "through a glass, darkly, then we shall see face to face." (1 Cor. 13:12) Some things just won't make sense this side of heaven. This is one of them, in my opinion.
I actually remember a past life. I was on a swing, and my hair flung in front of my face, then I saw a flash of a past life. So pretty much, when my hair went in front of my face, I heard a ton of gunshots, and I saw many dead bodies, on a big hilly dirt field. I was laying there, seeing my best friend die in front of me, and I was just sitting there, dying, but still seeing everything. A war was going on. I used to be a soldier. I stopped swinging immediately after, a chill down my spine. I just sat there for a while, taking in what I had just seen.
I remember mine as well. I was a man. My friends and I were cattle ranchers. One day, we couldn't find any water. All my cows died. My family was struggling. Many years later, I went to this city, and I was in a bar. It was... strange. I had been walking out when suddenly I felt lightheaded, and my back and jaw were aching. I didn't think anything of it... but suddenly the world when black. Later I looked up the symptoms and the story, and I found a news article. The exact same story. I -the man- had had a heartattack. It was... I don't know a word good enough to describe it.
I had one too, I was a man working day and night in a mineshaft, 27 walked in, and 26 walked out, all I remember is a pain in my chest
What would you expect from a person's profile name being Logic and Reason?
I dont remember mine well, but I remember talking about it. I used to talk about how my other family “didn’t like me or my girlfriend” I had no idea what lgbtq was, but i described a happy high school relationship with another girl. I talked about how i hid it, but decided one day to tell my family the truth. The one thing i still remember is the moment my “past father” held a crucifix to my head and told me that witches have no right to live. I also described being shot with “daddy’s best rifle. My parents were understandably freaked out.
Most people will see these and think of past lives and reincarnation, but what if it's about paralel dimensions? I mean, it's sci-fi, but there are actual studies about paralel worlds, and I don't see how are these less real than religion based theories.
First thing I would do, if a child of mine ever mentioned their past life, is start researching the particulars of what they talk about. I wouldn’t freak out, but be just dying of curiosity. I would also try to see if they remembered any real details, like a name or place. I would just have to know, and if the event happened during a time when newspapers and other sources were abundant, so may have recorded the event, or at least the obituary with a few details. I would follow everything until I either had an answer or hit the final dead end.
I do think that sometimes you need to take some of these with a grain of salt. I was a weird kid, but I know that I would say things like some of these, knowing they were not true. It was just imagination and being able to say things.
Children who are around the ages of 3 and 4 are capable of lying but not to this degree. There is no way they can recall this much detail in explaining events. Their brains have not developed enough to recite such detail or remember stories such as these from either hearing about them or watching them on TV. It is possible that you, Jennifer .S were much older than you remember when you made up your stories.
IDK if this counts but every now and again things will happen in my dream like certain convos and where we are etc. Months even years later my dream will come true. Like we have that exact convo in the exact spot. At first, I thought it was a weird coincidence but it's happened over a dozen times!!!
I've had this too, so many times. Sleep paralysis visions that have come true, the worst of being strangled and almost a video clip of where the body was found (and it came true, even down to the policeman and the trees surrounding my body), I dreamt and foresaw both of my son's motorbike accidents - he wouldn't listen so I was unable to prevent them. I dream of babies and know people are pregnant before they do, and the baby's gender - the list goes on! But at times, due to my anxiety, I have dark imaginings and thought patterns and it can be hard to know if they're a warning or just me. My nanna also had a lot of premonitions so I'm sure it's from her - not always sure I want it though!
I’ve had something very similar happen 3 separate times in my life. And it was such a random dream that had nothing to do with anything going on in my life at the time. But it was kinda spooky and interesting at the same time when the thing happened in real life and I remembered it happening in a dream.
Actually something similar happened once with me and twice with my mum. I had a dream of a street corner and road in Munich that I had never been to... two years later, we drove past it and it was just like in the dream. For all you sceptics, my Mum dreamt once of this small village in France (she lived in England, so definetely didn't have the possibility of stumbling across it like I did) and when she drove past it with a couple of friends, she just knew her way around (e.g. where the bakery was). I definetely believe you that this happens! Isn't it strange!?
