What another person has in their bank account is absolutely none of my business. But if you’re a particularly nosy panda, there might be a few ways you can get an idea of how much your friends have stashed away.

One curious Reddit user recently posed the question, “What's a non-obvious sign someone is rich?”, and plenty of people weighed in with their thoughts. From casually having expensive hobbies to always keeping quiet about their finances, we’ve gathered some of the telltale signs that someone might be wealthy down below. Enjoy reading through this discussion, and be sure to upvote the subtle indications of affluence you’ve noticed in people you know personally.


People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They wear very nice clothing without any brand identification.

BobbyB90220 , engin akyurt Available Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Personally, i find clothing with big brand logos very tacky. Even if I could afford those, i wouldn’t buy any.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They don’t have luggage when taking a flight.

    So many wealthy people have multiple homes with separate wardrobes at each. To just jump on a plane with no carry on bags must be a dream lol

    Just-My-Pinion , Jason Toevs Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Rich people just have their bodies surgically modified so the don’t need things like clothes when they travel. Think Mystique from X Men.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich In my experience as a waiter in a fine dining establishment, they treat you like a normal f*****g human.

    Not sure if my boss coined the term, but a "100k millionaire" will treat you like you're just "the help" and make you feel like less of a person...

    ImNotAFatKid , Jessie McCall Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People who were born rich usually (and I said usually!!) are very polite and respectful with anybody

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich I used to have a running buddy who was very rich. For me, the non-obvious sign were the books on his bookcase. They weren't books to be read. They were investments. He told me once that if somebody tried to rob his place, they might go for the big TV, but they should go for the bookshelf.

    Brueguard , Kate Trifo Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Rich people tend to own a lot of valuable things that a lot of people wouldn't think about.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Most of the time, they will stay quiet about money, but never balk when presented with a bill

    They will be very selective in those they choose to be friends with, for various legal reasons.

    veleriphon , Emil Kalibradov Report

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    Mis Stake she/her 🇫🇮🇬🇧
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh i have that blue-purple card in the picture. Let mi just imagine for 2minutes that I'm part of this list

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Alteration. Their clothes fit perfectly because they don’t expect things off the rack to fit perfectly they have someone alter them to fit perfectly.

    chefybpoodling , EVG Kowalievska Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Quality of the food they eat.

    itshardlyrelevant , Dapur Melodi Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a big reason why wealthy people tend to be thinner. It's not even that they work out more or do yoga or any of that s**t, they'll still be leaner than a construction worker who is certainly burning more calories in exercise than them. The reason is simply that they can afford better, healthier food.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They are usually not wearing anything tacky or too fashionable. Just well made clothing that last a long time. They may have a luxury car but it's not a new one and it's not red.

    sonia72quebec , Brooke Cagle Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Something classic, those are good cars and a dead give away.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Real generational wealth keeps an extremely low profile.

    They have no digital footprint. They actually pay people to keep information about them off the internet, and out of any publications.

    They will keep a low profile, driving cars that blend in. Nice, reliable vehicles, but nothing too flashy.

    fifercurator , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    Corwin 02
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not true , they have their own social networks where they hang out, the peons just do not have access to those networks since they all charge a rather steep monthly fee .

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich If their couches don't touch the wall

    only_stupid_answers , Element5 Digital Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They have a certain ease with which they move about the world that you have to see to understand.

    Loud-Feeling2410 , Pixabay Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Everyone else losing their jobs? Cars all of a sudden costing double what they did before? Inflation making your money feel useless? Eggs become a luxury item?

    None of that changes anything about their spending habits. They carry on as if nothing has happened. They never bother commenting on it. They just go on getting a new Volvo every 3 years, having 2 eggs for breakfast, buying the prime steak at the grocery store. They were never particularly flashy before, but their conspicuous lack of panic speaks volumes about their financial security.

    Hubb1e , Report

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    Lauren S
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Has anyone seen the pic/meme where an egg in a ring box is being used to propose to someone? 😂 I enjoyed that! How luxurious! It’s even Grade A!

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Casually having expensive hobbies. Stuff like sailing, skiing, and golfing. Especially in areas where those activities aren’t as accessible and if they’ve been doing it for a long time. You live in the Midwest but you’ve been surfing since you were 10? Probably rich.

    belowthemask42 , Pixabay Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like that this thread is not totally offensive, I'm kinda tired of people dissing rich folks only for being rich

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They are quiet when the discussion is about cost of living pressures, and will deflect the questions from themselves and/or nudge the conversation into a different direction

    hdhdhdhdzjursx , TienDat Nguyen Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They don’t look at the price tag when shopping

    TomNookWaifu , Antonio Sokic Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Based upon a real experience, he is the dirty farmer with a broken down truck that just paid the mechanic $3,000 in hundred dollar bills to repair a grain silo, while sitting in a restaurant that has his picture on the wall behind the cash register.

    Or it they guy that isn't showing off and trying to keep up with the neighbors.

    DukeBeekeepersKid , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once dated a guy who had to return his father's dirty and rusted 20 year old Ford pickup truck. He asked if I wanted to come with him to his parent's house because they were going out to dinner after exchanging cars. I said sure and got in the pickup truck. Well, lo and behold we pull up to a giant house on a famous lake. We get out and hop into his parent's Rolls Royce. My new boyfriend kept looking at me to see my reaction. I decided to act like this scenario happens all the time, it's perfectly normal! What an interesting day that was. We broke up 6 months later but hey, we were young.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich The value of their time. Simple fixes one could do on their own are paid for, and someone else will do them.

    loudaggerer , Karolina Grabowska Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They go out of their way to eat meals with fresh vegetables. And not just corn or tomatoes either.

    It’s an odd one, but I have noticed the wealthier friends I have eat differently than the middle class friends I have.

