There's a term called the generation gap and it refers to the differences in experiences, opinions, habits, and behavior that separate age groups.

To learn more about this phenomenon, Reddit user MatsGry decided to look at it from another perspective. One that is often neglected and ridiculed on the internet. Baby boomers. So they made a post on the platform, asking the elders: "What's something today's youth would never understand?"

People immediately started sending in their replies, listing all the things that millennials and zoomers — in their opinion — can't wrap their minds around. Of course, some of them are up for debate, but that made the comment section even more interesting.


Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and a bunch of other cable networks that are now dedicated to absolutely bottom-tier garbage reality TV shows used to be amazing nonstop documentary TV.

Chubby-Tumbles , PJ Gal-Szabo Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was a child we had BBC1, BBC 2, ITV and Channel 4. That was it

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver People could not always get a hold of you and it was a good thing.

    TechFiend72 Report

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    Rose the Cook
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No work calls at ungodly hours because you were expected to sleep with your phone on the pillow.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Memorizing phone numbers.

    usmcmech , James Sutton Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to know about 20 telephone numbers off by I know mine and thats about it!

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Needing to do a report on a topic. No internet. No encyclopedia on CD. Going to the actual library to find someone in your class already grabbed the one book on the subject.

    ImCaffeinated_Chris , 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, Encarta95 was only a thing from about 1993 onwards. Gen X definitely had to do reports from an actual library. Older Millennial's may have had to do the same (born in 1980, doing reports at age 11 - yup, well before the Encarta CDs).

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Waiting for your favorite song to come on the radio

    rackfocus , Bianca Ackermann Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Opening up the newspaper to look at the TV guide to see what was on that night.

    Actuaryba , fuzzusmaximus Report


    Going to the bathroom during a commercial break and hearing the dreaded “IT’S ON!!” when you’re not done.

    JoePikesbro Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver The relationship between audio cassettes and Bic pens (or pencils).

    TheWrongFusebox , Allan Hazle Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver omg smoking EVERYWHERE! In theaters, planes, offices, hospitals, trains, restaurants, schools... just everywhere (and the outrage when it was finally banned lol)

    MagentaX , Tobias Tullius Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is one thing I really don't miss. I used to hate going out for a night out and coming back stinking like packet of cigarettes (FFS BP I want to say f**s.)

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver The excitement of going to a video rental store on the weekends to get to pick out a movie.

    Actually picking one out was just as exciting as watching the movie.

    brokendowndryer , Sean Benesh Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, the title of this article will ultimately change and make this comment a bit pointless, but at the time of writing the title is something along the lines of "Boomers list things that Gen X and Millennials won't understand" and I have to point out that Blockbuster only ceased to be a thing well into a Millennial's teenhood. Millennials have experience of picking out rental movies. Gen X certainly did.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Calling the movie theatre to hear the recording with the movie times on it.

    StanePantsen , Jakob Owens Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver When you left work you left work. There is an emergency? Oh well, I guess we can solve that problem tomorrow.

    StanePantsen , Another Day Xx Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver The sheer joy of receiving a handwritten letter from someone you haven't seen in a long time. I really miss the days when I had a nice stationery set, and I would write long letters to friends and relatives.

    IrianJaya , Aaron Burden Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You still can, people really appreciate a handwritten letter, it means you care.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Taking photos using those little rolls of film and having to take them into a shop for processing. You often wouldn't know if any of the photos were good until a couple of months later.

    You also had to manually wind on the camera after every shot.

    Orlando_the_Cat , Andrew Hitchcock Report

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    Ray Heap
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For my sixtieth I bought a canon eos 650 analogue and together we make great pictures.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Picking up or saying goodbye to airline passengers right at the gate

    IsSecretlyABird , hannah park Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Watching a draft lottery to see if your number would be low enough that you will be drafted to fight in a war in Asia

    randomcanyon , EssoEssex Report

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    Adam Jeff
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one should be higher, it's the first one that actually fits the title, in that it happened to (US) boomers and it is almost unimaginable for most people in the west today. Most of the others would fit better in a list of 'things which people at the younger end of Millennial might not have known, but will have no problem understanding once told'.

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    Hovering over your stereo with your fingers ready to hit play and record simultaneously while the radio DJ intros the song you've been dying to hear.

    Recording movies straight off the TV onto VHS tapes and having the dedication to stop the recording to cut out the ads.

    Blobfish_Blues Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Be kind rewind.

    Smoking or nonsmoking

    I left a message but I think the tape cut out.

    So when should I call?

