“Flags Everywhere”: Foreigners Share The Most Bizarre Things They Noticed While Visiting The U.S.
Interview With ExpertWhen you visit a new place or country, you naturally have certain expectations. Maybe it’s from movies, viral videos, or things you've heard from others. But sometimes, reality turns out to be completely different—and even a little bizarre.
Recently, someone online asked, "Non-Americans who have been to the US: What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don’t realize is weird?" The responses poured in, and let’s just say—outsiders notice some very peculiar things about life in the U.S. Keep scrolling to see what had them scratching their heads!
Image credits: gregalfredo_
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Allowing convicted felons who know nothing about politics, to be president not just once, but twice.
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" -George Carlin predicting the MAGAt cult...
I'm very sad that George is gone, but also in a way glad, because he would have spontaneously combusted over the current state of things...
Load More Replies...I am sorry Laura, I have no respect for anyone that voted for this. What excites you most about Trump ruining our country?
Where did laura say she voted for trump? Once again, your bias on full display like a baboon in heat. The country spent 4 years watching Biden slip into dementia. Do you think that's a good trait for a leader? The inability to coherently complete a thought? Forgetting the topic of conversation more often than not? Was it acceptable when it was happening to Reagan, or is that another thing you're ignorant about? What you mean to say is you don't respect anyone who doesn't validate your views, on every topic at all times because you believe that you're always right. JFC just STFU.
There is not a thing the democrats could offer that would change your mind because of biased media. Its even more obvious right now with right wing media spin being worse than WW2 propaganda by an impressive margin. Did ANY right wing media report on the Arab Nations Security Leagues press conference at the U.N. stating categorically that Palestinians will never be made to leave their land and stating thr size of said land and borders will not be allowed to change? No, nothing, all you read is Trumps beautiful plan to displace an entire nation for a resort. That is just one, there are so many examples globally of news against Trump never seeing the light of day, its ridiculous.
People in the US really believe we’re not exposed to propaganda and censorship 😂
That media bias works in both directions. And what democrats fail to accept, is that people have absolutely been listening to what the democrats have to say, what they have to offer, and they do not like it. The democrats keep running towards the extreme, while ignoring that most voters are moderates or conservatives and polls have shown for nearly a decade that voters are more likely to find a candidate to be too liberal, rather than too conservative. The number of voters registered as independents grew by 11 million compared against 2020. In 2016, 49.2 million voters registered as Dems, in 2020 it was 59.2 million.....in 2024, 48 million. Dems need to stop worrying about what the other people are saying, and start looking at why the things they're saying are not resonating with voters. Screenshot...5e-png.jpg
Iseefractals, Trump and MAGA lied about the Dems and you bought it hook line and sinker. I bet you think Trump can magically control egg prices too and that tariffs are a tax on other countries, too. Should Dems have lied as brazenly as MAGA does? That seems to be what you are suggesting!
Try and get this through your addled, simple brain. I'm not listening to trump. I'm not listening to republicans. I'm listening to what the DEMOCRATS are saying. I'm watching what the democrats are doing. I've spent years explaining all the many, many ways i do not agree with many of the views, policies and actions that have been voiced by both the politicians within the democratic party and the rabid screams of their supports. Each and every time, people like YOU ignore it all, list off something that republicans have done, pretend it negates the criticism or complaint of the democrats and proceed to argue that criticizing the dems must equate to support for trump, or the republicans. The only thing you're proving here is your ignorance and incompetence. If you can't engage any of the points being brought up, maybe stop making a fool of yourself.
She may or may not be, but the Democrats have adopted many far left ideas in direct opposition to the far right ideas of the Republicans. Both have become totalitarian, either you are with them or you are the enemy. The downvotes basically confirm this. Express any independent thought and you are shouted down by either side. Sorry not sorry if this offends, but the truth often hurts.
Criticizing Trump isn't an endorsement for the opposition. The man is not qualified for our highest office, period. Not to mention he operates and moves through life with ill intent towards everyone he has decided is the "other" and his actions are self serving at their very core.
CP, how exactly do you know what I do politically? I am active politically in all levels from local to national. You are completely IGNORANT and need to keep your inane, judgmental comments to yourself.
CP you are a prime example of what is wrong with America. You assume that since I do not share your exact political views, that I am your enemy. You assume since I am not left or right then I do nothing, which is completely false, but you never bothered to ask. BTW your comparison posed in your response is completely inane and does not have anything to do with anything being argued here. Please keep your inanity to yourself, no need to keep proving it over and over again.
No, the laziest example of political position is subscribing to party/identity politics. Doesn't matter what they say, do or want...as long as they're on your "side" then you nod along, mouth agape in blind support. And anyone who questions, criticizes or disagrees with the thoughts, feelings and demands of "your" group is treated as the opposition. When it comes to the left, that means labeling them as racist/sexist/phobic so that YOU don't have to consider or acknowledge anything, anything at all that doesn't align with what YOU personally, and specifically want. People like you are intentionally ignorant of any perspective that is not your own. Both parties have been hijacked by extremist views, that the majority of the population does not agree with....which is why the number of registered democrats dropped by 11.2 million people, while independents rose by 11 million since 2020. 48 million democrats, 54.1 million republicans, and 52.6 million independents in 2024.
Iseefractals, don't bother trying to reason with CP, they are rabid. Everyone who doesn't believe exactly as CP does, is the enemy.
Yeah....but that's pretty much all democrats at this point. They have an "all" or "nothing" mentality, but are confused as to why people don't latch onto them. To paraphrase an old adage "all it takes for stupidity to thrive, is for people who know better to stay silent" I'm not here to revel in the echo-chamber. I'm a democrat at heart...but i loathe what the party has become in recent years, even though i more closely align with them with most things. It's the points of contention that are driving people away, and part of what facilitated that problem was people who absolutely did not agree....staying silent. I'm not trying to convince CP, I'm arguing for all the other people who will read their comments, and be swayed because there's little to no pushback.
CP, it's called being independent, something you have little to no concept of...
I love how you independently think, Jan 6, stealing 2 supreme court seats, stealing classified documents and refusing to return them, a secret delegate scheme to steal the 2020 election, colluding with Russia in 2016 (Roger Stone met with a Russian spy on behalf of Donald Trump), sexual assault, campaign fraud, pardoning the jan 6 terrorists, ukraine, gaza, etc... ect.. I could go on. But I am glad you independently think all that is okay. In order for people like you to remain in the center, you have to move to the right to following the Republicans. It takes special kind of person to watch what is happening and come your braindead conclusion.
And yet, despite all those things, democrats are still less popular! That's not an opinion. We just had an election that proved that across the board. 11 million voters abandoned the party, shifting to independents, or just abstaining altogether. Yet you, and the rest of your "but...but we just want health care and equality" continue to spend all your time talking about why the opposition is bad....ignoring everything about yourselves that people, (like me!) within your own party dislike. It's not about people liking trump, or agreeing with republicans. It's that they like YOU even less. They don't like democrats. They don't like their policies, they don't like the identity politics, reframed racism, the condescension, the hypocrisy, the inability to listen to or acknowledge criticism or disagreement and instead just lob insults and labels in a bid to ignore and dismiss. That you can criticize someone else, isn't going to make people dislike you any less, or agree with you more.
