This Group Calls Out The Cringiest Examples Of Edgy People Who Wanted To Stand Out From ‘The Norm’ But Ended Up Embarrassing Themselves (New Pics)
She’s not like other girls. She’s totally unique. She eats pizza and hamburgers. She loves to drink beer, and she knows how to change a tire. She looks beautiful without makeup, and she listens to classic rock. She’s never worked out, but she maintains a six-pack effortlessly. She doesn’t have time to realize how beautiful she is because she’s reading 6 books a week.
Okay, you get the idea. Have you heard of this woman? A common trope in TV shows and movies, the “not like other girls” girl has transitioned into real life too. That’s where the “Not like the other girls” subreddit comes in. With 740k “unique individuals”, r/notliketheothergirls is a catalog of the cringiest posts of “people trying to be unique by defining themselves outside of the norm”. We’ve gathered some of the best posts for you to enjoy mocking, and when you’ve finished this list, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s last publication on the internet’s most special individuals right here.
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As cringey as these posts are, I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for girls who think they need to distance themselves from other women. I too grew up watching countless films and TV shows written by men that depicted women as one-dimensional, ditzy sex symbols. In middle school, I thought I was special for playing sports and knowing every song by the Beatles. (No, I’m not proud of it.)
But this need to feel unique did not organically come from me. The idea that most girls are not multidimensional comes from internalized misogyny. Media promotes the idea that liking traditionally feminine things, such as getting your nails done or wearing makeup, makes women less interesting, vapid and unintelligent. And enjoying more masculine topics, like sports, makes women more appealing. These ideas are problematic for a number of reasons, but let’s start with the fact that there’s nothing wrong with being feminine.
A Wild Reddit Notliketheotherparents
Contrary to what the media may make you believe, femininity can totally be cool. Historically, the word feminine has had a bit of a negative connotation. It’s often associated with weakness and listed alongside adjectives like dainty, delicate, pretty, soft, gentle and modest. While these are not all negative descriptors, they do tend to pigeon-hole femininity, and they’re certainly not empowering traits. On the contrary, some synonyms listed for the word masculine are valiant, strong and muscular. Oh, and let’s not forget that weak is listed as an antonym of masculine.
These sexist definitions hurt both men and women. While femininity is used to promote the idea that women are weak, it’s also used as a grave insult for men. Being called “girly” or doing something “like a girl” have long been considered insults to men. To be teased is one thing, but to be compared to a woman? There are few greater insults to a fragile male ego, and I can’t think of a more blatant example of men viewing women as lesser.
They Had Me In The First Half Ngl
Other Women
honestly society does press a stereotypical person on us all, but most people really don't fall in that
Another issue with the “not like other girls” idea is that it completely ignores the fact that human beings are complex. People are capable of painting their nails and being an athlete and being a scholar and wearing makeup and enjoying cooking all at the same time, regardless of their gender. It’s such an outdated belief to ignore the fact that masculinity and femininity can exist in harmony. Take for example the Taoist symbol of Yinyang, which “represents the two forces of balance that are opposite and complementary” alive in all of us. Every person can channel masculinity and femininity at different times, without stigmatizing either.
Feels Like This Was Just Made To Go On This Sub
I Surely Am Eating Chips
In her article “Unpacking the Word: Feminine”, Virginia Vigliar explored how embracing the duality within all of us is a great way for us to reclaim the word. “Both [masculinity and femininity] are fundamental for balance, in our personal growth but also for political progress,” she noted. “To achieve change in societal hierarchies there is a need for a less patriarchal and masculine approach and a more feminine, feminist, nurturing one in our world.” Virginia recommends we first acknowledge how we’ve been conditioned to view masculine and feminine as antithetical and work to change our definitions to include more positive words. Feminine can mean powerful, nurturing and graceful: qualities that all genders should be proud to exhibit.
Only Nerds Like Her Know What A 404 Error Message Is
At Least She’s Honest ..?
How Is Eating A Salad Being Basic?
The next issue with the “not like other girls” trope is that it’s often used in order to seek male approval. Have you ever heard a man say that he likes women who “order real food instead of salads”? Or that it’s so much more attractive when women embrace their “natural look” instead putting effort into their hair and makeup? These sorts of ideas make women feel like they’ll gain male acceptance if they seem “cool” enough or fit in well enough with the guys. Most girls would care if their boyfriend forgot to call them back or if his apartment has empty beer cans strewn about. But a cool girl is different. The reality is that women don’t need to change themselves for male approval. If you approve of yourself, that’s all that matters. And if a man thinks women are lame for being “like other girls”, I would advise him to get in touch with his feminine side.
A Woman…drinking… Beer??!! Scandal!!
I Love When This Happens
Patrick Cheng's Rendition Lol
On the same note, women are often expected and encouraged to be competitive with one another, even when it’s completely unnecessary. The “Not like the other girls” subreddit has hundreds of examples of women who posted examples of their unique personalities completely unprompted. Why has existing become a competition? As women, we are constantly being compared to one another in society, we certainly don’t need to exacerbate it by making comparisons ourselves.
I Sweat More Than The Other Girls
Girls Would Never A Touch A Tool…
Hmmm...3 cutting tools, pliers and a hex wrench set...Doesn't look like you're gonna fix much.
