Finding a roommate is hard enough, but actually living with one is even harder. They often have no idea you need to replace an empty toilet paper roll or clean the dishes in a somewhat timely manner. However, these and other annoying co-living problems are often the results of the lack of communication. For some reason, our tongues find it almost impossible to tell our housemate in an adult manner that something is bothering us, instead choosing to say it in a very passive-aggressive way. Bored Panda has put together a list of hilariously funny messages roommates have ever left, showing that you can only avoid addressing an issue for so long. Scroll down to check out how creative we get when we're pissed off, and upvote your favorite passive-aggressive roommate! Also, if you want more funny examples of how to make "subtle" comments, fire up these funny notes from office coworkers.
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My Roommate Put This On Our Fridge
What's Been Happening Lately
Left A Romantic Surprise For My Roommate
My Roommate Put This On Our Shower Door, After Being Yelled At For Not Locking It
Dear Gary, Please Do Me
One Of My Roommates Just Posted These In Each Of Our Bathrooms
You Seem Stressed
I Told My Roommate He Was Putting The Tp On Backwards And Then I Find This
My Friend And His Roommates Disagree
How To Be Passive-Aggressive
A Housemate's Note
I wonder how she collected all that cat p**s? I also wonder: do I wanna know?
Here's Hoping My Housemates Have A Sense Of Humor
My Roommate Leaves Me Notes To Remind Me To Do Chores. This Makes Him Angry
My Roommate Trimmed His Beard Over The Sink. After It Clogged We Made Him Clean It. Came Home To This
Aw, poor guy! But at least he got the job done and cleared his name, lol.
I would be really mad if someone did this to me... I would seek revenge!.. XD
I Live With Three Other Guys And This Is What My Girlfriend Left On Our Dryer
How My Buddy Reminds His Roommates To Pay Their Rent
Well, this one is quite intelligent if you think about it. Change it every time on due date.
This Guy Turned His Roommate’s Mess Into A “Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery”
I'm thinking I should to this to my husband... A few years ago I taped a note on his study door saying "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here", since his study is ALWAYS an absolute stinky mess. He thought it was hilarious and kept the note up for months until it fell off on its own.
Roommate Replaced My Mario Doodle With A Word Of The Day On Our White Board
Is Roommate Shaming A Thing?
Quick Bit Of Passive Aggressive Photoshop I Threw Together Tonight For My Housemates
I Moved Into My Girlfriend's Apartment Today And Her Roommate Baked Me A Cake
My Roommate Gave Me The Rent Money Today
Roommate Rarely Contributes, Decided To Keep My TP In My Room And See How Long This Stays
Passive-Aggressive Beverages
Since Sara Decided Not To Do The Dishes
Since Sara decided not to do her dishes, we won't be seeing any more of Sara...
Just Checking
What Happens When Your Housemate Has A Wax Seal And Trust Issues
Asked My Roommate To Fix The Doorknob. Came Home To This. Ain't Even Mad
This Is How My Roommate Tells Me We Need More Milk
Passive Aggressive Roommates
I Love College Dorm Life
Passive-Aggressive Roommate Preparing For Valentines Day
Someone I'm My Girlfriend's House Keeps Leaving The Front Door Open. She Asked Me To Write A Passive-Aggressive Note
My Roommate Says I Have No Taste In Art. Let's See What She Thinks Of This
Roommate's Pumpkins. Delicately Drawing The Line Between Passive-Aggressive Post-It Notes And Reasonable Reminders
My Roommate Is Always Leaving Passive Aggressive Notes About What She Does Around The House. Thought I'd Join In
I Woke Up To Find This This Morning. The Best Passive-Aggressive Note From Any Roommate Ever
To My Owner
When Your Housemates Steal Your Cheese
Message In A Roommate's Drawer
In The Morning This Note Was Passed Under My Door. I Am Thinking Of Having It Framed
OH, sexual! I thought it said "serval" and I was very confused as to how often a person talked about visiting small Arfican wildcats.