Really, really failing to see where exactly I said anything where I compared the Republicans and Democrats actions. Once again, where did I say that? You go on and on about feelings, but are not actually reading/comprehending anything actually being written. Just attacking based on your feelings. Hypocrite.
Quoting you, "Democrats have adopted many far left ideas in direct opposition to the far right ideas of the Republicans. Both have become totalitarian," You just can't stop embarrassing yourself. My guess is that you don't understand what the word totalitarian means. Totalitarian is trying to coup the government after a free and fair election. Give me the bothsides rejoinder for that one. What is the totalitarian Dem position? I would advise you look up the word and remember that it is okay to admit you are wrong.
CP since you don't understand totalitarianism: https://www.britannica.com/topic/totalitarianism. And yes, it is my opinion, that both sides of the US political system have become totalitarian...kind of like how you are attempting to control and direct all political opinions that differ from your own. Do you even get how hypocritical you are?
Give me an example! You can't just say something and it automatically is true. Religious people do that but I don't take them seriously just like I don't you right now. I am trying to direct political fact to show your feelings are ridiculous. What is a Dem example of totalitarianism? Trump just banned AP News over the name of an international body of water. That is totalitarian. Until shown otherwise you are a partisan hack cosplaying as an independent.
You are a perfect example. You attacked my political beliefs because they did not exactly coincide with yours. You belittled me, you said I am what's wrong with America, etc. All because we have different political views. So, yes, you are the perfect example as to what's wrong with totalitarian Democrats in America.
For a national example, the whole DEI woke movement. I agree with the principles, but feel that they have taken some ideas way too far. But if you have any independent thoughts or disagree in anyway, you are anti-woke and racist and stupid...etc. You have to be totally on board with every policy wholeheartedly or you are the enemy and to be destroyed.
And because I know you will totally go apesh!t over that, I also oppose Project 2025 and the attack on women's rights. I know it's confusing for you, but there are many, many people in the US who have both liberal and conservative views.
I don't see any examples, so it confirms you are full of it and exactly what I thought. No, I didn't attack your political beliefs for not aligning with my beliefs. I attacked your beliefs for not aligning with reality. Your failure to provide any example shows that all you have are beliefs. Beliefs are great and all, but if you want people to take you seriously you have to back up your beliefs. You made that new claim about me just not liking your views. Can you back that up or is this just a pattern of you throwing out baseless claims and getting upset when challenged about them.
CP, case proven by your own words. Uh, you don't see the examples I posted above? CP, you are truly a horrible, horrible person. Good bye.
Oh in case CP edits his comment..."I don't see any examples, so it confirms you are full of it and exactly what I thought. No, I didn't attack your political beliefs for not aligning with my beliefs. I attacked your beliefs for not aligning with reality." The rest of his comment is more inane babble.
Open your eyes and look above at my comments. See the two comments that have the word "example" in the very first sentences? WTF!?!?!?!?
Panda what you are doing is putting your head in the sand. I support the more sane party. I don't agree with them on everything, but I have eyes and a brain and can easily see both parties are way different. If you can't see that, I am scared that you possibly vote. You could say you don't like either party, but saying both are the same is ludicrously insane when you observe reality.
But in your rabid support of the "more sane party" you are more than willing to pass judgment and attack anyone who does not agree wholeheartedly with your opinion. Do you not see how "ludicrously insane" and ignorant this is? BTW you seem to be unable to get past that I said both parties are becoming totalitarian. In no way whatsoever did I say in any way that they have the same platform. Reading is fundamental.
You, how you talk, how you treat anyone who dares to differ, how you argue, how you ignore EVERYTHING that you dislike or disagree with, you are a prime example of why, again, 11 million people abandoned the democrat party. You are the reason that idiot was elected for a 2nd, non-consecutive term. And the worst part of that is, you can't even feign ignorance....because you've been told. You've been given example after example of why people no longer have faith in the democrats and you just keep spouting the same, tired "but but....look what those guys over there did" What they did, isn't the point. The point is that despite the fact that they did those things, people still have marginally more faith in them....then they do in your rhetoric. The people have spoken. If you're too ignorant and stubborn to listen, that's 100% your fault.
I don't see any evidence that you have eyes or a brain. You don't acknowledge any criticism of the democrats as valid. You don't agree with them on everything? Name one instance. Where have the democrats gone too far? DEI and new age segregation on college campuses? Pushing the narrative that identifiers should always, always, ALWAYS be the first and most important factor when deciding...pretty much anything? The denial of biology in favor of feelings? Erosion of free speech in favor of feelings. The widespread support for a terrorist controlled area? The outright denial of decades of health research when it comes to body positivity? How about Biden pardoning his son, after making a big show of saying "no one is above the law" Get it through your head, most people do not, nor have they ever agreed with the insanity the left has been pushing for the past 10 years. They've just been afraid of rabid bullies like you, who view every criticism, of anything as an attack on EVERYTHING.
Iseefractals, damn, cut all the way down to the bone. Yeah, that pretty much sums up most of my problems with the extreme policies the Democrats have adopted. The Republicans are no better by any means, hence I am an independent.
What criticisms? 1) DEI? Wow finally an example. What was wrong with expanding the pool of qualified people for jobs? That's all DEI did. Are there instances where it may have gone too far, I am sure. Let's fix that specific part. DEI was a success by any metric. People just don't understand what it did. 2) What "narrative on identifiers"? My guess is that you don't think people should be able to ask others to refer to them a certain way. That you don't think other people deserve that respect. Correct me if I am wrong on that one. 3) Democrats don't deny biology. Democrats understand one simple fact biology and gender aren't the same. Science agrees with Dems. This isn't complicated. Biology exists even if humans die. The idea of gender dies with humans. That is all that means. Humans made up gender it isn't written in stone like sex in biology is. 4) What free speech erosion? Free speech is a government thing only. continued next ran out of space.
The only people confused about what DEI does is the people supporting it. DEI is attempting to push equality of outcomes, through the assumption that equality isn't real until every facet of life is divided along population of each demographic, and if that means throwing merit out the window, who cares! Harvard was recently sued over their standards for admittance to medical school. White people with the highest possible MCAT scores are less likely to be admitted than a black person with the LOWEST possible MCAT scores. Hmm....sounds kind of discriminatory to me. DEI on its face, divides everyone by race, sex, gender, orientation and presumes those metrics are more important than all else. You're no longer looking for the best...you're looking for the best within a smaller group and ignoring anyone outside of that group that is better. Look at the games, the industry has been "prioritizing" DEI and diversity for the better part of a decade, hiring people based off Identifiers....cont
rather than skill, experience or talent. Mechanics, character development, story, world building all have taken a back seat to making sure all the characters are the "correct" race, sexuality or gender identity. $100-$200 million games that spend more than half a decade in development, and yet they lag behind in all area's of compared to games that released 10-15 years ago. One once beloved studio after the next shutters it doors, while the games journalists try to gaslight everyone into believing "well....actually it's GREAT!" Avowed is the most recent, Dragon Age veigaiid before it, concord before that...and that's just in the past few months. And eventually when the developer is forced to admit that the game was a failure, what is the response from games journalists and developers? "Everyone is racist/sexist/phobic! It's obviously not the game, because look at all the diversity! Diverse developers, diverse characters, virtue signaling content!" Cont...
