Is there a red flag you ignored but really shouldn't have? Maybe they were mean to restaurant staff, or perhaps they brought their parents on a date?


So back in middle school, my then-bf took me on a date. Well I showed up and his mom and brother were there...this would've been fine cause they were nice and bought us ice cream and hot chocolate, but then he asked his *mom* for permission t put his arm around me. He then proceeded to do so after I told him no, then he grabbed my ass in front of her 2 min later...



    (Ex) BF wouldn't let me get to my bag to get a tampon without kissing him first.



    When I saw 3 huge boxes filled with alcohol bottles...he lived alone. He said it was an accumulation over the course of months...turned out he was a full blown alcoholic.



    When I was in 6th grade, I had a crush on this guy. My friend was like, "I'm GoNnA tElL hIm!" I thought she was joking so I ignored it. A day later, everyone in the grade knew I had ac crush on that guy. (By the way, we are no longer friends.) So bye bye any popularity chance I had in 6th grade.


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    Aroace tiger
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh.. Oh no. I get it (but with people THINKING I have a crush on someone) kids are brutal.

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    My first bf, he was 12 years older than me (34, I was 22). He didn't care about my health. I have some food allergies and avoid convenience food ('cause I never know what's in there). He only ate those kinds of food and made fun for me for cooking. He never cleaned his bathroom, and he never bothered to put a little waste bin in it, so I wouldn't have to walk through his apartment to throw away my bloody tampons... Even though I asked him every week to get one and even offered to buy one myself.
    He didn't support me in my studies, but always complained when I was learning.
    I wasn't allowed to meet his parents.
    It was over for me when he slapped me in my face (that was approx. 4 months in the relationship). I ended it right there and then, and now I have a new partner who deeply cares for me and my wellbeing and who supports me 🥰



    texting other girls on IG, sending and demanding nudes to and from other girls, being on dating apps (yes, all the same dude)


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    Okay so in the past this dude liked me and I shouldn't have even bothered to like him back. He told me all about him, even sometimes the stuff I didn't want to know, he said he's just a "flirty" person to my friends and for a while, I believed him. He would mess around with me and wrap his arms around my waist so I couldn't sit anywhere but his lap. We talked more and he has a VERY weird thought process, he even said he would do dirty stuff that he kept babbling on about. He was really dirty and I despise myself for even calling him a friend!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn, a joke every once in a while (assuming the hearers of the joke are okay with it) is fine, but essentially forcing you onto their lap is not. Glad you realized the guy wasn't worth it

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    When we started dating she had a husband... and a boyfriend... so that's it. Incredible enough, she taught me a LOT about relationships and that's why I am now single.


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    well i tried to commit suicide and ever since the day i left the hospital i ignored all my problems and pushed them aside now i have deep depression cause of it


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry! I've been talked out of trying a few times and the empty feeling of thinking no one wants to listen or cares is so horrible. I'm glad you made it, hopefully the depression gets better.


    Not mine, but my friend's. She knew a boy that liked her a lot, and eventually he asked her out and she said yes. He was super possessive, not letting her sit with anyone else at lunch and getting mad when she talked to other boys. She thought this was normal, since this was her first relationship. Then she called me crying saying they broke up because she caught his holding hands with another girl. (eighth grade, ok? We aren't making out or anything yet)


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