There’s something humbling and almost tearfully beautiful about the tiles perfectly aligned on the sidewalk. About smooth cake icing that looks like an ice-skating rink. About a spotless lid on a yogurt cup. About the clouds forming a perfect…You get it.
In this perfectly imperfect world, we all crave order, symmetry, and evenness. Luckily, the r/OddlySatisfying subreddit is doing every perfectionist a public service by supplying some of the most oddly satisfying sightings that give us a fix of flawlessness. From a perfect stack of pancakes to cats lying like yin and yang, this is something I live for.
And since you can never get too much of good thing, more satisfying stuff to soothe your heart and soul is a click away here and here.
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Before & After Paint Job
My Neighbors Tree Has The Perfect Fall Gradient
I only see green... (I'm red green colorblind, so I can't get the full picture of what's occuring here, but it still looks very nice)
Droplets On A Car Windshield During Sunset
Oddly satisfying refers to any kind of sighting, either picture or video, that’s incredibly satisfying to look at. The concept has gained quite a cult following on the internet thanks to the r/OddlySatisfying subreddit, which has a whopping 5 million members. The group was created back in 2013, and it celebrates all the “little things that are inexplicably satisfying.”
According to Know Your Meme, "oddly satisfying" and similar phrases had been used online even earlier than that. It first occurred as early as June 4th, 2011 when a post was published on Jezebel titled "An Oddly Satisfying Montage Of 'You Just Don’t Get It, Do You?' Moments."
Moreover, r/OddlySatisfying was inspired by another hugely popular subreddit community, r/mildlyinteresting, “which was born out of a discussion in r/WTF about the need of a clearer categorical distinction between images that are evocative of WTF and those that would be more aptly described as ‘mildly interesting.’”
Tree's Shadow
Perfectly Cozy, Curled Up Cats
Perfect Snowflake That Fell On My Coat Yesterday
Wow! I've never actually seen a snowflake like this before. I thought they only looked like this under a microscope.
Fast forward to today, when oddly satisfying and mildly interesting videos are ruling the internet like never before. “We don’t need to be able to explain why we like something in order for it to exist,” Kevin Allocca, head of trends and culture at YouTube, told Wired.
The phenomenon of oddly satisfying pictures and videos, according to Kevin, has to do with the fact that we've never had a descriptor for this kind of stuff. “I think we’ve always had a desire to watch these type of things, but we just didn’t have the language for it. Now we do.”
This Welding Job
This is a list. It's not a ranking. It's not a contest. It's just a list.
The Way This Cat Blends Into The Wood
This Clean Ice
This Sauna In Finland
My Dad Laid New Decking Around An Old Tree!
These Leaves In This Tree
I Was Told On A Couple Of Art Subreddits You All Might Appreciate My Art
This Mystique Cosplay Mid Merge (By Magnetomystique)
This Cake (Credit: Malizzi Cakes)
Amazingly Well-Stacked Carrots On A Pickup
This Boulder With Stretched Bronze Does It For Me
A Single Fallen Tree Holding Back The Duckweed In The Wetlands Of Louisiana
These Rhubarb Pies
I’m An Art Teacher And I Moved To A New School This Past Summer. The Previous Teacher Did Not Share My Love Of Organization. Behold The Before And After Of My Paper Closet!
The Way The Veins Of The Leaf Align On The Creases Of The Hand
My Friend Let Her Chickens Loose On A Watermelon. They Picked It Clean
The Way The Snow Accumulated
My Succulent's Offshoot
San Francisco Black Victorian
This Scoop Of Peanut Butter
I Kept On Passing This, So On The Third Night I Decided To Take A Picture
Beautiful Apple Carving
This Pic Of An Ending Day
Perfect Resemblance Between Parrot And Mango
A Picture Demonstrating How Smoke Is Particulate Matter Suspended In Air
This Rubber Band Stuck In My Shoe
A Flower I Found In Hawaii A Few Months Ago
Piano Cake. Unbelievable To Look At. Very Talented Chef
Another Finished Quilt Made By My Wife
Anyone Else Love Maps Like These?
This Photo Of The Moon And A Plane
My Friends Basement Organization Is Something Else
My Mom Works At Amazon And She Sent Me A Photo Of One Of The Trucks She Loaded
This Smoothie After Being Blended
Gummy Bear Gift Box For An Autistic Date
It´s adorable and all but... why is the orange between the greens... it should be with the reds and all the yellows in the middle row...
Found An Old Photo Of My Brother And I (I’m Now 28)
Perfectly Round Egg
The Arrangement Of These Bubbles Looks Like Europe And Asia
Untouched Snow Is So Satisfying
I lived in Montana so I know snow ... it is magical walking at night in fresh snow and hearing the "crunch" of the snow crystals under your feet.
My 7 Layer Jello
I Was Really Proud Of My Edge Today
As someone who is proud of their garden as well, this is a thing of beauty. Also, the topiary balls are immaculate as well.
Colours Of American Midwest
When Your New Dock Supervisor Is Fresh Out Of The Military
My Pretty Stack Of Mini Pancakes
BP, thank you for not incorrectly using "OCD" in this post. (I have to say I expected it, but I was pleasantly surprised!)
You have caught real life soooo perfectly. Actually, some of your photos are beyond perfect. Thank You for sharing your talent!
This is one of the best articles in a long time here.This is why i was hooked to this site politics and no social subjects.Thank you
I'm here for the cartoons of struggles of girls that we can all relate to.
BP, thank you for not incorrectly using "OCD" in this post. (I have to say I expected it, but I was pleasantly surprised!)
You have caught real life soooo perfectly. Actually, some of your photos are beyond perfect. Thank You for sharing your talent!
This is one of the best articles in a long time here.This is why i was hooked to this site politics and no social subjects.Thank you
I'm here for the cartoons of struggles of girls that we can all relate to.