A dog that I have been playing with since I was really young recently passed away. I would really like you to post the funniest or most embarrassing situation you have ended up in to cheer me up. Thanks!


if I just talk to other people and I slip up and say something I think was weird I will get embarrassed. I also get embarrassed if something weird happens on TV and I will just leave the room until the weird part is over. my parents think it's because I'm scared but it's because I'm embarrassed. I know it's weird but ya whatever.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The thing with the TV, I do that too. Whenever a part that makes me cringe comes on, I want to shut that thing off.

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    Looking back, it was probably my first day of 1st grade. We had just moved schools, so I didn't know the schedule or know anyone really. I remember after lunch it was recess, but of course my brain couldn't remember that EVEN THOUGH I did that at my old school AND every kid was heading outside. I started crying in the middle of the cafeteria. Again, that was looking back.



    On the first day of first grade, I got on the wrong bus. I lived in a neighborhood where all of the kids where way older than me, and somehow followed them onto their bus. I ended up at the local high school, and being the brave kid that I was (just kidding I was pretty much crying) I didn't seek help from a grown up. So I stood outside of the school for a while, until one of the teachers came and asked me what I was doing there. I asked her where the first grade wing was, and she asked me for my mom's phone number. Long story short, my mom came to pick me up and took me to the elementary school.



    I never shared this with anyone! When I was in middle school(?) we had our school annual function. It was a small school, so limited students per grade. To reward the students who stand first in every grade they sometimes ask parents of different students to distribute medals. Say a second grader stands 1st in his class, a slightly known parent of 5th of 6th grader will be asked to give away the reward.

    It so happened that an announcement was made like "xxxx (my dad) parent of student (me) will now present the reward to 'yyyy' (a random student). I heard my name being called and straight away went upto the stage and teachers and principal were looking at me like "What the heck are you doing here?". I suddenly realized, embarrassed and made gesture for my dad to come up and I rushed down in hurry!



    I was in a Meet Call with my math tutor. We have two other students excluding me. We were doing past year papers, the teacher assigned us to do a specific paper. When I'm doing something like that at home, I would usually talk to myself or belt out. I forgot that I had not turned off the microphone, and started belting out as I did the papers. Everyone listened to me and didn't say a thing. I later realised and turned the mic off and they all burst out laughing! That was E to M to the barrassing embarrassing!! I'm actually glad that I didn't talk to myself though!



    Went swimming... Tried to do front-flip off of diving board... Slammed my back against the water so hard I couldn't swim for the next 2 minutes...

    Ev1 laughed at me...
    2 seconds later i tried again and succeeded.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ay good for you, not quitting! That musta hurt so bad...

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    For me it’s when people will say something like “Happy Birthday!” and then I will say “You too!” Then I just stand there in awkwardness hoping they didn’t notice.


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    when i was little, my family went to the beach. I was playing in the ocean and my eyes needed drying. I walked around with my eyes closed thinking my dad was nearby. I walked to far and when I opened my eyes, i saw people laughing. I dried my eyes on some random lady's breasts.



    I accidentally shoved my almost done ice cream cone onto my mother’s nose.



    Ok so this is kinda gross, but there was this guy I was sitting next to on the bus but he stood up to get off but was waiting for others so i stood up too right as he turned around and know im really short compared to him but my head was kinda down cause i was grabbing my bag and then i looked up as he turned around and got a faceful.... OMG I was so embarrassed! I hated it!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ;w; I feel your pain. Being short is awful.... But you are closer to their kneecaps. Remember that. >:3

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    ...We were in gym class.. My friends were staring at me... no teachers in the room.... They pounced. That's right- They used me as a human hot potato....60 pound 7th graders make perfect hot potatoes.... help meeeeeeeeeeee


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have used some ninja martial arts (kidding, I don't even know what that is)

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    One time I was babysitting and I made lunch for the two kids. The youngest kid was 5 and the oldest was 7. After we ate lunch I turn around and the youngest has ice cream everywhere! Apparently he had gotten an ice cream cone and tried to eat it...


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    haha.... i did the classic "call my teacher mom" in 3rd grade....... the whole class laughed...... what's worse is that it was a man.....



