When it comes to anime, we wouldn’t be surprised if those unfamiliar with it would expect nothing wise to come from it. However, if you ask anime fans, nothing couldn’t be more incorrect. There are tons of anime shows out there that can produce lines worthy of those of Socrates. Today though, our attention is diverted to One Piece quotes.
If you need that little extra kick to finally dive into this particular anime or just want to remember some of the most famous lines from the show, this list is for you. Inspirational One Piece quotes from characters like Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy are here to discover.
Keep your mind open, as these quotes from One Piece can really surprise you. Rivaling the depth of motivational sayings, they can also crack you up just like the funniest one-liners. And if you need an extra dose of humor, one piece memes are sure to make you laugh. Though we doubt you’ll be disappointed. There are too many shows to count, and the fact that One Piece is regarded as one of the best manga and anime series out there sure speaks for itself.
So with nothing else in the way, dig into this collection of the best One Piece quotes. Vote for your favorites and share them with your fellow anime fans!
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"Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal but it has already left a scar." - Monkey D. Luffy
In June, author Eiichiro Oda announced that his ongoing manga series One Piece would enter its final arc with the release of chapter 1054. Can you believe it’s been 25 years since the most popular manga of all time entered our lives and decided to stay for good?
"No matter how hard or how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal." - Monkey D. Luffy
"I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough." - Portgas D. Ace
"If you hurt somebody… or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed." – Monkey D. Luffy
"Over the nine mountains, across the eight seas, there is nothing I cannot cut." – Roronoa Zoro
It’s even harder to realize it’s finally getting an ending, one that Oda planned from the very beginning and didn’t reconsider at all. While we’ll miss the adventures of this anime’s characters. Luffy and his crew sure left a mark in our hearts, and it felt like we were there with them. We can at least take solace in knowing that One Piece will go down in history as one of the greatest stories ever told.
"Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life." - Nami
"Man or child, strong or weak, none of those matters once you are out at sea!" – Usopp
"Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it." – Nico Robin
"Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones! If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life!" – Brook
With more than a thousand chapters on its shoulders, it’s no surprise that the king of Shounen anime delivered some of the greatest quotes ever. Thanks to the legendary characters — each with their peculiar quirks and backstories — and the way Oda uses his artwork to set the mood, there are simply too many remarkable scenes.
"You want to keep everyone from dying? That’s naive. It’s war, people die." – Monkey D. Luffy
"We shouldn’t worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it." – Coby
"The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn’t a sin! There’s no crime in living!" - Franky
"People's dreams don't ever end!" - Blackbeard
"I’m going to be the world’s greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous… but it’s gonna shake the world!" - Roronoa Zoro
"You can spill drinks on me, even spit on me. I'll just laugh about it. But If you dare to hurt my friends... I won't forgive you!" - Shanks
"What keeps me alive in this world is neither bodily organs nor muscles, it’s my soul." - Brook
"There's not one person in the world that you can trust for sure... don't fall for their tricks." - Roronoa Zoro
"It’s not about whether it’s impossible or not, I’m doing it because I want to." – Monkey D. Luffy
"Destiny... fate... dreams... These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things will not vanish from the earth." - Gol D. Roger
"Living is important! It is because one lives, one can enjoy things! Everyone has their own designated place and position in life!" - Arlong
"Wake up princess, I'm tired of your useless ideals. It's gotten pathetic. What good are your happy ideals if you can't do anything to make them a reality? They're nothing but dreams, and your dreams don't stand a chance." - Crocodile
"Before the heart of truth, there is no need for words." – Nico Robin
"I couldn’t confess my feelings for you, so I watched you from afar, being happy with someone else." – Sanji
"I’ll become stronger for her! Until my name reaches Heaven itself… I’ll become stronger!… I’ll become the strongest swordsman in the world!" – Roronoa Zoro
"There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day… not even death himself can take my life away!" – Roronoa Zoro
"You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face." – Roronoa Zoro