    Get off the line!

    I got to swing by and drop off some film.

    I tried calling but I think he's online right now.

    Everything glass is brown and that's normal.

    ClusterChuk , Pattie Hite Report


    Watching Saturday morning cartoons with cereal.

    Guergy Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Making plans ahead of time (meet you in front of the theater at 8:25, okay?) and if said friend was late to show up, you had no idea what happened to them. No changing plans last minute, no finding out where they were, just you standing in the meeting place, wondering how long to wait, if you should just tell the ticket seller to let your friend know you’ll be inside etc... (we all had one of those friends).

    FadeOutAgain4 , Max Wolfs Report

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    Dave P
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uh yeah, most millenials remember this, this was how I grew up.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Getting a free toy inside a box of Breakfast cereal.

    The_Geordie_Gripster , Tom Ray Report

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    Robert T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I miss this. Was always a bit of excitment when you got to open a new box. Now it's just a relief that you have finished the dust in the bottom of the old one!

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Buying a home at 3-6 times your annual salary and being able to get by on a single income

    KingScottKing1985 , Oli Woodman Report

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    Grant Barke
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1980 Mercedes Benz 450sl, nice car to drive. Rust in the front lower guard, common problem. Also V8 engine is very thirsty.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Asking for and writing down directions to somewhere, or even looking up and following directions on a map.

    kellieander , Jean-Frederic Fortier Report

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    Grant Barke
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This I was really good at, I don't think I have ever been lost in my life.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver On the job training. Actually being promoted for working hard.

    CrazyCoKids , Tim Gouw Report

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    Robin DJW
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your world was really good, your old boss would enthusiastically support your being promoted, even though s/he had to go through the trouble of replacing you. Never getting held back.

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    Your friends used to just show up unannounced, and you'd have to hang out with them. It was called a pop in, and it was totally normal.

    StanePantsen Report

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    If there were 2 shows on tv at the same time and day you had to make a choice. No dvr no vcr no on demand

    hellyea63 Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Lining up the carbon paper so you could get two copies of the document you were writing in the typewriter. And then how annoying it was if you made a mistake and had to break out the Twink.

    Orlando_the_Cat , Wilhelm Gunkel Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Suitcases never used to have wheels

    Original-Pie99 , engin akyurt Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember traveling overseas in 1995 and it was the first time I saw wheely bags. All the airline staff had them, but few passengers. I treated myself to one and felt very progressive.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver How kids at one point were just everywhere with no supervision. Hell, when I was little it wasn't uncommon for a group of us under the age of 12 to just disappear into the forest/woods/desert for the entire goddamn day. As long as you were back before the streetlights turned on and didn't come back injured your parents just did not give a f**k so long as you were out of the house and out of their way.

    Also, and this is definitely a guy thing, but every friend group had that friend with an older brother who at a certain point would bequeath their entire porn collection onto the younger kids, usually by telling them where it was hidden. I've seen hollowed out trees with hidden trap doors that had entire libraries of ancient playboy, hustler, and misc porno mags in them. Now if a kid wants to look at porn and their parents don't lock everything down, they just go to any of the millions of available sites for it.

    amalgamas , Markus Spiske Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THIS. We played outside until someone got beaned by the ball because it was too dark to see

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver I think youth do understand mundane things like landline phones and B/W TVs, but I don't think they understand how different the life felt back then. I'd say mobile phones and Internet caused the change somewhere in 2000-2005. We went from unconnected to always connected.

    The world back then felt much slower. The days that were simply boring and nothing to do were super common. Today? I can't remember when I was previously really bored. Everything is so available and entertaining.

    I also remember how small the world felt. Like, there's your family, guys at work, relatives and that's about it. Someone might have had a pen pal. You couldn't follow your idols, instead you just imagined how they were through their work and perhaps a poster.

    Personally I'm super glad that I got the change to see both worlds.

    Raunhofer , What Is Picture Perfect Report

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    Random Panda
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Boredom is good though, it stimulates the brain to be more creative. We need more boredom these days. The constant stream of stimulation shortens your attention span and has other negative effects. I was born in 1990 and would give anything to go back to the days we were not constantly connected to everyone and everything. I want the slow days back. That peace was something else.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Getting in your vehicle and driving to your friends house to see if they were home. No cell phones, gas was cheap. Driving was freedom.

