From my early childhood, I was really interested in Vikings and all the stories about their lifestyle. So when I found this axe, I decided to restore it and give it a unique Viking look.
Share on FacebookThats awesome! My family has deep viking roots (I'm talking told us Odin was our great great greatx10 grandpa deep), so this is insanely cool to me!!
Ancestry told me I had a ton of British heritage and my cousin had none. I can't find any British ancestors eight to ten generations deep while my cousin's father is from Jersey. I wouldn't give anything on those estimates as long as you can't find direct relatives in that country.
Thats awesome! My family has deep viking roots (I'm talking told us Odin was our great great greatx10 grandpa deep), so this is insanely cool to me!!
Ancestry told me I had a ton of British heritage and my cousin had none. I can't find any British ancestors eight to ten generations deep while my cousin's father is from Jersey. I wouldn't give anything on those estimates as long as you can't find direct relatives in that country.