Looking at old pics can be nostalgic. Enough to want to recreate the photo... Sadly, it is impossible, but what you can do is recreate the photo of it. And that's what folks on the subreddit r/PastAndPresentPics do!
Whether it's a man posting a pic of himself in the same place at 1, 27 and 57 years young, or a woman with her dog gracefully entering each year, this group is bound to bring back some sweet memories. We've curated a selection of our favorite posts, so hop on this time machine and let the scrolling begin!
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My Wife And I In 1973 And In 2019. I'd Just Turned 16 In The First One, She Was A Month Away From 16. It Was The First Pic Of Us Together, Taken In A Mall Photobooth
The group is 78.9k members strong and they share some precious now-and-then pics put side by side. The term for the phenomenon is called retrophotography. It might give you feelings of nostalgia and it is important because it allows us to relive past moments, remember loved ones, and share stories.
Truly Man's Best Friend!
Real Friendship
But what is nostalgia? And how does it influence us? According to Oxford Dictionary, "It is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past." People who experience feelings of nostalgia endure a sense of belonging, compare the past and the future, and generally feel like their lives are more meaningful, boosting their self-esteem.
Thanksgiving 2011-2021
A Cowboy And His Tree At 4 And 63 Years Old
Me & My Bff, Taken 20 Years Apart
Rephotography is definitely a way to induce nostalgia and it is cool because it allows you to find your creative outlet in a personal way and share it with others. A lot of people are visual creatures and showing a pic sometimes might be the best way to share memories.
Same Drama
My Grandfather With His Mini, And Me With Mine
While many people fret at old photos and find it hard to grasp how their style or haircut could have looked like that, others embrace it. After all, you're not wearing that outfit or haircut now, and you probably look completely different. This way, the photo could be treated as a sweet memory. Many people like old pictures because they pause time and allow us to remember things. And because a long time ago, it used to be them.
Same Mom, Same Me, Same Teddy Bear Some 55 Years Apart
My Mom And I Getting “Called To The Bar” As Lawyers 35 Years Apart. 1981 —- 2016
So We Recreated A Photo(Me On Top)
There was a study in Britain carried out by CEWE, an award-winning printing company. The findings showed that looking at old photos might be more relaxing than meditating: "Studies show that when people review photos on their phones, this not only triggers feelings of primary and positive emotions such as joy and love, but it also strengthens our memory and relationships. Our photos remind us of people, pets, places and activities that we love as well as helping us to remember the past. This has been shown to reduce our stress and enhance our mood and overall wellbeing."
Happy Father's Day
My Parents, Still Tired
My Granddad And His Wheels, ~1950 & 2020
It's surprising in a nice way. Meditation might not be everyone's cup of tea, but knowing that looking at old photos makes you relaxed in the same way is a game changer. Just imagine, it's a rainy day, sadly you don't have a fireplace to curl up against, but what you have is a nice cup of tea and an arsenal of cute nostalgic pics. Sounds awesome and it's good for mental health!
Me And My Siblings Recreated This For My Parents As A Gift For Their 50th Anniversary. 1985-2019
Me In My Parents Backyard Less Than A Year After We Moved In And Me Almost 30 Years Later When They Sold The House
Still Friends 20 Years Later
Is it just me or did the dude one the right full on shape shift
I see what you're saying but I think the angle is just a hair different... he's looking more up or something
Load More Replies...I'm sorry, limited knowledge...is this an after and before image of dale jr?
Men and women CAN just be friends. Shocking, I know.
Load More Replies...So the next time you see your old photo, don't be quick to cringe, instead embrace the past and remember how things used to be. Check out the rest of the guys who recreated their precious memories on the r/PastAndPresentPics subreddit through photos and if you're keen for more, we have some previous publications on the topic.
Throwback Thursday, 1991 -> 2021, Back At The House I Grew Up In (Queens, NY)
My Pop And His Mama!
My Great-Great Grandfather (Left) 1862, And Me (Right), 2022
I wish my mother had done this with a photo of her grandmother, the resemblance was so close
Phew! That Was A Long Boat Ride! 😅
My Mom And Her Siblings, 1971 And 2023
Giving My Boys A Ride / And My Boys Giving Me A Ride
Grandkids In 1994 vs. 2022
We Recreated A Childhood Photo… From Blue’s Clues Birthday Party To 20 Years Later At Thanksgiving!
My Daughter And I Swinging Thru Time
At My Desk Hardly Working, 1992-2019
My Sisters And I Recreated A Photo At The Same Beach In Hawaii (1991-2022)
Age 16 vs. Age 30
Reading The Newspaper With Dad
My Dad And I. Same Park, 33 Years Apart
A Recreation Almost To The Day Of Our Disneyland Trip In 1999. Slightly Terrifying Are The People In The Background Lining Up Almost Exactly, No?
Okay, yeah, the people lining up in the background *is* kinda spooky! I love it.
20 Years Later
Adorable! The older brother somehow looks the youngest grown up. I have a photo like this with my sister sitting on the front steps of my grandma’s house where we grew up in and I’ve always wanted to recreate it but unfortunately the family member who inherited the house had torn it down this year 😭😭
Me On The Left, My Son On The Right, 39 Years Apart
Cousins 1998 & Now! Not Much Has Changed 😜
Wishing I Kept That Momentum
I Run A 1,000 Mile Snowmachine Race In Alaska Called Iron Dog. My Daughter Has Been My Biggest Supporter. ‘14 And ‘22
My Boyfriend As A Fresh Baby And Now At 24. Ft Fancy Carpets
My Unhappy 5th Birthday In 1993, Recreated Today For My 34th
The only thing better than these pictures is all the wonderful comments. All happy, all lovely. :)
The only thing better than these pictures is all the wonderful comments. All happy, all lovely. :)