Probably many of us have dreamt from our teen years to have a love story and live happily ever after as we have seen in films. However, as we grow a bit older, we understand that such perfect love stories that we always saw on TV don’t really exist. And to keep a relationship healthy and long-lasting, it requires a lot of effort from both of the partners. 

However, sometimes it may seem that we have finally met the person with whom we are going to spend the rest of our lives. But well - all it takes is for them to do something that makes us immediately realize that this person is in fact, not “the one” for us.

If you enjoy stories on why somebody broke up - buckle up! One Reddit user started a thread online asking folks to share things that happened and led them to realize that their partner, in fact, is not their person after all.

More info: Reddit


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When he started physically hurting my dog.

Naive-Bong , ready made Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When she introduced me to her rich ex-boyfriend

Which led her to reveal to me that she had actually sent him nudes during their prior relationship.

I didn't mind, though. He was her boyfriend before me, after all. Their past was their past and I was actually glad she trusted me with that information.

Then I asked her how come I hadn't gotten something like that yet and the answer was "well, maybe if you could afford me nice gifts I'd have sent you something by now"

Boy, did I IMMEDIATELY realize she was not the one.

Riddle_Snowcraft , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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Captain McSmoot
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow. So she'll open up for money. There's a word for that. What is it?... Oh, that's right: prostitute. She's a prostitute.

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Bored Panda got in touch with relationship coach Amie Leadingham and she shared a few common signs that a partner may, in fact, not be “the one":

“Not having similar life visions, core values, goals and priorities,” she stated. “If there are fundamental differences in what you both want out of life, this can lead to ongoing conflict and disagreements.”


Also, if there is a lack of emotional connection and intimacy. “Vulnerability creates connection, so if you don't feel seen, understood, and cherished by your partner, the relationship may not be fulfilling in the long run,” Leadingham emphasized.


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ There were many moments, but this one was on of the few that stood out.

We were watching the Barbie movie. A double date, and due to my movie rewards I got all four tickets and got everyone discounted food. I was really excited for this movie too. It was all good until the about “depressed Barbie”. Basically a satire commercial about a Barbie that’s depressed.

My then boyfriend started laughing manically and pointed at me, saying “that’s her! That’s her !” Then leaned over me to try to get the other couple attention while gesturing at me. He was almost in tears like it was the biggest joke and I was the funniest punchline. I struggled so much with depression and having him just laugh at me, made that moment drag on. I realized throughout our 10 year relationship he’s never tried to understand me or my mental health but he thought my feelings were laughable, and deserved ridicule and tried to get others to join in… Something broke in me that night. I couldn’t really enjoy the rest of the movie and it’s one I’ll forever associate with that moment of hurt and embarrassment. I knew then that the person who truly loves me would never purposefully make feel that way.

SunflowerChild_0811 , Engin Akyurt Report

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Lila Allen
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Um I think a lot of your depression might ease once you're away from that pathetic excuse for a human. You deserve so so so much better.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ He screamed at me in public in front of our friends when I beat him at a board game.

Natalia1702 , Maria Lin Kim Report

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Charlotte Sandoval
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was told that before you get married you should do 3 things together. Build a piece of furniture, babysit a child, and play a board game. Each thing is supposed to reveal a hidden side so you can really know the person before you live together

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She added that struggling to resolve conflicts in a healthy way may be a sign that your partner is not the right person for you. “All couples disagree at times, but an inability to work through issues collaboratively is a red flag. It is not only love that keeps a relationship together, it is how a couple fights and resolves their conflicts.”

And the last one - a lack of trust and honesty. “Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Secrets, lies and betrayals can erode the foundation of the relationship.”

Now, I am sure there are many people out there who understand that they are dating ‘not the one’ for them and feel unhappy, however are hesitant to end the relationship. Well, about that, Leadingham noted that it is essential to recognize and understand our own needs within a relationship. “Take the time to deeply reflect on which of your needs are not being fulfilled by your partner.”


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When she left me because I got sad that my friend died. We were engaged.

ItsAllinYourHeadComx , Alena Darmel Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She wasn't the one, fella. It hurts now but you'll recover and find the one eventually.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ 4 yrs ago when a fifteen year old girl DMed me on instagram after trying to find a way to contact me about how my bf (at the time) was begging her for nudes. yeah.

Objective-Fix8925 , cottonbro studio Report

She explained that if, for example, your relationship is facing challenges in terms of intimacy, it’s possible that your partner is unaware of their shortcomings in this area. “It is your responsibility to clearly communicate your needs to your partner to ensure they are met.”

