There are two types of nice guys — those who get the term from others for being decent human beings and those who attribute it to themselves. Sadly, some self-proclaimed "nice guys", who are actually manchildren or douches, mistake being spineless and pathetic for being nice and they are all over the place.
They might tone down their virtue signaling in real life over the fear of being called out and having to actually deal with a person but show all their true colors online, where the cable provides them with distance and security. Mainly, they go after women on every imaginable platform. However, rejections shake their vulnerable ego and in order to save it from shattering, nice guys attack.
The appropriately-titled subreddit r/NiceGuys collects sightings of these repulsive creatures in order to prepare everyone should they face one of them in the wild. The ridiculous posts paint a pretty vivid picture of what might be waiting for you just a click away, so continue scrolling and check them out. By the end of this article, you'll definitely know how to spot — and avoid — a nice guy.
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We Even Eat
These nice guys, the often physically unattractive men who overcompensate for their physical and social shortcomings with clingy and over-the-top behavior to women, are relentlessly mocked online.
Dr. Robert Glover, who's studied the issue, agreed that these men are often trying to form "covert contracts" with the target of their affections.
An Honest Observation
Psychologist Dr Jesse Marczyk told The Independent: "The men who tend to get stuck in the friend-zone might not be attractive enough on their own (physically, socially, or otherwise), and so try to compensate for their shortcomings by investing in women more than their peers. In other words, they might use kindness to try and make up for what they lack elsewhere."
Their logic dictates that if you meet someone's needs without them having to ask, they should meet yours. So if a man is nice to a woman, she should repay him by becoming his girlfriend, because that's only fair.
"Others typically do not realize these contracts exist and are often surprised when the nice guy lashes out at their failure to keep their end of the deal."
Thought It Belonged Here
Reinstate said law please! (But not nose biting, maybe a swift kick to the twig and berries?)
It's Not The Piece Of Plastic
When Will They Realise
Yeah, about that... I am a guy who's been friends mostly with women throughout my life. Not because I expected them to have sex with me, but because I genuinely valued their friendship. Lo and behold, more than a couple of them ended up having sex with me. Even if that didn't continue, we remained friends. In one case it DID continue, and we've now been together almost 5 years. ❤️
Nice Guy Thinks He’s Better Than Guacamole
At Least Some Justice Was Served
A Self Aware Former Nice Guy
I like this one, he made me laugh. I hope he’s found his happiness now he has some self awareness.
Nice Guy Tries To Insult A Woman And Accidentally Compliments Her Instead
Guess We Can Add Moby To The List Of Nice Guys As Well
This One Is So Unbelievable It Sounds Fake... But At The Same Time, I Don’t Doubt It At All
I'm much smarter than you -- yeah dude, that's a good pickup line. Very seductive.
Not Mine But Shared With Permission. Note How The Apology Only Comes When He Realizes He's Been Blasted
When Your Self-Awareness Tank Is Empty
A lack of self awareness on this level definitely explains how there are still so many Trump supporters
Let There Be... Nice Guys
“Decent Guy” Only Wants One Thing From His Date
I (19f) Broke Up With My Boyfriend (25m) Of 2 Months Only To Find Out He Was A “Nice Guy.” Bullet Dodged. The Last Bit Of Our Text Conversation And A Post He Made On Instagram A Couple Days Later
This Screenshot From The Social Network Is Just Beautiful
Why Don't Women Have Sex Wiv Me?
Why do men watch porn and wank, are we women not good enough for you?
A Little Too On The Nose
Feed Up With The Whining
Every time with these incel-types. Like, do you have any idea how much of a turn off it is to hear someone whining about how they're unfuckable? Ever heard the phrase, 'self-fulfilling prophecy?'
If A Nice Guy Was A 911 Operator
Im A Dude Lmfao
Some Honest Reflection On The Nice Guy Mentality
Charming Alpha Male Asks Me To Break Up With My Girlfriend For Him
funny how "gorgeous women" become "ugly bitches" in 2 minutes...
It's A Bold Strategy, Cotton, Let's See If It Pays Off For Him
Looking Out For A Bro
“Fedora With Arms”
And Then I Never Used Bumble Again
Found At A Church LED Dance...
A Facebook Friend Had Her BF Pass Away Recently, And She Shared This Experience From A "Nice Guy"
That is sickening. Oooh her defences are down she just lost her boyfriend, I'm gna creep on over to try and meet my own needs because I can. Oh hell there is a lot of shuddery stuff on this thread
Here’s A Fun A Guy Who Also Texted My Boyfriend About The Matter (4) I Made This Account Just To Post This
I don't understand how guys like that even exist. Of course, with all media available, a guy can probably exist without having his face geometry altered by the lady in question, her boyfriend, if any, or random passers-by of either gender... This is sick
Load More Replies...Ok, pro level harassment right there, combining blatant racism and misogyny
Has there ever been a conversation where the girl goes , "You know, I'm going to dump my boyfriend of x years because you reminded me that, he is, in fact, black?"
Give me a few minutes *thinks for about 5 minutes until random cartoon lightbulb appears above head* No.
