Photographer Lets Us Travel Back In Time By Combining 20th Century Pictures With Modern Day Surroundings
Zoltan Kerenyi, a photographer from Hungary, recently drew the attention of the internet with his pictures that we can truly call a time capsule. By combining modern days with the feeling of nostalgia, Kerenyi has just opened a “Window to the Past”.
This is how his project is called – “Window to the Past”, or “Ablak a Múltra” in Hungarian. Kerenyi takes old photos from 20th century Budapest, that he finds in Fortepan archives, and superimposes them into his own modern-day shots, giving us a glimpse into the similarities and differences between the past and the present. He always depicts the exact same location, and the photographer actually spent more than two years perfectly aligning the pictures to make them as accurate as possible. The collection shows the beauty of Budapest’s landmarks combined with its rich history, so make sure to scroll down and see it for yourself!
More info: Facebook
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i love that the dog in the newer picture is looking at the dog cycling in the older picture
I know kids. I know. I've been trying to get your great grandfather to paint and fix the cracks in the staircase, outside, since the last time the lake was bio-toxin free. But he was sooooo busy on tour in Vaudeville.
I love how both photos illustrate the importance of family togetherness. ♥
Something I've noticed is how much restoration has been done to these old buildings. They looked disgusted back in time. (All cities had this - from coal smoke pollution)
This one doesn't work as well as the others for me. The buildings match up, but the couple, however charming, are just oversized, disembodied heads.
..that lady on the left looks like she just walked out of the old photo heh.. before and after
I think the ultimate would be to locate that girl as she is now, and bring her back to the same spot, maybe sitting upon the barrel at the left. Get to it!!
If I cover the top of the old pic with a finger and focus hard on the door for several seconds, the edges blur away and it truly looks like one picture. Is it just me?
This looks like a Honvéd regiment during the early 1890s, because the weapons are Mannlicher M.1888 which were replaced by the Mannlicher M.1895, while those uniforms would be replaced in 1908. Since the maximum age for military service was raised from 42 during peacetime to 55 during the war, I wonder how many of them survived WW1...
Absolutely amazing! I cannot begin to imagine how much time it took to do this!! Worth it!!
A gallery in our neighbourhood has an exhibit on right now where the photographer has done EXACTLY the same thing. I always find it interesting to see the changes.
Absolutely amazing! I cannot begin to imagine how much time it took to do this!! Worth it!!
A gallery in our neighbourhood has an exhibit on right now where the photographer has done EXACTLY the same thing. I always find it interesting to see the changes.