45 Funny And Wholesome Parents Who Still Treat Their Kids As If They Were Little (New Pics)
InterviewThey say that you always stay a child for your parent. And that’s 100% true.
But some moms, dads, aunts, uncles and grandmas and -pas take their love to a whole new level by showering their little children with endless love and care. Except that often they’re not so little, but rather grown-up adults paying their bills, building their careers, and sometimes, having their own families.
Below we wrapped up some of the funniest and most wholesome examples of parents and caregivers treating their adult kids like children. Psst! More funny pictures of parents nurturing their adult kids can be found in our previous feature.
“Parenting is a lifelong commitment and it is hard for us as parents to let go and grow with our children as they age,” Anisa Lewis, a positive parenting and life coach, told Bored Panda in an interview via email. Scroll down to see what she said about why some parents treat their grown-up kids as if they were kids.
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My Mom Remembered I Don't Have Room In My Place For A Christmas Tree, So She Made Me This Wreath With Built-In Lights And All The Ornaments From When I Was A Kid
Came Home And Found This. I Love My Mom
I'm an adult, I live with my parents because I could not afford to move out until now (I got my degree 6 years ago, then started a PhD, and now I'm completing a specialization course in oral surgery). I got a wonderful girlfriend and I deeply love my parents, but due to being a bit too quiet and introvert at home, I do not tell them how much I appreciate and admire their hard work to raise me as much as I should. Today I came back from the hospital where I work and found this little gem waiting for me in my room. Yesterday was my birthday and this is a gift I won't forget, maybe it's not much for you, but it's everything to me knowing that my mom is behind it with all of her heart.
Always Asked For A Skateboard As A Kid. My Parents Said Not Until I'm 35. Today They Delivered
Anisa Lewis explained that when children grow up and leave home, it does leave a hole in a parent's world. “They have for the past x number of years (depending on the child’s age) put that child at the center of their world and it can be a hard adjustment for parents.”
She also argues that it may also be a joyous time or one of gratitude for raising a child who is able now to stand on their own two feet. “At the end of the day, children of whatever age will always be their parents ‘baby,’ letting go for some parents might just be harder for some than others.”
In some cases, “it could also be that the grown child still needs a parent figure or due to family dynamics they resort back to childlike behaviors or patterns. Families are so interesting!” Anisa explained.
This Is What Happens When I Leave My 90-Year-Old Mother Alone In The Kitchen For Ten Minutes
Thanks Dad
Check Out The Scarf My Mom Made For Me. Love You, Mom
Sometimes, adult children may feel overwhelmed with all the attention they get from their parents. Anisa confirmed that it indeed can be overwhelming to still be parented when you yourself are an adult.
“My advice is to open up and communicate, don’t bottle things up. Use ‘I feel’ statements to speak to your parent(s), come from a place of love and gratitude for all that they have done and perhaps are still doing but be open and honest with where you are at and what you want,” she said.
“Perhaps you can problem solve together to work out a solution that will work for everyone, it could be a way to build the family bond and make it even stronger by finding a united way forward,” the parenting coach concluded.
My Husband Is A Full-Grown Mining Engineer. His Mom Got Him This As A Gift. It Took Him A Night To Build It And He Won't Share It With The Kids
I'm A Teacher In Canada, My Mom Made Me This Scarf To Keep Me Warm
Some Moms Never Think It’s Too Late For Baby Pics
In some rarer cases, treating an adult like a child can have serious consequences. In psychology, it’s known as infantilization, which creates a cycle of dependence in which the adult constantly needs to be told what to do and how to do it.
Southern Mississippi researchers believe that it’s the excessive control involved in overparenting that is at the heart of the difficulties that children of narcissistic parents can experience. According to this article from Psychology Today, Winner and Nicholson define “parental psychological control” (PPC) as emotional intrusion, not just the attempts to limit the child from becoming a grown-up.
My Mother Made Me The 2-Year-Old Outfit And The 39-Year-Old Outfit
I had a little sailor suit when I was a kid too! I loved it because it reminded me of Donald Duck, who I identified with because he had the same explosive temper as me.
This Year I Am Going To Miss My Yearly Family Easter Egg Hunt And Dinner Because I Am Away From Home Training To Be A Flight Attendant. My Mom Sent Me This Care Package
The eggs had cash in them.
