What's a sneaky little habit you have, something you do in private that feels harmless or even comforting to you, but you'd be mortified if anyone else found out about it.


Sometimes, when I'm alone, I talk to inanimate objects like my plants or my phone as if they can hear me. It's not just a casual 'oops' when I drop something—I’ll have full conversations with them about my day or apologize if I accidentally bump into them. It’s silly and harmless, but I'd probably die of embarrassment if anyone ever walked in on me mid-conversation!


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Jane No Dough
Community Member
1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This behavior is more common than you think. Those of us who spend most of our time alone, even if we don't feel lonely, often have conversations in our heads that spill out of our mouths...


    Sometimes when I'm at work, I pretend that I'm actually a spy posing as a restaurant employee to get Intel on whatever crazy scenario I've come up with that day. The last one was my boss was using the restaurant to launder money for her criminal enterprise. It makes the day a little more fun sometimes 🤷‍♀️



    Whenever I eat candy, with permission or not. I'm not a fat person (I have an EXTREMELY fast metabolism and am currently about 109 pounds but have lost a bit more weight cause my meds make me lose my appetite), nor do I have an eating disorder, but my parents have grilled me so much about candy in general (yes, even on Halloween) that even when my mom gives me some of hers, I feel like, "this isn't right"... *eats candy anyway*.


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    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have gone through something similar, except I was a little chubby as a kid. Not terribly overweight My dad was constantly on me about eating, and weighed me every week. All it did was make me feel ashamed for eating so I'd eat in secret and gained more weight.It wasn't until I cut ties with him that I started to feel and eat better. I know it's harder to do than say, but don't feel bad for having a treat 🍫🍬🍭😁


    Well this might be relatable to some and super cringe to others.. I make up songs about and to my pets. For each one there's a reach repertoire of stupid and puerile songs. sometimes I even add a weird cringey voice. I don't even notice it anymore unless someone points it out..


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