Somebody Asked “What Is Just Not The ‘Flex’ That People Think It Is?” And 30 People Delivered
Humans have a natural tendency to want to impress others, gain their admiration and respect. This can lead to people showing off their achievements, things, or abilities in various ways. However, each of us might see differently what is “cool” and impressive and what is rather cringe and not worth showing off. It is important to understand what you can gloat over and receive a positive reaction, and what things may have a negative effect that can lead to other people forming a bad or completely wrong opinion about what kind of person you are.
In this online group, one user asked the audience what are the things that people think is the “flex”, but in reality, they are very far from the list of things that you should show off about. However, here you can check out 38 of them, vote for things that you think are not worth “flexing” about and share your opinion in the comments section!
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proclaiming you’re an „alpha male“. in fact, it makes you look like a complete idiot and everyone hates you.
The whole 'alpha' thing is based on debunked wolf behavior. The problem was that the wolves in question were not a pack, but held in captivity. So it was basically studying wolf prison behavior. REAL alpha wolves are the parents of the pack, the mothers and fathers. They're job is to make sure the pack is happy and fed and safe. So the guy with a waist pack full of snacks, making sure his friends and kids are all properly hydrated is the truest 'alpha male'.
"I haven't read a book since high school."
This is not a flex. Not being interested in reading, having issues with it or having had s****y teachers ruining it for you is one thing, but saying it like you're proud of it tells me a lot about the type of person you are. None of it is good.
Driving around in a super-loud vehicle such as a low-riding Scion with glasspacks.
If you own one of these, you look like an a*****e and everyone hates you.
Being proud about being “brutally honest” when they’re just rude
A huge percentage of the political activism I see people out participating in is deeply immoral. Some people are out fighting for freedom, which is good, but a scary amount are out proudly trying to control other people's lives, which is bizarre and horrifying to me. Trying to impose your will onto others is not something to brag about.
the "i never take a day off" types who live at work. how bad does your home life have to be?
No wife/husband, no kids, no dog/cat, no hobbies, no social life but congrats on your Perfect Attendance plaque.
not wearing your seat belt,
not using sunscreen,
bragging about how many people you've slept with,
bragging about how little sleep you've got this night
"Hey, who's that sunburned, tired looking guy with the herpes sores yelling about "He doesn't have to keep his wheelchair in the crosswalk?"
These idiots that ride motorcycles/atv super fast and recklessly down city streets doing wheelies and swerving in and out of traffic.
CrossFit. As a nurse that has worked in orthopedic surgery, a lot of our surgical procedures are repairing injuries from CrossFit.
Having a huge, expensive wedding when you're not a wealthy person
I never understood this. Finances are often what causes conflict and divorce; why would you want to start a new chapter in your life with the person you love and immediately add a huge, unnecessary, debt?!?! And all for one day?! If I'm spending thousands of dollars on something, it better last for a few weeks and I better not spend any of that time in my own country.
When adults brag about high school sports achievements like that's their whole personality
Cuz it IS their personality and they didn't develop beyond that. And one can anticipate many other child like behaviors from someone like this
One upmanship. Good grief. People think making someone else look less than them makes them "cool". Um no, it makes you look INSECURE.
People who describe themselves as “an empath” in the first few minutes of meeting them. Most just have a lot of unresolved trauma and talk incessantly about themselves.
Listing your job title as CEO of the business you own, when you are the sole employee
CEO | Entrepreneur | Influencer | Inspirer | Chief Visionary | Founder | Philanthropist | Life Coach | Speaker | ICO Advisor | Top 1% of Linkedin Profiles
"Oh, you work 40 hours a week? I remember my first *PART TIME* job!"
F**k. You.
How big their mortgage is. Dude, you’re just bragging about how crippling your debt is.
My coworkers flexing their 900$ car payments for new cars they didn’t need to buy with high interest rates
“We’re like family here”.
We’re coworkers who work for an organisation that pays us money on a contractual basis. Relationships will always have a limit. It’s not family. And if you feel like it is, you might want to protect yourself.
And I don't talk to my family cuz they're religious nutbags. So you're saying....
Being a “top earner” in an mlm
I only once met a person who truly seemed to make a living from something she told me was an MLM. But then I researched the company and realised it wasn't an MLM. It was commissioned sales. She was a Sales-agent for them, doing footwork to canvass new customers and getting a commission if they'd buy. She didn't have to do anything those buying into MLMs have to do. No buying and then selling products. No recruiting new members. She gets her products for free together with some extras for presentation, she shows off the products, but the customers don't order from her, they order directly from the company or buy in their shops and just use her promo- code to get an initial discount, and she gets commission whenever they order, not just the first time. That's not MLM but she thought it's the same.
Does anyone think those dictatorship military displays that look like a circus act are a flex? If anyone does think that, I'm here to tell them those aren't the flex they think it is.
I work in healthcare. People who say ‘my daughter/ husband/ neighbours cat two doors down is a Doctor….’ I DGAF. Does that mean you’ve instilled their medical knowledge and experience through osmosis? I will treat you the same as every other patient, although the type of person who says stuff like this is usually the biggest obstacle to their treatment.
I've noticed Doctors aren't fond of the expression "I looked it up on the internet".
Having a bunch of kids.
Showing how bigoted you are in your Facebook posts. Worshiping horrible people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos just because they’re rich.
One thing I didn't see mentioned here is bragging about getting together with someone else's partner/spouse. Dating a cheater is never a flex.
Ugh luckily I've never heard that brag. I would try to hold back (but I've been told my face is expressive to the point you can almost guess the theme what I'm reading or typing on my phone 😅). I wouldn't want that person in my life after that brag, no matter who they were. Any brag about how you gained advantage by hurting others screams "I'm a sh!tbag, and have no self awareness. Run away!"
Showing how bigoted you are in your Facebook posts. Worshiping horrible people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos just because they’re rich.
One thing I didn't see mentioned here is bragging about getting together with someone else's partner/spouse. Dating a cheater is never a flex.
Ugh luckily I've never heard that brag. I would try to hold back (but I've been told my face is expressive to the point you can almost guess the theme what I'm reading or typing on my phone 😅). I wouldn't want that person in my life after that brag, no matter who they were. Any brag about how you gained advantage by hurting others screams "I'm a sh!tbag, and have no self awareness. Run away!"