We all have our "aha!" moments at different times. Perhaps you've just discovered the correct usage of a common kitchen gadget, or maybe you've finally come to the realization that "espresso" shouldn't be pronounced with an "x" – whatever it is, we've got a list just for you!

What obvious thing did you recently realize?” – this web user invited folks to spill the beans on super obvious things they only just realized. The thread garnered 8K upvotes as well as 8.7K comments containing some pretty interesting answers. 

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30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online My grandson just figured out I am his mothers mother. He just can't understand why I tell him we have to ask his mom to do some things. Why can't I just tell his mom we are going to do something? I am her mom therefore her boss!

Individual_Serious , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That when a cat comes running up to me when I'm out for a walk, they are seeing me with the same excitement and novelty as I'm seeing them!
    That realization really made my day.

    MallardCat , gostealahead Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Growing up, my grandparents religiously had a 3:00 PM “Pepsi” time. Like Tea Time, I guess, but with Pepsi. Every time we were over there, it happened. We all enjoyed a crisp, fizzy, cold Pepsi.

    At 43 years old, I was telling that story this week, when I suddenly realized theirs were most likely spiked.

    Fire_In_The_Skies , billow926 Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Despite their warm and friendly ourward appearance, Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. I'm a raised JW and I'm fading out of the organization.

    JubilantJayde , JCHaywire Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Stripper poles rotate and are not fixed. I always just assumed the dancers spun around the fixed pole through incredible body strength.

    Working-Inflation-61 , Pixabay Report

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    Pedantic Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some are fixed and some rotate. The latter is used for more experience dancers to complete more complex moves. The one I used was fixed.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That birds don't live in nests. Nests are just where they keep their eggs. Birds just sleep in trees.

    Rey_Reddits , Tambako The Jaguar Report

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    Andy Frobig
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, ok, but if a parent bird or surrogate elephant doesn't spend at least some time in the nest, the eggs won't hatch

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online I didn’t realize that in the song “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”, the DAD was in a Santa costume…and Mom wasn’t committing adultery with a magical, fictitious old man…

    FabulousCallsIAnswer , Pixabay Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Soft drinks are called soft drinks bc they don’t contain alcohol. Hard drinks do.

    heres-to-life , Janine Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Even after hitting rock bottom, you can still keep digging.

    satalfyr , Dexon Dave Silva Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also important for people to know that change can start at any time, it's not necessary to get to rock bottom first, not at all.

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    That if I put my phone in a bright yellow case I’ll spend significantly less time wandering around my apartment muttering “where the f**k did I set my phone”

    BitterOldPunk Report

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    Pedantic Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just do what I've done and use your phone light to help you find it.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online The reason Lead is Pb on the periodic table is due to the Latin word for lead which is the same root of the word for plumbing, because the Romans made pipes out of lead.

    Stormygeddon , Hi-Res Images of Chemical Elements Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online I spend too much time choosing to be negative when I could really be happy. After a vacation I had a major attitude adjustment and applied to school in the town I visited. Suddenly debt doesn't depress me, cause I'm accumulating it for reasons I know are worth it. In the past few weeks I've journaled mostly optimistic things, and today I realized I had spent over half of the journal talking myself into a deeper hole. I can't unwrite it now, but that just makes me value the pages I have left so much more. I don't want my life to be a journal full of sad thoughts. I want to be happy.

    Flat_Bodybuilder_175 , Bekka Mongeau Report

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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m having a hard time thinking positively these days because it feels like I’m encountering problems everywhere I go and I’m starting to regret being born

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    That worms don’t come onto the sidewalks when it rains because the wet concrete is irresistible to their squishy bodies. It’s because they’re drowning in the grass. This was a few years ago, but at that time, I had a masters degree and was walking into my full time engineering job. A bunch of worms on the sidewalk outside my building and an “oh” lightbulb that clicked on in my head

    RedWasatchAndBlue Report

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    Mama Penguin
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There was a former school soccer field near where I live. Everytime it poured, worms would crawl all over the sidewalk. Being a high traffic area, the worms would get squished. I never knew earthworms smell "fishy" until then.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That my doctor was right. I need to start using a cane and stop being stubborn.

