“Flags Everywhere”: Foreigners Share The Most Bizarre Things They Noticed While Visiting The U.S.
Interview With ExpertWhen you visit a new place or country, you naturally have certain expectations. Maybe it’s from movies, viral videos, or things you've heard from others. But sometimes, reality turns out to be completely different—and even a little bizarre.
Recently, someone online asked, "Non-Americans who have been to the US: What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don’t realize is weird?" The responses poured in, and let’s just say—outsiders notice some very peculiar things about life in the U.S. Keep scrolling to see what had them scratching their heads!
Image credits: gregalfredo_
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Allowing convicted felons who know nothing about politics, to be president not just once, but twice.
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" -George Carlin predicting the MAGAt cult...
Americans are gaslit to believe that they live in the "Land of the Free" and celebrate Independence Day whilst not realising that they are - in fact - NOT free and are slaves.
No free healthcare.
A weird, weird, WEIRD obsession with guns.
Being underpaid in jobs because they have to rely on tips.
School shootings are "normalised" with drills in school.
Believing they are the centre of the universe.
And calling a "bottom" a "fanny" - because fanny means something VERY different in the UK.
The fusion between Christianity and nationalism (or politics in general). American version of Christianity (some of them) seems like the complete opposite of what Jesus actually taught. Or if not opposite, it's just something else that's still absurd.
We all have a certain vision of America—the land of opportunity, big dreams, and even bigger everything. Whether it’s social media or stories from friends, many of us form expectations about what life in the U.S. might be like before ever setting foot there. But reality often comes with a few surprises.
Beyond the things we assume, there are certain everyday aspects of American life that are completely normal to locals but seem unusual to outsiders. These cultural quirks are so ingrained in daily life that Americans might not even realize they stand out to the rest of the world.
As someone from the US who has been living outside the US for about 2 years now, the sense of entitlement. No one owes you anything. Minor inconveniences are not a violation of your rights. The number of adults pitching toddler temper tantrums is absurd. I didn’t realize how big a part of my life that was until I moved and noticed nearly immediately that that’s not how people do things elsewhere.
There is massive entitlement among those who are used to having everything they want. But those they have always taken from are demanding fair compensation. This makes the entitled feel threatened and attack the abused for "feeling entitled to fair treatment". Now the entitled want to "make America great again" for the entitled by doubling down on the abuse.
That mothers can’t take up to a year off to be with their infants
The level of homelessnes was like nothing I’ve seen in any other western country. Very obvious mental health problems among those homeless. It was so jarring to me to see a homeless person with a piece of cardboard which said that she had cancer and needed money for treatment. To think that ANYONE had cancer and couldn’t get treatment is inhuman. Some might say that she only told that story to get money, doesn’t matter - the fact that it’s a real possibility is the punch in the guts.
That's all on the medical insurance companies and the US politicians they own outright.
For instance, portion sizes in the U.S. are famously large. Fast food meals, restaurant servings, and even soft drink sizes can be shockingly big compared to what you’d get in other countries.
While a "large" drink in some places might be 500ml, in the U.S., it’s not uncommon to see people casually sipping from a full liter cup.
Tax system. Like, if something is advertised on the shelf as $6 it should be that… right? No. Not in the US.
I hate this. And how it varies so much by state or even county sometimes.
As an American that left.
The sugar that’s in all the food
It's not real sugar most of the time, it's that High Fructose Corn Syrup garbage usually.
Flag worshipping. It's like an idolatrous cult
I’ve never understood why we have to have the U.S. flag every—fvcking—where. At government facilities, yes. But at supermarkets? Churches? Sports stadiums? I know what country I’m in. I’m not under the delusion that I suddenly got teleported to Scotland or somewhere.
Many online have joked about the enormous soda sizes available in American shops and movie theaters. It’s something locals don’t think twice about, but for visitors, seeing people carry around bucket-sized drinks can be quite amusing.
So many things but that the reaction to a bad situation, even minor, is to sue someone. That’s a horrible obsession with money.
Crazy big portions. Having a gun being more important than the lives of children.
The lack of interest in the rest of the world.
Lack of protection for employees and lack of annual leave.
Right now, I'd say the Americans are very interested in the rest of the world, for all the wrong reasons.
The fact that Americans can buy a gun at Walmart, but not a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg.
To get more insight, we spoke to Alessa Grund, a German PhD student in software engineering who spent a semester in Washington State as an exchange student. She shared some of the biggest cultural differences she noticed during her stay.
“Cashiers often make small talk with you while checking out,” she said. “At first, I didn’t know how to respond. Back home in Munich, we usually just pay and leave.”
