40 Before-And-After Pics That Show How Times Have Changed, As Shared On ‘Old Photos In Real Life’ (New Pics)
It is incredible what story two pictures, put side by side, can tell us. And what a difference decades or hundreds of years can make to our landscapes, architecture, and overall history. Therefore, something like rephotography has gained huge interest from people by showing contrasting images, one from the past and one from the recent times of the same place.
We will never run out of sights to rephotograph, therefore, the subreddit OldPhotosInRealLife will always have something new for us to explore. In this post, we have selected photos that illustrate the most visible changes. A place that was just a plain field has more recently been inhabited by fish. Some places that were full of life are now abandoned and overgrown, or vice versa.
Seeing how much, in the relatively short period of time that cameras have existed, things have changed, we can only imagine what the world was actually like thousands of years ago. Luckily, in the future ahead, our grandchildren will have something to look back at, but for now, we invite you to explore the already existing shift. And if you feel hungry for more, see our previous posts on Bored Panda here and here.
In addition to this post, Bored Panda got in touch with an incredible photographer named Mark Hersch who specializes in rephotography and adds his little twist to it. Instead of putting pictures side by side, he combines the images into a single one, which reveals parts of the old world and the new one. Feel free to visit his website and for the interview, read down below.
More info: markhersch.com
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Elsie Allcock Has Lived In The Same House For 104 Years
Today I Got To Fly In My Grandfathers Restored WW2 Hurricane!
Düsseldorf , Germany - 1990-2019
Mark is one of the many people who have an interest in both history and photography. That has led him to rephotography. Mark has shared with us his experiences with this style of images. “Photography and history are two of my lifelong interests. A few years ago, after coming across some really historical photographs of Chicago, I went to those locations to recreate the photographs in the present day. But I wasn't content to look at them side by side, so I started experimenting with ways to combine them into one. As my technique improved, I did many more.”Make sure to take a look at Mark's adaptation of this style. It is truly incredible.
Even though most of his images were taken in the US, you will find some from England too. “Today I have over 500 images across 16 US cities plus London, England.”
Abandoned Mansion In Poland, Left In Ruins. But Now, It Has Been Restored To Its Former Beauty
From Abandoned To This
My Hometown Kharkov In Ukraine 2022-2022
This war is so senseless. Ukraine is Ukraine and Russia is Russia. The borders were fine for decades and then Putin annexed Crimea.
In order to recreate images that match the original, photographers must have a basic knowledge of composition and lighting. But besides that, there are more things to consider. Mark shared with us his process of choosing the perfect location and what he looks into to make the image more interesting.“I look for locations that are easily recognizable by viewers. These would include popular neighborhoods, streets, buildings, and landscapes. I also look for pictures that contain a lot of era-specific reference points (e.g. clothing, vehicles, etc.). When I go out to shoot my contemporary photographs, I take great care to match the angle, perspective, focal length, and even the season and time of day of the original image.”
For most photographers, the afterward editing should not take too long, but Mark takes his time due to his unique method of merging the photos. “Once I'm back in my studio, I merge them in a way that reveals the most compelling portions of each image. I use very detailed and time-consuming editing techniques to make a seamless and believable transition from old to new.”
Manufaktura, Łódź, Poland (1994 And 2014)
Before-And-After Renovation
Minami-Sanriku (Japan) 2011 vs. 2020
Some knowledge of rephotography comes from experience only. So before you go out to make your first shot, we advise you to learn from Mark's experience in the field. “I've had to adapt over time to accomplish what I set out to do. Early on, I just assumed I could find the original location and start shooting. I came to learn that some of those locations either don't exist anymore or the viewpoint of the original photo has changed, making recreation impossible. So now I use a variety of finding aids, including Google Street View, to ensure I can get the shot I need to create the final image," shared the photographer.
All of these images have something to say to us. Everyone picks up the message they seek, though we wanted to know what is hiding behind Mark's rephotography. “My work is intended to convey to the viewer a sense of wonder. To show how things change over time, but also in many ways stay the same.”
My Mom And I Sitting On The Stoop Of The Bronx House That's Been In Our Family For 100 Years, Recreating A Photo Of My Great Aunt And Great-Great Grandmother Taken In The '40s
Before-And-After Photo Of Abandoned Building Renovation
Before & After ~ Move It Or Lose It!
You can re-take the shot without any regard to the specifics mentioned before, such as the season, right angle, and such, but to get the best possible results, science comes into play. “I often say rephotography is both a science and an art. Science typically comes first. This is where all the technical parts of photography come into play: shutter speed, aperture, focal length, and lighting. All of which have to match those of the original image. It can be tricky because the equipment we use today is very different from a hundred years ago. It just takes practice and a fair amount of trial and error. Once I get the science right, the art is in creating an image that pleases the eye,” shared Mark.
And on some occasions, you will have to adapt to the location even more. Mark told us about the most challenging locations in his past and what it takes to capture them. “Occasionally I'll find a source image that wasn't taken from ground level. So I may need to use a ladder, lean out a window in a building, or even pilot a drone to get the shot I need. For one particular image, I had to have my assistant stop traffic on a busy street long enough for me to climb up a step ladder in the middle of the street to get the shot. A few motorists weren't happy, but I got the shot!”
Machu Picchu, Peru 1915/2020 One Of The New 7 Wonders Of The World
Wowsers! That is fascinating, wonderful and one of the coolest before and after, I've ever seen.
Crater Lake In 1982 And 2022
Edinburgh, Scotland
My grandmother is from edinburgh. Still owns flat she grew up in. Whole life never seen a fox. Now they are in the garden
Load More Replies...pretty sure Edinburgh looks basically the same. It's like hogwarts.
