30 Groups And Organizations That Walk Like A Cult, Talk Like A Cult, But Aren’t Considered One
A cult is an organized group with unusual, and often extreme, religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals. It is usually headed by a charismatic leader trying to isolate the members from the rest of society and dominate them through psychological manipulation.
However, the exact definition can vary both in popular culture and academia. So, Reddit user Foreigndrunks wanted to learn more about how different people interpret it and asked everyone on the platform to share real-life examples that dodge the cult label but still reflect the vibe.
Continue scrolling to check out the answers and the chat we had with psychoanalyst Robin Stern, Ph.D.; you'll find it in-between the entries.
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Child beauty pageants; the people who attend them and the parents who put their kids through them. An absolute shower of dirty filthy nonces whichever way you look at it.
Robin Stern, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst, senior advisor to the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and author of The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive the Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life.
She told Bored Panda, "The main building blocks of a cult include a leader or central figure with narcissistic traits, who asserts authority by defining reality for the group."
"The cult's vision and belief system are enforced through strict rules that dictate how members must think and behave. Disagreement or dissent is actively discouraged, often through punishment or ostracism, creating an environment where questioning the leader or the group's ideology becomes taboo," the psychoanalyst explained.
Jehovas witnesses. Officially it's a normal religion but in my Opinion it's definitely a cult.
However, the facade can be much more appealing. "Sometimes, from the outside, the performative happiness and unified front of a group can seem appealing to someone grappling with loneliness or discontent," Stern added.
When you're lost, it can seem like a beacon of hope. "People often join cults because they are vulnerable or seeking a sense of belonging and purpose, which cult leaders are all too happy to provide."
Stern said, "Those who struggle with boundaries or rely heavily on others to define what is 'right' may be particularly susceptible," as "individuals with a history of pathological accommodation—constantly sacrificing their needs to please others—can be drawn to the cult's promise of acceptance."
Fear of standing out or being different also makes people more likely to join and conform once they are inside, the psychoanalyst highlighted.
Being forced to do the pledge of allegiance in schools
I know a lot of religions can lean towards "culty". But, I work with quite a few Mormon and they all seem to give that cult vibe. From the stories of their missions to their special underwear... it just all screams "Cult".
And the shunning of ex members? (Mostley based on a few ex members, on youtube). And that's probably the least worrisome about this..
Mom groups.
I’m a newish mom and I’ve been scared off. It’s a whole new layer of “pseudoscience” and isolation from differences of opinion.
If you use the right essential oil then that will help you get over the pseudoscience.
American evangelicals
"So, the earth is flat and all science are the devil in disguise, welcome to preschool younglings! "
Truly think it depends. Influencer is a word that mean :to influence a large group of people. But if what you're trying to influence people to learn about social issues, showing how you can grow your own garden or teach people how to do maths ? There are all kinds of influencers and I think that as long as they are honest and well intended, then they are not bad people.
Political parties.
Glorification of national sports teams
My daughter did competition for a few years
It definitely felt like a cult with the participation parts that parents play.
Very controversial but tesla
The cult seems to be failing at last. And the poor cult leader has lost billions.
Toxic positivity. Mental health initiatives in the workplace. These are not labeled cults, but they are totally cultish. Edit: they usually come down to nothing more than emails exhorting you to take care of yourself and links to appropriate websites.
I am really into yoga and am looking for a yoga retreat to go to. Some of them are very cult like based on their web pages. Yikes.
Anyone invested in crypto. That’s all my husband talks about plus his friends
Some people have religion others have crypto. Something invisible to believe in makes it all better.
The NRA. As a gun owner, I can't stand being lumped in with them. They don't share my politics at all. But many states require you to be a member in order to get your LTC. Total b******t.
B******t just like this post. I could not find one state that requires membership in the NRA to get an LTC. Anyone?
People who push you to :
- Monetize your hobby.
- Industrialise your monetized hobby.
I'm not talking about people offering money for your services.
I am talking about people who look down on you for NOT making MORE money out of your hobby. While they themselves don't produce anything.
I hate those people. My dad is the same way, every time i tried something new and fun as a teen (and i mean hobbies that make things, not sports&such) my dad's reaction was "great, now find a way to make money out of it". Money sucks the fun out of everything.
NFTs, especially when the people advertising them say it's the next big thing, then commit art theft on people who don't want their art used
Reality Shifting. Tiktokers actually think they can travel to hogwarts in their sleep.
Any organization or company that you can’t leave with your dignity intact.
Poll Question
Do you think the perception of cults has evolved over time?
Yes, significantly
Yes, a little
Not really
Not at all
You know, sometimes it feels like people don't know the difference between cult and a few people who really like something..
Steiner education, imo. I made the mistake of putting my children in one steiner school and deeply regret it. I was blamed for the younger one's asd because I had them vaccinated. Other parents criticised me for giving my kids steroids (they would never do such an irresponsible thing). I like my kids to breathe so let them have their asthma medicine.
This was stupid. All of us are in a cult, according to this article. I dont even know of most things mentioned but still it felt like everything was labelled as a cult 🤔
Seriously. My book club constitutes a cult according to this. Just because we have the "ritual" of meeting on the same day every week to discuss a book we all agree to read together. And sure we have human sacrifices to the book gods, and tea with honey and crackers, but it's not like we're crazy about the kind of crackers we eat. Or if you don't like honey with your tea, you're allowed sugar or milk or lemon or whatever. People take things too seriously.
You know, sometimes it feels like people don't know the difference between cult and a few people who really like something..
Steiner education, imo. I made the mistake of putting my children in one steiner school and deeply regret it. I was blamed for the younger one's asd because I had them vaccinated. Other parents criticised me for giving my kids steroids (they would never do such an irresponsible thing). I like my kids to breathe so let them have their asthma medicine.
This was stupid. All of us are in a cult, according to this article. I dont even know of most things mentioned but still it felt like everything was labelled as a cult 🤔
Seriously. My book club constitutes a cult according to this. Just because we have the "ritual" of meeting on the same day every week to discuss a book we all agree to read together. And sure we have human sacrifices to the book gods, and tea with honey and crackers, but it's not like we're crazy about the kind of crackers we eat. Or if you don't like honey with your tea, you're allowed sugar or milk or lemon or whatever. People take things too seriously.