Hello again! Is there something normal that you find incredible?
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The number of stupid people. I am always amazed with that.
QAnon, Flatearthers, Antivaxxers, 5G, Chemtrails, 9/11 Truthers, lizard people believers, Denver Airport, Illuminati, Sandy Hook, Deep State, Global Warming hoax, Australia doesn't exists, Hollow Earth, Finland doesn't exist, Holocaust deniers, Moon Landing ....
I'm a big fan of the night sky. There's a lot of light pollution where I live, so when I get to see a dark sky full of stars, I'm raptured.
Running water out of a tap inside our house that is safe to drink. Been to a few places where that's not possible, I think of those places every time I go to the sink and hit the faucet.
Sound. Music is so amazing and has such good effects on mood and mental health. It's crazy. Just wiggly air but it does so much for us.
How dogs still love you no matter what stupid things you have done that day
I am amazed at the republican part during this election they need to grow up and start acting like grown ups-
A random 12 year old kid
My parents have been throwing fits since Trump lost. I have been celebrating when he lost.
Waking up. I am so thankful for that, and amazed how much I have been thankful for that.
How amazing my sister is. She is my world and doesn't even know it! I love her sm. She is prolly the MOST beautiful person in my life! She makes me the most happiest person in the world when she's around and she amazes me every time I see her.
Human reproduction. It's such a crapshoot from beginning to end that it's amazing how many healthy babies are born. The ovary has to release a perfect egg, then meet up with a healthy sperm at the right place in the fallopian tube, then descend and properly implant in a viable uterine lining, then have sufficient nutrients to grow, then survive the trauma of delivery, then be able to thrive, then to have parents who will care for the baby appropriately so it can grow up to be a healthy, competent adult. THAT is amazing.
The complexity of life on earth. Just imagine the generations it took to form from a bacteria into a full-on mammal.
On that, I have a 5 month old. She's our third child, and I'm blown away by the fact that a child can grown inside of a woman's body.
cooking and the science of it. idk why it's just so cool to think about it lol
I know! Like I mix some stuff together and then I have like a full on cake.
Water. Cool and clear. Also the birds. I will never tire of watching the birds
Me too accept when they are chirping out side the bedroom window at 5am!
Honestly, people. How some people (that’s most of y’all) can be so amazing, compassionate, loving, and wonderful, while others are rude, insolent, discriminatory, hateful. Like what makes someone the way they are? How do good people come out of bad environments, and bad people come out of good environments? How are good people born to terrible parents, and wonderful parents raise terrible people?
It’s the dear dark shadow self, my dear! Most have not begun to meet theirs, let alone heal or discover their emotionally creative light shadow selves on the other side. So what does this mean? A whole lotta acting out from HUmans!
How it's amazing that humans can make such amazing things.
People whose heads are so far up their asses that they think being "different" is wrong. I'm talking about homophobes, sexists, racists, and anyone who discriminates against others. Also anti maskers/anti vaxxers. But those people are just plain stupid.
sounds like my boss in there! I hate people that look down their noses at others as though they are better. At the end of the day a**hole if us workers wasn't doing our jobs properly you will be out of a job so appreciate those that look out for you!
Sunset sky.
This year has been an amazement to me. I started off by losing my partner of 13 years to cancer in January. He fought bravely for 6 years. We had a home and a life together. I lost everything, then Covid hit and we went into lockdown, working in a hospital, I was classed as an essential worker, so thankfully, I did not have to lose my job. 5 months later, I met the most amazing man, and decided that instead of being the grieving widow, I was gonna take this chance to be happy. Best decision I've ever made. 6 months later, I now have a beautiful home, a loving partner and an absolutely amazing stepson. My whole life has been changed in a matter of months. I am amazed that I can be happy again. I am thankful.
Mine is sleep. You go to the same soft comfy spot close your eyes for a while then eventually you get into an unconscious state where you have untrue visions that don't make sense. But when you are unconscious the visions seem to make sense. Then after hours you become conscious forget the whole vision and get on with your day like it isn't weird just to do it again. *mind blown*
Thank you for reading how weird sleep really is. If i missed anything please feel free to comment.
