I think of creativity, art in general and painting in particular – both as a way of thinking, feeling and processing; as a way in which I bring the world inside and acquire ownership of it, make it mine, frame it within a canvas or a page. A way that is different from any other way of thinking and processing because it is done with other mental and physical tools and means, according to a different law. With a wider degree of freedom. But also as a world of reflections of reality, images and metaphors that, precisely because they are not verbal, allow for a different understanding of ourselves and the world. Therefore, I often use concepts and processes from the world of painting and stretch them out as a way to talk about the world and about us. In my opinion, this allows me to enrich and think about what I am doing when I paint in a new way, and also to tell myself the external and internal world in new ways, to discover it with new eyes, and sometimes to tear it apart and sew it back together.
More info: sadna4u.com