50 Pics That Show The Level Of Nonsense Mechanics Have To Deal With (New Pics)
How much do you know about your car? Are you someone who loves to change your own oil, change your own tires and spend your weekends polishing its body until it is spotless? Or does the extent of your car knowledge only include how to put gas in the tank and how to drive around? Somehow, many of us can manage to get by knowing the absolute minimum about the vehicles that we use every day because we rely on the experts at an auto shop. But no matter how polite they are to our faces, those experts might be laughing at our incompetence the second we’re out the door and sharing photos of our precious vehicles online…
We’ve gone through the Just Rolled Into the Shop subreddit to find some of the most hilarious and ridiculous examples of things mechanics deal with every single day, so you too can appreciate what goes on in the mysterious world of an auto shop. Some of these posts will require a basic understanding of cars to know what is happening, but if you are an auto enthusiast, you'll be sure to get a kick out of some of these hopelessly confused drivers. Enjoy this list that will hopefully give you a greater appreciation for your mechanic, and be sure to upvote all of the pictures of situations that you would not have believed without seeing proof. Then if you’re interested in even more of these wild pics from auto shops, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous publications on this same subreddit here and here.
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This Stray Hung Out In The Yard Over The Weekend Then Rolled In My Bay. Now He’s Mine
Everyone’s idea of how much maintenance is required to take care of a car is different. Some people are fine with a car wash every now and then, filling up the tank when needed and an oil change when that dreaded light indicates that “service is required”. On the other hand, some people inspect every inch of their vehicles and work hard to keep them in pristine condition. They take pride in keeping the exterior looking sparkling and the internal health in tip top shape as well. But regardless of how well you treat your car, unless you yourself are a mechanic, you’re going to have to see one eventually.
Similarly to how doctors have horror stories of injuries you would have to see to believe, every mechanic can tell their fair share of stories about the stupidest things people have done to their vehicles. To provide a place where mechanics can share these crazy stories and laugh about the incompetence of the average driver, the Just Rolled Into the Shop subreddit was born. The page, which has 1.8 million members at the moment, states that it is “for those absolutely stupid things that you see people bring, roll, or toss into your place of business and the people that bring them in”. And clearly, there are infinite examples of those...
This Was On A Car That Came In Today
I Got $10 Off My Oil Change Because I "Fulfilled The Destiny" Of The Tech Who Had To Report My Mileage
Cars are one thing that most of us can get through life knowing very little about. It would definitely be beneficial to understand the inner workings of our vehicles, and it could even save us some money if we could solve some of our cars' issues at home. But the fact is that it takes effort to learn about them. There is no “auto shop” requirement in school, but that's why the experts exist. So we don’t ever have to repair our cars ourselves.
But according to one study of 2,000 Americans, many people know an embarrassingly small amount about their vehicles. Well, that’s not necessarily true. They know something, but a quarter of them admitted knowing that their cars are in need of a repair yet they continue to take the risk of driving them every day. But shockingly, far more people have something wrong with their cars that they might not have even been aware of. 68% of the study participants’ cars had at least one thing wrong with them, and 36% of the participants did not know the first thing about changing a tire.
Visiting A Buddy’s Shop And Spotted This Sign
I Present To You All The 5 Elements Of Tire: Fire Element, Water Element, Ice Element, Plant Element, And Bruce Willis 5th Element
My Lead Tech Has Finally Lost It
There are plenty of basic car care routines that many of the participants of this study did not know, from half of them not being confident that they could change their car's oil to one third of them not knowing which oil their car requires in the first place. Even having to jump their vehicle’s battery would be a difficult task for a quarter of Americans, if their battery were to die. And about 20% of them could not confidently check the tire pressure on their car.
What’s hiding underneath the hood is a mystery to many Americans, with less than half of them being able to locate their car’s engine in an image. But despite their lack of understanding of their vehicles, many people still don’t feel comfortable dealing with a mechanic. Perhaps it is due to embarassment from not knowing how to take care of their cars, but 54% of Americans admit they are intimidated by mechanics. After seeing this list though, I don't blame them. For all they know, they could be being mocked online for having snow under their car's hood or going years without changing their air filters!
