Let’s see a show of hands, Pandas: how many of you love animals? Uh-huh, uh-huh, it’s just as we suspected—a whopping 159% of you are huge fans of the animal kingdom! Whether it’s cats, dogs, rabbits, or horses, we know for a fact that they matter to you just as much (and sometimes even more than) other people. But just how much do we really know about the animal kingdom?

When you start digging deeper, you realize that other living beings can be just as weird, if not weirder than, people themselves. Odd behaviors, character quirks, and peculiar instincts make for a better story than some of the fiction novels we’ve seen coming out in recent years. So today we’ll be diving headfirst into the world of obscure animal facts, courtesy of the knowledgeable trivia and biology experts over on r/AskReddit.

Check out the coolest facts below, upvote the ones that you didn’t know, and let us know in the comments if you’ve got some other interesting tidbits to share with the class. Oh, and you should definitely consider dropping some of these tasty info morsels at the next dinner party you go to—there’s nothing like bragging to your fellow Ravenclaws to make you seem like the next Attenborough. (Just remember to keep flapping your arms like a fashion chicken as you recite what you know.)


35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Crows recognize individual people even if they are wearing disguises and after many years. (The people are wearing disguises, not the crows.)

PatienceandFortitude Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I want to see a crow wearing a hat and a false moustache now!

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know All the deep sea anglerfish you see pictures of with the lil lights hanging over their heads? They're all female.

    The males are tiny and born with a terribly weak jaw and a massive hunger. They seek out a female, and torn between hungry and horny they bite her.

    She then releases an enzyme that fuses the male to her body. She slowly absorbs them into her body with only their lil testicles remaining so she can instantly fertilize her eggs when she wants to.

    Some females have rows and rows of lil testicles on their bodies from where they have absorbed multiple males.

    And you thought your sex life was weird, eh?

    But no kink shaming.

    Hyzenthlay87 , Przemek P Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Sloths are literally too lazy to go looking for a mate, so a female sloth will often sit in a tree and scream until a male hears her and decides to mate with her

    amishsheepherder , Javier Mazzeo Report

    Steven Wooding, from the Institute of Physics in the UK, recently shared with Bored Panda a cool animal fact that he thinks others should know, too.

    “Crows are the Einsteins of the bird world. Expert at solving puzzles, and they can even recognize your face. They will actively avoid individuals who have been aggressive toward them in the past," he told us that we should never underestimate crows. Ca-caw indeed.


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Female dragonflies will fake being dead in order to stop unwanted male advances. 

    -eDgAR- , Les Attridge Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In some species of animal, being dead does not stop unwanted male advances. I am looking at you ducks!

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The chemical compound which is used to make fake banana flavour is the same compound honey bees use as an alarm pheromone. So never eat banana sweets near a beehive, and if you suddenly smell banana near a beehive, run!

    generic-volume , Boba Jaglicic Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know FACT: Dolphins have "bromances" in
    which two males pair up for as long as 15 years and help each other hook up with females.

    notcommonmedia Report

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    Meanwhile, Dr. John W. Wilkinson, from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation charity in the UK, told Bored Panda that learning about animals can help inspire us to protect them. He said that people sharing photos of animals can create a deeper interest in them and their conservation. So long as the wildlife doesn’t get disturbed too much.

    If you happen to have a garden, one way that you can help your local amphibians and reptiles (we hear they’re very polite) is by building a garden pond for them. That and not using chemicals are two ways that you can really help out the life growing in your garden.


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Tarantulas have pet frogs. The frogs eat bugs and parasites that would damage the spider’s eggs, and in turn the spider protects the frog. Even after the eggs hatch they continue to protect the frog.

    Hazmatix_art , Carlos Henrique Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The binturong, also known as the bearcat, is an arboreal mammal closely related to the red panda. It smells like popcorn!

    My obscure fact about it is that captive binturong are capable of holding grudges, and will climb above people they dislike in order to s**t on their heads.

    gengarde , Stephen Michael Barnett Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know In Africa certain tribes communicate directly with birds called Honeyguides letting them know they are ready to hunt. The honey guides then lead them to hidden beehives in trees. The tribesmen break open the hives and take the honey( an important resource in their diet) and leave the honeyguides the bee larva and wax to feast on. In fact, it’s the only known example of targeted two-way signals between people and a free-living species.

    spoon_shaped_spoon , Derek Keats Report

    "In a small garden, even an upturned dustbin lid or bowl will provide a place for animals to drink," Dr. Wilkinson explained to us that if space is an issue, even something as small as this can help. If you have more space, you can make a compost heap or build a log pile.


