Men, when did a woman make you uncomfortable, whether it be by catcalling or any other way?
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I was working at Burger King when I was 19. My manager was in her early 30's at least. She would constantly do things like wink at me, touch me, call me "honey" and "sweetheart", stuff like that. I wasn't really bothered by this stuff, just found it a little weird. But one day, she walked by me when I was eating and said "Damn, I wish you'd eat me like that." I told that was extremely inappropriate and to please never say that again. She got really mad and told me she can say whatever the hell she wants and to stop being such a snowflake. I quit after that.
@AssassinSeven Thank you. I worked there a few months.
Load More Replies...If it was the other way round it would be a different story. Good for you standing up to her. Looks like she the one who ended up with a chip on her shoulder!
Someone using their authority over someone else just to take advantage of them like that, they should be the ones that are fired.
When I was in fifth grade, me and my friends were playing basketball against some girls. everything was going smoothly and when I had the ball, this girl literally said to me, "If you pass the ball to me,I'll give you a million kisses." when I heard those words, I was just parylized. I didn't move and the girl who said that took the ball from me. I walked out of the court and sat down. then that girl moved and the awkwardness went away after a few weeks
Did she have a crush on you or was she just trying to throw you off your game?
No, bananas are yellow, no idea what you’re talking about (joking, I have no clue what this comment says)
Load More Replies...Just want to say thank you to everyone for not saying that women are bad because some women were bad. Both men and woman can be terrible people.
The overwhelming number of entries in this post should be a wake-up call to all right-thinking individuals. I mean, after reading this, can anyone seriously deny that sexual harassment is a two-way street??
No, bananas are yellow, no idea what you’re talking about (joking, I have no clue what this comment says)
Load More Replies...Just want to say thank you to everyone for not saying that women are bad because some women were bad. Both men and woman can be terrible people.
The overwhelming number of entries in this post should be a wake-up call to all right-thinking individuals. I mean, after reading this, can anyone seriously deny that sexual harassment is a two-way street??