My Mom Made Me This Blanket For Christmas. She's Awesome With Her Hands
Moreover, a growing body of research suggests that the potential for parents to go too far in their desire to remain prominent and involved within their children’s lives appears to be linked to the development of narcissistic traits.
Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., ABPP, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, argues that “we do not know what their parents were actually like, but the existence of this relationship suggests how narcissism can be passed on from generation to generation.”
“Parents who dig around in the emotional lives of their children will produce children who may, in turn, feel that this is the best way to raise a child. The Winner and Nicholson study sheds light on one step in the process: the recollection by children of how their parents treat them.”
I'm 21 And My Dad Still Makes Me An Advent Calendar Every Year With My Favorite Candies. Thanks, Dad
Got A Cryptic Text From Mom Today To Look At My Porch. My Siblings And I Are All Adults Now, But Still Mom Never Misses Easter
Not when we were all in college, not when I was working on the other side of the country for a few years, and certainly not during a global pandemic. Love you mom.
This is making me miss my mom! If we lived in the same country she would do things like this. 😥
Every Year On My Birthday My Dad Lays Out My Childhood Toys "The Guys" And It Makes Him So Excited
My Mom Got Me Super Mario Sheets For Christmas. I'm 22 And Have Been Living In My Own Apartment For 4 Years
I looked confused and disappointed. She said "What? It's not like anyone else is going to see your sheets" and now I don't know if that was ignorance, an insult, or innocence.
Christmas Present From My Parents For My 25-Year-Old Self. I Built It In Under 2 Days And Had A Blast
My Mom Still Does My Old Room Up Like This When I Visit For Christmas. I'm 33 Years Old
This 58-Year-Old Dad Still Dyeing Eggs Even Though All The Kids Have Left The Nest
My son, 18, and I, 47, still dye eggs every year and have the greatest time laughing, talking, and reminiscing. I would fight to the death over having time like this with him. I know the day will eventually come that we won't do this stuff anymore, but I'm going to enjoy each second I can get of times like these while I can! I love you, my dearest buddy!
My Mom Kept All Of My Childhood Converses. These Are The Pairs I Wore To The Age Of 14
I'm 33. My Mom Made These For Me. Couldn't Be Happier
How Dumb Do My Parents Think I️ Am
The Left One I Got For My 1st Birthday. The Right One For 31st. My Mom Is Awesome
My Mom Made This Epic Rick And Morty Cake
Happy Mother's Day
My Sister And I Are In Our Late 20s But My Dad Still Makes Us Easter Baskets
My Mom Still Flips The Bread To Hide The Fact That I'm Eating An End Piece. I'm A Senior In High School
My Mom Knitted A Little Beanie For My CAE Shifter Because It Gets Hot In The Sun! It Has "Miata" On It
Must be in Phoenix. I got a pair of pot holders for the steering wheel
This Dad Saw His Daughter At Our Local Fair And Didn’t Like What She Was Wearing
I'm Almost 33, Live 900 Miles Away - And Still Get A Valentine's Card From My Mom. She's Never Missed A Year
My Mom Made This For Me. I'm A 25-Year-Old Kid Of Hers
Parents Said They’d Bring “Some Bagels” With Them From North NJ
This was HALF of what they brought. This loot was for me and husband. The other half was for my sister. This photo is 44 full size bagels and 18 minis. We had eaten 6 already, and sister kept the rest. Total was around 85
I'm Almost 49 And My Mom Still Makes Me A Basket Every Year (The Bunny One Is For My 17-Year-Old Daughter)
I Live In Thailand. I'm 35. Mom Still Sends Me Awesome Care Packages
My Mom Has Made An Easter Basket For Me Every Year For 36 Years. While The Contents Have Evolved. Her Reason For Doing It Made Me Smile. I’ll Never Be Too Old For This
This year included eggs, bacon, sausage, orange juice, and ham for easter breakfast, it’s always included candy.