    "Climate change can be a very negative factor for frogs, toads, and newts. Ponds can dry up too quickly, meaning their tadpoles don’t have enough time to develop. Also, warmer winters affect hibernating frogs. They use more energy during hibernation and partially wake up, meaning they are in poorer condition for breeding. This is particularly hard on the females who put a lot of energy into making eggs (spawn)," the wildlife expert stressed that climate change is having a massive impact on local critters.


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know When caterpillars enter the chrysalis phase, they don’t just sprout wings, their entire body first turns into a liquid, soupy substance which then reforms into the butterfly.

    Unlucky-Pomegranate3 , Suzanne D. Williams Report

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    Jayne Kyra
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A comment from Reddit: The real crazy fact is that despite liquifying and then reforming as a butterfly they retain memories from when they were a caterpillar.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Roosters deafen themselves temporarily every time they crow, so that they don’t damage their own hearing.

    Soulfighter56 , Sarah Halliday Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oooh! So its ok for the twat to give me mini heart attacks every morning from my bedroom window while he casually uses his internal earplugs?!!

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know We all know an octopus has 8 legs.

    It also has 3 hearts and 9 brains, and it can fit itself through a hole the size of a quarter.

    Waldo_007 , Diane Picchiottino Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Each tentacle contains grey (brain) matter. Each one literally thinks for itself, while the central brain does the legwork where it comes to coordination. They are basically aliens. And very smart ones. Be nice to octopuses.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know A sperm whale call is so loud the sound waves could kill a human if they swam close to the whale.

    Apparently some divers said they could feel the water heat up from the energy of the sound.

    MountEverest14 , Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm pretty sure that when provoked, my wife could kill a human with her voice.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Woodpecker tongues wrap around the back of their brains. This helps the brain stay protected during high speed pecking.

    powderabuser , Robert Woeger Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The spines on a Tiger's tongue are sharp enough to lick skin clean off of muscle.

    me0619 , Alexas Fotos Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know All halibut are male until they reach 45 inches in length. They then all become female.

    serouslydoe , Brian Yurasits Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know There is a genus of frog called "Mini". There are only three frogs in the genus, and their scientific names are all puns: Mini mum, Mini ature and Mini scule.

    SwimmingOnMars , Sergiu Nista Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Chickens will come say goodbye to each other when one is dying and they do soft clicks and will then leave and that chicken will normally die alone. Some chickens also will kill another chicken because they sense something’s wrong with the chicken, a disease for example. Hope u enjoyed these facts I found them in a book called How To Speak Chicken.

    WalterDaSquirrel1259 , William Moreland Report

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    Aran Lindvail
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They will also absolutely eat dead chickens. They are tiny dinosaurs, after all.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Idk how obscure it is but the average lifespan for a squirrel is 16 years which is a lot longer than I would have ever thought

    covalentbond007 , Włodzimierz Jaworski Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imma come back as a squirrel. EDIT: Not because of this fact but because I like squirrels.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Every once in awhile, an emperor penguin will do something very strange. Most of them will never do this, but the ones who do have stumped scientists for awhile now.

    Every once in awhile, a penguin will turn away from its colony and start heading for the interior of the continent (Antarctica). Away from the food, the water, the safety of the colony. Off alone towards certain death. Almost like zombies. In the past, scientists would try to stop them. Or take them back to the colony. At which point, they'd simply turn around and begin their journey again, in the same direction, toward the same end. Some would even get violent if they were met with intervention.

    The prevailing thought is that this penguin is depressed and is committing suicide in a very non-altruistic manner. But nobody knows for sure. There are a lot of possible explanations for this (including the possibility of a fungal infection similar to the cordyceps infection that can cause some colony insects to behave in exactly the same way, potential signs of brain tumors or other medical conditions that the birds are exposed to) It's well known that birds can experience depression or anxiety, but they tend to respond to this in very immediate ways, such as by over-preening (pulling out their own feathers), screaming, or being unusually quiet, loss of appetite, etc. (Bird anorexia is a MAJOR thing) These activities are signs of redirecting stress, while wandering off into the abyss of an unforgiving frozen continent implies the ability to analyze and think ahead in a way that most birds really don't seem to be able to do. So the reason may not be as immediately obvious as you might think.

    From what I know, no autopsies have been performed on these rogue penguins. Most likely because the conditions are too harsh to hunt their corpses down. But until one is performed, we really have zero idea why they do this. And yet they do. And the behaviour is common enough that it's been documented multiple times.

    StGir1 , Hubert Neufeld Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok I am now very creeped out and slightly depressed myself. Penguins being depressed makes me depressed.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Platypus' glow teal under a UV light, so Perry the Platypus is actually the correct color.

    smollindy-loo Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Snakes don't have eyelids. If you see a snake blink, that's a legless lizard.