    SVS_Writer , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mobility aids are utterly fantastic! The same applies to glasses, hearing aids, etc. If you need then, use them. It will make life better.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online that my glasses were on my the top of my head the whole time I was looking for them.

    TrailerParkPrepper , Lisa Fotios Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this happens to me a LOT. sometimes, i forget i'm wearing them and i freak out about not finding them. lol

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    I can actually do certain things differently than I’ve been doing my whole life, and often the new way is better.

    DWright_5 Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online The Royal Family is named after Windsor Castle, not the other way around

    Catastrophist89 , Diliff Report

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    Fat Harry
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because their family name is German and we'd been at war with Germany twice in living memory, at the time.

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    That pets dies.

    Of course you are aware of it as a pet owner from day 1; that our furry friends are not immortals. But it always hits you like lightning from a clear sky when it actually happens, especially when it happens too early.

    Bqckground: Our family cat fell down in an old well and drowned... 😭
    A stupid and tragic accident.

    Much_Cantaloupe8957 Report


    Cows only produce milk because they are mothers.

    I mean, I genuinely just thought cows made milk all the time until not that long ago. They have to have babies and have a 9-month pregnancy just like humans. Then we take their milk from their babies :(

    Saltyseabanshee Report

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    Lil Miss Hobbit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not enough people know this. But there are nice ways to do it. Our cow had a calf and we split the milk 50/50 with him. She will produce as much as is needed (up to around 4 gallons, I think), so he gets enough and it doesn't hurt either of them.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online You do not have to make the entire box of pasta all at once

    PM_Me_UrRightNipple , Engin Akyur Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Eminem calls himself Eminem because his name is Marshal Mathers

    djskunkybeerz , eminem Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    His full name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. So he calls himself 'Eminem' in order to keep focus on his music, rather than to pledge his allegiance to the chieftain and offer his sword to Scotland. Or it could be the two 'M's thing.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online Pipe cleaners aren’t just for arts and crafts.

    They’re also for cleaning pipes.

    Im 35 and oh so ashamed of myself.

    GozerDaGozerian , Justice Ender Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That Alucard from Castlevania just means Dracula backwards ..

    Felt so dumb for not seeing the extremely obvious

    dershmoo , netflix Report

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    Asher Tye
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And that is why the vampires can sneak amongst us so effectively. /jk

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online When getting an eye exam you are asked which looks better 1, or 2. If they are identical or too close to call, you have a 3rd option. The same. They never told me that.

    No_Lecture9474 , Ksenia Chernaya Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've just had my eyes tested, and optometrists are keyed into the hesitation when answering this question. The greater the hesitation, they assume the harder it is for the person to decide. With one lens, I had to ask for clarification. It was better without, the first lens made dots sharper, but gave them a tail, the second wasn't as sharp, but they retained their shape. Instead of saying '1' or '2', I explained what I was seeing, and left it up to the optometrist to decide. :o)

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    I first realized only a couple of years ago that Elvis sings about the “whole cell block” in Jailhouse Rock, not the “wholesale block.”

    I’d imagined there being a Costco and a Petsmart and a Super Cuts and an AT&T store and maybe a Jimmy John’s and all the people shopping there were doing the Jailhouse Rock.

    It took me a solid 25 years of knowing that song to clue in.

    ToBeReadOutLoud Report

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That the phase “bottom of the hour” means 30 min past the hour because the hand is at the bottom of the clock.

    Sasquatchboy16 , Old White Truck Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’d never heard that phrase before, every day is a school day.

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    That the phrase ‘agree to disagree’ means agreeing to simply both disagree with eachother and end the argument, until yesterday I thought it meant the person who says it is agreeing with your point just to end the argument, meaning I thought I’d won every argument that people have said this in

    Egboxerpro Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online A couple years ago I realized pickles were just pickled cucumbers. Not sure why, but I never realized this and always thought pickles were just pickles.

    TsakalidisTzatziki , mariko Report

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is referring to distance and not depth

    Edit: Yeah, sorry I meant horizontally and not vertically…it’s all distance

    xfadedxgloryx , Kellie Churchman Report

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    Russell Bowman
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just for fun a league, from the Celts and adopted by Romans, was the distance a person could walk in about one hour.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That the pilgrims from the American Thanksgiving were called pilgrims because they were on a pilgrimage of sorts.