The relationship coach emphasized that we cannot expect our partners to intuitively know what we require without expressing it. “Have an honest conversation with your partner about your thoughts and feelings.”  

And if after communicating, your needs are still not being met and you realize that this is a non-negotiable for you, it may be necessary to consider ending the relationship. “By doing so, you create space for someone who can truly fulfill your needs and contribute to your happiness,” Leadingham pointed out.


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I realized he doesn't take no for an answer for ANYTHING.

mochi_chan , Monstera Production Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I felt a sense of dread when coming home to her, or when I was at home and she was coming home to me. Wondering what triviality she would be angry about this time.

BubbhaJebus , RDNE Stock project Report

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"Disembodied voice"
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Understandable, if you feel exhausted around them and have to walk on egg shells then it's not a good relationship. I also found that out a little late with an ex...

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I made him a surprise and I bought him some gym shorts and he didn’t like them and started to throw a tantrum in my face telling me like how dumb he looks in the shorts and how he would never wear them at all because “look at how stupid they are”. He then threw the package box in my face (and that was the moment I knew I had to run).

AsleepDay_ , Jakob Owens Report

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6 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

WOW!!! Seems like the little guy was having some big emotions he couldn’t handle. Puberty is a tough & confusing time!!!

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Finally, it’s no surprise that like everything else, there are quite a few misconceptions about finding ‘the one’. 

The first misconception is that “there is a perfect person out there for everyone,” the relationship coach shared. “In reality, successful relationships take work, growth and commitment from both people.”

Another one is that when you meet 'the one', you will “just know”. “While some do experience love at first sight, for many it's a gradual process of building intimacy and compatibility,” she explained.

And well - if it’s “meant to be”, the relationship will be effortless. Not always. Leadingham emphasized that all couples face challenges and working through them together is what builds depth and resilience.


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I found out that one of my close friends had suddenly died and I burst into tears, to which he said "what are you insecure about this time?" And when i said I just found out my friend died, he turned around and walked out of the room. The next day I was talking to his mum about it in the kitchen and she was comforting me, to which he again said "can you stop being insecure", and his mum practically tore him in half with words.

I left him soon after, and I'm now in a very happy and healthy relationship, with someone who also helps navigate my grief with me.

I miss his parents sometimes though, they were lovely people and deserved a better son than him.

Edit to add: worth noting we were together for almost 5 years as well, so not a new relationship or anything like that!

L-Mariee , Naomi August Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good on his parents for realizing he's a sh*tbag excuse of a BF, and good on you for finding someone better. Hopefully you and his parents can reconnect someday without bozo involved.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ This isn’t a sad or dramatic one:

We had a really good girlfriend and boyfriend type relationship, but when s**t got real and long term commitment (marriage, buying a house, having a baby) peered over the horizon we both freaked out and bailed.

Catalyst was my mate’s wedding towards the end of the relationship and I was embarrassed at how lairy and drunk she was being. She was annoyed that I was being no fun and wouldn’t dance (there was no one else on the dancefloor!)

We’re still friends now. My wife is nothing like my ex, and my ex’s new partner is nothing like me. Everyone involved made the correct decision.

SammyMacUK , Pavel Danilyuk Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've got several friends that are exes. Sometimes friendship just works better.

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So guys - don’t forget to check out Amie's website - Amie The Dating Coach!

And do you have similar personal experiences that led you to understand that your partner is not “the one”? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ She's still the "one", but her 43 year old son occupies our lives fully. Lived with us for 6 years, borrows and breaks almost everything I own, is hostile most of the time. She will not do anything to change the situation irrespective of how often I ask, so now I am going to fix it permanently. Selling my farm and divorcing her, such a shame.

ItsAllJustAHologram , Quintin Gellar Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I caught her in bed with my brother.

cmdrmcgarrett , Toa Heftiba Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I realized that every time she went away for extended time, instead of missing her I was exited that I get to have some alone time/do stuff with my friends instead of her.

Illerios1 , Alexander Ramsey Report

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Lila Allen
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like you made a good choice. I had the same moment only I was the one away. I realized that people were asking me what I wanted to do and I also realized that I'd spent 8 years utterly focused on what he wanted to do and was he happy without ever once expecting that we would do what I wanted to or that he would make any effort for me.... still feel dumb. Hope you find your person. Glad you got rid of her.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ There was a picture she painted of me years ago that hung on our wall. It was beautiful, and was like a whole bunch of blue triangles that made out my face and it's my favorite thing of me that's ever existed. Then one day after a couple bad years she got in a relatively speaking small argument with me over something and started freaking out, tore the painting off the wall and destroyed it. The argument was so pointless I couldn't even remember what it was about a week later. I know it sounds dumb but when she painted that for me at the beginning of our relationship it meant everything to me, and after multiple awful years, that was when I knew things could never go back, and that painting and image I had of myself and our love and relationship would forever be broken and unfixable.