My Roommates Said They Left Me A Slice
Check The Dryer's Filter
Toy-Let Story
I Live With Three Girls. Forgot Once To Put The Toilet Seat Down In Four Months
A Limerick
There once was a girl who read a note Then she laughed, she sounds like a goat She thought this was so funny That her nose got all runny And she decided to upvote
When Passive-Aggressive Meets The Roommate That Resorts To Using Tissues Before Replacing The Toilet Paper Roll (Repeatedly)
Roommate Got Tired Of Our Shit
What My Roommates Forced Me To Do
Jason, You Might Want To Check Your Car
This is surprisingly, surprising... I speak from experience, having once lost a package of pork chops in the car on my way home from the grocery. Two days later...smelled like roadkill in my car.
This Is How I Passive-Aggressively Remind My Housemates To Wash Up
New Roommate Is Apparently Leaving Me Subtle, Passive-Aggressive Reminders Now
My Roommate's Girl Friend Had Been Staying With Us And I've Been Waking Up To A Hot Ass House So I Posted This On The Thermostat
My Roommate May Or May Not Be Sexist
Since Moving Into Halls For The First Year Of University, Our Hygiene Skills Have Gone Downhill, To Say The Least. Finally, One Of Our Roommates Cracked And Cleaned Up The Rotting Mess. Or So We Thought
Our Roommate Went Away On A Tropical Vacation, And Wasn't Very Civil About It. So We Made Sure He Never Would Have To Leave Paradise
This Could Be A Hint That Your Former Housemates Have Grown Weary Of You Treating Their Home As A Rent-Free Walk-In Closet
good job and if this persists put it all out in the drive for a take away
My Flatmate Stuck This Up, I Feel Like He's Trying To Tell Me Something
Coming Soon, From Pixar
I could seem them doing a movie on this.. "Life of Your Empty and Used Things"
Jesus Doesn't Steal
My Roommate Just Put This On Our Door
Passive-Agressive Roommate Level 9000
lol Reminds me of a similar image with a wifi signal that said something like "It's this one, mom."
Roommate Hung This Sign Over Our Kitchen Sink
I Know Who's Not Getting A Merit Badge For Sharing...
My Friend Is Passive Aggressive, His Roommate Is Just A Dick
In The Time It Took You To Print On A Post-It You Could Have Just Loaded The Dishwasher
People are seriously complaining about just lightly scrubbing dishes and putting them on the dishwasher? And here I thought they actually had to wash them. Way lazier than I even thought was possible.
Buy Your Own Rice
Well, Someone's Feeling A Little Chippy
Up Next, On Bananas With Low Self-Esteem
Aw!!! There's a banana at my home in the same situation. Now this made me feel sad... Banana for dinner, I guess.
Hey Hot Stuff
But If I clean the sinks they will look hotter than me. There is no way I'm taking that risk
Not Queen
A Month Ago My Roommate Wrote Me A Passive-Aggressive Note About Doing The Dishes. He Never Does The Dishes
Ramen Pedicure, Anyone?
A Little Peevish, Aren't We?
I Think I've Won The Passive-Aggresive War Of 2015
My Roommate Always Forgets To Flush The Toilet. This Was My Solution
The Easter Bunny Is Such A Passive-Aggressive Little Bugger
Passive-Aggressive Mr. T
My Roommate Hid This In My Sock Drawer. I'm Jewish
I'm hoping this was a joke between you two, and he's not seriously expressing ignorance and anti-semitism.
I Was Upset My Roommates Threw Away My Pizza So I Left Them A Small Note
My Housemate Doesn't Wash His Dishes. So I Left Him I Note. In Pretzel Salt
This Is My Pot!
Return My Things Please
This New Reminder Clearly Has Been Working For My Housemates
With 17 Roommates, It Could Have Been Worse
Please Resubmit Your Inquiry After It Has Been Properly Notarized. Regards, Your Flatmates
Shame that the question mark is in the wrong place after taking the time to write a formal letter.
How I Pay Rent To My Roommates
Why be a d**k about something that everyone has the responsibility to do?
You Can't Spare Three Squares?
Housemates Always Leave The Sink Cluttered, So I Left This
My Friend's Roommate Situation In College
...And that's why I have my own apartment. I don't want to take care of somebody else's mess.
...And that's why I have my own apartment. I don't want to take care of somebody else's mess.