Load More Replies...Good GOD what a sick and twisted muppet of a man-child... Khalil sure is a decent guy for replying so politely!
I. Will. Cut. This. [I ain't sayin it]'s. Genitals. Off. With. A. Butterknife.
Don't waste a perfectly good butterknife on him like that.
Load More Replies...If you say "I'm nicer than anybody you know" Then you are not, in fact, the nicest person you know. And also, how the heck does your skin color determine anything?
You know what I find amazing? If texting didn't exist, this wouldn't be half the problem it is. I can't see any of these pathetic wastes of skin having the balls to be so brazen to a woman's face.
You made a very good point and I think you are right, but on the other hand without texting and screenshots we might never really find how repulsive some people are. If I didn't see these messages and someone told me about them, I'd assume they were making it up or exaggerating it wildly.
Load More Replies...Man, a lot of these dudes.... WTF? Can someone like, lead all these guys to a cave or something and block them in with a giant boulder?
I'm guessing a lot of his conversations start with, "I'm not racist, but..."
You'd be surprised how many times I've heard s**t like this from white males.
ok off topic buut if you're trying to break up a couple and their names are Athena and Khalil I mean cmon. Imma slap you. Those names are just beautiful together.
EW! Someone your kind? The amount of melanin on someone's skin doesn't matter, we're all humans!
I thought the white men that can be narcissistic, racist, sexist at the same time was only an exaggeration in movies. I was too naive.
This Guy Commented On A Post About My History Of Sexual Abuse
jesus christ dude there's a time and a place, and it's NEVER and NOWHERE
This "Nice Guy" Claimed He'd Never Pmed A Girl This Way Before & That He Meant No Offence But His Attitude Changed Dramatically After I Forwarded A Screenshot To His Wife...
My Former Friend's Decent Into Madness
I hope she shows these messages to the new manager. He’s a creep and probably a rapist
I'm Just A Gooood Guuuuy, I Need No Sympathy
And Hes Still Waiting For His Apology
Nice Guys And Creepy Asterisk Crossover Courtesy Of My Boyfriend
I was given the hateful look by rejecting guys hitting on me just because they were tan and, you know I "am white" (whatever that even means). No need to explain myself or justify the rejection in the first place, but they didn't even bother finding out about my marital status....
An Old Platonic Friend Randomly Sent Me A Video Of His Dingaling Because He Was Trying To Be Nice... I Think?
My Stalker Called Himself A "Nice Guy" Today...
Ooof this was a painful read. So much hormonal rage from these guys. A lot of them need to put down the phone, take care of themselves and have a nap. The rest need to see therapists.
They need to put down the phone and open a dictionary, to see the definition of the concept of "nice". (Nah, I don't think that would make them understand....)
Load More Replies...Ninety percent of these dudes I would have blocked without warning after the first couple messages. Way too many of these women tried to be polite for way too long! If someone calls you a bitch or slut, LEAVE and BLOCK.
as an Aro/Ace, I'm always fascinated by how much value does sex brings to a person. does it really matter that much whether you had to have sex with someone or not?
Possibly an ego thing as well. Long term unplanned singlehood could make them feel inferior, that they ain't 'man' enough to attract a mate.
Load More Replies...My husband can never die or leave and I'm wrapping my daughter in bubble wrap
If you’re a nice guy you don’t have to say it. Actions speak louder than words is not just a cliched statement. It’s true.
I literally sent my husband a message after reading these saying that I'm so grateful to have him, because good lord this does paint men in a good light...
Lastly, real nice guys don't resent being in the friend zone. They value a woman's friendship enough that they're happy to be there. If you just want "friends with benefits" because she's hot and you don't care that that's not what SHE'S looking for, you're not the nice guy you think you are. OTOH, if you're really looking for a life together with someone, you might find yourself in a very painful place of loving someone who loves you back as a friend, but because you are so close, she can see where it could never work out... even if you'd really would be better for a little while with her than some guy she's still willing to see how it works out with.
I write each of these as a socially awkward guy who was "friend-zoned" a lot until I finally met the right woman and grew up a lot... and can look back at my mistakes.
Load More Replies...There was this really genuinely nice and cute guy that worked next to the same dept in my last job. Everyone liked him, he was kind, polite, smart and just a cool person to everyone. I had been friends with one his coworkers who tried to act the same way, but got angry about how much everyone/women liked his coworker. He went off one day that the way the actual nice guy was just an act, that any guy that acts like that is secretly just acting that way to f**k women, and women are all superficial and only care about money. He just couldn't grasp that some people are just nice without ulterior f**k motives, whereas he was just acting nice to try to f**k women that he didn't even respect as human beings. That was the last time we hung after I called him out on it and he yelled at me because I was going slower than the speed limit and a couple of rude texts about how I had changed and was disillusioned.
I have never read so much anger and frustration in one Bored Panda thread. It's not that women don't like nice guys. These men seem to ignore the fact that attraction is deeply personal. And, no matter how much they plead, curse, insult, and yell, they will not change a woman's mind, especially if she is already in a committed relationship.
