Technology is changing at an incredibly rapid pace. Innovations in tech and new products are seemingly everywhere. Now, with the rise of artificial intelligence, it’s unclear what the future will look like. Though many are happily embracing this uncertainty, others are sticking to what they know best—tried and tested products.

Reddit user u/blankblank sparked an interesting debate after asking everyone to share the outdated or obsolete tech that they still happily use to this very day. Check out their responses below, Pandas. You might find that you have quite a bit in common with these internet users. Personally, we're still pretty big fans of buttons and paper...

We reached out to consumer psychology specialist Matt Johnson, Ph.D., to get his thoughts on why some people still cling to 'outdated' technology and products. You'll find Bored Panda's full interview with him below. Johnson is the host of the marketing psychology blog and the author of 'Blindsight' and ‘Branding that Means Business.' 


“I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Wired earphones.

Cheap, don't have to charge, don't need to worry about losing them.

Bring 3.5 back for phones dam it

acidus1 , freestocks Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things A *light switch.*

    I just moved into a new house, which has “smart switches,” which I swear to god are the dumbest f*****g light switches anyone’s ever thought up.

    On. Off. That’s what I want in a light switch. Maybe a little miniature fader bar on the side if you’re into romantic mood lighting. (I’m not.)

    *These* f*****g switches: Tap up to turn the lights on. Tap and hold to fade them up. Double tap up to turn them on maximum (This is different than turn them on, because reasons). Tap down to turn them off. Tap and hold to fade them down. Double tap down to turn them on minimum (a function nobody, in the world, has ever used deliberately, ever).

    And just to make sure you deeply despise whoever thought these things up, the sensitivity SUUUUUUCKS. So as often as not, you tap down to turn them off, and the light switch reads that as “tap and hold to dim,” and your light just decreases by 20%. So then you have to turn around and go back into the hallway (because you’ve already passed it - because you should not have to *PAUSE* at a light switch to f*****g operate it), go back, double tap up to turn the lights back up to maximum (otherwise next time you turn it on, it will helpfully remember that you “wanted” it at 80%), and then tap down to turn them off again.

    **ON.** F*****g **OFF.** That’s what a light switch should do. **It cannot be improved upon.** My light switch should not be trying to *interpret* my *intentions.*

    Meanwhile, these light switches all flash a little orange LED under them. I looked up in the manual that this means they are not connected to wifi. I have no intention of changing that, because I am never… *EVER*… going to be driving home in my car and say “Hey Siri, dim the lights to 40% and put on some romantic mood music. Daddy’s going to slip into the tub with a glass of *wine* for a little *Me Time.*” 🤢 🤮

    But there is one light switch in my house that does not flash orange; It shows a solid blue. Which means it *IS* connected to wifi. *Whose* f*****g wifi? Not mine. I never gave it my password. So which of my neighbors is hosting the online profile of my f*****g **light switch?**

    I’m going to spend hundreds of dollars this winter to replace every “smart” light switch in the house with a real, functional light switch, designed by and for actual human beings, and it will be the happiest money I’ve ever spent.

    CSWorldChamp , jaye_haych Report

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    Lauren S
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well this individual has made me hate light switches I didn’t know existed.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Physical buttons. Not everything needs to be touchscreen for goodness sake.

    SXOSXO , Grey_Coast_Media Report

    Johnson, a consumer psychology specialist and the host of the marketing psychology blog, explained to Bored Panda that there are several reasons why people often cling to seemingly outdated technology.

    "First, familiarity and comfort play a role, as people may be resistant to change and prefer tools they're accustomed to. Second, cost can be a massive factor as well, as upgrading to newer technology can be expensive. It's the classic line: 'No one has ever been fired for going with IBM,'" he said.

    "Many business leaders are excessively loss averse, and so if an old technology is working (even sub-optimally), there is little incentive to change. An upgrade is seen as all downside, and little upside," Johnson noted.


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I still take a notepad and pen into every meeting

    VFP_ProvenRoute , kellysikkema Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Taking physical notes prevented my a** from searching for the "Id-10-t form" in the very beginning of my USAF career. Thankfully I took notes and was observant to what I wrote.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things A good cast-iron pan is still superior to anything that has been invented since.

    r0botdevil , kkhoey2004 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even more so if the handle is not plastic, so you can sear a steak on it and finish it in the oven! And finally you make a pan sauce with it as well.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I own my music. I have 100s of CDs so I still use my CD player and MP3 player. And, to be honest, I still have about 150 vinyl albums I play on occasion.

    Silly-Resist8306 , victrola Report

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    Snowy Ashton
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Physical media will always be better than digital. I don't mind digital, but when the cash runs out or the internet/power fails (could be short or long term), what's going to entertain you? Your phone won't live forever. Board games fall into this category too!