I'm In My 30s, And My Adorable Mom Still Becomes Excessively Concerned For My Safety Every Time I Leave Town
The Door To My And My Two Brothers' Childhood Bedroom. Our Parents Have Kept It Like This
My cousin's door and a whole wall plus half of another one is is similarly covered in all the Garbage Pail Kids stickers we stuck up back in the 80's. My aunt redecorated his room several times and had even painted and wallpapered around them. It's fun when I get to visit her every couple of years or so and go in to look them over. A lot of good memories right there. Thanks, Aunt Katy!😘
22 And My Mom Still Spoils Me. Shout Out To All The Moms In The World
My Mom Made Me A Meatloaf Heart For Valentine’s Day Because I Didn’t Have A Valentine This Year
This Is The Christmas Tree At My Parents' House. I Live In A Different Town, In A Student Residence But My Parents Waited For Me To Put It Up
I am back at my place and I really miss them, it's the first time I spend this season away. Happily, I'll be home again before Christmas day.
Grandma Got All The Boys Christmas Boxers And Didn't Realize The Ones For My Dad Were Grass-Themed
My Mom Wrote A Letter To Santa With My Christmas Wish List Without My Knowledge And It Arrived On Tuesday
My Mom Made Me A Custom T-Shirt. I'm 27 And This Is The Best Gift Ever
I Found My Old Childhood Batman Blanket At My Parents' House! Best Pre-Christmas Gift Ever
My Childhood Drawings From 15 Years Ago Weirdly Representing My Love For Mom Are Still There
It is so hard but so nice reading articles like this. I lost both of my parents by the time I was 20 (dad to car accident, mum to cancer). I am now 42 and would I give anything for them to be able to treat me like a child one more time.
I'm so sorry to hear that Martin. I am not a mum or a parent right now, but sending you a hug and all the best.
Load More Replies...Awe, I wish I had those care packages ^_^ My mother stopped talking to me/recognizing my birthday/etc. because I called her out on not following my boundaries and being manipulative. She disowned me. Case and point.
I know it's probably not that helpful, but I'll add in an annoying little sister hug. I'm sorry you didn't get the mom you deserved <3
Load More Replies...All of these are posts about unconditional love. I do love my mum despite many arguements, but one day I truly hope that she will finally learn to love me for who I am as a queer woman.
Yeah, nothing to see here. Not a grown-a*s 35-year old guy smiling and tearing up at the same time. I'm lucky, my parents are still within reach. Though sometimes I wonder will I ever be the same when they no longer are. Reading this makes me realize that no matter how big and grown-a*s I am, I'll always be that thick-glassed 7-year old little tyke to them. Wouldn't have it any other way :-) *tear drops*
I am 40years old and I am so thankful both of my parents are still around. I spend a lot of time with them because I love them a lot and without them, life will never be the same anymore.
Load More Replies...All of these were so wonderful and sweet. I was laughing and ugly crying.
My mother still gives me groceries every time I go home for a visit and gets upset if I don't take them. I'm 52 and my parents are in their late 70's.
My children are 27, 26,22 and 18 every year I make them Christmas Eve mugs with hot chocolate and marshmallow cones and a sweet cone plus a small gift , I started this when they were small and wanted to open a present on Christmas Eve , the eldest two , my sons have both left home and are living with their girlfriends/fiancée so now they are included, each year it's fun trying to find mugs for them and then making the cones up and they start asking around the start of December not to forget their mugs,it's the one simple thing I will always do for them
There is this old animated film "Adventure of the Polar Bear Cubs". It was on TV when I was a kid. And my mum used to rent it on VHS for me. Man, I love that film! A couple years later they no longer had it in the VHS place, and it was nowhere to be found. My mum put so much effort in finding it for me. She even contacted the VHS broadcaster, as well as the tv that transmitted it. A couple years ago she hands me a dvd. Turns out she found it somehow somewhere. Best. Day. Ever. I'm almost 33 now. I love my mum more than anything.
I left my house, traveled to my country to take care of my elderly sick parents, after passing 25 hours in the urgency room in the hospital, I got sick...my mom reaction: you came here to take care of me, not to get sick...thanks mum...a big hug for you all that have great mother.
My Nana & Grampa gave us children's occasion cards until the last couple years of their lives. 12 years ago we got our last cards, signed "Nana & Grandpa (Buddy)". Today (Easter) stings a bit.