When I was 14 I dreamed that my 3rd brother died. I was informed over the phone by a family friend. I was upset the entire day--despite the fact that I didn't have a 3rd brother. Not to worry, 3 years later & an accidental pregnancy, my mom at the age of almost 41 gives birth to a 3rd son--who dies before his 17th birthday. It wasn't the last precognitive dream I had--just the worst. I've had 4 types of precognitive things happen also. Sudden knowledge. Visions--well, I had one vision. One's enough as far as I'm concerned. And the fourth was remembering something before it happened. I got up one day, convinced that something had happened, but unable to remember 'when' it had happened. Finally that night--it happened. The second one happens the most frequently--sudden knowledge.
kids have a lot of dreams (and nightmares) when they sleep. And sometimes they remember something, and they dont care and dont think about if it was real or part of a dream.
Kids hallucinate a lot more than we think. Studies have shown that almost two thirds of kids have had a "psychotic like experience"... the thing is, parents often write it off as an "active imagination". It is a normal part of brain development, and isn't a cause for concern... but considering the stigma of hallucinations, many parents who realize their kids ARE seeing things don't talk about it, because of how others would respond.
Agreed. But a lot of these reference things kids wouldn't know much about. Doesn't preclude someone mentioning, say, people falling off a boat and being eaten by sharks, but that's so specific. It's fascinting too, that it seems to happen a lot at this age (3-4) and then pretty much stops.
I have experienced several reincarnation memories in my time. One time I remember getting shot with an arrow, sitting on a castle wall and just fading away and thinking, "Oh, this isn't so bad." With help from a historian, I was able to describe the castle and the landscape, and we narrowed it down to this one place, but it didn't have the wall I described. After more research, it turned out the wall was there, but had sunk into the marshes and was now under water. I don't know why people are scared or freaked out by the idea of reincarnation. I think it's kind of nice that we can keep finding the people we love to share our many lives with them.
I remember that I drowned in my past life, I think it was the middle of the ocean, but I remember looking up as I was sinking down and it was pretty peaceful. But I don't know why I did it, like I have no clue. Or why I was in the middle of the ocean, I had a sense of fear thinking about it.
When I was a kid, I used to have a recurring dream that I was a very young, very scared German fighter pilot in the waning days of WW2 and the dream would always end with a "thump" and a smell of burning rubber and I'd pat my abdomen in confusion and see fresh blood on my glove. Then the plane would roll into a left-hand spin but my hands would feel like lead so I couldn't do anything about it and I'd wake up with a feeling of overwhelming sadness. As I got older the dream faded, but I got obsessed with model making and even later I took up flying for real, but the moment which bought it all back is when I was a teenager and had the chance to check out a WW2 fighter cockpit for in a museum - now, at this point, I had already sat in cockpits numerous times, because of my interest in aircraft, but they'd all been jets. This wasn't even a German fighter but a Soviet one, but the smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I was right back in my childhood, dreaming about being shot down.
One of my oldest memories is a "nightmare" I remember when I was about 3. It rattled me for the whole next few days and according to my mom, I hardly said a word an sat in a corner all day. I was sucked in into a short drainpipe while swimming, and couldn't escape from what looked like a turbine. It appears I got sucked into a pumping station's archimedes screw. I told my mom how I died in a previous life. I still can see these images vividly and it still unsettles me.
My theory is that all kids can remember their past lives until they are about 4 (sometimes longer sometimes shorter) and that some kids like to talk about it but some don't want to then eventually they forget their past lives.
I also remember a past life. I was a little girl and my mother was crying because my little siblings had died. She kept telling me that I had brought home the illness and it was my fault they were dead. She had a very strange accent (it was Irish, but I was four, and had never heard one before). I used to tell my mom all about it, and she would always change the subject. Last summer, when I was 16, she finally told me that my great grandmother had migrated from Ireland with her family, and had indeed brought home an illness that killed her younger siblings. Still think about it sometimes at night.
A couple of years ago, my aunt passed away and my little brother has told us on many occasions that he sees her from time to time. I at first thought that he was just saying something, but then I remembered that little kids can see stuff like this.
Something similar happened to my aunt. My little cousin always told my aunt that she played with an 'angel'. My aunt didn't think much of it since they're aware that little kids often have imaginary friends. One day my little cousin saw a picture of my aunt's brother, who had passed away several years before she was born, and she told my aunt that that was the angel.
Kids brains are like sponges, they absorb everything. You may think kids can't see what you're watching or hear what you're saying but they pick up on everything. Add that to an already overactive imagination and playing with equally imaginative kids and you get stories like these.
