50 Times People Wanted To Appear Edgy And Stand Out From “The Norm” But Ended Up Embarrassing Themselves (New Pics)
As Andrea F. Polard, Psy.D., wonderfully put it, arrogance is weaponized pride. Unlike healthy pride — which is an appropriate celebration of personal or communal accomplishment — it pushes people away.
The subreddit r/NotLikeTheOtherGirls is an excellent example of this. The online community is dedicated to shaming people who are trying to be unique by defining themselves outside of "the norm." Instead of proving how unique they are, these folks simply make a fool of themselves, earning ridicule instead of respect.
We've covered r/NotLikeTheOtherGirls before here and here, but with 785K members, the subreddit constantly offers new content, so it's about time we release an update. Continue scrolling and check out its most popular recent posts.
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The Whole Package
Moms Are More Important
Lady, other people work very hard too. Not just you. Get to the back of the line.
Of all of the things that diminish the quality of interpersonal relationships, few, if any, are as damaging as arrogance.
To be arrogant is to appropriate for yourself, presumptuously; to claim without right and to be overly convinced of your own importance.
One of the unfortunate consequences of arrogance is that people who have this trait often have no awareness of it and when confronted by feedback that suggests that they may be grabbing more ground than they are entitled to, often become highly defensive and even combative, which ironically demonstrates that they probably are.
The Post Was: What’s Something People Find Hot Or Attractive That You Don’t?
I believe I can speak for the rest of the neurodivergent community when I say that we don't accept this a*****e as neurodivergent. Go hang out with Elon Musk. Y'all belong together.
Thanks For That Totally Necessary Information
The Only Correct ‘Not Like Other Girls’
So in an attempt to learn how to deal with these people, let's take a look at what the before mentioned doctor of psychology, Andrea Polard, suggests doing to stay calm and collected while still standing strong and confidently against arrogance in your life.
"Be compassionate, but don't try to fix the person," Polard wrote. "The need for superiority is deeply rooted and ranges from low self-esteem to an unquenchable thirst for praise to a lack of empathy for those who are or appear to be less accomplished. Only the arrogant person can confront such a problem with sustained effort. On the other hand, and as always, it brings peace to your heart and potentially to the situation if you can have compassion for the unhappiness of others."
I’m Not Like Other Moms, I’m An Idiot 🌎
Unique Girl
Old But Gold As Always
By Now I‘D Be A Millionaire If I Had A Penny For Each Time I Heard A Girl Say „i Mostly Hang Out With Guys“
Next, accept the fact that the other indeed feels superior. Try to realize that there is nothing you can do in the future or have done in the past to make them arrogant.
"He or she suffers from a problem that goes far beyond you. Most importantly, understand that accepting feelings of superiority in another person does not mean that you must feel inferior in turn. Look at it as a game that you can refuse to play."
Topical Not Like Other Girls Cartoon
I’m Sure This Happens All The Time
You order your coffee at Starbucks? Wuss. Real men grinds coffee beans with his teeth, then pours boiling water in mouth and headbangs violently until coffee is brewed.
I Don't Need Feminism So Nobody Does
Remeber Galls! Only Follow One Thing Ever, And Make It Your Personality
"Communicate directly," Polard added. "Sometimes it is advisable to tell the other person how she/he came across. It is good to remind an arrogant person that no one knows that much, considering life’s mysteries, and that no one can claim absolute truth. As long as it does not harm you later, do not suppress yourself."
You can use disarming sentences such as, "Forgive me for interrupting, but...", or "Maybe you did not mean to sound arrogant/hurt my feelings/come across as if you are 100 percent right, but..."
If arrogance is an aberration, you can also ask if anything negative happened to them that day.
Found This Gem On Facebook
Am I The Only One Who’s Concerned About The Knife..?
My Tumblr Bio In 2012. Back When I Thought Putting Other Women Down Was Edgy
Bahahaha. Found One In The Wild
"Involve a mediator or a greater number of people," Polard said. "Sometimes direct communication backfires, which is why you might want to include a third party to help diffuse the situation."
"Without being vindictive, stand up for yourself under the guidance of someone else. Seek the support you need. Sometimes you might have to find allies and stand together against a particularly harmful arrogant person or persons."
Ig Is Just Flooded With This S**t
She’s Handy
Well, it is cool to be able to do repairs on your own. Probably wouldn't make an Instagram post about it, but still.
She Reads The Books Guys !
So Cool
You can also reduce the harm by setting limits. "We cannot always choose with whom we work and must deal with, but we can set limits," the psychologist highlighted.