    CirothUngol , David Clode Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Vultures urinate on their legs and feet to cool off on hot days, a process called urohydrosis. Their urine also helps kill any bacteria or parasites they’ve picked up from walking through carcasses or perching on dead animals.

    Iron_Chic , Roberto Navarro Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Sharks are older than Dinosaurs, Trees, and *the Rings of Saturn*.

    Sharks are old as f**k.

    voidsong , Gerald Schömbs Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know To cross a river Armadillos can either sink to the bottom and crawl across since they can hold their breath for 7 minutes or they can inflate their intestines and use them as a flotation device to float.

    Madbadbat , Joe Lemm Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Mine are all whale related:

    * Whale milk is so fatty that it has the consistency of toothpaste...
    * ...this enables blue whale calves to grow at a rate of approximately 10lbs per hour
    * Whales are the loudest animals on the planet - humpback whale songs can be heard 10,000 miles away
    * Whales are the longest lived mammals on the planet - in 2007, a deadbowhead whale was found in Alaska with a 19th century harpoon embeddedin its flesh, making the animal at least 130 years old at the time ofits death
    * The blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived on earth - far larger than any prehistoric animal discovered to date

    kirkl3s , Gerald Schömbs Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The vast majority of Greenland sharks are blind thanks to a special parasite that eats their eyes and replaces them.

    It is thought that this might actually be helpful because a) their eyesight was s**t anyway, b) the parasites wave like lures and may have an anglerfish-like effect, and c) the sharks are super slow so that might be one of the few ways for them to catch live prey.

    Imagine something eating your eyeballs and it being an *upgrade*.

    Fabled_Webs , Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Penguins have a gland above their eye that converts saltwater into freshwater

    Yeeteth_thy_baby , Cornelius Ventures Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know A kangaroo will mate again one to three days after giving birth. the newborn will latch onto a teat in the pouch and as long as it thrives, the kangaroo can put its newly fertilized embryo in a state of dormancy and have a back up baby ready to go. if the newborn grows out of the pouch or dies, the kangaroos hormones will send signals to start the development of the egg. so they can have an adolescent Joey, a nursing one, and one in stasis all at the same time.

    themoonhasgone , Ethan Brooke Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know There are more people who die each year because a coconut fell on their head than people who die in shark attacks.

    I love this fact.

    Blue0309 , Nipanan Lifestyle Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know A beaver's a*s smells like icecream.

    Castoreum, the product of those anal glands, was once used as a flavor substitute for vanilla. It’s now only used in perfume and a style of Swedish schnapps called Bäverhojt, or “beaver shout.”

    TheDefected , Niklas Hamann Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So someone just woke up one day and decides to smell a beavers a*s

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Turtles can breathe through their butts

    ghost_gurrl , David Cadenas Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Pacu fish have teeth that look exactly like people’s. They evolved to chew nuts that fell into the water.

    SunnySaigon , Omnitarian Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Rabbits don't have pads on their paws. Only fur.

    So if you see a cartoon rabbit with pads on it's paw, completely wrong.

    FOTBWN , Gavin Allanwood Report

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    Axolotls are real life Frankenstein's monsters.

    Not only do they have the ability to regenerate tissue if it gets damaged much like a starfish can grow a limb, but if you cut off their arm and (oh I don't know) ATTACH IT TO IT'S BACK, their cells will form and fix between the back and the dismembered limb. After some time, the arm is completely attached and useful while attached to the back like some disgusting Mr Potato Head.

    Some people did a test where they completely severed the head of an Axolotl and just pasted it next to the head of a other one to see if a head could do the same thing.

    It worked.

    The brain started thinking again, ate food after their esophagus attached, and became a fully functioning 2 headed axolotl.

    WillyMcHilly489 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is kind of cool. Multi limbed, filled axolotl. But dang that's cruel too.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The bearded vulture or bone-eating vulture, is a rare eur-asian vulture that only eats marrow, that looks rusty in color but is in fact white. This rusty color is because they actually paint themselves with red clay deposits to look attractive to their mates. They are really cool looking.

    They have a little tuft of feathers below their beaks that looks like the beard of a dragon, so that is why they are called that.

    Other cool fact: They can dissolve bone in the acid of their stomach in 24 hours. The PH of their stomachs is 1 which is VERY acidic. They are the only vulture species in the world that 90% of its diet is just bone.

    pmmeaslice , Andrey Tikhonovskiy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, also human stomach acid is around 1-1,5, so this is nothing that special

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    I read somewhere that some species of bats practises oral sex. Apparently males of that species found out that if they satisfy the female enough, that than she will not go mate with another male thus securing their place as a father of the offspring.