We visited an old castle and my little girl who has learning disabilities stood under the gallows and mimed being hanged. Like, hand above her head as if holding the rope, tipped her head to one side and stuck her tongue out. She only watches pre-school TV and we monitor her online content really carefully, and she certainly would not see that at her special school. I don't know and prefer not to think about it too much.
I think I was 10 or 11 and we were on vacation driving somewhere in the car. We were going through Iowa and went through a town called West Union where I had never been before (never been there since either!). I suddenly got the sense I had lived there in the early part of the 20th century, that my name had been Rebecca, and that I had died in the flu pandemic of 1918. That's really all I remember about it except that I was about 15 when I died.
I love these kinds of stories, whether they're true or not. I've always thought that you have a certain amount of lives you live - those talkative people who get along with other people and have great social skills are the people who have lived many lives.... then the shy, quiet people with no social skills (like me) are only on their first lives...cause they've had less experience :)
When I was three or so and my parents would punish me for whatever, I would always say the same thing "you're not my real parents". I am not adopted. I would tell stories of my life in California, but we lived in Virginia. I knew my California address and gave very detailed descriptions of a place I had never seen. My dad asked why I was with him and my mom if I missed California and I looked him in the eye and said "cuz I'm dead there"I had a seizure at 4 and never mentioned it again
Do you remember the address / description you made as a kid? Did you ever go to California and check? I myself would be soooo interested if I had such memories.
I don't remember the address and neither does my dad (my mom died over a decade ago) but he says the details I gave were way too much to be my imagination. It was the late '70's so they couldn't really Google the stuff I said. He did remember that I said I was blonde and lived on the beach and died in a car crash. I've also had two different "psychics" tell me that I died early in my past life, violently.
I have always believed in past life’s/ reincarnation even as a kid, before I knew what it was. I remember the first time I learned about the Holocaust being devastated, tearful and thinking that I died in a concentration camp previously. Also I am 49 and I still get nervous going through intersections .. thinking I died in a car crash ( in a previous life) Finally I think my cat is the reincarnation of my husbands mother. She passed away from cancer around the time we got our kitten (19 years ago) and she has always watched over the family in a grandmother way.
I had two of these instances myself. I have dreams of two places. One was a dark area in an urban setting, with only a few lights. Every now and then, I find myself exploring a bit more of the area than before--the last real spot I recall was a loading dock. Another dream that was really vivid and repeated itself when I was a kid was me around 10 years old running through a field. I tripped in a hole, hurt my ankle, tried to crawl around, but got bitten by a snake and died in the field. I still hate fields in the Midwest because it gives me the heebie jeebies. Oddly, when I was young, I was told that I would just stand near the edges of those fields with a thousand-yard stare and refused to go further.
I was a Native American boy and hiding under a bush because soldiers had killed the rest of my tribe. A soldier found me and shot me. I remember the fear, the bullet going in and dying. Everything went black. I was about 4 when I had this flashback. I've always felt an affinity with Native Americans. Still do.
My son,David, said several creepy things. I only had one child and I was 41 when I had him. David came up to me when he was 3. He said that he had been flying around up there for a long time until I had him....!!!!
Ok I know somebody will have something to say about this so here goes. I do not believe in ghosts or reincarnation. I do however believe in demons.
the main thing to remember when you become aware of a past life is that you are living in the here and now. You are not living in the past. All the life lessons you must accomplish are native to this present life, not one you lived before. So don't go back to trying to live out extra chapters in a past lifetime if you become aware of it. The only real advantage seems that it is easier to come to terms with a violent trauma in a former lifetime if you become aware of it. Accept it, let it go, and then move on in your present lifetime of spiritual learning of lessons and spiritual progress.
I had a past life where I was living in the area where Vikings would live and I think my final words were "I wanna be a dancer." I'm 12.
So here's the thing : When we are dying there is that light we see, well people have claimed to see, what if that light we are drawn to, that tunnel with the light at the end of, is indeed a real tunnel with real light. As we are dying our energy, our soul if you like, if moved from our old and now dead body into a new fresh just being born body?? After all the First Law of Physics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed......
It's just the process of your brain dying. That's all. You no longer exist.
I find it kind of creepy that whenever I hear old music, like from the 70's, I get nostalgic feelings...even though I'm only a teenager...
@Logic and Reason You don't know how wrong you are. I'm a psychic medium. Not only have I am aware of my past lifetimes, I have read many other people's past lifetimes. It actually solves a lot of questions that they had. I will give you a reading if you are interested. I do them over the phone. No charge for you. Let me know in the comments if you are interested.