"Before meeting with an arrogant person, decide how much time you will spend together and what subjects you will or will not speak about. Be disciplined and resist biting any hooks that would prolong the allotted time or cover more territory. If you cannot keep your distance despite great effort, maybe it is time to plan to sever the ties. Nobody should remain silent and endure abuse, whether in a personal or professional relationship."
Found On Instagram
Found On The Aita Sub
Excuse The Bad Handwriting, But I Was Looking Through My Old Diary And Found This Gem From When I Was In 7th Grade. I Think What’s Funnier Is That No One Ever Called Me Emo In School And I Just Made That Part Up
Admit this: We all tried journaling or writing a diary every day but never work.
Truly Not Like The Other Girls, Or The Other Posters
Nope, I am just THAT basic. If it's hot outside, I am wearing a tank top, shorts and sandals
The important thing to remember is to stay mindful. Whatever you decide to do, attempt it deliberately, thoughtfully, and with as much love as possible.
"Arrogant people cause others to lose their temper and become their worst self. Observe your reactions with self-compassion and your long-term interest in mind. Play the game of your life instead of trying to fit into someone else's," Polard said.
So always stay true to yourself and... don't forget to shame them on r/NotLikeTheOtherGirls.
Lol Love Her Music But
Omg She Is So Weird And Quirky She Is Sooo Not Like Other Girls!!!
Not Like Those $9 Coffee Girls
I'm not a Cardi B fan either, I didn't realise that made me a Speshul Snowflayke.
Not Sure If This Counts But Found This On Instagram
Ofc The Godly Tradwife Has A Baby And Is Blonde
‘Ugh ... I Hate My Own Gender, They Are Trash, Please Pick Me!!!’
So Quirky And Unique 🧘♀️
Guys Have You Seen The New God Child? There's Nothing Wrong With Her At All!
Does This Count?
Does Anyone Else Like To Listen To Mozart In Reverse? /S
Why on gods green earth would you listen to Mozart in reverse? I'm pretty sure Mozart himself would be asking you that same question
Not Like The Other Triplets
Does This Count?
I'm Not Like You, I'm Rich
Soooooo, you are expecting people to come up to you like a celebrity?
I Don't Understand Why Their Husbands Are On Golf Weekends They Only Look About 20
Op Disrespects Boundaries By Sending Inappropriate Memes To Her "Bestie's" Boyfriend
So your friend being clearly uncomfortable isn't reason enough?? The f**k
Found This Out In The Wild:
Internalized Misogyny Is Truly A Trip
This is so painful to read.... You're so different and special - bleh!
Saw This And Thought Of This Sub
This One Deserves To Be Here
Does This Belong In This Sub? Apparently Being Bi-Curious Isnt A Thing Anymore
As the member of the heterosexual community, we would like to apologize for this girl that will be soon kick out of the group and gift to hell.
I'm Not Like Other Girls I Step On Legos
Sorry to burst the bubble, but stepping on a Lego is an everybody problem.
Kinda Depressing How Old This Mentality Goes, Way Before Britney And Avril
The Amount Of Likes This Has 🥴
We Aren’t Like U We Like To Spy On Each Other
I Think Oop Made This About Herself
The sad thing about "not like other girls" is that they buy into the myth that women who aren't emulating males are some sort of anathema. Also, I think since women are underrepresented in history books, etc., any woman not fitting the "stereotype" seems an exception, when in fact individual tastes, skills, and talents are common in all women, because women are people. And interests aren't gendered. 😒
The title says "cringy people". Seems to just be about s******g on girls.
Don’t mind teenagers posting this stuff, it’s cringey but puberty is a b***h and it IS very difficult to find your place in society, especially with social media pressure added to it. I’m more worried about adults, parents even, posting this type of c**p. Regardless of gender btw.
I couldn't finish it either, but it was a nice reminder to check myself. I don't want to be like people who aren't like other people.
The sad thing about "not like other girls" is that they buy into the myth that women who aren't emulating males are some sort of anathema. Also, I think since women are underrepresented in history books, etc., any woman not fitting the "stereotype" seems an exception, when in fact individual tastes, skills, and talents are common in all women, because women are people. And interests aren't gendered. 😒
The title says "cringy people". Seems to just be about s******g on girls.
Don’t mind teenagers posting this stuff, it’s cringey but puberty is a b***h and it IS very difficult to find your place in society, especially with social media pressure added to it. I’m more worried about adults, parents even, posting this type of c**p. Regardless of gender btw.
I couldn't finish it either, but it was a nice reminder to check myself. I don't want to be like people who aren't like other people.