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    "In some cases, older technology may also be more reliable or durable, making it a practical choice for certain tasks."

    On top of that, Johnson said that in the case of fax machines still being widely used in Japan, "cultural factors and industry-specific standards can further perpetuate the use of older technology."

    We also asked the consumer psychology specialist about why people feel pressured to update to the latest gadgets. For one, you have social pressure and the desire to fit in with your peers to consider.

    "Advertisements and marketing create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and a perception that the latest technology is essential for staying connected and efficient. Additionally, software updates and app compatibility can incentivize upgrades as older devices may become obsolete," the specialist shared with Bored Panda.


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Some things don't need to be smart when the regular push button or k**b version works fine. Simpler and less things that could go wrong.

    Like kitchen appliances. A kitchen faucet doesn't need voice commands. My air fryer doesn't need wifi connection so I can control it from an app.

    hammysandy , AnnaStills Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Watches that only tell the time. Maybe the date, too :)

    buffalo__666 , misakyanovich Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t really understand the purpose of watches with screens anyway, it’s basically just an even smaller phone

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Textbooks bro. Not even technology. Why is everything online now. I need the ability to highlight something

    jennsnotscary , ijeab Report

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    Me. Just Me.
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone who went through high school and college with notebooks and physical text books (late Gen-Xer), I am actually grateful for the technology we have today. I am quite comfortable with and enjoy my Kindle, I love my iPad, and I had to learn OneNote for work. I don't think I would go back to school without having a notebook and pen with me, but the idea of not having to pay $500+ for a 65 pounds of textbooks that I have to lug around everywhere and panic when I can't find them is truly a dream for me.

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    "The pursuit of new features, improved performance, and enhanced user experiences also drives this pressure for constant technological advancement. This is exacerbated by the fact that many products are deliberately designed and marketed to be desired, enjoyed briefly, and then replaced. This is especially the case with mobile devices, where we constantly seek out the newest, 'most advanced' version, despite modest changes from model to model."

    Johnson also drew attention to a set of studies from Columbia Business School that he also discussed in his book 'Blindsight.' "Researchers found that you’re much more likely to be careless with your phone if there’s a newer, better version of the product on the horizon," he noted.

    "Examining a dataset of over 3,000 lost iPhones, the research team found there was a curious spike in losses before a new model was released. Over 600 self-reports of iPhone neglect and damage followed similar timing. Even our physical dexterity becomes unconsciously attuned to this need to upgrade."


    Does EVERYTHING have to be powered by sensors? I swear that everything I own breaks only because of a sensor gone bad. My car's A/C, my washing machine's cycle sensors, even the coffee warmer I received as a gift.

    Maybe I'm old but I would just like to turn something on, it do its job, then turn it back off. It doesn't also need to blow me.

    oheyitsmoe Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Physical media in general (DVDs, CDs, video games, books, etc.). Yeah, it adds to clutter but most digital services have it in their terms of service that they can remove content (even paid for) at any time with no refund to you. You're basically paying a float rate to rent it until they can no longer rent it.

    Come try to remove the physical stuff, it's a felony in most states and you can have my Buckaroo Banzai BluRay when you pry it from my cold and dead fingers.

    draggar , rhamely Report

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    Daniel Atkins
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agree there is only so much streaming services can have available and if they decide to remove it from rotation then you can’t see it. Or some entertainment company decides they want to get into streaming and take all the content they own from other platforms. Then you have to pick and choose which ones to subscribe too or wether to add another subscription. I’d rather pay a one time fee for a copy I can watch at almost any time.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Pen and paper for notes and lists. Calendar and address books. For that matter, books in general. I've tried reading a digital book and I just don't get the appeal.

    WoolaTheCalot , behy_studio Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The appeal is you can bring 40 books on vacation without filling your luggage up.

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    The viral Reddit thread is proof of a few things. First, folks have a tough time letting go of the things they already own and have grown to love. Nostalgia and money that’s already been invested in the tech are both key factors here.

    Secondly, it shows that some people are perfectly fine using products that work adequately, while they’re still functional. They don’t see a need to upgrade to the ‘latest mode’ just to be fashionable or chase trends. This might be out of ecological concerns, the desire to save money, or the simple realization that simple functionality is better than an overabundance of options.


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I store my passwords in a physical pen-and-paper notebook. I am not impressed at the notion of storing passwords in some sort of cloud-based solution.

    Bizarre_Protuberance , marcospradobr Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don’t you know that you are supposed to have a complex and unique password for everything, and change them all regularly, but never write them down! Because you are a robot

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Printers that could print without a subscription....