Somewhere-Plane , Max Vakhtbovycn Report

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Dread Pirate Roberts
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Destroying the painting also reflected what she was doing to OP and their relationship.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ He started drinking a 24 case of beer by himself, would yell at me about god knows what cuz he was hammered, pass out on the floor and p**s himself. Then act like nothing happened the next day. What a winner 🙄.

EnoughGold8104 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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Anna Chandler
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a friend who dated a guy like this, except he pissed her bed. Wtf...

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I once dated a guy who PRE-gamed parties with a fifth of Jack and a half rack of beer. That was his warm-up. Also, every year he & his friends would have what they called a “winter bash.” First snow of winter they would get drunk, strip down to their drawers, go outside, and beat the ever-loving s**t out of each other. Then they’d come back inside, arms around shoulders, “I love you, man,” and drink some more while recapping the “best parts” of the fight. I’m sorry to tell all you hopeful ladies, but he’s taken.

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If he started drinking excessively at some point in your relationship, there was likely a deeper issue that needed addressing. At a minimum, addiction. I just don't think it's fair to bail on people that lose sight of what they have in order to hide from their past, or those that fall victim to addiction.

Seanette Blaylock
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Speaking from personal experience, alcoholics are hazardous to the physical and mental health of those close to them, and being "fair" to someone who CHOSE to start using addictive substances at the expense of one's own safety and well-being is just stupid.

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Array Index Out of Bounds
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My perfect relationship for my drunk a*s: A punk rock girlfriend who can drink as much or more than me and not remember our fight/argument the next day. Repeat daily. J.K. I've had this type of relationship before, and we DO NOT compliment each other.

Jessica SpeLangm
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Depending on the beer, it could have enough ABV to be water. LOL. Where I live in the USA, there's a brand that's basically considered flavored water, so drinking a 24 case of beer isn't a big deal.

Steve Hall
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If he passes out after only 24 beers, dump him, he is an amateur.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I went to the airport to pick her up, flowers in hand, and stood there until the last of the luggage had been picked up before I realized she hadn't even gotten on the plane.

ListerfiendLurks , cottonbro studio Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's super sad. Hits hard because I recently went to go see my bf, and he met me at the airport with flowers. I don't know how anyone could be that cruel.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ Being single was better than being with him. It hit me all at once like a lightning strike. I’d been so tied up in trying to appease him and get him to chill the f**k out.

ETA: I’m ok now. Therapy changed the kind of people who I attract and keep. 17 years strong with my best friend in the world.

Upvotespoodles , Verne Ho Report

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Jill Rhodry
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is what a lot of guys don't get - you're not 'competing' against other guys. She weighing up whether being with you brings more peace and personal growth then being alone.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When she threatened me with a knife and started stabbing the bed cuz I wouldn't wanna drink more with her.

FreyAlster , Alfonso Scarpa Report

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Charles McChristy
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like my ex. She trashed my house when she didn't get her way, and I could do nothing because she started slapping herself in the face and saying that she was going to call the cops and tell them I was beating her.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ We never had an okay day. We had amazing days and awful days. Never just a nice okay one. Think of always manic or always depressed, no breaks. It was tough but had to break off.

VeryNorcal , Yan Krukau Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I celebrated their growth but they were angry at mine.

Mystery-Bass-Man , Raychan Report

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Dread Pirate Roberts
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They felt threatened and were afraid of losing their feelings of superiority. Classic narcissist douchebag behavior.

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She was away for college when suddenly she stopped responding to my calls and texts. Turns out she got pregnant by someone else. I was with her for 5 years.

thr33prim3s Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I asked why she showed me no respect at all in private and in front of others and she said “oh like me respecting you is so important”

I saw her as a completely different person from then on.

Spudderz888 , Timur Weber Report

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Lila Allen
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She sounds kind of lacking.... who wants to be with someone they don't respect. Glad you're away from that.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I realized the idea of marrying him one day secretly disappointed me.