It's more of the same in the entertainment industry at large, look at Disney, marvel, Lucasfilms and every remake, reboot and reimagining that's only new take is "it's exactly the same, but more diverse! That's what happens when you prioritize optics over content. Pronouns? No i don't think anyone else has the right to COMPEL someone else to use specific language, nor do i think anyone should be punished for failing to do so. It's called free speech. That's what people can't seem to grasp, you can ask....and almost everyone will gladly oblige. That's different from trying to limit, or compel speech, or thought. Democrats don't deny biology? THe left has tried to argue that there is a difference between sex and gender....and yet they still want to treat gender as equating to sex. The whole notion of allowing transwomen to compete in female sports ignores basic biology, go look on youtube for the transwomen talking about their "need" for tampons.
4) What free speech erosion? Free speech is a government thing only. The twitter files showed no such erosion. Do you have any examples of this happening? Republicans are far worse in this respect actually using the power of the government to punish people who don't like AP news. 5) Wide spread support for a terrorist controlled? Are referring to Gaza? That is a gross simplification of the situation. You are begging not to be taken seriously with a comment like that. It shows you don't think about complex things at all. 6) Unfamiliar with the body positivity thing, but even if true pales in comparison to denying the science of global warming. 7) Biden pardoning his son is defensible in the current environment. Trump has promised to go after people politically and convinced too many Americans (you included it seems) that Trump's lawful prosecution was only politically motivated. Need more space to wade through your surface level BS, and so it continues.
Take a look up in Canada, misgendering or deadnaming someone is illegal! The UK has instituted draconian laws that permit ANYONE to report ANYTHING they find "offensive" to the police. Which triggers an investigation, which should someone say...be looking for a job which runs a back round check that check will return a criminal investigation....and at the very end of the documents will specify the crime as "non-criminal", gee wonder how many potential employers get that far. That's the kind of stuff the left, in the US is on board with, because the left believes that everyone has the right to never, ever be offended. In the mean time, the left is happy to just label anything and anyone that doesn't align with their views as racist, sexist, phobic, Nazis, fascists....and the result is the same, it doesn't matter if the claims hold water, only that the public outcry arguing is loud enough. cont....
When a subset of the public is arguing for limits to free speech, and the government is pandering to it, placating it, respecting it... well we've seen how that plays out with all the other points here, haven't we? Hamas are terrorists. It's not a debate. They led 7000 strong into israel, killing 1300 civilians, including children! Kidnapped a couple hundred more, which they raped and tortured. Hamas has the stated goal of the eradication of the Jewish people. Not Israeli's. All of them. Women have no rights, gays have no rights under Hamas rule. Reasonable people know that Hamas is the problem....but Hamas is rallying Palestinians to carry out atrocities....and yet people like you keep trying to separate the two. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67480680. You villify those who want peace and deify those who have the stated goal of genocide. Lot of German civilians died during WW2...should the allies have tried to talk it out while the gas chambers kept running?
7) Biden pardoning his son is defensible in the current environment. Trump has promised to go after people politically and convinced too many Americans (you included it seems) that Trump's lawful prosecution was only politically motivated. Besides Trump did the far more egregious thing and pardoned his Russian coconspirators. Yes the Mueller report and Senate Report on Russian Interference shows collusion between Trump and Russia. Prosecutors said they could get enough for the actual criminal charge of conspiracy. Finally what insanity? None of it seems odd when you actually look into things. You just take the word of a politician and let them do the thinking for you. DEI is bad is a prime example. What do you think DEI is? Whatever you think it is, you believed a lying politician and didn't question it because you don't have a clue what it is. Do you have anything of substance or just your feelings on matters you don't understand?
We're not talking about trump. We're not talking about republicans. We're talking about the failures of the democrats, and the left, and why the majority of the population has run screaming from them. And once again you've inadvertently hit the nail on the head. "Something is only bad if it's done by the people i hate" No, Biden going back on his word, abandoning the "principals" he claimed were so very, very important, is not defensible. He's the one that made it an issue, he's the one that chose to stand that ground, and he abandoned it at the 11th hour. That's the problem that people have. Had he kept his mouth shut about it, if he'd just pardoned him right away, yes some would have dragged him, but most would have understood. But he held himself up as morally superior.....and as soon as their was no longer any upside to singing that song, he showed his true colors. It has absolutely nothing to do with trump. If something is wrong, it's wrong.
That you can point to someone else, and say they've done wrong, or they've done worse....doesn't make you right. It's like being arrested for assault and saying "but look at all the murderers" Try to get this through your head, trump has nothing to do with anything i've said. Nor do the republicans, i am a lifelong democrat....and while that was once a point of pride, it's become a mark of shame over the past few years....because i listen to people like you! I listen to what the democrats say, think and want....and while i align with a lot of it....the area's in which i don't, are pretty important. Most people feel the same way, and dems, like you just don't hear it. They just blame trump and pretend doing so makes them smart.
That's the political reality. It's not an opinion, it's not a celebration, i'm not arguing that it's a good thing, and it's certainly not a bid of support for republicans. It's simply the way things are. But democrats think the answer is to continue doubling down on the extremes, playing the victim, labeling everyone else as stupid racist, sexist, phobic monsters and screaming that __________ will DIE if their every single demand isn't met. Ya know, exactly what you're doing now! Exactly what you always do when challenged or confronted with evidence that you are not, in fact, the center of the universe.
Give me an extreme Dem position. Nothing on the Dem side compares to project 2025. People have brain rot into playing the appeaser and only give cover to the side moving. I really would love an example because people keep claiming these "bothsides" are extreme are just empty words.
You really, really need to open your eyes and look how far left that the Democrats have swung in the US. Guess the brainwashing worked really well on you, CP. I am of course assuming you have the necessary equipment for said brainwashing...you do parrot some excellent propaganda though! /s
This is NOT about comparing the two. I said both sides have swung too far to their respective extremes. Pay attention. You are a prime example of what is wrong. Just attacking me like an enemy because I do not share your political views. I am independent, I have some liberal views, some conservative ones. I cannot vote for the Democrats or the Republicans as I think both have gone too far to the extremes. Try to wrap your mind around that. I support neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. I am politically active. I have different political views than you. Grow up.
Far from it, try something new and pull your head out of the sand, Julia. Ignore the propaganda and pay attention to what is actually happening. It will require time and thought.
CP, another completely inane comment. You are batting .000 so far! Congrats! /s I said they are both becoming totalitarian. I know, big word, have someone explain it to you. They demand complete obedience to their platforms, like you keep proving again and again here with your intolerance and complete ignorance.
Side note* CP, are you delusional? Is reality a problem? Just checking since you seem to not understand what is being discussed here. Where exactly did I say that the "Dems are the same as MAGA"? Are you seeing things that are not being written here? Pink elephants and the such? Take a deep breath and read what I wrote again. When I said the "extremist views the right and left have adopted" I meant the extremist right views the right has adopted and the extremist left views the left has adopted. I know, it's very complicated for you, but not really.
