People Are Sharing Priceless “Not My Job” Moments Caught In Pictures And Here’re 50 Of The Laziest Ones
Not everyone was blessed with the job they love, not even with the job they truly care for. For many, it’s all just a 9-hour long daily bender that vindicates the holy time known as days off. But some people are taking this logic to the extreme, which becomes a cause for many hilarious occupational mishaps.
And there’s an online group known as the Not My Job subreddit that documents the most hilarious fails spotted on duty. And if it doesn’t seem like being asked to paint a wall or install a street light is that big of a deal, they are about to prove you wrong. Created in 2013, the community has 717k members sharing smile-cracking content, or, as their laconic description says, examples of “[Placeholder - Jim, put a good description].”
Keep in mind that nobody really knows whether the mishaps were deliberate, since they may have been caused by the mind wandering elsewhere, but it’s still absolutely comical to see the job done so that it barely passes the minimum threshold.
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Not My Job To Add The Subtitles
The Sign's Up, Boss!
Fixed The Broken Clock, Boss
Bored Panda reached out to the creator and moderator of the r/NotMyJob subreddit, who goes by the handle u/ani625, to find out more about this online community. u/ani625 explained that the saying “not my job” in the title of the subreddit refers to someone doing just their bare minimum of their job, and nothing more.
“This results in the 'product' being far from neat/complete/usable, depending on what it is,” the moderator explained. This extreme lack of care and attention makes it a perfect combo for absurd situations, which fuels r/NotMyJob.
Whoever Named These Streets
Workin For The Big Man
Painted Wales’ Flag For Ya, Boss
The community was launched 7 years ago when “an image of a dead animal painted over on a road became popular on another subreddit.” u/ani625 said that this particular case depicted the road painters being too lazy to do a better job.
“Someone said the phrase 'not my job!' in the comments, and people seem to be interested in such an idea. I created /r/NotMyJob and linked the subreddit then and there, which got its first few subscribers.”
From there, it picked up steam “as users kept on mentioning the sub all over Reddit whenever they saw such content, and the subreddit grew.” Today, it has about 25-30 daily posts shared by 717k members.
Answered All The Questions, Boss!
Installed The Street Lights Boss
Finished Putting Up The Sign Boss
Got Those Smoke Detectors Marked Up, Boss
"I Decided It Was Faster To Draw The Qr Codes, Boss"
Thanks, Associate's Name
Awe I'm sure "Associate's Name" is so proud to be part of the #WalmartFamily. ❤️
How I Bang Your Mother
I Wrote Warnings, Boss
Took The Driver’s License Photo Boss
I'd get a new one, but also keep this one just for laughs when i pull it out at a traffic stop... then again, I'm black and this is in the US, I'd probably get shot
I Hung That Sign In The Parking Garage, Boss
Just Put Monday
Made The Name Tag, Boss
Made The Engraving, Boss
I Painted The Fence Boss
Added Subtitles, Boss
Godamnit Roy
Packed The Violin Bow, Boss
The Brids
“Hey, You Put Those Shirts On The Correct Models, Right?”
This ATM In Egypt Is Not Grounded And Can Electrocute People, Paper Says "Use Wooden Stick"
Made The Front Page Boss
Big Bullets
This Sandbox Was Place Right On Top Of A Manhole
Shipped Those Crickets Boss
It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Cheesy
Corporate Said We Should Put In A New Fire Alarm, Not Remove Old Ones
Extreme Wheelchairing!
I Made It Handicap Accessible Boss
My Colleague Ordered Some Bowls Online And This One Came Exactly As You See It. Someone Wrapped A Broken Bowl, Without The Parts That Broke Off, Meaning It Didn't Break In Transit
Delivered Boss!
Title Goes Here Fsdjik Ndfij Jkfns
Spotted In Target. Next Level Fashion
when you're a toddler and you want to be independent and dress yourself for the first time :)
I've Got A Great Idea Boss
Fan's Installed, Boss
I know the column is supposed to come first when building, but I don't want to believe someone was stupid enough to put the fan there later.
It Says "Emergency Telephone"
"You don't need to contact anyone, just hit the murderer with this plank and you'll be totally fine."
I Installed The New Elevator Button, Boss
Clock That Has Hung On Our Wall With 20 Years. Needless To Say It Gets Confusing Sometimes
I genuinely didn't see the problem at first and was very confused lmao
A Soccer Field I Spotted While Flying My Drone Around
Sausage Squad
Is that 7 00 AM or PM? I wouldn't want to miss the suicide party....
I'm Done With The Handicap Ramp Boss!
I’m Not A Math Expert But....
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
FYI. Manhole covers are round so that that they don't fall into the hole; square ones would.
It Just Throws Me Off
Things in this post frustrate you? I find this puzzling.
Load More Replies...I had to stop looking. My inner perfectionist was screaming and sobbing.
"Not my job" usually means exactly that. A person is not paid for, assigned to, or expected to do something someone mentions or asks about. All these pictures seem to relate to jobs badly done.
Things in this post frustrate you? I find this puzzling.
Load More Replies...I had to stop looking. My inner perfectionist was screaming and sobbing.
"Not my job" usually means exactly that. A person is not paid for, assigned to, or expected to do something someone mentions or asks about. All these pictures seem to relate to jobs badly done.