A person that helped me is a woman named Grace. I was in the hospital and what I was going through was pretty traumatic, and whenever I saw her it made me happy. She is a great nurse. And Grace, if you are there reading this, thank you—from Bryn.


I had no friends through lower school and all through middle school. I was "the weird kid". I was "the quiet kid". I had what you'd call severe social anxiety, although I thought it was just my fault for not being normal. People avoided me. Except for one, who talked to me until I came out of my shell. All the friends I've made I made through her. I'm still shy but it's easier. I'll always be grateful. My life would have turned out very different if it hadn't been for her.



Alongside family and friends who always want to help, I'd like to give a shoutout to those people that I can't quite remember, but who have certainly helped. You know the people that I'm talking about. They are there when you lack a few cents on your checkout, and they pay it. They are the people that hold the door when I'm in a hurry. Those people that say 'thank you' and smile. Those people that gave a tip. All of them have really helped to tread through life in a tremendous way, it just seems like little when taken out of perspective.


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Billy The Kid
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The good thing that has come out of Covid 19 is that people actually move out of the way in stead of bumping into you or standing in the middle of the pavement

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When I have a hard day at work when the bosses keep moaning. I get home and my partner helps me to understand.


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The teachers who encourage me to learn and help me discover my passions. The friends who may laugh at first, but eventually help me get up when I fall. I'm thankful for all the people who are there when I need it the most. - Little Dino :)



Kindness first and foremost....The World is a cold place now-a-days and the ability to put ourselves in somebody else´s shoes is so important. I find it is not the big gestures that count, but rather a helping hand where needed,a smile,a how are you to-day?do you need something from the stores/post-office/pharmacy??Take the time to listen and show you know just how the person feels.It can be hard to go through a Divorce,lose a loved one or a pet,lose one´s job,prolonged illness....we have to look out for each-other..just saying....


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I have autism and when I was in school over 10 people helped me with it and home-situations. I’m very thankful for that, because now I have a great life. I hope all people with special needs get the help they deserve.


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Those people who really motivate me to achieve my goals and don't even know about it... I'm so glad for having them!


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Call me generic but, I can't name a specific person, because kindness comes the most from people you don't know. A smile, a door hold, a helping hand, it impacts me the most because these people don't even KNOW me, yet they decide to help me regardless. And that's beautiful if you think about it :)


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All my friends and family and teachers.
They have always helped me and guided me through the ups and downs of life. I'm so thankful to have them in my life.


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my dog cami, she taught me to love myself. she was put down august 11th, she is no longer with me but she helped me get through rough periods in my life. and i thank her for that



My first go in university was tough. I had been diagnosed with depression in high school, but being cut off from family, friends, counsellor and doctor while being thrust into a new city, new classes, new strangers, and a new level of independence sent me into a spiral and I crashed hard. I suffered in my classes. I failed three of five and only passed the other two because of a last-ditch rally in December for the one and the other was an evening class I could regularly attend. Second semester was worse and there was even a period that January where I did not see the sun for two weeks. I tried for a couple years to piece something together, find out what I liked, what I could actually attend, and how to survive the despair I carried with me.

I had used up my savings and was relying on student loans, working very part-time hours. When I "put university on hold," I was not sure what I was going to do. But before I had really asked myself the question or thought about it, someone came to me: they knew about what I was going through and because of their faith - that their debt was paid - they paid mine. In a moment, five figures of student debt was gone!

Accepting it was actually pretty hard - as humans we often want things to be equal, but here was something I could not have repaid, could never have repaid! I would still be paying the interest on that loan today were it not for their gift! The principal alone would take me six years to erase at my current job! And the effect has been enduring: I would not have been able to learn and grow and build and be where I am today - that debt would have been a millstone around my neck.

But it wasn't!

I may not have had anything, but the nothing I had was mine, and I was able to focus on being well instead of trying to dig my way out of a hole.

To this day, I am blown away by the gesture.


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Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You must focus on your self improvement now that you're gifted with a new life. *millions of hugs (use them when you need it.) - DFTBA! :)


As well as my family, the person that has helped me the most would have to be my care co-ordinator Donna M. She has supported me through some really tough times and is always there for me to talk things through with. She often goes above and beyond and has been my rock for the last 6 years. I genuinely believe that if it was not for her, I would not be here today. My wife and I always say "Everybody needs a Donna". Thanks Donna, you're a star!


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My Wife. End of. She's been my best friend for over 25 years and I can't imagine my life without her. Being aspergic she helps me interpret things. Sorry, I feel that I might have made a similar comment on another article.



My cat.

what did you think I was going to say



My sister is really helping me through my depression and anxiety. thanks sis



Jesus Christ -
He restored my marriage that I was ready to walk away from after only two years and one daughter. I've now been married for 19 years and have two wonderful daughters.
He always provided for our needs when times were tough... we were three months behind on rent, little or no money for bills and food but He always provided and now I can count my blessings.
He also provided citizenship for my hubby after decades in this country as an illegal alien.
I could go on and on. God is amazing!