And you think attacking anyone who has different political views is, what, good for this country?
I think the USA is also the only "democracy" where the president is immune from prosecution from crimes. This, more than anything else, is mind blowing to me. If the president is above the law, than what is the law? It is merely what he says it is. It's like, L'etat c'est moi. In most democracies, this is not the case. The head of state is subject to the rule of law. If they violate that law they are subject to prosecution. Presidents and Prime Ministers have been arrested and sentenced to prison for abuse of power. But the US president can literally murder a baby and claim it as an official act, and it's totally fine. Nutzo
"Well you see, David, when the president does it that means that it is not illegal"- Ex-president Richard "I Am Not A Crook" Nixon, (Republican, naturally) 1977 in interview with David Frost.
Load More Replies...Haha, Trumps literal tweet recently stated an act isn't illegal if it is good for the country. I am paraphrasing but yeah, same.
Nope, we got that in France but you could be prosecuted after finishing your term look about Nicolas sarkosy former president and one of the worst criminals.
Yes, but you can still be prosecuted. In the United States, the President is immune from prosecution ad infinitum.
Trump was…. TWICE !! Plus 34 felony convictions . Yet he was still eligible and subsequently elected. It makes no sense.
A country where church-going Christians voted overwhelmingly for a 34-time convicted criminal and a sexual pervert to be president. It is amazing!
Yeah I still feel like Elon Musk messed with the voting machines but what can you do Trump can’t be impeached and removed especially when the votes are not there.
I think the reason that Europeans don't understand this is due to the fact that they are better educated than Americans. Statistics show that Americans fall below Europeans in multiple studies. We're rapidly becoming a nation of uneducated and willfully ignorant citizens, and this is the result when a government downgrades it's educational system.
There are many reasons I'm happy to be Canadian but Trump is in the top 3 (the others are our laws around women's and LGBTQIA+ rights and our health care system). And I'm even more grateful since he came out with his bulls*t around making us the 51st state. Good luck with that d*ckface, it'll never happen. Edit for grammar.
There is only ONE thing that actually disqualifies a person from being president, when it comes to convictions. Treason. Now, the interesting point about the current president, is he was NOT tried for treason.
No the supreme Court decided to change the constitution. That amendment never mentioned anything about treason or conviction. Colorado correctly removed that scum from their ballot. This doubly proves that Republicans don't actually care about state's rights.
No kidding States Rights don't matter. We had a war about it remember? Back when a whole host of states decided that it was within their state's rights, to make it legal to own other people.
this is what happens when the rich control the media, they buy the election
I am blocking bored panda. Why? It openly encourages hate for Americans and people who don't happen to agree with liberalism. It goes lazy and rehashes redit posts that are depressing as hell. It openly encourages hate for all who they don't agree with in comments and making fun of people encouraging hate and misunderstanding. I'm done with a site I used to love until it became so rage and hate filled.
It just goes to show that weaponizing the government against your opponent can eventually backfire.
Cringe. I knew this one would be here, and BP didn't let me down. I love this liberal echo chamber.
Oh and he BARELY won the popular vote (49.8% to Harris on 48.32%) and MILLIONS of Americans did not vote at all, and the young voters he gained are leaving him in droves. YOur national anthem is being booed and his cult members find themselves begging when their jobs are lost thinking it wasn't his intention to hurt tham. MAGA is a cult run by a multiple bankrupted con man
Load More Replies...77.3 million to 75 million. A difference of 2.3 million people. That doesn't look like "BARELY" when you actually look at the actual numbers.
The average approval rating for a president is 52%, highest Mango Mussolini ever hit was 49% and he currently at 42%. Biden's average was 57%. America is becoming a laughing stock and your president is a threat to global security
Why lie? Joe Biden averaged 42.2% job approval during his four years as president, the second lowest in Gallup polling history. The 57% was not his average, that's what it was when he first got into office, it plummeted from there. Democrats are at a 14 yr low for voter support right now. But just go ahead and make sh*t up.
The U.S. is three corporations in a trench coat pretending to be a country.
Load More Replies... Americans are gaslit to believe that they live in the "Land of the Free" and celebrate Independence Day whilst not realising that they are - in fact - NOT free and are slaves.
No free healthcare.
A weird, weird, WEIRD obsession with guns.
Being underpaid in jobs because they have to rely on tips.
School shootings are "normalised" with drills in school.
Believing they are the centre of the universe.
And calling a "bottom" a "fanny" - because fanny means something VERY different in the UK.
The fusion between Christianity and nationalism (or politics in general). American version of Christianity (some of them) seems like the complete opposite of what Jesus actually taught. Or if not opposite, it's just something else that's still absurd.
We all have a certain vision of America—the land of opportunity, big dreams, and even bigger everything. Whether it’s social media or stories from friends, many of us form expectations about what life in the U.S. might be like before ever setting foot there. But reality often comes with a few surprises.
Beyond the things we assume, there are certain everyday aspects of American life that are completely normal to locals but seem unusual to outsiders. These cultural quirks are so ingrained in daily life that Americans might not even realize they stand out to the rest of the world.
As someone from the US who has been living outside the US for about 2 years now, the sense of entitlement. No one owes you anything. Minor inconveniences are not a violation of your rights. The number of adults pitching toddler temper tantrums is absurd. I didn’t realize how big a part of my life that was until I moved and noticed nearly immediately that that’s not how people do things elsewhere.
There is massive entitlement among those who are used to having everything they want. But those they have always taken from are demanding fair compensation. This makes the entitled feel threatened and attack the abused for "feeling entitled to fair treatment". Now the entitled want to "make America great again" for the entitled by doubling down on the abuse.
That mothers can’t take up to a year off to be with their infants
The level of homelessnes was like nothing I’ve seen in any other western country. Very obvious mental health problems among those homeless. It was so jarring to me to see a homeless person with a piece of cardboard which said that she had cancer and needed money for treatment. To think that ANYONE had cancer and couldn’t get treatment is inhuman. Some might say that she only told that story to get money, doesn’t matter - the fact that it’s a real possibility is the punch in the guts.
That's all on the medical insurance companies and the US politicians they own outright.
For instance, portion sizes in the U.S. are famously large. Fast food meals, restaurant servings, and even soft drink sizes can be shockingly big compared to what you’d get in other countries.
While a "large" drink in some places might be 500ml, in the U.S., it’s not uncommon to see people casually sipping from a full liter cup.
Tax system. Like, if something is advertised on the shelf as $6 it should be that… right? No. Not in the US.
I hate this. And how it varies so much by state or even county sometimes.
As an American that left.
The sugar that’s in all the food
It's not real sugar most of the time, it's that High Fructose Corn Syrup garbage usually.
Flag worshipping. It's like an idolatrous cult
I’ve never understood why we have to have the U.S. flag every—fvcking—where. At government facilities, yes. But at supermarkets? Churches? Sports stadiums? I know what country I’m in. I’m not under the delusion that I suddenly got teleported to Scotland or somewhere.