I’m alright, thanks though. I’m not saying that I think reincarnation is impossible because I honestly have no idea; I’m just saying that personal anecdotes from anonymous people on the internet shouldn’t really be used as proof.
I know this is weird but this gives me so many book ideas. Also kinda reminds me of A Dogs Purpose.
I was little, 5 or 6, my mom tells me this story. So I was playing on a swing, and it hit me in the face, knocking out my two front teeth. My mom was kinda bad with blood, so she cried and asked me if I was okay. I just looked at her and was like, "Yeah, I'm fine, it happened before, but it was Momma that pushed the swing. She laughed after I cried." I'm Telugu. I have only ever called my mom Amma or Mother (when I am being sarcastic)...
1. When I was three -Had no idea what a shark was and they were never mentioned in my house- I would sing a song that went like this: I once had a daughter, she fell in the water, and then the shark got her and brought her home. 2. I would tell my mom that I was her mother once and she was my daughter but then she fell in the water and the shark ate her. 3. I have brief memories of being at a beach and people screaming and seeing sharks in the water. 4. My parents had this cat, Peppy, and he would walk on his toes. I walk on my toes without noticing I do it and I grew up doing it. It feels natural to me. I often walk like a cat and make no sound when I walk unintentionally. Also, my parents also think that I am a reincarnation of one of their past cats. I often act the same as they did and once I heard them saying that I might be.
I remember drowning after a night of gambling I think I was a gambling addict who didn't have the money and was killed by some other people one with red streaky hair and two more
99% of those involved were 3-4. Is that the frequent susceptible age?
I remember I had the weirdest dream. (Most of the MY and I's are me. It was like I could see out of someone's eyes but I couldn't control them they kept doing whatever.;) I wake up in a bed, it isn't MY room MY room has pictures and a cute little desk. But I just continue to get up a women I don't know comes in and says, "Oh, I was just coming to wake you up. Well get ready, you have school." I could feel a similar presence like I knew this woman and had been with her all my life. Whoever it is nods, and walks over to a vanity I catch a glance of myself in a mirror. I have long brown hair (like I do now) and beautiful green eyes. We continue to walk and get dressed in leggings and a T-shirt (I totally approve of the outfit, it's something I wear which creeps me out.) I slip on a pair of socks they're white. I go to the mirror and brush my hair. There's more but BP only allows me to type so much.
According to my mother, when I was about 2-3, I was driving with my mom, and I started talking about my other family. She asked more, and I said that I used to live with a family on the mountains, and they got sick, and I came to live with them. I do not remember saying this, and I have always believed in reincarnation, I think it might be true...
Kids like imagining things. They pick up names and things from TV, books, from other people's conversations and sometimes like to imagine they are somebody else. I used to do it too, but all those things were completely made up - I didn't actually "remember" anything. So, I guess, most of those, especially something non-specific like "I used to have three brothers" or "I used to work in a big office" are just products of a child's imagination. I mean, it's still a pretty interesting read, but I wouldn't take it seriously.
ok relatable :when my brother was 3-4 he would say ¨"my grandma told me ¨ he would say completely strange things like ¨ the flowers grow cuz of sun ¨ he would also randomly say ¨he went to his grandma's house¨ but our grandma at the time lived in Seattle and we lived in Vegas ......
This is completely normal, kids say things like this very often. Every one of my 4 kids has done this and every single one of my nieces nephews and friends kids too, Don't freak out :)
alrighty then that happened. Ima go try to forget all of this now so that I can sleep tonight
Idk, for me it’s kinda comforting, like the ones with the grandparents were sweet in a way. That might just be me tho
yeah I mean it just depends. My brother talks about japan all the time and my grandma thinks he used to be japanese in his past life
When I was a child, I lived in Japan for 3 years. I am 70 now, and if I got to pick one place on Earth to live it would be there.
My sister told me when she was younger, she had dreams that she was this old man with a long beard driving a motorcycle out in the middle of nowhere. I myself vividly remember sitting in the back of a truck being told to be patient, i'll be there soon. I arrived at a farm and was forced into working. My job was to pick tomatoes for an Italian restaurant owned by 2 bald men with mustaches named Chad and Jason. I also remember watching them argue in the doorway when i was helping deliver tomatoes.
I have always believed that babies are born with full abilities that let them see the past and future and other entities we are unable to see , but as they get older these abilities fade away. Never underestimate what a child says cause more often than not they are speaking the truth .