"Are we friends? Or are we foes? That kind of thing you decide for yourselves!" – Monkey D. Luffy
"If you ask this old man anything about it here and now… then I’ll quit being a pirate! I don’t want to go on a boring adventure like that!" – Monkey D. Luffy
"If you were to be troubled over something as trivial as losing face, then it’s better to not have it at all." – Fujitora
"By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man. It’s okay to cry, but you have to move on." – Shanks
"Let me make two things clear; first of all, I hate to joke, furthermore the shadow of death looms over you on this day." – Basil Hawkins
"Find yourself and your true world. Become stronger! No matter how long it takes, I will await you in my strongest form. Surpass this sword! Surpass me!" – Dracule Mihawk
"Seek freedom, and it will stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit, seize it! Raise your flag, and stand tall!" – Gol D. Roger
"It’s okay to lose your way… just don’t lose sight of what you have decided." - Roronoa Zoro
"Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams." - Monkey D. Luffy
"Being strong isn’t just about having power or move, it about one’s spirit." - Roronoa Zoro
"I’ve set myself to become the King of Pirates… and if I die trying… then at least I tried." - Monkey D. Luffy
"You can't get back what you've lost, what's important now is what is it that you still have." - Jinbei
"I'll die smiling! Because if you ever think of me in the future, I want you to remember me smiling." - Donquixote Rosinante
"I don’t care now. I wanted to look like a human because I wanted friends. Now I want to be a monster who’s helpful to Luffy!" – Chopper
"Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew!" – Usopp
"Food is a gift from God. Spices are a gift from the devil. It looks like it was a bit too spicy for you." – Sanji
"You sure can talk the talk, but you’re not quite ready to walk the walk. Time’s up, it’s my turn." – Roronoa Zoro
"If I lose to someone as pitiful as you, with such a small injury… my fate is already sealed." – Roronoa Zoro
"You’ve underestimated me, snow woman. When you thought you couldn’t beat me, you should have run." – Roronoa Zoro
"It’s true that there are some things that I’d rather not cut… but let me ask you… Have you ever met a beast… that you were sure would never bite?" – Roronoa Zoro
"The fact that you can fight better as a giraffe… and the fact that you can use four swords… are all completely irrelevant… when you’re facing me" – Roronoa Zoro
"I don’t want to conquer anything. I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean… is the Pirate King!" – Monkey D. Luffy
"We already came this far. Anyway, we’re gonna save you (Nico Robin). And then, if you still want to die. You can die after we save you." – Monkey D. Luffy
"You wait out here for us, ok, Usopp? We’re gonna level that stupid house to the ground." – Monkey D. Luffy
"If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn’t have any in the first place." – Fujitora
"I am only one man with one heart… call me a demon, call me a monster… but I can’t be the strongest forever!" – Edward Newgate
"The world hates us for what we are, you know it makes us happy… Even if it’s just a word." – Marco
"There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man." – Donquixote Doflamingo
"That’s right! Whatever the tragedy or the blunder is, only the things that actually happened are written in stone!" – Donquixote Doflamingo
"If you want to protect something, do it right! Don’t let them get their way anymore!" – Crocodile
"Fine! Go see for yourself, Straw Hat… what a real nightmare is… in the New World!" – Gecko Moria
"Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form." – Silvers Rayleigh
"To true friendship, how long you’ve known each other means nothing." – Bentham aka Bon Clay
"No matter what happens, don’t be sorry you were born, don’t forget to smile in any situation. As long as you’re alive there will be better things later… and there will be many." – Bellemere
"When a guy gets flustered, because someone calls him weak, it’s proof that he recognizes he is weak. Let the outcome determine the weak and the strong." – Don Krieg
"When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you’ve done!" - Roronoa Zoro
"One may stray from the path of a man, one may stray from the path of a woman, but there is no straying from the path of a human!" - Bon Kurei
"When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? - No... It’s when… they are forgotten!" - Dr. Hiriluk
"Compared to the 'righteous' greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable." - Eustass Kid
"And you... Luffy. Even though I've been good for nothing my whole life, even though I have the blood of a demon within me... You guys still loved me! Thank you so much!!" - Portgas D. Ace
"What do you know of death? Have you ever died? You think death will preserve your cause forever?" - Brook
"My name is Dracule Mihawk! Find your self, true world, become stronger! No matter how long it may take, I will wait for you in my strongest form!" - Dracule Mihawk