Many online have joked about the enormous soda sizes available in American shops and movie theaters. It’s something locals don’t think twice about, but for visitors, seeing people carry around bucket-sized drinks can be quite amusing.
So many things but that the reaction to a bad situation, even minor, is to sue someone. That’s a horrible obsession with money.
Crazy big portions. Having a gun being more important than the lives of children.
The lack of interest in the rest of the world.
Lack of protection for employees and lack of annual leave.
Right now, I'd say the Americans are very interested in the rest of the world, for all the wrong reasons.
The fact that Americans can buy a gun at Walmart, but not a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg.
To get more insight, we spoke to Alessa Grund, a German PhD student in software engineering who spent a semester in Washington State as an exchange student. She shared some of the biggest cultural differences she noticed during her stay.
“Cashiers often make small talk with you while checking out,” she said. “At first, I didn’t know how to respond. Back home in Munich, we usually just pay and leave.”
Weird political system (voting - how can you become President when the majority of voters doesn’t want you?, archaic pol party system, limited knowledge of party programs, limited ability to vote for policies).
They are proud to be uneducated. Not kidding. Actually proud to not know basic things.
100% true in many areas of the US. They elected someone who committed 4 felonies and other crimes to overthrow our democracy, so can't really deny it.
Starbucks coffee is truly, truly awful
This totally and completely. My coworker disagreed with me on this so I asked her to try any Starbucks order black, no sugar, no creams, no syrups, etc. Her reaction, "yuck, it tastes like burnt rubber!" Starbucks drinks are just coffee-ish desserts. If your coffee doesn't taste good black, all the flavorings and sweeteners are just covering up the bad flavor.
Another thing that stood out to her was the healthcare system. “Coming from Europe, I was shocked at how expensive medical care is in the U.S. In Germany, almost everything is covered by insurance. Also, many medicines that require a prescription back home are easily available over the counter here.”
The culture around the military - thanking them for their service as soon as you find out they’re in the the military, the perks they get such as boarding planes first, all these random discounts…
It's because rather than provide us with medical care unless we fight them tooth and nail, letting so many of us become homeless while fighting the VA, etc., we get thanked for our service and discounts at some places. woot.
The pharmaceutical advertisements. Very strange.
US Big Pharma spends more on advertisements than research currently. Pure insanity.
People who take a fun DNA test and then identify as an Italian. Or Greek. Or German. Or African, whatever it means. Africa is a continent, not a country. While the only language they speak is English, the only nationality they've got is that of the US and they have never lived anywhere else but the US. You are American, deal with it.
Public transportation was another surprise. “It’s not that great,” she admitted. “In Germany, trains and buses are reliable and widely used. In the U.S., people mostly rely on cars, and public transport options aren’t as extensive or convenient.”
Exceptionalism. You're not special. People don't want to be you, or like you. As much as it seems, this isn't the 1920's post world war.
Going to bankrupt because of medical bills. E.g. in Finland max annual for prescription d***s is ~600 €. Same goes to hospital fees. If you have no money social security pays even that.
Portion sizes! My family could order one meal and share and be satisfied at the end. The average drink size is around 1l, we buy 1l bottles of soda to share among 3 or 4 people.
How absolutely commercialised literally everything is, every single thing is about making money
She also noticed a stark difference in food. “Drinks and desserts were way sweeter than I expected. I gained three kilos in just a few months,” she laughed.
“But one thing I found really nice was that restaurants give you free water—that’s not common in Germany!”
open carry states where everyone has guns on them, visibly, it’s so weird. and the blatant racism, mostly in red states
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR TOILET STALLS? Why is the bottom so high off the ground? Why are there gaps everywhere? I do not want to make eye contact in a toilet. I would rather use a squat toilet than US gap-stalls.
To answer the question, the bottom is that way because of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements. The requirement is 12 to 18 inches from floor to panel or door. This is put in place because if someone has a medical event inside the stall, first responders can quite easily simply slide under the door without having to try to break it down (and with some stall construction types, breaking it isn't an option), to render first aid. The side gaps are down to how the stalls are constructed, as there needs to be a clearance for them to operate properly.
unhealthy obsession with “”celebrities””
No argument here. The US obsession with "celebrities" is unhealthy to say the least. It directly feeds the "influencer" mindlessness...
Every country has its unique quirks, and the U.S. is no exception. Some things might be surprising, some amusing, and some even frustrating. But at the end of the day, these little differences make traveling and experiencing new cultures so fascinating. Which of these stood out to you the most? Let us know!
Everyone is described as white; black; Latino; of colour etc. etc. It’s endemic and pervasive.
No other country does that.
Does it happen to the same extent? Literally every form I fill out asks my race. Like, why does my cell phone provider need to know that?
Food deserts – Only fast food, no fresh groceries.
For those who don't know what a food desert is, it means an area, about the size of a mid to large district in a city, where there is a lack of grocery stores, particularly affordable grocery stores. For ex. Winnipeg has a food desert in it's city core, where there is a large demographic of low income earners and homeless. There is one Giant Tiger grocery store on Ellice, and there's a more expensive market at The Forks. The only other options are the pricey restaurants, bars, cafes and lounges that are not affordable to many of the residence in that area. This results in inaccessibility for basic necessities, high theft rates and other crime.
astounding consumerism.
Obsessive, all-encompassing consumerism. Every part of life gets made into a transaction. It’s dehumanizing.
The lack of news from abroad.
We can get news from abroad. We just have to search for it. I really like Al Jazeera and BBC.
Very bad or non-existent public transport.
Not an accident. A century ago Los Angeles had an extensive public transportation system. It was was bought up and destroyed - by oil and auto companies.
Your bread tastes like cake, it's disgusting. Your food in general tastes awful.
Weird, weird angry responses. Especially these generalizations about food. Damn!
imperial system
Flags in the front yard.
I just assume, like with Australia and England etc, it helps identify racists, but maybe that's not the case there.
Motorcycling with no mandatory helmets – Legal in many states.
Just hope that they are organ donors. My mom is a retired ER nurse and saw some horrific motorcycle accidents.
I’m a Singaporean.
Many people from 🇺🇸 assume people who are Sinitic-looking were born in China.
By this logic, can I assume that every white person from 🇺🇸 was born in Europe? No. A person’s phenotype doesn’t equate to one’s nationality.
Interesting. In the US it's a racist trope in tv and movies to think that every asian is from China. On the west coast, we have people from all over Asia. I can't imagine assuming a nationality based on race here. I think the people the OP has dealt with may be very sheltered wherever they are from.
Yellow pages full of lawyers. Pharmaceutical adverts. Tipping. The fact you deny the average citizen healthcare, education, housing, pensions etc unless they pay through the nose, but you know people need it, which is why it's offered to the military for free. It's a way to keep people enlisting. You're all quite loud. Your food is sooooooo full of additives and preservatives. You drive everywhere. Gun culture.
People are so loud. I don’t want to be forced to listen to your entire conversation in a restaurant. I’m just trying to understand my partner.
If you're blasting a speaker phone in public, that should give me license to slap it out of your hand and throw it down a sewer.
