Nicki Minaj Says She’ll Pay Off Fans’ College Tuition If They Have Good Grades, And Here’s How People Reacted
Need some help paying your college tuition fees or student loans? Nicki Minaj can help! Seriously.
Saturday night, the award-winning rapper was on Twitter telling her fans that she would pay international airfare for contest winners (who would get to spend time with her at the Billboard music awards in Las Vegas) when a US student popped an important question: “Well you wanna pay for my tuition?” Surprisingly, Nicki not only agreed but she also extended the offer to her other fans in need! The only catch was that Minaj needed verification of 4.0 GPAs and confirmation from their schools. Throughout the evening, the rapper helped a total of 30 current and former students with their college tuition, students loans, and other education-related fees. Plus, she promised to respond to more requests from fans in a month or two!