50 Of The Best Doppelganger Photos Shared In The “Walmart Celebrities” Online Group
“Has anyone ever told you that you look just like ___?”
We’ve all heard it before. An actor, a politician, a cartoon character, or even a famous animal. We all have a doppelgänger walking around, or a person who looks eerily similar to ourselves. And while sometimes friends and family members swear that we look just like someone who we don’t actually share many similarities to, aside from hair color (people often think all redheads look alike...) or one particular feature, it can be amusing to find people who look just enough like our favorite celebrities that we can point out the resemblance.
Allow me to introduce you to the Walmart Celebrities subreddit. This group gathers photos of “people who look or act like off-brand versions of celebrities or other well known characters”, and we can’t get enough of it. We’ve gathered some of our favorite posts from the group down below to share with you all, featuring some photos that might make you do a double take and others that might be what your favorite star would look like in a parallel universe.
Below, you’ll also find an interview with Johnny Rico, a professional Bruno Mars impersonator, to hear what it’s like to have a famous doppelgänger. Be sure to upvote the pictures that you get a kick out of, and let us know in the comments what celebrity you’re a “Walmart version” of. Then if you’re interested in checking out even more of these pics, you can find another Bored Panda article featuring celebrity doppelgängers right here.
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Ron Purrlman
The Walmart Celebrities subreddit was originally launched in March 2019, and it has exploded in popularity since then. It currently has 232k members, or shoppers as it calls them, and is home to countless photos of regular people who look just enough like celebrities to warrant a spot in the group. The subreddit welcomes a variety of posts including near-perfect look-alikes, terrible knock-off versions of famous people, and even actual photos of celebrities in Walmart. As you can see, it’s a very welcoming place.
You can find selfies of people that look startlingly like celebrities and classic pieces of artwork that look eerily similar to modern-day famous people in the group. But aside from the photos members post that share a striking resemblance to our favorite stars, the captions are just as hilarious. They are usually a pun or a spin on the celebrity’s real name, such as “Eliza Wood” or “50 Percent”. The combination of these clever names with photos that are reminiscent of real famous people makes this subreddit absolutely brilliant.
I Was Told To Post This Here, But My Dad With Jimmy Fallon’s Wax Figure!
Bus Willis
In honor of these photos, we wanted to hear from someone who knows what it’s like to be a doppelgänger of a celebrity, and who has even made a living from it. We reached out to Johnny Rico, a professional Bruno Mars impersonator who is based in Los Angeles, California, to hear what inspired him to pursue this career path. “In 2017, I was looking to start a new type of business. Now, since 2010, I would get from people that I looked like this guy Bruno Mars. I never saw it, never cared, as a matter of fact, it annoyed me,” he told Bored Panda.
“While at a red light in Burbank, CA, I saw a big poster of Bruno Mars for his 24K Magic album on the back of a record labels building. Then, this light bulb idea went off, and it was at that moment I could not only finally see what people talked about in regards to looking like Bruno, but I also could see the business aspect of it all almost in an instant,” Johnny explained. “Within a month after that realization, I was able to get a website domain, an outfit and my first gig, which coincidentally happened to fall on Bruno's birthday, October 8th. Since then it's been non-stop booking.”
Vincent Van Stay
Ed Sheeran And His Mom Back When He Was A Baby Girl
Next Stop, Jurassic Park
We were also curious what the average day on the job is like for Johnny. “Depending on where I go and what I do, the average day for an impersonator and look alike can vary,” he explained. “But most are like this, and it's more like three days: Get up a 4AM on a Friday, head to LAX, fly out somewhere on the East Coast, get to my hotel, get ready to go out for some fancy dinner, head back to shower then go to sleep.”
“Next day, on Saturday, I try not to do much because I want to be good for the evening's performance,” Johnny told Bored Panda. “I then head to the event at night, perform 3 songs, meet and greet with lots of people, take lots of pictures and videos for social media and dance with the crowd. I head back to the hotel, shower, and try to knock out. (I say try because of the adrenaline.) Then it's back to the airport to head home on Sunday morning.”
How Can I Be Sure?
I love how he has a shirt so he doesn't need to explain lmao. How many times do you think he was asked until he decided to get a shirt? XD
My Friend's Dad Is Asian Danny Devito
Iron Deficiency Man
How insanely rude to trash this poor unsuspecting man. It's one thing for these lighthearted comparisons, but really how childish of some of you
We also asked Johnny how often people actually think he is Bruno Mars or spot him when he’s not even in character. “All the time,” he told Bored Panda. “So much so, I tend to keep to myself more now, rather than go out because there are pros and cons. Also, living in Los Angeles MORE people believe it because it's more believable to see Bruno Mars here because he lives here.”
“Whether or not I am in character, I think for the rest of my life (seeing since 2010 I've been getting it) I will always be ‘spotted’ and hear, ‘Has anyone ever told you, you look like Bruno Mars?’ or ‘Are you Bruno Mars’,” Johnny noted. “And as long as Bruno Mars keeps his businesses growing, I know I will hear it more.”
Gabe Loncoln
Donna Trump
Samantha L. Jackson
But Johnny sees the bright side of being spotted as well. “The more I keep [my business] growing, people will start to spot ‘Johnny Rico AS Bruno Mars’,” he explained. “I've had 3 incidents where people have come up to me and asked if I was Johnny Rico. That felt really cool.”