Wearing outdoor shoes indoors and stepping on furniture (like sofas) whilst wearing them. Maybe it’s just me, but outside shoes don’t belong inside.
The complete lack of environmental awareness: hotel rooms with air conditioning at minus ten degrees Celsius because Karen can't sleep with the room temperature, big cars running all day, ice in the drinks (and to produce all that ice will consume an absurd amount of energy), giant appliances that consume a lot of electricity...
"Minus 10 degrees Celsius" is 14 degrees Fahrenheit, not something anyone would choose. Not even something a hotel air conditioner could achieve, probably.
I feel like most americans, like even the leftwinged, are way too patriotic.
The food is purely poison. And everyone just normalizes it. It’s so weird to not be able to purchase fresh produce because of the inconsistencies and dyes all over the shelves 🤢 literally could smell and as before if purchased TASTE their chemical, additives, etc. 😭
Fresh food is a privilege in the US. Mostly because our infrastructure is designed to be as spread out as possible.
Calling their country “America” when that is the name of a continent, not a country.
We don't call South Americans Americans. Canadians are not referred to as solely Americans. North Americans and South Americans is acceptable for those in the North or South America. We don't call Mexicans Americans, either. Mexicans seem to always get ignored in that argument, too. But I guess they have a richer, unique cultural base to truly set themselves apart from the USA and Canada, and the USA is not looking to annex Mexico. Calling Canadians Americans, especially in these times, is an insult and may be considered a threat, depending on the context. It's like calling Ukrainians Russians or "Little Russians". Yes, some actually do that.
States. And the need to always name them after their hood. Have you ever heard anyone saying: I am from Paris, France? From Naples, Italy? Exactly!
Not travelling. On a trip to the States a few years back we met people who had never been out of their state nevermind the country
These sorts of divisive lists are dangerous. Outraged blanket-statements and overgeneralizing about the population of an extremely varied country isn’t making anyone look good and certainly not helping anything globally or here. If BP dislikes the US so much, stop courting us for ad views and referrals to cheap, mass-produced Amazon products.
Come on, BP, do a list like this about the UK. We're capable of taking the mickey out of ourselves.
Load More Replies...Oh yeah, but people get miffed about BP continuing to run lists about the US - so why not pick on other nations?
The list isn’t devisive. The things your leaders are doing to wreak havoc on the world is though. America is trying to start WW3 in Europe right now by giving Putin the green light. A lot of people are extremely angry. America is making the world very unsafe.
No argument there. Most of us despise Trump (our Electoral College system is how we have minority rule). We are living a nightmare. BUT BUT BUT these lists aren't about that... they are divisive cultural generalisations. And the US isn't a freaking monolith. I'm from Boston and I'd say that we have more similar in many ways to parts of the UK as we have with say, rural Alabama. THESE ARE JUST STUPID AND INSULTING GENERALIZATIONS.
Putin is trying to start WW3. Appeasing him is a mistake. Learn from history or be damned to repeat it.
Have you never heard of ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’? What’s it to you if we do start a war-you won’t help us finish it, as usual.
Well when you stop being racist bigots who hate women, then we can talk. Sorry but as a Canadian you all are very full of yourselves. Your president is a mini dictator that has the brain of a child.
To be fair, I have no doubt the BP editors are working on the list “52 Egregious Things About Lithuania: Interview with the Expert.” RIGHT? No. Okay. Just let me know which state has the sailboat sail-sized pizza slices.
Load More Replies...Do not hold your breath for anything negative about Europe from BP. On the other hand, BP editors love bashing America weekly. You can check previous threads to prove this.
Considering how your elected politicians are impacting the average citizen in many other countries and in a negative way I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for these lists to stop. It is really hard not to hate on the US when your fascist politicians are over here sprouting their c**p.
Why downvote a plain factual post? Fascist politicians? Well, yes, that'll be J D Vance: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/14/trump-vance-europe-far-right
I did some serious research on Lithuania. These are all 100% true without exception and in no way stereotypes. Lithuania is a nation of people who work dirty jobs and speak terrible English. Lithuania is a poor Eastern European country. Panevėžys having high crime rate. Žemaičiai (Samogitians) are stubborn and poorly educated. Suvalkiečiai (Suvalkians/Sudovians) are very cheap and their accents are so bad that you can barely understand them if you are from a different part of Lithuania..
I don't think most of these are things Americans don't find weird. They have heard time and again about their healthcare, the sugar in food, tax not included on ticket etc.
I've seen a hundred articles on BP about things that are different about the US, when are we gonna get articles about what's different about Belgium, or Venezuela, or Thailand, or any other country? What's BP's obsession with bashing the US? This is getting so repetitive and boring.
Funny I only see this reply from hard line right wing Americans who think its their way or the highway. No room for other opinions even though you love free speech
Load More Replies...You are wrong again. I'm about as far left as they come. Ignorant generalizations about ANY people are bad, Oh, PenguinEmp... what country are you from? Please share as I'm sure that EVERY person in your country is a peach and there is nothing negative about it. Go on- where are you from?
No One should be judged by the worst people or things in their country. Not everyone wants to walk around with a gun on their hip, we hate the tipping culture too, our big orange ape in the white house disgusts a great many of us (and we are just hoping he doesn't get us all nuked before he leaves office), and I won't even go into how much we hate our healthcare system. Not everyone in our country is "the worst." Just like everyone in other countries are not the worst of who lives there. We know our problems, BP, you don't have to keep reminding us of them.
I'm American and while this post is eye opening its also comforting. As a minority I don't feel attacked, the truth about this country should be known. Yes, I've lived in other countries and have always been proud of my country. But other nations are amazing and have a economic advantage. Like getting a pair of glasses for $30 or the cost of fruits and vegetables less than the cost of meat, walkable cities, accessible education. The us is no longer a world leader. People are suffering under the weight of the 1%. These lists aren't derisive, they are a warning from onlookers of the things to come that should alarm every American. We are the land if the free, a home of the brave. The WH and SCOTUS has too much power.
Good points but this list is a bunch or ignorant stereotypes with a few truths thrown in that many of us are upset about also.
The weekly anti-US article at BP. Nothing new here other than a demonstration of Europeans being willfully ignorant about the US.
How many f*****g times is BP going to make one of these lists? It’s old and tiresome. Try doing other countries Jesus.
U.S. BAD!!!!!!! Again, BP? This old trope is getting awfully tiresome.
The biggest WTF I have is that educated and talented young Americans don't leave in their droves. Can you not see what is going down around you?
Do you think its just easy to pack up and leave? Believe it or not its hard for Americans to immigrate to other countries. They don't just let us in. There are rules for immigration and if you are not fortunate enough then you are stuck. This is not Europe where we have an agreement of free movement like the EU.
I think a lot of this just willfully ignorant Europeans complaining that we don't do things like they do back home. And much of the time, we actually do, you're just in a place that doesn't. Because this also something that Europeans just don't get: Our country is about the same size as your entire continent. And states? States are basically different countries with different constitutions and sets of laws. And in many cases, different cultures. Our cities generally have really good public transport and walkability; but not our burbs because -- why would they? If you think they should, you may not understand what a suburb is, and that's fine. But why think that's how it is everywhere? That's ignorant.
