Describe how you told your current significant other you had feelings for them and their response. Were you nervous at first?


She broke the ice with me. It was her 19 birthday party and she asked me to give her a birthday kiss. We lived in neighboring apartments and I had no idea she had a crush on me. 43 years later we're still together.



    She was my best friend at the time, and I was scared she wouldn't like me back and leave me in the dust soooo I decided to test the waters first. I told her I had a crush on one of my closest friends and would NOT tell her who. I asked her if she would confess if she had a crush on her friend (she said no) and we discussed either I should confess or bury my feelings. Eventually, she guessed it was and I just told her. As it turns out she's had a crush on me since before I even knew her. Last time I checked I was trash, can't believe someone likes me :/



    I technically didn't ask out my fiance but I did break the ice. Our story is definitely aligned in fate. Both of us come from a long line of LE family's my dad was his dad's FTO (field training officer) way back when so technically I knew OF him way before we met. We met several years ago when I was doing overtime and it was very brief. Just long enough to go "Oh I know your parents." A couple of years later we officially met at a murder... yes you read that right...a murder. I didn't know he was there at first until I was tasked with organizing searches. He came out of the rest room and I was out of officers (I was a Sgt) to pair him up with so I searched with him, we talked all night about life and such. He was in a long term relationship and I was happily married. (or so I thought at the time) I literally heard a voice tell me he was the one, which I ignored because I was married. I never saw him again until about 3 years later when I was at home after a complete ACL replacement. I was laying in bed the night after my surgery and had nothing to do so I went on FB and was scrolling. I saw a comment on a friends post and it was him. It dawned on me that I hadn't seen him around. With a little bit of curiosity and percocet courage, I looked at his page to see if he was with anyone. He wasn't. (I was divorced two years at this point) I messaged him and only said "You probably don't remember me, but how are you ? I haven't seen you around." I never expected a response. He immediately messaged me back "OMG of course I remember you the (...) murder. " We've been together ever since, 4 years and a new house later, he has proposed and we are getting married next year. :)



    I was in a relationship but they way we got together was cute so I thought I should share.

    We both liked each other alot but were shy people, so I decided to write a letter and have my friend give it to him but he did the same thing! So the same day we wrote each other letters and gave them to our friends to give to the other person.


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    I don't know, it was awkward with other girls, and I always got really nervous when I asked them out. But with my current GF that I've been with for almost 3 years, it felt natural. You know, normal stuff, asked her out for some coffee or a walk, I didn't have to try really hard, and maybe that's why this relationship felt so good from the get-go.



    I had been single for the first time in my adult life for just half a year. After matching on Tinder, we chatted online for couple of days, as he was visiting his family out of town. So we got to know each other via text, got along almost too well, and naturally wanted to meet face to face as soon as possible.

    So we set a date at a local bar. I was sitting there, a bit nervous, hoping for the best, as he walked in. I just took a glimpse of him for the first time and all I could think was "oh s*it, this is my next husband". I guess the feeling was mutual, as after just 10 weeks of dating he proposed me. This Wednesday it'll be 4th year since the first date, and it still feels like we've just met.


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    Bored Little Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He must be the one!!! That was so quick I hope all goes well!!! Happy early marriage!!!

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    He ran my regular bar and we'd known each other for 2 years. Little did I know that in that time all the staff referred to me as his 'girlfriend' and he'd told them that one day he was going to marry me. It was only when one day he jokingly said 'yeah I'd bang you' or words to the effect of that I realised he was into me too. He proposed a few days ago.



    So, I'd had a crush on one of my best friends for almost 5 years. One day, I gathered all my courage, and wrote her a note, telling her how I felt. I was absolutely terrified to give it to her. So, after lunch one day, we were heading back to class, and we had to part ways. So I handed her my note and walked away without saying a word. After school, I was too embarrassed to face her (I was completely sure that she wasn't interested in me, and I wasn't quite ready to deal with that humiliation) so I quickly walked home. On my way home, I got a text from her telling me she had feelings for me too. It warmed my cold, dead heart. We've been together for almost a year now and I've never been happier



    I met my other half at a motorbike race meeting in Dover. It wasn't until we swapped numbers 2 days later at the end of the meeting that we realised we lived less than a mile from each other! Dover is 180 miles from where we live!! And 11 years on we are still together ❤❤❤



    "I doubt we'll fit, but would you care to join me in a cup of tea?"

    We've been married 24 years.


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    We didn't get together until 8 or so years after this moment, but my first advance to my darling partner was this: She worked as a security guard in a building I was a contractor in. One day after a few weeks of walking past and seeing this beautiful woman, as it was pouring cats and dogs outside, I opted for a hail Mary attempt and asked "Hey, you wanna go make out in the rain like the do in The Notebook?". She laughed, looked at me (fittingly) like I was a crazy person, and promptly shaded me asking for a raincheck... as it was raining.


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    Bored Little Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awww that super adorable i bet she found you super funny and cute, glad yall got together!! ❤

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    We actually worked for the same company for years, but didn’t meet until a couple months after he was moved into the same department. I generally worked independently from, well, everyone, so it wasn’t often I got paired up for jobs. We were introduced as I needed his help with some specific coding, and it kind of went from there. We were friends for months before I finally consented to a date. Mostly of the personal, ice-breaking happened over IM chats. It also helped that the first one on-one conversation we had I was dressed like a pirate (with a coworker laughing his butt off at me in another part of the room). Not sure how my s/o kept a straight face for that conversation.


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    I'm no longer in a relationship, but back in the day, I simply asked them if they wanted to sit with me at lunch. That's basically how the friendship started.