On that note, we asked Johnny what the best parts of looking like a celebrity are. “The real best part of looking so much like a celebrity is knowing that you can turn it into a business,” he shared. “It's provided more for my son, a home, consistently new traveling and fine dining experiences, staying at the best hotels, lux ground transportation and so on.”
Kanye East
Ghanaian Will Smith
Gary Putin
On the other hand, we were curious what Johnny thinks the worst parts of looking like a celebrity are. He noted that the lack of privacy can be frustrating at times. He said he often gets stares from random people that make him uncomfortable, or he will be approached and asked for photos when he’s with his son, at the beach, at a festival, while washing his hands in the bathroom, or anywhere else. He also noted that it can also be interesting when he encounters people who are vocal about their dislike for Bruno Mars.
Morgano Hombrelibre
Dr. Shed
Hannah Lecter
“People get mad at me because they think I am trying to look like Bruno Mars,” Johnny noted. “I tell them he looks like me because I was born 5 months before him,” he added with a laugh. He mentioned that Starbucks employees will also go out of their way to make his drink first sometimes because they assume he’s Bruno, and it always makes him feel bad for the other customers. Sharing an uncanny resemblance to a celebrity can also make it more challenging to make friends, Johnny notes.
Walmart Obama, Who Actually Works At My Local Walmart
Baloney Stark
And with the Marvel Shirt. On the Subway. Maybe coming from NYCC? 🤔
“I never thought being a celebrity impersonator and look alike of a living artist would be what it has been,” Johnny shared. “As I mentioned, I was looking to start a business in 2017, and here I am now almost 5 years later still rocking it.”
“I have yet to accept those residencies that have contacted me out in Las Vegas, I've yet to start my band to book in front of thousands of people, I've yet to accept those international gigs because I am not there yet, and I've yet to meet and or work with the man himself! I am still growing, and I hope everyone follows my unique journey.”
If you’d like to learn more about Johnny or even book him for a gig, be sure to visit his website right here.
Lil Climate Chaynge
Din Viesel
I'm Convinced My Brother Was The Model For The Agent From "Bolt" And You Can't Change My Mind!
Everyone has a doppelgänger out there, even celebrities! Earlier this year, Insider shared an article pointing out all of the famous people that you might not be able to tell apart, and some of the resemblances really are uncanny including Jennifer Garner and Hillary Swank, Sarah Hyland and Mila Kunis, and Natalie Portman and Kiera Knightley. My whole life I have mixed up Isla Fisher and Amy Adams, and apparently, I’m not the only one. They are mixed up so often that Isla even joked about it in an interview once, “If 'Shopaholic' is a hit, then it was Isla Fisher in the movie," she said. "And if it doesn't work out, it was Amy Adams."
Jeff Goldblum Stopped My Brother In Lax A Few Years Back After Commenting That They Looked A Lot Alike. He Was Thrilled To Say The Least (:
And Jeff Goldblum was equally as tickled. That man is our national mensch.
Michelle Jackson
Budget Brand Harry Potter
We hope you're enjoying this list of Walmart celebrities and that it's inspiring you to figure out what celebrity you're a doppelgänger of. We are all special and unique, but we're not snowflakes. There is someone out there who looks like you, probably even a famous person. Keep upvoting the pictures you find most amusing, and then let us know which star people always tell you, "Has anyone ever told you you look just like ____?"
Mr. Thai Bean
Meta Walmart Celeb
If they don't know each other wouldn't they be called STRANGERS? 🤔
Albert Einstoned
25 Cent
Great Value Trump
Too skinny by 100 pounds and there's no way Trump would figure out a gas pump. That's way too much of a mental process for Donald.
Juice Willis
Eliza Wood
Shrek's Human Form
Partial Mathers
Danny Dorito
Tryin' Reynolds
Nicole Cage
Wolverine From Aliexpress
It looks like he’s cultivated the Wolverine look. But he hasn’t done a bad job at it.
Tom Bruise
Snoop Doug
Nice Try, Carlton
Post-Recession Tony Stark
Excuse Me Señor
Austen Flowers. International Woman Of Misery
Miguel Johnson
Danny Burrito
Soooo true! 😆 But none of them made me laugh quite like "Donna Trump" did! 🤣🤣🤣 Lmbooooo
Load More Replies...So what I got from this is that there are a LOT of Tony Stark clones running around. Alternate universes? XD
One time I went to New York City with a friend when he went to visit his family. When we were walking around, people thought he was Alec Baldwin and thought I was Woody Harrelson. A couple people asked if we were doing a movie together. I told them “We can’t give any details until the contracts have been signed.”
Soooo true! 😆 But none of them made me laugh quite like "Donna Trump" did! 🤣🤣🤣 Lmbooooo
Load More Replies...So what I got from this is that there are a LOT of Tony Stark clones running around. Alternate universes? XD
One time I went to New York City with a friend when he went to visit his family. When we were walking around, people thought he was Alec Baldwin and thought I was Woody Harrelson. A couple people asked if we were doing a movie together. I told them “We can’t give any details until the contracts have been signed.”