    SoCalRc , William Krause Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver I miss not knowing where anyone was on a Friday night. You just had to drive around to all the regular spots looking for your friends. You didn't always find them but sometimes you met other cool people and had other adventures. There's less chance for serendipity when everyone knows where everyone is 24/7.

    headzoo , kevin laminto Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was a teen in the mid 90s growing up in NW London, whatever we were doing, everyone would end up at a particular bakery as it was the only one open at 2am to get beigels. Then we would see all the other people we know. It was a mass gathering every Saturday night. Was a lot of fun

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Having to call your best friend on a landline and the ensuing anxiety that:

    A. Their mom might answer. B. They might not be home and who the hell knows where they are?! C. Nobody answers and how long do I wait to call back???

    adrivebycastellanos Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The worst is when you called a landline looking for a friend and mum answered. "Is Jim there?", you ask. "No, he told me he was out with you today. I wonder where he's gone and who he's with?". You instantly know you're friend is about to be grounded forever the second he returns home. Sorry, dude.

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    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Putting the empty glass milkbottles outside your door at night to have the new ones delivered in the morning.

    Orlando_the_Cat , Jason Murphy Report


    Leaving school and having absolutely no idea what happened to school friends.

    No idea what they looked like now, where they lived, what they did for a living, whether they were married, whether they had kids. Nothing at all.

    After leaving school it was 20+ years later before I knew any of this stuff.

    Scallywagstv2 Report

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    Mad Dragon
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You saw them once every 10 years, if you and they went to your school reunion.

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    All the Christmas specials were on once a year and if you missed them, you didn’t see them for a year.

    reddit Report

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    Jaishree Sivaraman
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Better than repeating the SAME special for 7699886453745 times until your sick of seeing the special-

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    Driving down the road and seeing the sparkling brown innards of a cassette tape that had been eaten by someone's tape deck in their car strung at least two blocks long. God, I hated ejecting my cassette and seeing the tape still inside.

    Badhaase Report

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    Summer was summer and winter was winter.

    icaruscloud Report


    Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery

    Testostacles Report

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    Connie Wade
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And having to fill out forms by hand, and mail them to the company to place an order!

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    How much you would argue with your friends about facts that you couldn't easily Google.

    LilPlasticHalo Report


    Being stuck on a toilet for a little bit and reading the shampoo bottles, packages on bars of soap, and whatever else might be within grabbing distance of the toilet.

    Habsfan1977 Report


    A phone book where the names are listed in alphabetical order…by last name.

    Before plastic bottles took off for beer and soda pop everything was bottled in glass. There was broken glass everywhere. Moms wee always yelling about watching out for broken glass.

    nerdmoot Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glass bottles, I truly miss. Afri Cola should reintroduce them, and not for some off variant with less caffein - I want the good stuff!

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    In a bar or on a party you could dance on the table, piss drunk, pants on you knees, helicoptering your wiener. The next morning categorically deny that it ever happened and no one, absolutely no one could ever show you video on their phone that it did happen... Damn...those were the days.

    rolex42069 Report


    Someone Asks Older People "What Is Something Today's Youth Would Never Understand" And 35 People Deliver Drive-in restaurants with car hops. A line of parking places under a canopy. Each had a speaker. They brought the food on a tray that attached to the driver’s open window. Dad ate off the tray. Mom opened the glove box and used the door for a tray. It had little indentations for cups. The kids just ate off their laps.

    We could have eaten inside, sitting at a table, or taken the food home, but this was more fun.

    Sparky-Malarky , Tony Webster Report

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    Having people have no idea where you are or what you are doing.

    JoziJoller Report


    When you didn’t want to pause the movie for too long because you were worried about the tape getting ruined.

    “Be kind. Rewind”

    Simply being limited to what is on the radio or your tape/cd collection

    B*tchyNordicBarista Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Having actual music on the radio instrad of talk talk talk talk talk talk talk SHUDDUPALREADY!!!


    A few things I remember as a kid in the 70's:

    getting our first microwave

    getting a VHS player and actually being able to watch movies at home.

    getting an Atari 2600 and being able to play games at home

    We had a party line. Would not recommend.

    411 for directory assistance

    Having a number to call for time and temp

    we only had an antenna and could get 3 channels (NBC, ABC and a fuzzy CBS, if the weather was okay)

    evilmonkey2 Report


    Getting booted off the internet if someone picked up the extension in another room, and maaaaybe you could reconnect right away, if it wasn't at peak time, and by "right away" I mean at least five minutes later, probably longer.

    If your sibling made you mad earlier in the day, it was a revenge best served cold.

    littleyellowbike Report


    It took an hour to download an mp3.

    westondeboer Report