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    Bored Little Panda
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You totally should like in a post earlier just ki da test the waters but do this slowly that way they don't suspect anything ya know, just in case the feelings aren't mutual, but getting it off your chest will definitely feel better!!

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    I played on a mens and womens rugby team for a year and a half and had been social with my now husband for a year and a half when we went to a rugby tournament. We both got pissed and ended up under a bush doing what you think. Eight months later we were engaged, and married 7 months after that. We have been married almost 8 years, and he is still my best friend. I won the jackpot that weekend.


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    We met over a really large group chat. We talked a lot and I eventually started sending him pick-up lines for fun and yeah, been going strong for 5 years.


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    Bored Little Panda
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats cute glad a fun little group chat brought you you're loved one!!!


    Um, this was my friends fault. I was in an online choir class. I am a self-proclaimed introvert and hate everything and everyone (pretty much). My friend had convinced me to get into a stupid dare and ask random (cute) guys for their numbers. So, I chose one guy and just was like “hi, what grade are you in?” He looked so fused but indulged me and at the end of that class I had his number. We texted and got to know each other. From having four bff’s who are the most drama-filled people I have met ever. I have gotten really good at guessing crushes through questions. (btw I had started developing feeling for this guy) And one day the subject of crushes came up and he said it was someone I knew. I start asking him my questions and the only he’ll answer is if I answer them as well. 5 minutes later we both know we have feeling for each other. Five days later he asked me out.


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    It was around New Years and I had ended my previous relationship about 2 years before. I had decided to work on myself, so I had gone back to school to finish my degree and was enjoying time with my family. I was getting all of these emails from dating sites saying "so and so wants to chat" or "so and so likes your profile". I had not been on any of these sites for a couple years, so I knew they were just trying to get me to sign up. I decided to choose one and signed up for 1 month (I even put a reminder on my phone to cancel) for the very selfish reason of an ego boost. I figured it would be nice to see nice comments about myself. Anyway, I was online one day and my S.O. saw me and sent me a funny note about not responding to his note. We chatted and mutually decided that since we were 100+ miles apart, and he had a daughter that he only saw in weekends, that it was better to not pursue a relationship. Mainly, I didn't want to get in the way of him seeing his daughter because weekends would have been the only time we could see each other. He wrote back a day later saying he couldn't stop thinking about me. We chatted, then exchanged numbers and it was like talking to family. It was just so easy, comfortable and we had so much in common. A year later, we got a place together. 3 years later, I have a loving partner (even after being quarantined together 24/7 for the last 9 months) and a fantastic step daughter.


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    I was sitting in the grass and i thought she was cool so I started eating grass. I have no clue why my brain just thought it would impress her, not to mention this isnt in elementary school its highschool. Anyway she sits down across from me and she starts telling me her whole life story. Whatever I was interested. She then goes "and now im sitting in front of a really pretty girl." I imediatly froze and I went into gay panic mode. I go "Oh well im sitting in front of a really cute girl too." And she gave me the Debby Ryan in RadioRebel look. So of course I got scared like this girl has level 82 flirting skills while I have like a level 15 on a good day. So I go "Are you interested in going on platonic dates? Because im interested. Maybe we can go to the crystal shop in town. Unless you don't like crystals. Maybe we can go volunteer at the animal sheltar together! unless you're allergic." Then she goes "That all sounds really fun! I guess I'm interested in platonic dates. But, not with you" My heart SUNK but she goes on to say "I wanna go on a normal date with you!" so i guess she asked m out but i prompted her. sirry this was so long


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's surprising how many of us like "weird" :) It also means "interesting".

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    We worked together at a fancy-schmancy grocery store, he as the assistant manager of the bakery/deli, I as a lowly cashier. I'd always look for reasons to pass by the deli counter, be it ordering food from him on my break before heading to the break room or just working on "facing" the baby food jars in the aisle across from the counter. Anything to be in his line of sight! Even when I moved onto another job, I'd still go back and flirt with him across the deli counter, despite the fact that I was dating a guy who I THOUGHT I was going to marry.
    One night, I went to visit him as the store was closing and he asked me for a ride home. Once we got to his house, he asked me if I wanted to come inside and see his gerbil. No, not a euphemism, he really DID have a new gerbil... although he DID have ulterior motives! LOL! Needless to say, I took him up on his offer, ended up breaking up with the other guy and the rest is history! We'll celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in August of next year!


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    He asked me out and I said yes. He had a crush on me and I had one on him, my friend told him that I liked him then he asked me out


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    A common belief is that there is someone for everyone. This is not true. In the United States, approximately 5% of people over the age of 90 have never been married.

    That is one in every twenty people.

    I am #1... of 20.


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    Jon S.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Forgot to ask, how old are you? The reason I ask is because I don't think anyone should worry much about not having been in a relationship until they are in their mid 20s, because we develop so much as people between 18 and 25, and what people look for in a partner changes so much in that period. But if you are in the second half of your life and you are still looking then you have my sympathy, that's an awkward hand to have been dealt.

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    I had some liquid courage at a local concert, purposely fell onto a guy's lap (now my significant other), and I introduced myself. Here we are 4 years later, we have one fur baby who we love with all of our hearts and we are newly engaged. Could not have worked out any better.


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    I once browsed to see if there were any interesting single women in my area. There was only one. The following day I walked passed her on my way to work and resolved that if I saw her again I would ask her out. Two days later I did and handed her a card with my number on, suggesting we go for a coffee sometime. Remarkably she called, and we have been married for 10 years now.


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