Weird political system (voting - how can you become President when the majority of voters doesn’t want you?, archaic pol party system, limited knowledge of party programs, limited ability to vote for policies).
They are proud to be uneducated. Not kidding. Actually proud to not know basic things.
100% true in many areas of the US. They elected someone who committed 4 felonies and other crimes to overthrow our democracy, so can't really deny it.
Starbucks coffee is truly, truly awful
This totally and completely. My coworker disagreed with me on this so I asked her to try any Starbucks order black, no sugar, no creams, no syrups, etc. Her reaction, "yuck, it tastes like burnt rubber!" Starbucks drinks are just coffee-ish desserts. If your coffee doesn't taste good black, all the flavorings and sweeteners are just covering up the bad flavor.
Another thing that stood out to her was the healthcare system. “Coming from Europe, I was shocked at how expensive medical care is in the U.S. In Germany, almost everything is covered by insurance. Also, many medicines that require a prescription back home are easily available over the counter here.”
The culture around the military - thanking them for their service as soon as you find out they’re in the the military, the perks they get such as boarding planes first, all these random discounts…
It's because rather than provide us with medical care unless we fight them tooth and nail, letting so many of us become homeless while fighting the VA, etc., we get thanked for our service and discounts at some places. woot.
The pharmaceutical advertisements. Very strange.
US Big Pharma spends more on advertisements than research currently. Pure insanity.
People who take a fun DNA test and then identify as an Italian. Or Greek. Or German. Or African, whatever it means. Africa is a continent, not a country. While the only language they speak is English, the only nationality they've got is that of the US and they have never lived anywhere else but the US. You are American, deal with it.
Public transportation was another surprise. “It’s not that great,” she admitted. “In Germany, trains and buses are reliable and widely used. In the U.S., people mostly rely on cars, and public transport options aren’t as extensive or convenient.”
Exceptionalism. You're not special. People don't want to be you, or like you. As much as it seems, this isn't the 1920's post world war.
Going to bankrupt because of medical bills. E.g. in Finland max annual for prescription d***s is ~600 €. Same goes to hospital fees. If you have no money social security pays even that.
Portion sizes! My family could order one meal and share and be satisfied at the end. The average drink size is around 1l, we buy 1l bottles of soda to share among 3 or 4 people.
How absolutely commercialised literally everything is, every single thing is about making money
She also noticed a stark difference in food. “Drinks and desserts were way sweeter than I expected. I gained three kilos in just a few months,” she laughed.
“But one thing I found really nice was that restaurants give you free water—that’s not common in Germany!”
open carry states where everyone has guns on them, visibly, it’s so weird. and the blatant racism, mostly in red states
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR TOILET STALLS? Why is the bottom so high off the ground? Why are there gaps everywhere? I do not want to make eye contact in a toilet. I would rather use a squat toilet than US gap-stalls.
To answer the question, the bottom is that way because of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements. The requirement is 12 to 18 inches from floor to panel or door. This is put in place because if someone has a medical event inside the stall, first responders can quite easily simply slide under the door without having to try to break it down (and with some stall construction types, breaking it isn't an option), to render first aid. The side gaps are down to how the stalls are constructed, as there needs to be a clearance for them to operate properly.
unhealthy obsession with “”celebrities””
No argument here. The US obsession with "celebrities" is unhealthy to say the least. It directly feeds the "influencer" mindlessness...
Every country has its unique quirks, and the U.S. is no exception. Some things might be surprising, some amusing, and some even frustrating. But at the end of the day, these little differences make traveling and experiencing new cultures so fascinating. Which of these stood out to you the most? Let us know!
Everyone is described as white; black; Latino; of colour etc. etc. It’s endemic and pervasive.
No other country does that.
Does it happen to the same extent? Literally every form I fill out asks my race. Like, why does my cell phone provider need to know that?
Food deserts – Only fast food, no fresh groceries.
For those who don't know what a food desert is, it means an area, about the size of a mid to large district in a city, where there is a lack of grocery stores, particularly affordable grocery stores. For ex. Winnipeg has a food desert in it's city core, where there is a large demographic of low income earners and homeless. There is one Giant Tiger grocery store on Ellice, and there's a more expensive market at The Forks. The only other options are the pricey restaurants, bars, cafes and lounges that are not affordable to many of the residence in that area. This results in inaccessibility for basic necessities, high theft rates and other crime.
astounding consumerism.
Obsessive, all-encompassing consumerism. Every part of life gets made into a transaction. It’s dehumanizing.
The lack of news from abroad.
We can get news from abroad. We just have to search for it. I really like Al Jazeera and BBC.