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My best friend (now girlfriend)

she gave me her lunch

(i know that doesn't seem like a big deal but i hadn't ate breakfast and was super hungry)


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Rowan John Wood, the best person I know.

I was a rash, short-tempered person who tended to speak before thinking. I always avoided him at school because I knew he had cystic fibrosis (search it up) and I didn't know what that was. I used to be scared of things I didn't know. I used to be scared of Rowan.

One day, my sister called me the 'f' word and said that I was a freak because I was bisexual. It hurt me so badly, I wouldn't talk to anyone for a month.

During our free period one day, I ran behind the bleachers crying my eyes out because of what my sister had said. I never let the homophobes get to me, but it really hurt when it came from my own sister. Rowan must've heard me because he came underneath the bleachers to talk to me. He was wearing his nasal cannula, which scared me at the time.

Rowan gave me a hug and told me that he was gay. I was really surprised at that because he didn't seem the type (I know, I was stupid) with his thick, curly brown hair, amber eyes, his books, and those too-big sweaters he always wore (how does a 6-foot person find oversized sweaters??). He was called all sorts of things for his sexuality, things I don't wanna type.

When it was time to go to our next period, we had become acquaintances, not friends just yet. Everyone at the school knew I was bi because I was proud of it, so I was used to all the slurs people hurled at me. But since I was feeling so down, those words hurt me. One guy yelled that bisexuality isn't real and that I was a sl*t. Rowan punched him. That was when I knew we were friends.

Rowan was an amazing person. He was so smart, brave, kind, loyal, funny, and even more. He was just the best person to walk the earth. Thank you for standing by me, Rowan.

He once told me that he knew he was going to die when he was a teenager, due to his severe cystic fibrosis, and he said he wanted me to be there when he did, so he would have a friend with him when he went. I always laughed it off whenever he said that. I told him that he wasn't going to die.

I was so wrong. Last year, something really bad happened to him and they had to do a lung transplant because his own pair was failing. I told myself he wouldn't die, but eventually, the doctors said he wasn't going to make it. They had already told him and he just shrugged it off. He asked me to stay with him, but I just ran out of the hospital, being the coward I was and still am. I didn't cry for him then, and I still haven't now.

I'm sorry, Rowan.


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The real friends that are actually there for me and appreciate me. During quarantine I started missing the strangest of people, and once I got to meet up with them again, they were the first ones that bothered to say hi and care about what I had to say. Pretty good way to tell who your real friends are.


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There have been so many people who have helped me so much throughout my life; my family, friends, doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, you name it, but the two that helped me the most, in much, much deeper ways, aren't human. The first was my golden retriever, who helped me through cancer, incl. several recurrences, as well as the bullying I faced from grade 8 - 13, as well as our tortoise shell cat, Lola, who has and is helping me recover from the half dozen injuries (and not just physical injuries), as well as the surgeries and therapy I need to walk again. I don't know what I would have done without them.


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Dilly Millandry
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You've had such a tough time! I'm so glad that you were able to share your life with two such lovely pets, animals are amazing. Hope you are doing well now.

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Mine would be all the people who hold the door and things like that for me. Also, my friends Hannah and Grayson, who push me to run harder, faster and longer at cross country practice, without them I would be nowhere near where I am today.



My parents, sure. My teachers, certainly. Outstanding scoutmasters. A couple of great supervisors. But as I approach 80, my personal trainer. He took me out of the hospital so weak I could barely stand, and got my balance and mobility back, and got my knees not to hurt. I no longer need Cortizone shots.


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my mom... she always nic


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Allot of people helped me, but 2 people saved me: My aunt and a dear family friend, who feels like an aunt to me.
For as long as I can remember, whenever things went wrong at home (more often than not), they always were there as a safe haven. During my youth and early adulthood they always listened and never judged. When I was grown up, they shared things about my family history with me. Not as a justification, just to help me understand how certain things came to be.


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A few months ago, I was worried that there was something wrong with me because I had a crush on a girl as well as a few boys. I told my best friend and she told me that I might be bisexual and explained what that meant. Massive thanks to my best friend for helping me figure out my sexuality. Loads of love


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I think my parents really. I mean a lot of people can say their parents helped them so I'm not any different


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my parents, my brother, my aunt and my grandma. I kinda don't have friends
So my family is always there for me. And I know they might judge me for my flaws but I like how they still love me anyway. They've been there since the beginning of my life, and I can't imagine life without them.


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My chemistry teacher in high school. I was learning how to cope with my depression, and she was there for me every step of the way. She was one of the only adults in my life who fully understood what I was going through, and she made a great effort to meet my needs. She would stay after school for hours just to talk to me and calm me down. I'll never forget her.


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