Got To Work On The Wienermobile Today
Nothing Stupid Here. It Is Actually Very Thoughtful Of The Customer To Leave A Note Like This On The Windshield. A Lot Of Time Service Writer Could Not Write A Proper Story…
What Do You Guys Use To Push No Starts Around The Yard? Behold; The Goat
A common fear when taking your car to a mechanic is that you might be paying way too much money. How is it that any time you pop in for a simple oil change or tire rotation the mechanic mysteriously finds 5 other things that must be done immediately or the car will put you in immense danger the second you drive off the lot? You got to the auto shop just fine, so it does not seem likely that getting home will be a problem. It can be difficult to know whether a repair is actually necessary or if the mechanic is trying to pull a fast one on you, so we consulted BlueToro’s blog to find out some of the most common ways sketchy mechanics try to overcharge their customers.
When A Car Sits On The Lot Too Long
Found This On The Underside Of A Woman’s Car Today… Needless To Say She’s A Little Freaked Out. Rechargeable With 4g Sim Card In It
This Is What Happens When You Change Your Oil Religiously. Bmw 335i 180k Miles. Beautiful
According to BlueToro, one practice some shady mechanics deploy is claiming that they replaced a part or performed a certain job, and charging for it, but never actually doing it. “It’s not uncommon for us to tend to a basic car service for a new customer where a major service was said to have been performed by their previous mechanic and yet the customer complains of a number of problems that simply shouldn’t be there if the car was serviced well,” BlueToro explains. “Usually it’s because the parts that were charged were not actually replaced.”
Why Doesn’t The Heat Work On My Brand New Civic ??
So what happened here was, we had a really bad blizzard and customer came in saying that all of their lights were on and the car drove horrible (no heat especially) and when we popped the hood we see this terrific mess of snow like wtf ?? Customer never popped the hood, it was left outside during the storm so looks like it was all the wind that absolutely piled up. And it was PACKED. left it to thaw overnight. Ran normal after everything was dry, no problems since.. a mystery to this day maybe they really did leave the hood open lol idk man
Everyone Is Showing Off Their Welded Art. So I Will Join. Behold! The Mirror Brackets I Made For My 68 F100
Im Scared
Car is/was a police vehicle, most likely in Europe. The light indicates that the pistol lock box is not locked or the lock rifle mount is unsecured.
Another practice that certain mechanics will try to get away with is bumping up scheduled part replacements. For example, if a part needs to be replaced every 100,000 miles, some mechanics will tell a customer that it is time to be replaced when they’ve only driven 80,000 miles. Over time, this can lead to many unnecessary repairs and your auto shop bills can be through the roof. “Ultimately, these mechanics are not thinking about you as a customer for the long term, they’re just trying to make the most out of every service,” BlueToro explains.
My Husband Called Shortly Into His Half Hour Drive Home To Say The Tire “Felt A Little Off”
I’m Begging. Can Someone Explain To Me Why People Do This? Is A Seatbelt That Bad?
It feels similar to the mask thing to me. It’s like cool you don’t have to like it, so just wear it for the short time you’re in the store(car) and it could possibly save your life
Operator Reported “S Shaped Tire”
Because many people have had encounters with mechanics that they were not able to trust, ABC News actually interviewed one who anonymously agreed to spill the beans on what it’s like to work in an auto shop. “Joe”, as ABC refers to him, explained that most mechanics actually are honest, but there is often pressure from overhead to perform unnecessary work to increase profit margins. “The shop has to stay in business,” Joe said. “There are pressures to do things that maybe you wouldn’t do normally. I’m ashamed a bit to admit it, but when your boss tells you ... 'Either you do it here or the door’s right there,' what are you going to do?”
Tech States “I’m Not Getting In That Car, You Can’t Make Me”
Someone with a cat who lives in their car....... That poor cat. Yeah I get ppl fall on hard times, been there done that.... But he responsible and find somewhere for that poor cat to go!!!!😥
We Share The Road With These People
The drifting is so good you'll use this car for the rest of your (short) life
Sticker On The Oil Pan That Scans To A Job Application At Another Shop Lol
Ok but the owner of this vehicle obviously wasn't happy with the previous shop... soo why go work at the very shop losing customers to your current workplace...