Did you say states have different constitutions? Lol ok Also, you have no healthcare, you have legal guns, you're fat and lazy and loud and obnoxious. Walkability? Ok. If. You say so. Oh also you don't have the metric system like everyone else on the planet
Load More Replies...Yes, we do have separate state constitutions. I've posted the one for Massachusetts where I live. You seem rather ignorant about my country. Massachusetts and some other states have very strict gun laws. We passed a law giving reasonably priced healthcare to all. It is far from perfect but you will fare better here than you will in, say, Alabama or Arkansas. "You're fat and lazy and loud and obnoxious". Really? Eff off. I was at the Hiroshima Peace memorial recently and the place was dead silent until somebody picked up a call and started talking Portuguese at full volume. Are Portuguese or Brazilians loud and obnoxious. Of course not. Individual people are. Are all people from your country rude and ignorant? No, but I know one who is... Just, Don't. Generalize. Be Kind. https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution
Either you're a kid, PengiunEmp, or just a hateful bigot. Either way, not a lot for you to be proud of in your statement there.
I'm a proud non American yes. Not a child but I'm so so happy that you sre upset. It truly shows the Americans who cling to free speech but don't like it when some people say something else.
Here you go, Mr. Fat and Lazy. here's some links: https://www.healthcare.gov/ https://50constitutions.org/ https://www.fws.gov/story/hunting-tool-wildlife-management Any other questions you ignorant fvcking dipshit?
Yes, each state has its own constitution, although there's one of the original 13 colony states that calls it a charter or something like that. I don't have healthcare? Again, your ignorance is showing. I have full healthcare which my employer pays for as part of my job benefits package. And if you're not employed, you have Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act which is required for every citizen to have if they don't have healthcare otherwise. Google it. You're ignorant. Of course we have legal guns. The US is mainly wilderness. We have more mountains and forests than Europe. My state's wilderness is bigger than the UK. We would never be able to afford to pay the govt to do game management, which is why we hunt to control animal populations. Google it. You've never been to the US, admit it. You don't know s**t, so google it and educate yourself instead of calling names and acting like a little baby.
So many generalizations! There are so many real reasons to dislike America. (The United States of)
The comments on here are just a bunch of Americans getting offended 😂 It's not about disliking the US...it's about the sense of entitlement and righteousness that US seems to have. It's equivalent of an overly arrogant idiot manager coming in to scream nonsense at you. Just humble down a little a bit because I can assure you that you are not the greatest country in the world. Lithuania is btw!
People have interesting ideas about things here. Like somehow Central America is a continent. And that Americans named themselves Americans and co-opted the entire continent. Europeans named Americans Americans back in the 18th century when the US was the only actual country in North America. And slavery? I love it when Europeans try to shame the US about slavery. They don't realize that the slavers who brought them to North America were Europeans, using European ships and European chains and sold them to other Europeans who emigrated here so they could legally own slaves for their businesses. I know this is going to be downvoted, but.... Sorry Europeans. Your biggest cries about the US are... made in Europe.
If you don't like the USA then please do us all a favor and don't come here if all you can do is trash it. And those Americans that live here who hate it, please show yourselves out. I do agree with several of these but overall I'm so sick of USA hating.
Say you don't understand the world wide web without saying you don't understand the world wide web....
Once again, I dare someone at BP to pick on Canada for once. Seriously, I think it would be great to see!
We don't have a dictator, we don't have guns and shootings. Abortion is legal and we have free healthcare.
Load More Replies...Ah, the obligatory "What's Wrong with the USA?" list. If BP was to be believed, I would wonder why anyone would want to even visit the USA, much less want to live here.
What's the point of this website again? Abuse the USA when every other region is perfect? You have lost your way and only answer to your handlers. Divide and conquer. Gross.
Yes, we’re so horrible that hundreds of thousands of people sneak in every damned week! Who gives a s**t what foreigners think is ‘weird’
Hey BP- feel free to EFF off at your earliest possible convenience with yet another one of these stupid lists.
Lmao-- Europeans visiting the USA be like the Amish during Rumspringer-- they get their eyes opened wide to reality, whether it's good or bad, but lots of them decide they'd rather take their chances in Hell than return to the oppressive life they grew up in.
America has large portions because we have a huge leftover culture. Nobody is expected to eat all that in one go, you’re expected to take some home. That’s also why most restaurants are on the pricey side, you’re paying for two meals not just one.
These sorts of divisive lists are dangerous. Outraged blanket-statements and overgeneralizing about the population of an extremely varied country isn’t making anyone look good and certainly not helping anything globally or here. If BP dislikes the US so much, stop courting us for ad views and referrals to cheap, mass-produced Amazon products.
Come on, BP, do a list like this about the UK. We're capable of taking the mickey out of ourselves.
Load More Replies...Oh yeah, but people get miffed about BP continuing to run lists about the US - so why not pick on other nations?
The list isn’t devisive. The things your leaders are doing to wreak havoc on the world is though. America is trying to start WW3 in Europe right now by giving Putin the green light. A lot of people are extremely angry. America is making the world very unsafe.
No argument there. Most of us despise Trump (our Electoral College system is how we have minority rule). We are living a nightmare. BUT BUT BUT these lists aren't about that... they are divisive cultural generalisations. And the US isn't a freaking monolith. I'm from Boston and I'd say that we have more similar in many ways to parts of the UK as we have with say, rural Alabama. THESE ARE JUST STUPID AND INSULTING GENERALIZATIONS.
Putin is trying to start WW3. Appeasing him is a mistake. Learn from history or be damned to repeat it.
Have you never heard of ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’? What’s it to you if we do start a war-you won’t help us finish it, as usual.
Well when you stop being racist bigots who hate women, then we can talk. Sorry but as a Canadian you all are very full of yourselves. Your president is a mini dictator that has the brain of a child.
To be fair, I have no doubt the BP editors are working on the list “52 Egregious Things About Lithuania: Interview with the Expert.” RIGHT? No. Okay. Just let me know which state has the sailboat sail-sized pizza slices.
Load More Replies...Do not hold your breath for anything negative about Europe from BP. On the other hand, BP editors love bashing America weekly. You can check previous threads to prove this.
Considering how your elected politicians are impacting the average citizen in many other countries and in a negative way I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for these lists to stop. It is really hard not to hate on the US when your fascist politicians are over here sprouting their c**p.
Why downvote a plain factual post? Fascist politicians? Well, yes, that'll be J D Vance: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/14/trump-vance-europe-far-right
I did some serious research on Lithuania. These are all 100% true without exception and in no way stereotypes. Lithuania is a nation of people who work dirty jobs and speak terrible English. Lithuania is a poor Eastern European country. Panevėžys having high crime rate. Žemaičiai (Samogitians) are stubborn and poorly educated. Suvalkiečiai (Suvalkians/Sudovians) are very cheap and their accents are so bad that you can barely understand them if you are from a different part of Lithuania..
I don't think most of these are things Americans don't find weird. They have heard time and again about their healthcare, the sugar in food, tax not included on ticket etc.