I Hate These Facebook Posts
A large reason the “not like other girls” idea has run rampant online is because the trope is extremely common on TV shows and in movies, particularly in romantic comedies. Kat in 10 Things I Hate About You, Olive in Easy A, Mary in There’s Something About Mary, Andy in The Devil Wears Prada, and Juno in Juno are just a few examples of popular films featuring female leads who are defined as distinct from other girls. In Juno, the main character even mentions that “jocks… always want freaky girls”. “Girls with horn-rimmed glasses and vegan footwear and goth makeup. Girls who, like, play the cello and read McSweeney's and wanna be children's librarians when they grow up. Oh, yeah, jocks totally eat that up. They won't admit it because they're supposed to be into cheerleaders.”
This Is Actually So Dangerous To Promote
I’m So Weird
Wow, This Ruined My Morning
Congratulations on your baby… fyi it was always your choice not his.
Sometimes this idea is reinforced by juxtaposing the “unique girl” with a “typical girl” who is portrayed as traditionally feminine, sexy, not particularly intelligent or funny and often, mean. Even songs sometimes promote this toxic idea. Taylor Swift’s beloved hit You Belong With Me features the lyrics “You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset / She's going off about something that you said / 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do” and “I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like / She'll never know your story like I do / She wears short skirts I wear T-shirts / She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers”.
Oh My God! She Doesn't Date Boys, Just Real Men
So you steal suit jackets? That’s weird and now his pants don’t match his jackets. Well done now he’s looks like an idiot.
Bro What Is This
I'd rather be able to vote than be able to own a gun. I don't vote on emotion, I vote based on what I think would be an intelligent choice.
Everyone Deals With Pain Differently. Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean Everyone Can
A subset of the “not like other girls” trope is the manic pixie dream girl. Another common character in popular films, this archetype is featured in Garden State, 500 Days of Summer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and countless other films. The manic pixie dream girl’s main function is to “give new meaning to the male hero's life”. She’s inexplicably spontaneous, quirky and energetic, and she will change the male protagonist for the better by teaching him how to feel emotions or love. She dresses eccentrically and may have creatively dyed hair, but she often lacks character development. She exists for the growth of her male counterpart, but she’s usually not provided desires or ambitions of her own.
Or I Mean You Could Want Both Too
ok i fricking love that library. would stay there, and end up living behind the bookshelf. *someone goes to pick a book and my hand touches theirs* ok this is the start to a disney movie already. just play gnomeo and juliet’s “hello hello” and you’re done
This Was Posted By A Girl That I Went To School With. No Words…
I’m Not Like Other Girls. I Have Basic Empathy
a wise girl (laurenzside) once said “i’m not like other girls. i’m a raptor. SCREEEEEEEEEEE”
A great example of a novel (and subsequently a film) calling out the “not like other girls” trope is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. The main character Amy goes on a rant about the “cool girl” subset of this trope. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the monologue:
“Cool Girls are above all hot… Cool Girls never get angry and let their men do whatever they want… Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl… I used to see men giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men… Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs... There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every f*cking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain.”
Why Would Someone Hate You For Reading? Isn't Reading Like.. One Of The Most Popular Hobbies In The World? Why Don't Just Read Together Or Recommend Us Some Good Books?
Who Wants To Bet Her Husband Has A Side Chick?
And it's totally fine! You go, girl. Just don't try telling other women that they should all be good housewives.
Omg Like I'm So Quirky
Women are awesome. I would love to be “like other girls” because that means powerful, intelligent, perceptive and brave. The idea that complex women are not the norm is just absurd. One dimensional portrayals of women in the media should not let us feel we have to imitate those characters in real life. As long as you avoid bragging about how unique you are to distance yourself from other women, I support you embracing your feminine and masculine sides however you like.
Don't Know If This Counts But The Caption Convinced Me So...
Now With Bonus Transphobia!
the photo isn’t showing up for me but the title tells me enough
The Pick Me Girl In My Class Posted This On Her Instagram-
Because it's not as if you can possibly enjoy makeup AND reading, right? That's just silly!
We. Are. Not. The. Same
I Just…. Why 😅
Omg Make Up? I Rather Have Food Eh He I'm So Different
You know these are different things with different functions, don't you?
Idk This Just Had Big Pick-Me Energy
BP "Stop shaming others" also BP "here is a list of people to shame". Can we have some more animal posts, interesting facts/places and posts that restore our faith in humanity pretty please?
EVERYONE likes to think they're "not like everybody else." Ray Davies of the Kinks wrote a song with that title. It's the insecurity one feels when trying to find your place. As they say, "It gets better ."
Yeah can you imagine being a teenager now? Not only do you have to be popular at school but social media as well. Can you imagine making all of your embarrassing social faux pas on social media for all the world to see?
Load More Replies...BP "Stop shaming others" also BP "here is a list of people to shame". Can we have some more animal posts, interesting facts/places and posts that restore our faith in humanity pretty please?
EVERYONE likes to think they're "not like everybody else." Ray Davies of the Kinks wrote a song with that title. It's the insecurity one feels when trying to find your place. As they say, "It gets better ."
Yeah can you imagine being a teenager now? Not only do you have to be popular at school but social media as well. Can you imagine making all of your embarrassing social faux pas on social media for all the world to see?
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