    Novel_Jelly8482 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Win-win situation here. I want to congratulate the female bats for educating their partners on good sexual practices.

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    The peacock mantis shrimp’s punch is so fast that the water around it cannot fill in the space left by the moving appendage, creating a vacuum known as a cavitation bubble. When this bubble collapses, a sonic boom and flash of light are produced.

    1sxekid Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are these the shrimp that can punch through the glass of their tanks?

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    Panthers are not actually a distinct species of big cat. It's the name given to melanistic Jaguars and Leopards.

    rebelphoenix17 Report

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    Robert Trebor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pronounced "painter" in some Appalachian areas. This can be a problem for you if you're expecting the home improvement guy but the other comes.

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    An octopuses neurons are spread out all throughout its body. When an arm is severed, intentionally or unintentionally, they will still search for and capture food, and then try to bring it back to a non existent mouth. Basically an octopus has a bit of its brain in each arm, and the arms move like normal after they’ve been severed, like how chickens run around without their heads.

    Moose_Nuts1867 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Picture this: The chaos of a headless chicken with a severed octopus arm taped to its head.

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    If a hog nose snake is threatened it will puff up and hiss. If this doesn't work, it will flip onto its back and play dead. If you flip him from his back onto his belly, he will flip back over again.

    flipping_birds Report


    Male giraffes will headbutt a female in the bladder until she urinates, then it tastes the pee to help it determine whether or not the female is ovulating

    -eDgAR- Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Speaking of urine, did you know that you can pee on a jellyfish sting? It won't make any difference, but you can do it if you want. Your life, your choices.

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    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Baby Koalas nuzzles their mother's butt to releases a runnier, protein-rich substance, called pap which they then drink to get mom's gut bacteria, helpful in digesting eucalyptus leaves.

    DragonChasm , David Clode Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    The Western Lowland Gorilla's scientific name is "gorilla gorilla gorilla"

    CorporalCrash Report


    Horses are opportunistic carnivores and have been observed to kill and eat small animals.

    ipakookapi Report


    The female American opposum has 13 nipples. This is one of my favorite facts of life.

    CruisinJo214 Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know Sea cucumbers spit out their insides to scare away predators.

    ASUDom17 , Roban Kramer Report

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    Peppy Piplup
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They based a Pokémon on this animal (Pyukumku) and when it attacks, it's insides come out shaped like a fist. It's hilarious.

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    sharks have electro receptors in their face called the 'ampulla of lorenzini'. it helps them hunt. they can detect electric fields from the lil muscle movements of fishies and stuff. i always thought that was pretty nifty. sharks are so cool and misunderstood

    broforange Report

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    François Carré
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These receptors are actually so sensitive that you can sort of knock a shark out for a brief moment by punching their nose, causing them sensation overload. A nosegasm, in other words.

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    They feed cows magnets so when cows eat nails/barbed wire/metal it stays in one stomach otherwise they'd get hardware disease and die.

    Steffany_w0525 Report


    Spiders are one of the only animals that stores some of its sensory processing functionality OUTSIDE OF ITS BODY. Studies have shown that a spiders reaction to a movement in its web, is less like a person responding to the floor moving, and more like a person responding to a nervous input from their leg. Spiders use their webs as a direct extension of their body instead of as a tool.

    kharmatika Report

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    Robert Trebor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, I am lobotomizing spiders when I walk through the webs they string across my path? I wonder if once they get it across they have second thoughts.


    Not exactly obscure, but dolphins get high off of pufferfish venom. They also bully sharks.

    fangbite49 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When swimming with dolphins, you are not supposed to swim below a male dolphin, they take it as a sign you are sexually available.

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    The mammal that has the most teeth is the giant armadillo of South America, with 74 teeth.

    But that's nothing to snails. A common garden snail can have 14,000 teeth. Some snails grow 25,000 teeth in their lifetime. And the teeth grow on their tongue.

    doublestitch Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nononononononononononono. I am never touching a snail ever again

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    Female ferrets die if they do not mate once they go into heat.

    CN4President Report

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    Army Ants will create "balls" during high water floods. The ball will roll allowing every ant to get a breath.

    H010CR0N Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine the power that mankind would have if we all worked together like that.

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    Only sheep, whales, and humans go through menopause.

    FinishTheThing Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I heard that the sheep only do it because they are copying the whales and humans.