    RedditorChristopher , ROMAN ODINTSOV Report

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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By fresh vegetables does OP mean salads or just vegetables in general? I’m confused

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They're too young to be retired, yet they don't seem to go to work.

    Mental_Task9156 , Bench Accounting Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Teeth are a subtle sign. You can tell when someone's gone to the dentist multiple times a year their entire lives, and that's an expensive habit. Their parents had the money to establish that routine when they were young, they had the money to keep it up, and they're not too busy or poor to sacrifice something so cosmetic as the pearliness of their whites.

    obscureferences , Shiny Diamond Report

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    RiceRiceBaby 929
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen plenty of people that aren't rich have beautiful teeth. Your diet, how well you care for them and genetics have alot to do with your teeth.

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    The main difference between people with money and people without money is how they react to money-related emergencies.

    If your bike got stolen, a poor person will understand how much of a problem this can be for you, because poor people understand a bicycle to be your method of transportation that you need to run errands and perhaps sustain your ability to work, which in turn sustains your life. They may also understand that it's difficult for you to replace the bike. A well-to-do person would say "ah well, why don't you just buy a new bike?" because, to them, a bicycle is just a fun exercise toy that is non-essential (they probably have a car) and is easy to replace.

    The wealthier someone is, the bigger you can scale up this money-related emergency. I have the money not to care too much if my bike was stolen, but I don't have the money to not be stressed out if my car was stolen, but at some level of wealth, that's a thing.

    Vitruviansquid1 Report

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    Spocks's Mom
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The biggest thing I have personally seen in this category is pet emergencies. I worked at a pet hospital for a very long time and pet emergencies can be heartbreaking. When you get to work on a Monday morning and you see a favorite patient had to be euthanized at the after hours emergency hospital due to a situation that money could have taken care of, well, it's just emotionally deflating.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Really wealthy people don’t need to “prove” they are wealthy. If your insanely wealthy a 500k private yacht charter isn’t special. For people trying to be rich they flaunt it to show how wealthy they are.

    Really rich people are not desperate (generally) for your admiration because they ARE wealthy. Their friends don’t give a s**t if your on a 500k a week charter they probably are too.

    Silicon_Knight , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When really wealthy people use the restroom, only small gold coins come tinkling out.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Never talks about money.

    rip1980 , Alexander Mils Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can confirm this. I used to work in the wedding industry and the more people talked about how elegant and extravagant they wanted their wedding to be and would constantly say that price didn't matter were the ones that never could pay up when it was time. Whereas the ones who politely chose what they wanted and didn't make a big show of it always had no issues paying in full.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Keeps consistently investing even in bad economic times

    sleepingismysport , AlphaTradeZone Report


    Lots of vacations

    corybomb Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they bring their low profile non-red car with them on far away vacations, they are super rich.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich I'm in NYC and I will say, a plastic-looking face on a guy who is > 50 years old. No one has no blemishes and lines and perfect teeth after a certain age, without some medical intervention, and mostly only rich people spend money on so much cosmetic stuff (though I notice women of lower income brackets will get stuff, but men usually wait until they're rich to do it)

    Naive_Tomato1229 , Yan Krukau Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And some people just look rich. Cant explain that. Like this guy in the picture!

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Minimalist homes. I don't know why...but rich people like the simple asthetic which honestly doesn't feel homey. They'd rather live with very few things.

    Inevitable_snow_gal , Andrew Neel Report


    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Might live what you would assume is normal and relative to what you do, but gets yard work done, has house cleaners, etc. If they have constant workers in house, they probably are ok.

    Surprisetrextoy , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In India, middle class can afford all of this comfortably.

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    Quiet confidence because they rarely hear the word "no"

    maildaily184 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It could also be from the fact that they're usually in a position of power

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Luxury station wagon. I grew up in a rich area and these families are so wealthy they don’t need to flaunt their wealth, they can drive a 80k station wagon and act like it’s nothing.

    PizzaLookingBoi , ata ataer Report

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich For me, it's a few things..

    1) Their neighborhood has lacrosse fields for the kids

    2) It's an old, kind of big house, with a gravel driveway. Bonus points if they have parking near the street in a little gravel parking space

    3) "I summer in...."

    ues1bredev , Erik Mclean Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was invited to dinner at the home of two of my students. It was the kind of house God would build for Himself, if only He had the money. (The father was on a committee for raising funds to build a multi-million dollar soccer complex. When he was told how long it would take to raise the money, he said he didn't want to wait that long and wrote a check for the full amount on the spot. P.S. Neither of his kids played soccer.)

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich They travel off the beaten path for some obscure hobby.

    gardenpartytime , Dziana Hasanbekava Report

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    Friend worked in real estate. They said they identify people with money/good credit by looking at their tires when they pull in. Clean tires with good tread left on them, probably a good prospective client so the senior staff should handle it. Dirty tires almost bald, hand it to the new guys cause it is gonna be a ton footwork to get them approved.

    NolanSyKinsley Report

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    Sad Quokka
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmmm, not in my experience... One of my bosses is a millionaire and he'll always go round with a dirty car and low tread. Besides, what if they were going to get new tyres the next day??

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Went to a good university but is kind of dumb

    BjornBeetleBorg , Mikael Kristenson Report


    They wear natural fibres.

    Cute_Positive_4493 Report


    Their watch

    threeeyesthreeminds Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do people really recognise expensive watches? I guess all my friends are poor because none of us even wear one any more.

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    People Share 30 Small Subtle Things About Wealthy People That Scream They Are Insanely Rich Isn't crying

    Irishwolfhound92 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What nonsense is this now..! Ofcourse they must cry sometimes. Less often perhaps but surely

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