Sometimes i have dreams that feel as if they happened but I know that they haven't happened in this life because no one I know remembers these same events.
the only thing like this that i know of is a memory i have. i’m alone, driving a ‘61 mustang down a dirt road. it’s windy, and the car is blue. then a flash, a crunch, and screaming. then the memory ends
When I was a kid my imaginary friend was my twin sister, she made me write letters to my mom saying she missed her and does not blame her for not being with us and that she was not dead but lives in another country (France) When I grew up I found out that my mom was pregnant with twins (vanishing twin syndrome) I was the only one to fully develop. My mom nearly died giving birth because of that and I understood why she was shook when she read those letters.
I feel like some of what's written here, especially about kids, could be genetic memory, nothing paranormal.
A friend’s son, about 4, saw 2 men playing chess in a park…had never seen chess, and didn’t watch tv. He watched and then said to his parents “this is just like the game ___ i used to play in Egypt.” They researched and indeed there was a game with that name, very similar to chess, which was played in ancient Egypt. These are not woowoo people…
For all of you interested in more about reincarnation, past lives, etc. without a religious perspective, check out this space on Quora from this guy named Richard Martini! He's been fairly scientifically researching this stuff for over a decade, and he's got some pretty cool answers to share: https://hackingtheafterlife.quora.com/?ch=10&oid=1859&share=396067ef&srid=uxIV3q&target_type=tribe
Me and my sister never actually talked about our past lives...so this one might be our first
I think kids remember their past lives/heaven/where they came from for a while after they're born and simply outgrow them. My daughter used to talk to the "pretty faces" in her room after lights out. She was about 2-3. When she say a picture of angels she told me those were "her" faces! Didn't remember anything about it by the time she was 5 or so.
I moved house when I was ten without warning, I forgot my past life in the old town totally...until 45 yrs later someone reminded me on FB from the old town.....I have moved across town several times and each time I forgot the previous neighbourhood...you are too busy with your new life..so its the same with reincarnations I guess..
I have one! When I was little I used to dream about climbing a smaller mountain or rock wall of some kind, I mean really vivid dreams: I could feel the rock surface against my nails and the physical strain in my arms and legs, and also how I fell down and died. I apparently talked about this a lot with my family when I was very little (like 3) which I don't remember but my family does, and when I was a bit older (5-6) I used to dream about it which I do remember. It was a really scary dream that I had for years, and while it may be a common dream with a perfectly reasonable psychological explaination behind it, I still think that it was created from memories.
Probably because remembering how you died isn't a very pleasant thing...
I used to talk about being abandoned under a bridge as a little girl. I had such a vivid memory had I was left under a bridge by my old parents, and it was raining outside and I was scared and crying and then some man came to pick me up and took me somewhere. I'm sure I mentioned it when I was a kid and I was told that it was just a dream. It felt so real though. I did also have a painting in my room of a sad little girl and I used to say that that's how I felt when I was left under the bridge. TBH out of all the theories I do like reincarnation the most and I hope it's real.
I saw one theory that "the light" you see when you die is the light of the hospital room/ place of your next life, and you cry because you still remember your past life and how you died. As you get older, you forget your past life, which might explain why it usually only happens to young children.
take a look at these links, Pandas: https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/boy-says-he-remembers-past-life-hollywood-agent-n327506 https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-ryan-hammons-now-how-did-marty-martyn-die/ https://www.jimbtucker.com/return-to-life.html if you get a grip on what they are saying here, you will be shocked, moved, and perhaps be a better person for it all... Enjoy!
One time when I was little I had a dream all in cartoon. Maybe I lived in a cartoon in a past life.
They always do this lol. Any post that says "this internet group", is a list of similar pictures, etc is a reddit post. Personally I don't mind it too much though, since most websites are just passing stuff around anyways and personally I find the bp community much more approachable than reddit.
I have something kind of like this where I do or see something and then feel like I did or saw that thing before. It's kind of creepy.
i don't know what to think of some of these, but a lot of them seem like toddler gibberish
Ah yes, stories from the internet that are impossible to verify and yet are touted as fact. My favorite.
Yes, and I think there are a lot of things in the spiritual realm that we just won't understand til we get to the other side. Remember, we see "through a glass, darkly, then we shall see face to face." (1 Cor. 13:12) Some things just won't make sense this side of heaven. This is one of them, in my opinion.