This post warms my heart. I am so glad that these people have such amazing parents! I won't go into a long sob story about the two persons who are my parents, but the words 'childhood emotional neglect' and 'narcissistic abuse' come to mind. It's nice to see that some people are able to love their children. This post pulled at my heartstrings.
My mum still sends me one or two Christmas decorations each year. Living on the other side of the world for years, in a country that doesn't really celebrate Christmas, my tree is now almost entirely full of decorations from my home country. However, a lot of the decorations are ceramic, so a little heavier than regular decorations. We now have a baby who should be just finding her feet when Christmas comes around again, so we're going to keep the ceramic decorations in their boxes - no need to risk injuries!!
what the heck, some moms are absolutely obsessed with easter, apparently.
It is so hard but so nice reading articles like this. I lost both of my parents by the time I was 20 (dad to car accident, mum to cancer). I am now 42 and would I give anything for them to be able to treat me like a child one more time.
I'm so sorry to hear that Martin. I am not a mum or a parent right now, but sending you a hug and all the best.
Load More Replies...Awe, I wish I had those care packages ^_^ My mother stopped talking to me/recognizing my birthday/etc. because I called her out on not following my boundaries and being manipulative. She disowned me. Case and point.
I know it's probably not that helpful, but I'll add in an annoying little sister hug. I'm sorry you didn't get the mom you deserved <3
Load More Replies...All of these are posts about unconditional love. I do love my mum despite many arguements, but one day I truly hope that she will finally learn to love me for who I am as a queer woman.
Yeah, nothing to see here. Not a grown-a*s 35-year old guy smiling and tearing up at the same time. I'm lucky, my parents are still within reach. Though sometimes I wonder will I ever be the same when they no longer are. Reading this makes me realize that no matter how big and grown-a*s I am, I'll always be that thick-glassed 7-year old little tyke to them. Wouldn't have it any other way :-) *tear drops*
I am 40years old and I am so thankful both of my parents are still around. I spend a lot of time with them because I love them a lot and without them, life will never be the same anymore.
Load More Replies...All of these were so wonderful and sweet. I was laughing and ugly crying.
My mother still gives me groceries every time I go home for a visit and gets upset if I don't take them. I'm 52 and my parents are in their late 70's.
My children are 27, 26,22 and 18 every year I make them Christmas Eve mugs with hot chocolate and marshmallow cones and a sweet cone plus a small gift , I started this when they were small and wanted to open a present on Christmas Eve , the eldest two , my sons have both left home and are living with their girlfriends/fiancée so now they are included, each year it's fun trying to find mugs for them and then making the cones up and they start asking around the start of December not to forget their mugs,it's the one simple thing I will always do for them
There is this old animated film "Adventure of the Polar Bear Cubs". It was on TV when I was a kid. And my mum used to rent it on VHS for me. Man, I love that film! A couple years later they no longer had it in the VHS place, and it was nowhere to be found. My mum put so much effort in finding it for me. She even contacted the VHS broadcaster, as well as the tv that transmitted it. A couple years ago she hands me a dvd. Turns out she found it somehow somewhere. Best. Day. Ever. I'm almost 33 now. I love my mum more than anything.
I left my house, traveled to my country to take care of my elderly sick parents, after passing 25 hours in the urgency room in the hospital, I got sick...my mom reaction: you came here to take care of me, not to get sick...thanks mum...a big hug for you all that have great mother.
My Nana & Grampa gave us children's occasion cards until the last couple years of their lives. 12 years ago we got our last cards, signed "Nana & Grandpa (Buddy)". Today (Easter) stings a bit.
This post warms my heart. I am so glad that these people have such amazing parents! I won't go into a long sob story about the two persons who are my parents, but the words 'childhood emotional neglect' and 'narcissistic abuse' come to mind. It's nice to see that some people are able to love their children. This post pulled at my heartstrings.
My mum still sends me one or two Christmas decorations each year. Living on the other side of the world for years, in a country that doesn't really celebrate Christmas, my tree is now almost entirely full of decorations from my home country. However, a lot of the decorations are ceramic, so a little heavier than regular decorations. We now have a baby who should be just finding her feet when Christmas comes around again, so we're going to keep the ceramic decorations in their boxes - no need to risk injuries!!
what the heck, some moms are absolutely obsessed with easter, apparently.