Did you know that Hogwarts is supposed to be (fictionally of course) in Scotland? For some reason that blew my mind!
Load More Replies...Met my late wife in Edinburgh Scotland in 1973, loved her and that city very much
That’s the beauty of many countries, they restore the old beauty. In the U.S. we tear down and put in concrete, glass and steel.
That’s a few streets away from where I grew up. The top picture was taken in winter, the bottom in spring. The Water of Leith flows through Stockbridge. I can almost smell the air in winter. Ah, memories…
I like it when countries preserve their history. Unfortunately my city (Toronto), is quickly losing all its character.
I always see they beautiful pics from these types of locations and the first thing I want to do is take a power washer to them.
Gaardbrug Utrecht, The Netherlands
Lake Mead 1983 vs. 2021
The Paghman Gardens In Afghanistan 1967 And 2008
View Across Central Park In NYC Towards The Beresford Building – 1932/2022
"Almost Certainly A Canoe Tree Cut By The First People. These Impressive Photos Of A River Red Gum Are 130 Years Apart!
The Pines, Fallsburg, NY. (1950's-Semi Recent)
Tried My Best To Find The Same Location. Satiam Wagon Road, Oregon. 2022 vs. Date Unknown. Road Was Used 1860-1930s
The Oldest Surviving Camera Negative – Lacock Abbey, England, 1835 And 2022
The Glynne Arms, Also Known As The Crooked House
Oooo I live about 15 miles from there!!! It's so much fun when you go inside, marbles look like they roll up hill... it's fairly interesting in there when you're drunk
Warsaw City Centre, 1944/2022
Eureka, Colorado 1899/2020
Normanton Church, Rutland, UK. 1970s - Present
It is a Reservoir, the reservoir was created in the 1970s by flooding the surrounding villages, the church itself was saved after public outcry and raised 60f, to what you see now.. It is now used for church and wedding services. It is a lovely place.
Western Theatre Of Laodicea On The Lycus (Turkey). Before 2003 vs. 2021
Elizabeth Tower From Westminster Bridge. C 1869 & 2022
Waiting Area In Michigan Central Railroad Depot, Detroit (1965 And 2014)
This is being renovated at this moment and looks so much better. It's going to be business offices , restaurants, shopping and I think condos. We just drove by it last week and it's really coming along now.
Swimming Pool Section Of The Grande Hotel Beira, Beira, Mozambique (1958 And 2015)
Chicago 1930s vs. Chicago Today
Love that they kept the old buildings. They are very beautiful. That's were culture nd character comes from for cities.
Old Market Street, Bristol (1895 And 2020)
The trolleys were replaced by busses. Nice clean electricity replaced by dirty fossil fuels.
Crawford Notch In New Hampshire, As Depicted In 1839 vs. 2020
Baghdad 1967 vs. 2017
My Dads Old Ski Cabin Now (50 Years Later) vs. When They Were First Building It
Main & Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (1906 vs. 2015)
St. George’s Hall In Liverpool. 1890s And 2022
WWII Japanese Mini-Submarine Abandoned In Alaska. 1943 And 2022
Aracaju, Brazil
If I knew this was in the offing I've got a few cool WW2 vs Today ones. I'll post one here and reply the new one below. Just in case anyone was interested. caen-1944-...b9c6e4.jpg
NGL I loved the glow ups 🤩 but some of the rest were quite depressing 😞
There are too many people that have no idea how stupid their comments are about the past. Saying it is a shame 1890s trolleys were replaced by busses? Are kids really that stupid?
... mainly three kinds of - "Nature recpaimed after we were stupid and awayed it" - "Previously nature, now full of ugly buildings" - "urban area where everything change but one or two buildings". Some, likely, will do the firstmentioned after finishing of the second - can't restore nature unless you got rid of it in the first place, so ... I wish nature restoration to end in a few decades.
Fascinating but some of these appeared to be taken from a different perspective or manipulated to make a point.
Love this sort of photo thing. I collect old postcards and love to compare the old views with the new when I can.
Have you been here? Those Midwest towns are a terrible representation of the U.S. Politics aside, just like wherever you're from, there are places here you've never heard of that are absolutely gorgeous. It's not just DC, New York, LA, Miami..... Unless you're from the US, where I live it's not the case but again, not counting politics or general human behavior
If I knew this was in the offing I've got a few cool WW2 vs Today ones. I'll post one here and reply the new one below. Just in case anyone was interested. caen-1944-...b9c6e4.jpg
NGL I loved the glow ups 🤩 but some of the rest were quite depressing 😞
There are too many people that have no idea how stupid their comments are about the past. Saying it is a shame 1890s trolleys were replaced by busses? Are kids really that stupid?
... mainly three kinds of - "Nature recpaimed after we were stupid and awayed it" - "Previously nature, now full of ugly buildings" - "urban area where everything change but one or two buildings". Some, likely, will do the firstmentioned after finishing of the second - can't restore nature unless you got rid of it in the first place, so ... I wish nature restoration to end in a few decades.
Fascinating but some of these appeared to be taken from a different perspective or manipulated to make a point.
Love this sort of photo thing. I collect old postcards and love to compare the old views with the new when I can.
Have you been here? Those Midwest towns are a terrible representation of the U.S. Politics aside, just like wherever you're from, there are places here you've never heard of that are absolutely gorgeous. It's not just DC, New York, LA, Miami..... Unless you're from the US, where I live it's not the case but again, not counting politics or general human behavior