I've seen a hundred articles on BP about things that are different about the US, when are we gonna get articles about what's different about Belgium, or Venezuela, or Thailand, or any other country? What's BP's obsession with bashing the US? This is getting so repetitive and boring.
Funny I only see this reply from hard line right wing Americans who think its their way or the highway. No room for other opinions even though you love free speech
Load More Replies...You are wrong again. I'm about as far left as they come. Ignorant generalizations about ANY people are bad, Oh, PenguinEmp... what country are you from? Please share as I'm sure that EVERY person in your country is a peach and there is nothing negative about it. Go on- where are you from?
No One should be judged by the worst people or things in their country. Not everyone wants to walk around with a gun on their hip, we hate the tipping culture too, our big orange ape in the white house disgusts a great many of us (and we are just hoping he doesn't get us all nuked before he leaves office), and I won't even go into how much we hate our healthcare system. Not everyone in our country is "the worst." Just like everyone in other countries are not the worst of who lives there. We know our problems, BP, you don't have to keep reminding us of them.
I'm American and while this post is eye opening its also comforting. As a minority I don't feel attacked, the truth about this country should be known. Yes, I've lived in other countries and have always been proud of my country. But other nations are amazing and have a economic advantage. Like getting a pair of glasses for $30 or the cost of fruits and vegetables less than the cost of meat, walkable cities, accessible education. The us is no longer a world leader. People are suffering under the weight of the 1%. These lists aren't derisive, they are a warning from onlookers of the things to come that should alarm every American. We are the land if the free, a home of the brave. The WH and SCOTUS has too much power.
Good points but this list is a bunch or ignorant stereotypes with a few truths thrown in that many of us are upset about also.
The weekly anti-US article at BP. Nothing new here other than a demonstration of Europeans being willfully ignorant about the US.
How many f*****g times is BP going to make one of these lists? It’s old and tiresome. Try doing other countries Jesus.
U.S. BAD!!!!!!! Again, BP? This old trope is getting awfully tiresome.
The biggest WTF I have is that educated and talented young Americans don't leave in their droves. Can you not see what is going down around you?
Do you think its just easy to pack up and leave? Believe it or not its hard for Americans to immigrate to other countries. They don't just let us in. There are rules for immigration and if you are not fortunate enough then you are stuck. This is not Europe where we have an agreement of free movement like the EU.
I think a lot of this just willfully ignorant Europeans complaining that we don't do things like they do back home. And much of the time, we actually do, you're just in a place that doesn't. Because this also something that Europeans just don't get: Our country is about the same size as your entire continent. And states? States are basically different countries with different constitutions and sets of laws. And in many cases, different cultures. Our cities generally have really good public transport and walkability; but not our burbs because -- why would they? If you think they should, you may not understand what a suburb is, and that's fine. But why think that's how it is everywhere? That's ignorant.
Did you say states have different constitutions? Lol ok Also, you have no healthcare, you have legal guns, you're fat and lazy and loud and obnoxious. Walkability? Ok. If. You say so. Oh also you don't have the metric system like everyone else on the planet
Load More Replies...Yes, we do have separate state constitutions. I've posted the one for Massachusetts where I live. You seem rather ignorant about my country. Massachusetts and some other states have very strict gun laws. We passed a law giving reasonably priced healthcare to all. It is far from perfect but you will fare better here than you will in, say, Alabama or Arkansas. "You're fat and lazy and loud and obnoxious". Really? Eff off. I was at the Hiroshima Peace memorial recently and the place was dead silent until somebody picked up a call and started talking Portuguese at full volume. Are Portuguese or Brazilians loud and obnoxious. Of course not. Individual people are. Are all people from your country rude and ignorant? No, but I know one who is... Just, Don't. Generalize. Be Kind. https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution
Either you're a kid, PengiunEmp, or just a hateful bigot. Either way, not a lot for you to be proud of in your statement there.
I'm a proud non American yes. Not a child but I'm so so happy that you sre upset. It truly shows the Americans who cling to free speech but don't like it when some people say something else.
Here you go, Mr. Fat and Lazy. here's some links: https://www.healthcare.gov/ https://50constitutions.org/ https://www.fws.gov/story/hunting-tool-wildlife-management Any other questions you ignorant fvcking dipshit?
Yes, each state has its own constitution, although there's one of the original 13 colony states that calls it a charter or something like that. I don't have healthcare? Again, your ignorance is showing. I have full healthcare which my employer pays for as part of my job benefits package. And if you're not employed, you have Obamacare aka the Affordable Care Act which is required for every citizen to have if they don't have healthcare otherwise. Google it. You're ignorant. Of course we have legal guns. The US is mainly wilderness. We have more mountains and forests than Europe. My state's wilderness is bigger than the UK. We would never be able to afford to pay the govt to do game management, which is why we hunt to control animal populations. Google it. You've never been to the US, admit it. You don't know s**t, so google it and educate yourself instead of calling names and acting like a little baby.
So many generalizations! There are so many real reasons to dislike America. (The United States of)
The comments on here are just a bunch of Americans getting offended 😂 It's not about disliking the US...it's about the sense of entitlement and righteousness that US seems to have. It's equivalent of an overly arrogant idiot manager coming in to scream nonsense at you. Just humble down a little a bit because I can assure you that you are not the greatest country in the world. Lithuania is btw!
People have interesting ideas about things here. Like somehow Central America is a continent. And that Americans named themselves Americans and co-opted the entire continent. Europeans named Americans Americans back in the 18th century when the US was the only actual country in North America. And slavery? I love it when Europeans try to shame the US about slavery. They don't realize that the slavers who brought them to North America were Europeans, using European ships and European chains and sold them to other Europeans who emigrated here so they could legally own slaves for their businesses. I know this is going to be downvoted, but.... Sorry Europeans. Your biggest cries about the US are... made in Europe.
If you don't like the USA then please do us all a favor and don't come here if all you can do is trash it. And those Americans that live here who hate it, please show yourselves out. I do agree with several of these but overall I'm so sick of USA hating.
Say you don't understand the world wide web without saying you don't understand the world wide web....
Once again, I dare someone at BP to pick on Canada for once. Seriously, I think it would be great to see!
We don't have a dictator, we don't have guns and shootings. Abortion is legal and we have free healthcare.
Load More Replies...Ah, the obligatory "What's Wrong with the USA?" list. If BP was to be believed, I would wonder why anyone would want to even visit the USA, much less want to live here.
What's the point of this website again? Abuse the USA when every other region is perfect? You have lost your way and only answer to your handlers. Divide and conquer. Gross.
Yes, we’re so horrible that hundreds of thousands of people sneak in every damned week! Who gives a s**t what foreigners think is ‘weird’
Hey BP- feel free to EFF off at your earliest possible convenience with yet another one of these stupid lists.
Lmao-- Europeans visiting the USA be like the Amish during Rumspringer-- they get their eyes opened wide to reality, whether it's good or bad, but lots of them decide they'd rather take their chances in Hell than return to the oppressive life they grew up in.
America has large portions because we have a huge leftover culture. Nobody is expected to eat all that in one go, you’re expected to take some home. That’s also why most restaurants are on the pricey side, you’re paying for two meals not just one.