    It took me seeing a news report while I was in Portugal last November and I said to my wife "oh you use the same word for pilgrims and pilgrims like we do in English"

    "Yes" she replied "because they were pilgrims on a pilgrimage"

    RaggamuffinTW8 , Ayşenur Sağlam Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey I just realized that when the grizzly hunter tells Jeremiah Johnson “That’ll be far enough, pilgrim” Johnson has reached his goal of seeking a source of wisdom to live in the wilderness.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That boxer shorts are the style of shorts that boxers wear

    CaptainDrunkBeard , Ben Schumin Report

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online I played through nearly all of Fallout 4 (I didn’t buy the game until fairly recently) without realizing there’s a jump button. If I got trapped someplace, I just restarted from a previous save and complained about what kinda idiots didn’t make it so you can jump. But I’m the idiot.

    TracksuitBear , Philip Terry Graham Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    how about that Fallout Boy there is measuring the size of the mushroom cloud with his thumb and not giving you a thumbs up...BOOMSHAKALAKA!

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online PetSmart is both Pet Smart and Pets Mart. It's a play on words!

    Blueberry_Mancakes , Anthony92931 Report

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    the boredest panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i thought it was just pet-smart because in the logo the "pet" is red and the "smart" is blue

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That The Beatles (the band) and the car/bug (beetle) was spelled different. This was *last week*.

    I've always thought beetle (bug) was Beatle. I have no idea why now.

    ServiceCall1986 , Shadman Samee Report

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    Niall Mac Iomera
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    After buddy Holly and the crickets were out, they wanted a catchy name like that. They were gonna go for 'the beetles' but realised they could have a pun in there with 'the Beatles'. Cos music has a beat.

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online i realized that you have to act to fall asleep to literally fall asleep

    Weird_Beautiful_1313 , Ivan Oboleninov Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it just me that's constantly tired, then? I could fall asleep climbing over an electric barbed-wire fence. In fact, that's exactly why I stopped climbing over them. I fall asleep on the way around them now. Which is better. But still not ideal. But look at me wafflin-zzzzzz

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That the Houston Astros name comes from astronauts.

    Witer1945 , Pixabay Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Seattle Sonics were named after Boeing’s brief attempt at supersonic aircraft construction. Most ironically, soon after Los Angeles dismantled its red car public transportation system, it acquired the Dodgers; named after Brooklynites’ dodging out of the way of their street trolleys

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online I thought “baby fever” was an infection

    matchaismylife3 , Grish Petrosyan Report


    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online That there is a typo on my email in my resume. Somehow it went unnoticed for 6+ months...

    burtreynoldsthepope , Brian Rosner Report

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    S Mi
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably not entirely unnoticed by those reading it...

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    30 Times Folks Were Blind To The Obvious And Just Recently Realized What’s Up, As Shared Online The line in the bee gees song is "and you come to me on a summer breeze" and not "on a submarine"...

    Summerofmylife71 , Antoni Shkraba Report

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    That coriander (I love) is cilantro (I hate)

    Any-Cap-4044 Report

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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate coriander because it has a weird taste. Apparently it has to do with a recessive gene present in ~20% of the population

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    That basil leaves don't come from tomato plants. I've always seen basil-tomato on everything and I just assumed that they came from the same plant lol

    Cyanora Report

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    Marla Singer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yikes, people need to learn a basic bit about how extremely common foodstuffs grow. Try it and see it for themselves.

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    That Men's Wearhouse is a pun.

    Hustlasaurus Report

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    Fantastic Mr Fox
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one is super obvious. I bought two nice suits there I ever only used once for a job interview. They give good advice on shoes, shirt, tie and the suit is made to fit and all colors match. It’s correct what they advertise. You look great when they are done.

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    I'm working for a leisure nautical company where they call me "Newbie Anchor" - except, they don't, they refer to me as my predecessor's name: Bianca.

    SheepSurfz Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So they were saying "New Bianca" and you were hearing "Newbie Anchor"? If I was your co-workers I would have played it off because that's more humiliating for them not you

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    The blue part is *not* land.

    Narrator_Ron_Howard Report

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