    OnSaturdaysWeWearRed , mahrous_houses Report

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    Daniel Atkins
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who sell them with a subscription? I work in the primer copier field never seen a company that requires a subscription to print.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things A pen. Works just fine when I need it.

    Knucks_408 , lilartsy Report

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    Erin Ward
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just bought a box of 10 green pens to write notes and in my journal. I was super excited that I wouldn't have to buy pens for a really long time. Made me really happy, lol

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    Third—and many of us have witnessed this firsthand—products made in the past seem to stand the test of time far better than new ones. They’re more resilient. Newer tech, on the other hand, seems to become outdated far more quickly. Thanks, planned obsolescence!


    You’d genuinely be surprised by how abundant old tech still is in this day and age. For example, the Tokyo Weekender points out that in 2020, a jaw-dropping 34% of all Japanese households still had a fax machine. It’s quite a contrast with public perception when you consider that Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries on Planet Earth.


    What I would give to have back the headphone jack in my phone...

    Tyler_origami94 Report


    my dial phone. I love it and will never ever get rid of it. It's in my kitchen, it's yellow and my grandpa built a little wooden picket fence around it, with fake flowers in tiny clay flower pots.

    hoosierina Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things A calculator. You know - with buttons and a screen.

    glory2mankind , ijeab Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had to replace my TI graphing calculator with a Casio CAS. I really hate the fact you need a goddamn STYLUS PEN for a calculator.

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    It’s not just fax machines that Japan has a tough time letting go of! Cash is still prevalent in the country. According to data from 2022, merely 32% of all payments in Japan were cashless. Compare that to a whopping 93% of payments in neighboring South Korea, another extremely technologically advanced nation.

    CDs, business cards, and websites that overwhelm you with information are also a part of daily life there. Many of these things look like they belong in the latter half of the last century, but there you have it—nothing’s obsolete or outdated while it’s still in use! And changing habits, traditions, and social mores is harder than you think, even with all the fancy new tech up for grabs… 


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things manual transmission

    A5CH3NT3 , MikeShots Report

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    Sebastián Rodríguez
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It gives you so much more control than an automatic one! Although... the automatic one is nice for long traffic jams.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things ~25 year old Honda Accord with a manual transmission.

    revocer , domantasm Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wonder if it's true that in US manual is the best anti-theft device :D

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I'd rather use my mp3 player with wired earbuds than play music through itunes on my phone.

    Select-Anxiety-1557 , luminos_film Report


    A plastic freaking card! I just called Sam's Club and got into a fight with them. I am NOT using a freaking app on my phone!!! I want a damn card!!!

    an0nym0uswr1ter Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You do know that the person you 'got in a fight with' has no say in the matter, right? You're just ruining an employees day.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I have an offgrid cabin in the woods, I have a small pc responsible for recording/saving images from security cameras, and also serves as a data logger for my weather sensors - it all runs on Windows XP and it’s rock solid.

    oceanhomesteader , zachaery Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things DVDs. Sadly, most modern computers have no drives, so external is the only option.

    Tricball , lucky_alamanda Report

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    Thomas Olsen
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got a floppy to usb too, friends and families borrow it to check their old floppies before discarding them, think i gave 15/20 eur well worth the price for me,

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    On the farm we still use some old equipment like a 1952 Ford tractor and a ride-on sickle mower for cutting down tall weeds. I plant a couple rows of sweet corn next to the regular corn so when I plant that corn I use an old 2 row planter thats probably 100 years old. Still works great for planting 600 feet of corn.

    Both pieces of equipment were meant to be pulled by horses or tractors. We just use a garden tractor.

    Urbanredneck2 Report

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    Barbara Kelly
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it still works, use it! Much older equipment was built to last.

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    I'm a Xennial and I still pay my bills via mailed check. That means I have checkbooks, envelopes, and stamps in my home.

    JenniFrmTheBlock81 Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate all this modern technology s**t but, paying online is the best thing that ever happened. Checks are expensive, cuts way down on stamps. Not to mention the tedious writing of checks and you don't have to worry about the PO losing it.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I have a hand crank can opener. I also have a lawn mower without an engine.

    Edit: I also drive a stick shift.

    iremovebrains , rsnxmt Report

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    Barbara Kelly
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hand crank can opener is a life saver when the power goes out in the house, and you will be cooking on the barbecue or fireplace/fire pit.

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    A radio.

    Not_Tday Report

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    Andrej Rizer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a rad tech actually. Back in old days radio could even work without any power source by just self powering from long AM radiowaves

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    A regular door bell.

    Another_Penguin Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things my film cameras

    Why-did , miadomenico Report

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    Temporary Dork
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh look at that Yashica! Wonderfully lightweight durable camera that took Carl Zeiss T-lenses.

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    Wired internet connection. I love wires, so much more reliable.