Video game graphics. Like, it went from 3 years or so to make a pixeled game, and now look at the graphics and how long it takes to make games like Final Fantasy XV. Yet we still love simple games, like Among Us.
Agreed on that. The graphics are so real, its like watching a movie. I'm waiting for day when there is hologram games like the chess game in Starwars. PS I am a Final Fantasy fan too.
Reading new contents in Bored Panda, every night before sleeping.
The human capacity to show compassion, hope and create beauty, despite all the evil in the world.
mine is not an every day thing but on a rare occasion the bus arrives on time and the driver is driving like a formula 1 driver and not like a horse and cart.
Honestly, there’s a lot of things. Something recent that I just realized is that toddlers KNOW that one day they will be an adult. I find that insane, since I always assumed that when your a toddler, you think you are small and you have always been small, and you WILL always be small. But then I was talking to my cousins son, who is a toddler, and I talked to him about how “when he was a baby” and he kept nodding and saying “me baby!” And when I showed him a photo of his younger self, he said “me baby!” He also recognized photos of his older brother as a baby, so he clear knows that once he was a baby and soon he will grow older like his older brother. That’s such a simple concept but I find it so fascinating.
I know I already put a submission, but do any of you remember the first time you ever learned a new word? Like I learned salutations from charlottes web, and I learned suspense from W***y Wonka. And I still remember learning these words and where I learned them b/c I was so excited to find a new facet to express a thing I had never known how to express. Like do you realize that once upon a time, you never knew how to say “I’m so excited/nervous/anxious” like, those words all have such different meanings, and when u where a kid, u could only use words like happy, or scared. So finding a new word to me is like finding gold. I don't know if other people share this or not.
Getting on Minecraft just to go to this one island I made and watching this elevator I made work perfectly.
I’m still getting money for my family in this pandemic.
I am happy for you...and I bet your family is happy too...sadly so many go without in these crazy times.
I'm amazed how it doesn't matter how long I'm gone for, my dog always acts like I left him for days by himself.
Me when my dog starts whining on the other side of the door my stepmom is on:"Awwwww poor Oofdah, he hasn't seen Mommy in fifteen seconds,"
that I can actually make it to school and be awake after staying up until 3 in the morning because I have insomnia.
Surviving to the corporate job that gives me professional career and anxiety at same time. Everyday is "blood-sweat-and-tears"
how are president lost a tweet war with a teenager from sweeden😆 go Greta! wear a maaaaaask, ya'll!
I am amazed every morning that the Lord has protected me for all my 80 years and holds me in his arms every night.
I am amazed that my superbly smart dogs love a crotchety, absent minded old woman. Without a doubt, they would lay down their lives for me. Bless their hearts. I love you, fellows.
I am also amazed that despite all the evil and frailties of the homo sapiens that abide on blue planet earth, humans are yet able to thrive in such a magnificent manner. PTL.
the human body. like how does it live though the crap that comes out of it after taco bell????? insane.
Tumbleweeds crossing the road.
I'm from KY and moved to CA 2 years ago. I only ever saw tumbleweeds in cartoons as a kid.
Every time I see one tumble across the road, I am filled with pure joy (I've see 3 so far). It makes my day.
Reading new contents in Bored Panda, every night
the simple fact that i'm alive amazes me. There are also multiple other things out there that amaze me, I always learn something new about people and myself
To be amazed by the world is the ability to see magic everywhere.
That there are probably about a thousand people or more doing the same thing I am doing right now this moment.
eeehhh... maybe... there might be 10000 people an their computer right now.. but there are only 7 people in space...
So far I have survived 100% of my worst days and looking back over my life I find that amazing.
I'm grateful that I'm still alive, period, after everything I've been through
I can be really sad and still find something to smile about, especially watching people's interactions with each other. As rough as a day can be if I look, there's always some good that happens, even if it's just a hot meal or a smile:)
The fact that I am still alive and living a good life. Be thankful today.
Good comment. There are a lot of people out there with death illnesses that are hoping to pull through. Never take life for advantage as there is others out there that would love to have that opportunity!