NightDreamer73 , Samantha Gades Report

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Green Machine
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Amazing how a powerful truth can appear in some quiet reflection.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When he couldn't even name ONE thing that he liked about me after 4 years of him constantly asking reassurance from my end. Don't know how I stayed for so long in the relationship constantly begging for him to actually like me even when we were together.

oneluckyfish , SHVETS production Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a friend once who always wanted me to say her that she was accomplished, beautiful and so talented. I once asked her, what good things she found about me - radio silence. Thats the last i talked to her. It felt awful.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ She hated when I wasn’t with her, and she wasn’t happy when I was.

ThisOnePlaysTooMuch , A. L. Report

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Dread Pirate Roberts
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

🎵 It's tearing up my heart when I'm with you; and when we are apart, I feel it too 🎵 .....I'll show myself out.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When he “jokingly” threatened to cheat because I hadn’t given him any in a while due issues we were having. Finally realized I didn’t love him like I told myself I did, I just held on to the fact he was my nostalgic love from middle school/high school.

shveetness , RDNE Stock project Report

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ Years, decades, too late.

She wanted a goat that would live in the house with us. One that would go hiking with us & graze. I was vehemently against this idea. We still hadn't recovered from all the chicken s**t in the spare bedroom.

The goat she brought home was crippled. It would never graze. It would need to be hand fed for its entire life. She tried to bargain with me using [intercourse].

ejectafteruse , Ray Aucott Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"all the chicken s**t in the spare bedroom" OMG. Full disclosure - I have had chicken s**t in my house (hard floor) but only because once in a while in the summer if the door was open, one of my chickens would wander into my living room. Shoo them out, wipe it up - obvious stuff. But to use a bedroom as a chicken coop - just gross. My chickens and their smell lived outside in their coop.

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ She thought that the way to fix our problems was to separate temporarily. She ended up pregnant by another dude within a month.

Kicks4meFromyou , Everton Vila Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ Saved my money for 6 months to buy her a ring to propose when we were about 21ish... proposed, got laughed at and told by her, that she had been cheating on me for the past year. That hurt.

hunterk*ller84 , Jackie Tsang Report

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ Well it was about that time that I noticed that the she was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era. .

HarlodsGazebo , samuel brook-williams Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I finally realized that she wasn't and never could be the person who I wanted her to be.

Love a person for who they are in the moment as they truly are, not for what you think they may become.

camroidv27 , cottonbro studio Report


I don't know. I think I knew for years, but I was still holding onto the thought that you don't just *find* a happy relationship, you need to *built* one. Was kinda oblivious to the fact that you need both partners to do the building though.

What really struck me was that I was talking to a therapist once. I was seeing them for having far too much stress - which I now realize was mostly due to my wife - and when the troubles of my marriage became the topic for just a moment, the woman tried to cheer my up by suggesting that this was most likely a mere rough patch. 

Sure, we had issued, but they were mostly external burdens that were very taxing to work through. So I should not loose hope and hold onto the things I loved about my wife, and the reasons for why I had married her.

I nodded "yeah" and put on a weary but brave smile like you are supposed to in that moment, but in my mind I realized there weren't any.

There weren't any.

Reasonable-Mischief Report

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People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When she saw no issue with the fact that she would be texting her ex husband (now current husband if that makes things clear) giving him emotional support particularly when we were watching tv together or driving to a restaurant for date night. Her excuse, "I still consider him my best friend (she may have said one of my best friends) and I dont think there is anything wrong with talking to a friend." 5 years later we divorced and she remarried him 9 months after that.

DantheOutdoorsman , Brooke Cagle Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only "bad" part of this is leaving him for her ex. There isn't anything wrong with being friends with an ex. My ex wife and I had a painful divorce but stayed in touch due to our kids. We can have civil conversations and I've been to their house for things like Thanksgiving or other life events. And "not wife" but I've got at least a couple of other ex's I'm friends with and we stay in touch.


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When she told me to get a girlfriend for [intercourse].

Tongue4aBidet , freestocks Report


People Share 38 Incidents That Made Them Realize That Their Partner Was Not, In Fact, ‘The One’ When I got an STD after 12 years of marriage and was faithful to her the entire time.

It went away after a week of antibiotics.

But I became a different person that day.

Don’t know if I like who I am now.

dasaigaijin , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

After reading some of his comments on other Reddit posts, with his anti-trans, cishet supremacy and basic homophobia, along with his misogynistic take on life (Japanese women because they’re demure & submissive?!?), I don’t like who is is now, either.

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When she washed her big a*s in the sink.

Jimmy_Mcgill7 Report