"Then stand up right away! And don’t act like you’re about to die! It’s not like you!" – Usopp
"I don’t care if you’re a god. If you lay even one finger on Nami-san, I’ll become the devil of the blue sea!" – Sanji
"I don’t care what the society says. I’ve never regretted doing anything. I will survive and do what I want to." – Roronoa Zoro
"Well, how about this. My “luck” versus this thing’s “curse” wanna see what’s stronger? If I lose, then I’m just that much of a man anyways…" – Roronoa Zoro
"I have Nakama who are not strong… But I still want them to be with me! So I have to be stronger than anybody else… or else I’ll lose them all!" – Monkey D. Luffy
"Did he know he would be saved? No. In that instant, he must have understood that his life was going to end. Death. He accepted it. He was fully prepared for it and smiled." – Smoker
"Power increases with training, and at close range, animals are the strongest!" – Robb Lucci
"It doesn’t matter who your parents were. Everyone is a child of the sea." – Edward Newgate
"Sometimes the blood rushes to my head and I feel like, if I run I’ll lose something important." – Portgas D. Ace
"Let the heavens deal with life and death, even the most fearful lose to that… let’s live for another moment." – Marshall D. Teach
"You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside." – Trafalgar D. Law
"Stop counting only those things you have lost! What is gone, is gone! So ask yourself this. What is there… that still remains to you?!" – Jinbe
"It is a sad truth that greater the authority a person possesses, the more he tends to fear change." – Jinbe
"Believe me… This town smells worse than Gray Terminal. It smells like rotten people! If I stay here… I’ll never be free! I’m… ashamed to be born a noble!" – Sabo
"A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword. A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything." – Koshiro
"This pain is nothing when compared to the pain I’ve received in the past 12 years." – Kyros
"It's not some sort of special power. He has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas." - Dracule Mihawk
"Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!" - Doflamingo Donquixote
"Don’t ever think there’s any perfect society made by humans! If you think that way you’ll overlook the enemy! Don’t be fooled by appearances!" - Smoker
"If I can't even protect my captain's dream, then whatever ambition I have is nothing but talk! Luffy must be the man who becomes the Pirate King!" - Roronoa Zoro
"When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It's not like somebody's gonna save you if you start babbling excuses." - Roronoa Zoro
"Then just become stronger. I have my ambition, you have your ambition too. Which means you should just keep walking forward towards that goal." - Monkey D. Luffy
"There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away." - Monkey D. Dragon
"There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight! That time is when his friends’ dreams are being laughed at! And I won’t let you laugh at that!" - Usopp
"I know the Marines dont give a damn about me… but soon enough the man who will be most feared by the marines will be me…" – Sanji
"If you do anything that would cause me to abandon my ambitions… you will end your own life on my sword!" – Roronoa Zoro
"So, are you stupid enough to fall for such a stupid trap that such stupid people set up?" – Roronoa Zoro
"So, you don’t like to get hit, huh? Well, you’re about to have a very bad day." – Monkey D. Luffy
"Compared to the “righteous” greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born." – Eustass Kid
"The time is almost here. Go and lay the groundwork. A world where only true pirates can survive will soon be upon us. Those without power, flee while you can." – Donquixote Doflamingo
"That’s ridiculous. People usually have a stereotypical idea or an assumption like that and that’s what creates a blind spot." – Donquixote Doflamingo
"Those who willing to fight beside me in the battle for freedom, come aboard my ship, I will change this world someday, I swear it." – Monkey D. Dragon
"In the last moment of his life, he turned his fading “flame of life” into a huge fire that enveloped the world. I’ve never laughed more than on that day… I’ve never cried more than on that day… I’ve never drank more either. He was our captain… and he was a magnificent man!!!" – Silvers Rayleigh
"Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, and The Dreams of the People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease to be!" – Gol D. Roger
"My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it, I left all of it at that place!" – Gol D. Roger
"Even in the depths of Hell… blooms a beautiful flower of friendship… leaving its petals as mementos… bobbing back and forth on the waves… may it one day bloom once more… the Okama Way." – Bentham aka Bon Clay
"Even if armed with hundreds of weapons… there are times when you just can’t beat a man with a spear of conviction in his gut." – Red-leg Zeff
"When you aim high, you sometimes come across fights not worth fighting" - Marshall 'Blackbeard' D. Teach