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    The brazilian free tailed bat is the fastest animal in straight and level flight at 100mph. Some birds are faster, but only in a dive. Source: Audubon.

    starfishy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I *think* the peregrine falcon can dive at around 200mph, if I remember correctly. Pretty cool that a bat is faster in a straight line than any bird.

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    Butterfly taste with their feet. That will never leave my memory. I’ll be the old granny with dementia who says s**t like this but won’t remember what my kids look like

    queefiest Report

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    There are no male Mourning geckos. The entire species is female.

    Moctor_Drignall Report

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    JK Rowling
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Parthenogenesis is the spontaneous development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. The offspring will be identical to the parent. In Mourning geckos, it is possible, but rare, for infertile male offspring to be produced.

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    i don’t know if it’s obscure but orcas will beat stingrays until they’re too weak to fight back so their young can practice killing prey, also orcas are known to kill for fun.

    Goblishark Report


    35 Interesting And Weird Animal Facts Not Too Many People Know The Inland Taipan (snake) has the strongest/potent venom on the planet, capable of killing around 290 humans with a single bite. Scaled to mice, a single bite could kill 250,000 mice.

    That said, bites from the Inland Taipan to humans have been ***pretty rare*** as they usually stay underground and are not overly aggressive unless you jump all over their burrow. They also have a good number of predators who prey on them.

    Flat-Cold , David Clode Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *checking number on my ticket* "291 yeah! Ha ha all you lot before me! Losers!"

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    Not that incredible but never heard it and was unexpected.

    Many common ants live for years.

    I definitely pictured them as short life spans, and definitely felt a bit bad about the crazy number I've killed. Not that I stopped.



    Bears can make a sound similar to purring!

    Melissa-Crown Report

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    JK Rowling
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why did you have to tell me this. Now I wanna pet them even more.

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    Turkey vultures projectile vomit as a means of defense!

    yourscottygirl Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    A narwhal's tusk is actually a large tooth that protrudes through their face. It is most often the left tooth. Also, they have nerve endings on the outside of the tusks.

    TheSilverPotato Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Narwhals, Narwhals Swimming in the ocean Causing a commotion Coz they are so awesome

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    Giraffes have 7 cervical vertebrae, just like you humans.

    alunidaje2 Report


    Whales are most closely related to a group of land animals called "artiodactyls," which includes hippos, pigs, and deer.

    BornACrone Report

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    MacKenzie Moore
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    did you know hippos can't swim. their bones are so dense they just walk on the floor of whatever water they are in

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    Crocodillians (gaters, caiman, and crocs) have a specialized liver and diaphragm which allows them to slowly rise and sink in the water. By pulling their diaphragm via the hepatic shunt, they can shift their center of gravity and float up or down.

    Dad_Bod_Gain_Train Report


    The combined spider population of the world consumes anywhere between 400 million to 800 million metric tons of food per year.

    Qemyst Report


    The duck billed platypus has no nipples to feed their offspring. Instead, milk oozes from the skin.

    ChimpyChompies Report

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    JK Rowling
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also have venomous barbs on their hind legs for defense! God really clicked 'Randomize Selection' when making those guys.

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    Butterflies will drink blood given the option.

    Semicolon7645 Report

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to see a vampire film based on butterflies not bats now!

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    The genome of humans and moths is about 70% identic.

    Hades_Moon Report


    While the blue whale has the largest penis in the animal kingdom (2.5-3m / ~8'-10') - but among mammals the Fossa has the largest penis to ratio of its body size (17-20cm / 7"-8") - at full maturity, their penis is approximately 1/6 of total body length (head to tip of tail) with a tail being about half that total length. Their penis extends past their front legs when fully erect.

    And the Echidna's penis has 4 heads, where only two operate at once. They work much like ovaries release eggs where every time he ejaculates, only half of them do, and then the next time, the other half. The female of the species has a two-pronged reproductive tract allowing the half of the penis that IS active to fit right in. Oh I should also add that not unlike themselves, or cats, they have spiky penises as well.

    nycola Report


    There is a thriving population of wild hippos in the Amazon.

    ZombieGroan Report

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    Gin. No tonic
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These 70 hippos are descendants of 4 hippos that belonged to Pablo Escobar. After his death, his private zoo was let free. These hippos are a big problem in Colombia now.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Boa constrictor is the only animal where its common name is also its Latin binomial.

    Skade-7 Report


    Rabbits, INCLUDING DOMESTIC ONES, eat their poop every single day.

    queeroctopus Report


    Cats can't taste sweet things.

    Amorphous_Opal215 Report

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    Lacy Vaughn
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my cats always tries to eat my cake, or anything with frosting on it. She hates ice cream. The other 2 will eat anything you put in front of them lol

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