    In 6th grade, I was walking down some stairs, going to lunch (all the 6th graders had lunch, and it was conveniently the 7th and 8th graders passing time too) and I tripped down like 16 stairs. And since it was THAT passing time, tons of people from every grade saw me, and it was previously loud but it just got really quiet, and everyone turned to stare at me. My face was bright red and I practically ran to the lunch room, it barely hurt, I only got one or two bruises, but it was SO embarrassing!



    I have a few that were super embarrassing back then but are just hilarious now..
    When I was a small (probably around 8-9) my older cousins (10-11) had this "pants sagging" phase. One time when we were outside playing with the neighborhood kids my cousin was trying to talk me into sagging and when I wouldn't she decided to "help me sag." Needless to say, she pulled my pants down in front of all the little boys.
    Also, in around 5th grade I had a huge crush on this boy named Cameron. Every day in the morning we usually had SSR (silent sustained reading) and this particular day I decided I wanted to sit by him on this bean bag chair. I had really gotten the urge to sneeze and while I sneezed I also farted... right in front of this kid! Since the whole class was silent everyone could hear it. Honestly that's probably THE MOST embarrassing memory from my childhood. Luckily, my other friend took the blame for me.


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    This goes back to when I was in 6th grade. Basically, I was in school and my class had just been dismissed. I thought it was time for recess because it was around the time that we would typically go to recess. So, I grab a basketball and go outside to shoot some hoops...I couldn't see any of my friends so I presumed they were just still inside working on something or talking to the teacher. Shortly after, recess ended and everyone went to line up at the door and wait for the supervisors to let them in after everyone was in line. That's when I realized it wasn't time for my class to have recess yet because literally no one from my class lined up on the line that was specifically for my class. So, everyone was staring at me like every typical person does and so I just awkwardly walked right back into the building and finally into the correct class I was supposed to be in, which was Music class. I essentially lost track of the schedule. There are days when we have Music class and other days when we don't and that specific thing is what I lost track of.


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    House flooded last year and they had to remove the wall between the kitchen in a bathroom. Colonoscopy prep was a free show to everyone. Lost my towl at Ocean Shores when I was 12 had to run naked after it then all the creepy old men kept calling me the little strip tease. Wore a see through white dress to work without a bra. It didn't use to be see through. And probably the first time I bled through my pants on my period. Farted during sex. My autistic brother laughing hysterically during the killing of Jesus in passion of the Christ in front of everyone at church. (He gets his emotional responses messed up)



    There I was. ESY. I had just finished a puzzle. Then, my best friend started making embarrassing comments about the puzzle I had JUST finished.


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    A while ago, my husband and I were in a supermarket. I wander off to get something, return to my husband who was waiting by our shopping cart. For some reason though, he has put all sorts of hair styling products in our cart. He normally isn‘t the type of person to use such things, so that is rather... confusing. I scowl down at the cart with the most sinister frown. Then scowl up at him - only to realise that’s not my husband. I barely bark out, “Oh, I‘m sorry!” and hurry away, but I‘ll never forget the look on that man‘s face. Poor guy seemed so hurt that I disapproved of his styling products :(



    Well, I know it's going to sound like a bummer, but I can't remember anything from the top of my head. I guess the mind is really efficient at blocking out bad memories.
    Let me think... Well, when I was little, I really wanted to go to the bathroom, and I peed my pants. Wasn't a great look.
    Also, I felt really embarrassed when I said something silly in classes, and everyone was laughing at. Like, for example, I called amoeba, "a Moby" (you know, that guy that makes music)
    But it's ok, I kinda learned to take myself less seriously because of these moments.


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    Also how do you create one of these and have people be able to answer??


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    First you need an image saying the title of your future post on it. I just went to a comic website and I made the image and title there. Then you go to the BorderPanda website. In the top right corner, you should see a box saying add post. You click on that. You upload the image with the title. Then you just fill out the form (Title, summary...). When you are done, you click on save draft which will be in the bottom corner. Then you click preview (also at the bottom left corner). If it looks good then you click submit (green button in the bottom right corner)

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    I sang in front of my class on accident once. It was super embarrassing.