Mechanics even have terminology for some of their more questionable practices, including “gravy work”. This is when a shop worker bills a customer for more time than a repair actually requires. “Most shops will charge you an hour and a half to two hours to turn the rotors and put pads on it,” Joe explained. “If you’re good and got good equipment, you can do it in 20 or 30 minutes… That’s gravy.” Another practice that I’m sure we have all suspected before was confirmed by Joe. “An $18 oil change -- well, they lose money on that,” he said. “The idea is to get you in so they can sell you the coolant flushes, trans flushes, power steering flushes. ... That’s where the money is.”
Customer Drove This All The Way From Mexico Because He Was Told Not To Pull Over Out There.
Was Loading The Trailer With Tires When I Noticed This... Inspection Date Was 3/22/22
I was thinking "This looks fine" and then I noticed it. This is VERY much not fine
So One Of My Customers Rents Out His Vintage Mustangs. This Is How One Was Returned To Him
And that sound you here is car fans screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Giuseppe Mendola, another seasoned mechanic and owner of AutoTech Diagnostic in College Point, New York, also told ABC that it’s important for car owners to just read the manual any time their car has an issue. The more drivers understand about their vehicles, the less likely they will be to get ripped off. “People don’t read the owner’s manual. They don’t know how to open the hood half the time,” Mendola noted. “I honestly don’t understand what they expect out of the car if they don’t know anything about it.”
Once In A Lifetime Puncture That Happened Right Outside My Shop. I Am Still In Disbelief To This Day
Asked The Body Shop To Fix A Broken Bumper As Cheap And Fast As They Could. 20 Minute And 10 Bucks Later
I Hate People
I'll be honest, I don't understand every image on this list because I know absolutely nothing about cars. And although I don't currently own one, this article is inspiring me to do thorough research before I ever purchase another one, so I don't get ripped off every time I go to the mechanic. We hope you are enjoying these hilarious and perplexing images, and be sure to upvote the ones that surprise you the most. Remember to clean out your backseat and check under the hood before you take your car into the shop, and if you're interested in viewing even more of these pics, you can check out the Just Rolled Into the Shop subreddit right here.
Stop Doing This To Your Tech
When I bring my car in, I only give them the car key, not the key to every door I've ever seen in my entire life!
Toyota 4runner. Hey Look, Some Dumb A** Left His Snap-On Tools Behind. Wait A Second, That's My Lube Sticker On The Windshield
Rawlings Baseball Leather Seats In A Tundra
Brought My Car In For An Airbag Recall And Tried To Leave The Mechanic A Tip
Must Have Looked At My Clapped Out 20 Year Old Bmw And Decided I Needed The Money More Than Him Or Maybe They Just Aren’t Allowed To Accept Tips At The Dealership
I’m Not As Concerned About The Low Pressure…
Customer States Someone They Know Told Them It’ll Help Keep Rats Out Of The Engine Bay. Newer Model Toyota Camry
Just Found This On The Front Seat
We Ordered 1 Tesla Model 3 Steering Wheel. They Sent 2 And Packed Them With 144 Children's Toothbrushes. 12 Packs Of 12. Wtf
Dear customer: in an effort to be more green, we will not use styrofoam peanuts any longer
Man With Dementia Was Coming To Our Dealership For A Low Tire. 2 Days And 200 Plus Miles Later The Family Was Able To Find Him And His Wife
Car Comes In For An Oil Change Smelling Like Gasoline And Burning. Customer Says She Got A New Engine Put In Out Of Town
Found At A Local Service Garage
Officially One Year Of Tire Punctures, Approx 3 Pounds. Time To Release Them Back Into The Wild
Should start saving it every year. Put each year on display. Start documenting it, craziest one of the year gets a prize lol
To All My Service Advisors, How Do You Write Stuff Up Like This And Keep Yourself Professional?
It's About To Be Towed To The Shop. I Was Cruising About 50mph And The Plastic Snapped
What Are They Hiding In Here?
Living On A Prayer
How Do These People Get A Driver’s License?
My Buddy Sells Used Cars And He Just Sent Me This…
Tried To Knock The Ice Off My Muffler And It Freely Moved, Checked Under My Car And Saw This…
No Choice Can’t Afford Fuel
Pro Tip If You’re Unsure Of The Age Of Your Tire Just Cut Opening And Count The Rings
Also, you could try not cutting open your tire. An actual way to check, look for the serial number, and find the last 4 digits of the number. The first 2 of the final 4 is the number of weeks into the year, and the last 2 (if made after the year 2000) are the last 2 digits of the year the tire was manufactured.
