Pandas, What Is One Thing About Bored Panda You Are Afraid To Say For Fear Of Getting Downvoted? (Closed)
We all love Bored Panda, but we also all have opinions that we want to voice. Example: You cannot make a slightly controversial joke without getting destroyed. Please add screenshots if possible!
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Black lives DO matter, Animal Lives Matter, Biden is a better president than Trump (Of course, we all have our opinions.) Muslim lives matter, men are not wallets, and girls are not objects.
I would say that an enormous majority of people agree that all human lives matter, and animal lives (although most would value people over animals when it comes down to it). The issue is that many people don't agree with the all the values of the various organisations that supposedly represent those people groups, or take their names from those sentiments.
My entire belief system, which tends to be pessimistic and nihilistic. But I'm sort of good at cracking jokes, I suppose.
i used to be a pessimist and now im still a pessimist but less obviously
well im pro choice and i have never said that because its quite controversial for some reason i just think that's its the girls body's and its there choice
I like Tamagotchi, but I think everybody will not like Lunatchi. My newest My Tama.
Instead of chiming in about “not all men” and reverse racism on white people, how about you ask “What can I do to help?” Think of it as an opportunity for you to learn how other people feel. I’m not saying any form of sexism or racism is a good thing (they shouldn’t exist in the first place), but now you definitely feel something close to empathy. Don’t shut it down because it feels uncomfortable.
I appreciate all the men and women in my life. Without the wonderful men building me up, I wouldn’t be alive to backtalk. A lot of them are quite muscular but embrace attributes associated with femininity, and they actively support those around them.
Not afraid, more of a 'it always seems to have a negative effect, so best not say it' kind of situation.
So.... for those open-minded people....
I'm diagnosed ASPD.
And have spent most of my life just trying to understand people and emotions.
Whenever I try to explain it someone they tend to not understand and distance themselves from me.
Some of my social circle are confused by it, they find strange that I can actually have a sense of humour but be the worst person to play 'would you rather' with because I always give my logical answer.
Some people don't believe it because 'google says.....' Yeah, well, I had great parents who did a great job at educating me and explaining the world to me, along with years of professional help, so I probably know more about morality than you Gary!, I just don't "feel them".
i have periods of time where im either completely cut off from my emotions or overwhelmed by them, and i have no control over which one happens. i honestly prefer the overwhelmed