    -Benjamin_Dover- Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ethernet and display wires are the only wires i'll never get rid of. Everywhere i've lived for the past 20 years, i've run ethernet wires through the wall to every room.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Manual toothbrush

    Keep them electric shits away from me

    IronNobody4332 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing wrong with an electric toothbrush. Some have a feature of vibrating after about 30 seconds on each quarter of your mouth, many can do a better job brushing and encourage people to not apply quite so much pressure when taking care of their teeth.

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    I use a double edge razor to shave and I've just finished polishing my shoes with wax and a stiff brush. In both cases it takes a little longer than using an electric razor or those shoe polishing pens, but I enjoy the ritual and I don't mind it taking a bit of extra time.

    Th4t9uy Report

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    LeeAnne B
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is a certain peace felt with the ritual of shaving. I bought my partner a shaving brush, potted cream and a citrus aftershave. He now enjoys something that he previously considered a chire

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I still download music. I don’t trust streaming sites to always have what I want to listen to. Plus, I have some very obscure stuff that most don’t have anyway.

    Add_8_Years , christinhumephoto Report

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    Daniel Atkins
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah streaming sites are limited then they tend to repeat within an hour of streaming.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Anything that still comes wired. Mice, keyboard, controllers, whatever, I'll still want the wired option.

    I'd argue typing is almost obsolete, but I'll still type over using speech to text.

    I also have a 30 year old vacuum that still works like a dream! Weights a shitload but it has an auto-drive system and you can still buy the original bags and parts. Tried using a modern vacuum and it didn't come close in cleaning ability compared to my old one.

    The_Sum Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I ordered a charger for my old DS lite (came out 2006) last week and damn did I miss it. The DS age of empires, old Pokémon games I’m having a blast

    Mysterious-Pizza-462 , horaceko Report

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    Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a retro gaming system with the original Nintendo, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Sega, Atari, Arcade games.... Enough of them work well enough that I'm very happy with it. I'm a Dragon Warrior extraordinaire.

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    the Atari Asteroids machine in my basement. I try to play it often as possible.

    Into_the_groove Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Wood burner for home heating.

    LeSmeg47 Report

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    Edgar Rops
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if it has a stove top, you can also make coffee, or mulled wine.

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    "dumb" phone with no internet app, GPS, etc.

    Stormygeddon Report


    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things I am still transferring mp3s i downloaded from the internet to my phone. I tried Spotify premium for a year, was not satisfied and many old songs i like are not available. But by manually downloading flac, mp3, or so, i can get many unusual things like: my country's flag carrier playlist, remastered bass boosted, remixes, covers, etc.

    fikri_inter-business , ilias_cgb Report

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    Osito Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The other night I found that I was the only one in my group of friends (12), that has music stored in the phone, everyone else's using Spotify or YouTube...

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things My sega genesis and PlayStation 2 slim are still pluggin along fine and still are fun

    WhereAmIHowDoILeave , curtissberry Report

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    Kelly Scott
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm wishing I'd kept my Atari 2600. Plus all the games I'd bought.

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    iPod classic, CDs, and DVDs.

    What can I say? I like owning things.

    mikasoze Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't have Netflix or prime or anything like that only DVDs

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Adobe CS4. Screw the monthly subscriptions.

    socal_guy1 , glenncarstenspeters Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate the way Adobe makes you pay. I want Lightroom and photoshop so bad, but I can’t stand being locked in to a subscription for a year no matter what. I am now forced to use the mobile versions, which makes editing my photos so much harder. I can’t even merge bracketed photos to make HDR photos. Why Adobe!!!!!

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    70's turntable

    ISeeGrotesque Report

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    Rostit. .
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a 60s Sansui tt hooked up to my Macintosh/klipsch rig, Then an AR turntable on my harmenkardon/advent rig. Then a technics 1200 on a pioneerlklipsche rig. I use my flac player the most out of all of them.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things iPod classic - 160gb.

    Loose_Pilot574 , scottishstoater Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have the 80GB version. I don't use it because I loathe iTunes and I can't get music on it any other way.

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    I’ve a 12 year old pc that I use often. It had 16gb installed about a day after I got it, and about a year ago I replaced the HDDs with SSDs. It runs very well for use as a file server and word processing, WWW, etc. I’m not a gamer anyway, so it’s fine.

    gitarzan Report

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    Mp3 players

    Bitbatgaming Report

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    Bored something
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a 17+ yr old Samsung mp3 player that I love. Have to use corded headphones with it but it's worth it.

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    “I’m Having A Blast”: 50 People Are Not Ashamed To Admit They Still Use These Obsolete Things Still love playing the Nintendo GameCube.

    KrakPop , marcogomes Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Wii is a GameCube also tho- a lot of people forget that

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