Every time I eat a bag of Smartfood popcorn, it still tastes just as good as the last bag from a week ago!
How there are so few traffic accidents in the U.S. even though so many people drive like lunatics or idiots
Human beings continue to do what they know will destroy themselves & the earth because they are so selfish.
Not amazing,just sad...but fortunately there are also wonderful human beings that do make a difference ...and let us be thankful for that.
Mushrooms. The largest living organism on earth is a honey mushroom, whos mycelia (mushroom roots) spans a good 2.5 miles throughout the Blue Mountains. Hence the username. >:)
That homework was invented as a punishment. It makes me wonder why it became a standard thing in school.
That it's easier to raise funding for Mars missions and war than food, medical coverage and education for those who need it.
Agreed but could this lead to research a planet that could hold a key to problems to the likes of diseases ... ?
Why people DON'T WEAR F*****G MASKS!
My Granddad was born in a wagon. Lived to see space travel, the moon landing, air travel and almost instantaneous communication with anyone in the world, no matter where they are. And I am amazed that all that creativity is fueling an unimaginable future.
Too true ! my mother used to say civilization started to go downhill at the year 1900
Breathing, wierd ik this year has been tough. Why do we breathe? Why do we have to breathe? When did humans evlove to breathe? Its crazy and hurts my head to think about it.
Breathing uses chemical and mechanical processes to bring oxygen to every cell of the body and to get rid of carbon dioxide. Our body needs oxygen to obtain energy to fuel all our living processes. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of that process.
The Human Brain.
I mean it is just a mushy bunch of grey and white matter filled with nerve cells, blood vessels and is nearly 60%fat yet it contains and manifests every single part of what you consider to be you. Your ego, your ID, your I.Q, your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams and desires all come from this squishy lump in your skull. It never stops working ever and processes millions of things every second for your whole life.
Take a moment at some point and simultaneously sit with your eyes closed, listen to everything around you, listen to your heartbeat, be aware of your breathing, rub two fingers together, wiggle your toes and smile. Then realise the complexity required to do all of that at the same time, that's how Amazing your brain is.
Every single thing we have accomplished in history from the Incredible to the Horrific is all thanks to that fat little lump between our ears. Amazing right!
That at conception, the same cells that become hair, are also the same cells that become the heart, or eyes. Cell Differentiation and specialization amazes me.
Like finger nails. No matter how much you cut them they will always grow back. Unlike hair. Hair can grow back but a lot can lose it for good.
Driving. When you start learning to drive it's all about remembering the how/why and when. I've been driving over 40 years and I couldn't tell you how I drive - I and millions of others just do.
I have never driven in my life but what amazes me is that people can drive a vehicle without seeing the 2 front corners of that vehicle and not hitting anything.
Flat earthers, or any of the others in the peanut gallery. the People that think 'retard' is a slur, the people who think everything MUST be their way or it's everything else at fault
"Retard" can be a slur if you use it as a slur. Otherwise, it's not a slur.
Tech: from what we had to what we have; in less time than it took to get color television in every home, we are now walking around with portable TV studios in our pockets, and libraries at our fingertips.
I am amazed at the flat-screen tech alone, so affordably within our reach, say nothing of foldable screens and all the bluetooth and wireless tech out there ... and I won't even start on the self-driving cars.
- makes the world of D**k Tracy look rather trite by today's standards!
Being able to hold and pet my cockatiel It just amazes me that this little bird will actually bob his head down and let me pat him.Often for. minutes at a time, or sort of hold a conversation where he chirps to me and I chirp back. Or listen to him as he makes his happy noise and falls asleep on me..it’s fascinating and wonderful
My band teacher asking me if I need help on my assignments and me saying no trying to do them then not knowing how to do it, so me not caring after and having a complete 1 as my grade for his class that is what surprises me everyday.
How cute Pusheen the Cat is...
here is around half or one-third of my collection... meow POOSH-5fda...6b-png.jpg
The creative power and force of Resonance!