18 Year Old Tech Didn't Close A Valve Overnight
This one hit me right in the feels. Car I've had for almost 12 years, 148K miles just had some regular maintenance done on it, few days later the engine sustains some kind of internal catastrophic damage and totals the car. Dealership says it has nothing to do with the maintenance they did. Had to sign over the car for basically nothing just to move on and start the buying process in this current horrible market. I strongly suspect they did something so I'd have to buy a new car from them. That car has been with me all over the country, through thick and thin. Huge punch to the gut.
A Toyota dealership recently tried to convince me that an oil pan is a "wear out component " and I needed to pay over 900USD to replace. Said no & they said they would not change the oil since the prior tech stripped the threads. I was able to prove their shop is the only place that has ever changed the oil. They replaced the part no charge. Makes me wonder how many people they get with that scam.
Load More Replies...Don’t you guys have mandatory technical checks in the US? Here in Germany you have to have to car checked every two years if it’s still safe to drive. Those tires with no tread…you won’t see that here
Well in the usa you can put a ton of miles real fast I had a job with mild driving I put 30k miles (48,000 km) on in a year I've heard of some people putting 50k to 75k miles (80,000 km to 120,000 km) a year on a car you can wear tires out before two years with that kind of driving
Load More Replies...Not car related, but still mechanics. I'm an engineer at a hydraulics company and sometimes get asked to check up on warranty issues sent back to us. One time we got two air driven hydraulic pumps back and the customer complained they just stopped working. The first one looked like it had been buried in a muddy salty pit for a couple of years, and when picking it apart, I found it had the air motor full of fine grained sand. It litteraly poured out when I opened it. The second one looked in good condition but it just did not build and pressure when running. When I picked it up to start working on it, I noticed it was unusualy light weight. It had no hydraulic oil in the tank... Refilled it and it ran like a clock. My guess is that they used the pump on a rather large jack, and someone did not wait untill the piston was fully retracted before disconnecting it. I can only imagen the mess they had to clean up when the next person connected a pump with a full tank into that cylinder...
This one hit me right in the feels. Car I've had for almost 12 years, 148K miles just had some regular maintenance done on it, few days later the engine sustains some kind of internal catastrophic damage and totals the car. Dealership says it has nothing to do with the maintenance they did. Had to sign over the car for basically nothing just to move on and start the buying process in this current horrible market. I strongly suspect they did something so I'd have to buy a new car from them. That car has been with me all over the country, through thick and thin. Huge punch to the gut.
A Toyota dealership recently tried to convince me that an oil pan is a "wear out component " and I needed to pay over 900USD to replace. Said no & they said they would not change the oil since the prior tech stripped the threads. I was able to prove their shop is the only place that has ever changed the oil. They replaced the part no charge. Makes me wonder how many people they get with that scam.
Load More Replies...Don’t you guys have mandatory technical checks in the US? Here in Germany you have to have to car checked every two years if it’s still safe to drive. Those tires with no tread…you won’t see that here
Well in the usa you can put a ton of miles real fast I had a job with mild driving I put 30k miles (48,000 km) on in a year I've heard of some people putting 50k to 75k miles (80,000 km to 120,000 km) a year on a car you can wear tires out before two years with that kind of driving
Load More Replies...Not car related, but still mechanics. I'm an engineer at a hydraulics company and sometimes get asked to check up on warranty issues sent back to us. One time we got two air driven hydraulic pumps back and the customer complained they just stopped working. The first one looked like it had been buried in a muddy salty pit for a couple of years, and when picking it apart, I found it had the air motor full of fine grained sand. It litteraly poured out when I opened it. The second one looked in good condition but it just did not build and pressure when running. When I picked it up to start working on it, I noticed it was unusualy light weight. It had no hydraulic oil in the tank... Refilled it and it ran like a clock. My guess is that they used the pump on a rather large jack, and someone did not wait untill the piston was fully retracted before disconnecting it. I can only imagen the mess they had to clean up when the next person connected a pump with a full tank into that cylinder...