What's black, white, and funny? Our preferred answer would be 'this text!', but we'll see about that in a couple more sentences. For now, let's stick with a 'panda' for an answer, which isn't any less humorous if you'd ask us. Although we're definitely not a band of clairvoyants here, there's still a slight chance that we'll guess this correctly - right about now, all you can think of and the image you see in your head most clearly is a fuzzy, adorable panda. Did we guess it right? Well, if not, here's a list of panda puns that will make you think of the monochromous bears. After reading all 98 of them, our prophecy is bound to become apparent!
Yup, we're continuing with our promise to deliver an article on each possible topic for puns - no stones unturned here. Of course, our top priority was to honor our namesake brethren and come up with a list of clever puns dedicated solely to pandas. And that's what we did! Now, you can read all about these aloof animals in the most entertaining way. Which is, without a question, funny puns. Of course, being hilarious isn't the only purpose of these wordplays, as they are also highly educational. You're about to find out how panda bears make pancakes, in what fashion they roll down the hills most often, and even become acquainted with their social habits. That is as awkward as our own, as it turns out.
But, enough with introductions - nothing beats a first-hand experience, especially the one of reading creative puns. So, to finally reach the tasty part, you're going to have to scroll just a little bit further, but then all your efforts will be repaid in double. With the currency being hilariously funny, panda puns! Vote for the ones you've liked the best, add in your own if we missed any of the good ones, and share this article with your friends, foes, neighbors, and your local barista.
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The panda's jokes were not good.
In fact, they were pretty unbearable.
What do a zebra and a panda have in common?
The answer is pretty black and white.
🐼🦓Psst! Did you know that zebras have black skin, that they're black with white stripes? Pandas have black skin under the black fur and pink skin under the white fur. Nature is so interesting.🦓🦓🦓
What do you call a male panda?
🎼🎶I've held it all inward, God knows, I've tried, But it's awful awakening in a country boy🎵🎶
What do pandas drink?
What did the panda say when it got overcharged for dinner?
I've been bamboozled!
🍃Don't LEAF a tip then?🍂 (Seriously though, tip your waitstaff well people, they truly earn it.)
On Halloween, pandas scare each other by shouting bam-BOO!
The difference between a panda and a polar bear is about 1,000 miles.
🐼Did you know that polar bear fur is transparent and their skin is black? Wild, huh?🐼
Pandas get to the hospital in bamboo-lances.
Pandas are so lazy, they only do the bear minimum.
What does a panda say before leaving?
“I’ll be white black.”
Why do panda bears have a hairy coat?
Fur protection.
What did the panda say when his friend got a bad haircut?
“Don’t worry; it’s not furever. Plus, I bearely even notice a difference.”
Most people do not want to live with their families past a certain age because of the need for space and indepandance.
Oh, indePANDAnce! I thought it was a misplaced comment for a second 🤦🏼♀️
The bear decides to quit its job in the zoo because it is a mere panda-monium.
What happened when two pandas got into a fight?
They both got bambooboos!
Pandas don't get confused. They get bamboozled.
On average, a panda feeds for approximately 12 hours a day. It’s the same with humans under quarantine.
That’s why it’s called a “Pandemic”.
What happened when they planted new bamboo trees at the zoo?
It was pandamonium out there!
With each one growing up to a meter a day, I can see why it'd be so exciting for them. But it's not a tree, it's just the fastest growing grass on the planet! 🐼🌾
Pandas are endangered because bamboo shoots.
What goes black, white, black, white, black, white?
A panda rolling down a hill.
Why do pandas have fur coats?
Because they’d look silly in denim jackets.
🙊Tell that to the panda that peeled one off of the man silly enough to sit right up against the bars of it's cage. 🙉Anyone else seen that video?🙈 It's hilarious😹
Why do pandas like old movies?
They’re in black and white.
You only need two letters to spell panda.
P, and, A.
What do you call a large group of sick pandas?
A panda-emic.
What’s a panda’s favorite dessert?
Blue-beary pie.
Why aren’t pandas allowed into restaurants?
Everyone knows a panda eats shoots and leaves.
What’s black and white, has eight wheels and travels very fast?
A panda on roller-skates.
What did the panda pack in her suitcase?
The bear necessities.
What do you call a Paris street performer wearing a black and white shirt?
When panda bears rob banks, they always wear a pandana!
A panda bear's favorite breakfast is panda-cakes.
I hope you have a stu-panda-ous day today!
Try horsing around and dogging it, you foxy thing you😽💋 But no monkeying with the cubs or I'll bear down on you.
How many Pandas does it take to change a lightbulb? The Pandas will get back to you on that, as soon as they can find a store that sells clothing in lightbulb sizes.
When the journalist was reporting, the director decided to panda camera slowly to the right to capture what was going on at the background.
Pandas find it absolutely unbearable when they're forced to move from their natural habitat.
There was a panda with a slight stutter.
It's a story that bears repeating.
What is black and white with red dots?
A panda with chickenpox.
What did the panda bear say after looking at his GPS?
“Give me a second to get my bearings!”
How do pandas manage to save money printing photos?
Most of their photos are black and white.
What's black and white and green all over?
A panda with grass stains from sliding down a hill.
What did the panda bear say when he had to relay an unhappy message?
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news!”
When you live in a different environment for a while, you will see your worldview expandad.
Within a few weeks, the unassuming disease had spread all over and become panda-emic.
What will be the consequence if they decide to plant a bamboo plant there in the forest?
Can’t say for sure, but there will be a pandamonium out there at any cost.
In today’s environment, there is no one who is ex-panda-ble. Everybody is significant and supposed to be heard.
One way of describing the panda is by focusing on the legs and saying it has four furry appandages that it uses for walking and climbing.
In the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, the fashion was centered on suspandas that people wore to keep their pants from slipping down.