Very bad or non-existent public transport.
Not an accident. A century ago Los Angeles had an extensive public transportation system. It was was bought up and destroyed - by oil and auto companies.
Your bread tastes like cake, it's disgusting. Your food in general tastes awful.
Weird, weird angry responses. Especially these generalizations about food. Damn!
imperial system
Flags in the front yard.
I just assume, like with Australia and England etc, it helps identify racists, but maybe that's not the case there.
Motorcycling with no mandatory helmets – Legal in many states.
Just hope that they are organ donors. My mom is a retired ER nurse and saw some horrific motorcycle accidents.
I’m a Singaporean.
Many people from 🇺🇸 assume people who are Sinitic-looking were born in China.
By this logic, can I assume that every white person from 🇺🇸 was born in Europe? No. A person’s phenotype doesn’t equate to one’s nationality.
Interesting. In the US it's a racist trope in tv and movies to think that every asian is from China. On the west coast, we have people from all over Asia. I can't imagine assuming a nationality based on race here. I think the people the OP has dealt with may be very sheltered wherever they are from.
Yellow pages full of lawyers. Pharmaceutical adverts. Tipping. The fact you deny the average citizen healthcare, education, housing, pensions etc unless they pay through the nose, but you know people need it, which is why it's offered to the military for free. It's a way to keep people enlisting. You're all quite loud. Your food is sooooooo full of additives and preservatives. You drive everywhere. Gun culture.
People are so loud. I don’t want to be forced to listen to your entire conversation in a restaurant. I’m just trying to understand my partner.
If you're blasting a speaker phone in public, that should give me license to slap it out of your hand and throw it down a sewer.
Wearing outdoor shoes indoors and stepping on furniture (like sofas) whilst wearing them. Maybe it’s just me, but outside shoes don’t belong inside.
The complete lack of environmental awareness: hotel rooms with air conditioning at minus ten degrees Celsius because Karen can't sleep with the room temperature, big cars running all day, ice in the drinks (and to produce all that ice will consume an absurd amount of energy), giant appliances that consume a lot of electricity...
"Minus 10 degrees Celsius" is 14 degrees Fahrenheit, not something anyone would choose. Not even something a hotel air conditioner could achieve, probably.
I feel like most americans, like even the leftwinged, are way too patriotic.
The food is purely poison. And everyone just normalizes it. It’s so weird to not be able to purchase fresh produce because of the inconsistencies and dyes all over the shelves 🤢 literally could smell and as before if purchased TASTE their chemical, additives, etc. 😭
Fresh food is a privilege in the US. Mostly because our infrastructure is designed to be as spread out as possible.
Calling their country “America” when that is the name of a continent, not a country.
We don't call South Americans Americans. Canadians are not referred to as solely Americans. North Americans and South Americans is acceptable for those in the North or South America. We don't call Mexicans Americans, either. Mexicans seem to always get ignored in that argument, too. But I guess they have a richer, unique cultural base to truly set themselves apart from the USA and Canada, and the USA is not looking to annex Mexico. Calling Canadians Americans, especially in these times, is an insult and may be considered a threat, depending on the context. It's like calling Ukrainians Russians or "Little Russians". Yes, some actually do that.
States. And the need to always name them after their hood. Have you ever heard anyone saying: I am from Paris, France? From Naples, Italy? Exactly!
Not travelling. On a trip to the States a few years back we met people who had never been out of their state nevermind the country
These sorts of divisive lists are dangerous. Outraged blanket-statements and overgeneralizing about the population of an extremely varied country isn’t making anyone look good and certainly not helping anything globally or here. If BP dislikes the US so much, stop courting us for ad views and referrals to cheap, mass-produced Amazon products.
Come on, BP, do a list like this about the UK. We're capable of taking the mickey out of ourselves.
Load More Replies...To be fair, I have no doubt the BP editors are working on the list “52 Egregious Things About Lithuania: Interview with the Expert.” RIGHT? No. Okay. Just let me know which state has the sailboat sail-sized pizza slices.
Load More Replies...These sorts of divisive lists are dangerous. Outraged blanket-statements and overgeneralizing about the population of an extremely varied country isn’t making anyone look good and certainly not helping anything globally or here. If BP dislikes the US so much, stop courting us for ad views and referrals to cheap, mass-produced Amazon products.
Come on, BP, do a list like this about the UK. We're capable of taking the mickey out of ourselves.
Load More Replies...To be fair, I have no doubt the BP editors are working on the list “52 Egregious Things About Lithuania: Interview with the Expert.” RIGHT? No. Okay. Just let me know which state has the sailboat sail-sized pizza slices.
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