Living in a conscious manner and awareness that The Universe is completely available through the resonance of believing that that is true, and then playing in its’ field of pure manifestation. Really being a manifesting Magician!
It’s wonder-full.
And it’s gratitude that lets you in the front door!
I'm amazed that Trump is a grown man but has the IQ of an orange crayon and the mind of a 6 year old.
But Biden is a grown man but has an amazing IQ and a mind his age.
So why can't Trump do that?
The Internet, is mind-boggling, I can talk in real time with my friends on the other side of the world while at the same time control a computer with my phone, I'm always like WTF? XD
Makes me wonder if we even need schools etc... practically every thing we need to know is on the internet. The one thing about computers, it makes me lazy with my spelling as it has spell check : (
The sunrise.
I love the sunrise but pretty shitty in the city with the pollution. The sun makes it all visible. : (
Faith,Hope and Love.
Smartphones. They're so much part of our life now, and seem so mundane. But between the phone, GPS, messenger service, digital camera and everything they can do...such a device was only science-fiction not 15 years ago.
Dying LoL. Jk My lAzy DoG
OKAY.... but actually what does happen when you pass away? Do we go onto another life or as Stephen Hawkins once commented - " we are like computers. Once we shut down then that is it, nothing" It created a storm amongst the religious community. Scary to think about actually.
Okay, so there is this roller coaster that is literally made to KILL you. The "Euthanasia Coaster" is made for people who don't have much longer to live because of a medical condition, illness, etc. If people love roller coasters and they know that they won't live much longer, they could choose to die doing something they love to do. It kills you because of the G-pressure. Scientists say that if the G-pressure is 4 or higher it could potentialy kill you. The "Euthanasia Coaster" G-pressure is 7.
This is the roller coaster O.O images-5fd...755a2.jpeg
It's an every day thing that amazes me, just as the title says.
The capacity for human compassion that never ceases to amaze me.
I answered the question about what is an everyday thing that amazes you with “The sunrise” but it took my answer and put it as a new post which makes no sense. I cannot figure out how to delete it.
Well, now my original answer is on here as well as my second one. Let me know if I can delete the second one, please.
How there are literally trillions of life forms around you at every moment, each with bodily systems etc
I’m also one of those people who thought those danish biscuits were rich people food, so I guess that too.
Evolution. It’s so weird and fascinating to me. The animal that is generally though to be the first primate looks like a rat or something. It’s insane.
And how mammals came to be is super weird. At first when there were land animals they all laid eggs and some of them had this gland that stored water. Eventually that water gland evolved into a milk gland and thus the first monotremes were born! And then they gradually kept their eggs in longer until we got placental mammals! It’s really insane. I love synapsids. (If you were wondering, my favorite is Gorgonops.)
Yep that truly amazes me too. Its been racking my brains for years!!! If anyone has the solution i would be most grateful. ; )
Whenever I wake up, feel the sunlight on my face, open my eyes for the first time that day. Life amazes me, how we can be alive, and how there will never be another today again. It might be a little cliché, but that really amazes me.
I used to go to live concerts with no masks. Screaming shouting singing along.
Recently looked up videos and pictures me looking at Metallica. It amazes me that I had those times and unknown if that will ever happen again.
The eternality and asiety of God creator boggles my mind everytime I think about it. That said, the alternative of everything coming from nothing is even more unthinkable. Whatever your beliefs may be, I think we all can agree that existence with all it's complexities is miraculous.
When my son was 3 he told me about two separate past lives, one in Africa and one in Greece. He told me detailed information that he'd have absolutely no way of knowing about those countries and customs.
Just the earth. The plants, sky, wind, animals, everything. I feel like people forget about the everyday beauty you can see just by looking outside.
Wow i didn't expect this post to become so popular! Thank you all so much. I'm pretty new to the bored panda community so it's really nice. I'm so grateful.
I loved it. I learnt a lot of interesting things. one of the best posts yet.
Wow i didn't expect this post to become so popular! Thank you all so much. I'm pretty new to the bored panda community so it's really nice. I'm so grateful.
I loved it. I learnt a lot of interesting things. one of the best posts yet.