What is all this nice-guy-stuff even about? Seriously, if it is just about intercourse, go to a brothel, pay what is due and a little extra ... no texting, no need to public self-humiliation and all that. I just don't think any woman ever said "He told me he's nice, then insulted me, told me to kill myself and, well, here we are - 50 years of marriage!" ... or do I miss anything here?
Learn from us gay guys. 🥱☝🏼 The way to gain a woman’s respect is to literally not try to have sex with her every f*****g chance you get. Just be a friend, simple as that. And stop thinking women = sex. Try woman = human = possible friend = close emotional relationship = trust = love. The bottom line to every relationship is friendship and trust. And yeah the sexual need can be strong with testosterone flushing through your blood, but you’ve just got to fix that on your own. In the private of your home where nobody’s got to know about it. Don’t involve other people bc you’re desperate. Be decent. Please. 👏🏼
My partner of almost 5 years and I are polyamorous, and a few years back she went on a few dates with this guy. As always, she was very upfront about being poly and already having a live-in partner, and he had to be cool with that. Everything was going fine until one day he starts telling her how he's going to 'rescue' her from me, because he just KNOWS he's a better man than me, and she DESERVES better. Christ, that was almost 4 years ago and we still get a good belly laugh out of it periodically 🤣
Oh, and FYI, in poly circles that's what is known as a 'cowboy.' Git along, little dumbass.
Load More Replies...Also: The "Friend Zone" is what happens when guys are too shy. If you'd ask a girl why she'd prefer a dildo to you, shyness is not your problem.
I really liked a girl. She had heard so much about me being "nice" that she got curious about me. We begun to go out on dates. But after a few awesome dates (we never got physical, just had a great time) she developed cold feet & straight up told me that she can never be in a relationship with me. She thought that was the end of it, as I would've been massively led on by her, by now to expect something from her & was ready to give up on the amazing & genuine bond (read friendship) we developed during that time. But I, though massively dissapointed not coz my whimps & desires didn't get fullfilled but just at the thought of losing her forever; just couldn't let her go off as the great friend she had become to me. 2 years later, we are still great friends, she cares for me like mad & so do I. I could've never been so happier, coz I realised when u genuinely like someone, u care about them & not just want to have s*x but just be happy having them in ur lives in whatsoever capacity.
I shudder to think that there are so many 'nice guys' like that out there... I really don't get how they can think of themselves as 'nice' when they are being anything but. And the vitriolic resentment and anger that's behind it all. Very scary. I'm sure the women who receive this sort of harassment must be utterly perplexed by the psychotic 'turn arounds' in these exchanges.
These type of guys do not make things look good for men in general. Not all men are like that, we just hear more about the negatives than the positives. Seems like BP has a male bashing theme going on tonight.
I know that this only represents some men and not all, but I'm dreading the arrival of "nice guys" rushing to their own defence like in any other post that tries to highlight what many women are forced to deal with from some men
Load More Replies...I really wish they didn't censor the guys' names. They should have to live with their BS.
Here's a tip: When a girl chooses YOUR shoulder to cry on and ask, "why can't I meet a nice guy like you?", or when she regularly initiates non-sexual physical affection, you're in the friend zone. If not, you're just some guy making unwelcome advances. How did Jim know Pam liked her? SHE KISSED HIM.
So overwhelmed by all this fragile masculinity. I am glad that I don't go through that with women but I see my straight and bi girlfriends having encounters with guys like these way too often. Maybe the guys that were insulting us on the "what would you do in a world without men" post will learn something from this?
Trying to wrap my mind around this. I think that giving out participation badges for everything (making effort and skill useless and killing any hint of ambition), or the completely opposite, pressuring kids like a dictator (everything is a competition, no sleep, no treats, no friends, work harder!) are both unhealthy methodologies that produce monsters with no empathy who believe they're owed something. You don't have to kill yourselves to reach your goals, but some good effort is needed, and sometimes even that will not work, you need to learn to cope with loss. Besides that, there's the obvious feeling of inadequacy after having oppressed the sh*t out of women for thousands of years, and now we're finally trying to treat all genders as equals (emphasis on trying), some of us obviously still have a problem with that. Well, I don't know, humanity is doomed, probably.
This is an excellent example of why I didn't leave my home BEFORE the pandemic. Ugh.
This is why we should have random executions. But I get so upset and angry at at the depths of entitlement and depravity men will sink to, just because they've got a d**k between their legs. It's depressing that women still have to deal with this s**t day after day. This is why women should run the world.
I have never been more grateful to be out of the dating pool in my life. Looks like the pool closed in 1985 and has been filled with slimy water, snakes, and god knows what else. My heart breaks for the young folks who are living with this.
I don't know why men do this. The only women who'd fall for their BS are brainless w****s...
I can't decide which group is worse: Nice Guys or Nice GIRLS. Nice Guys are entitled and creepy, but Nice Girls are downright INSANE.
There are a lot of rude, thirsty men but what's worse is I even see some of them would try to justify for rapists and pedophiles. Seriously?
The way half these conversations escalate would be a great horror movie. I wonder what it would be called?
Neckbeard’s Revenge....incel nonsense on the high seas of the interwebs.
Load More Replies...You can formulate complex strategies to beat computer and console games, locate, exploit and use system glitches to beat levels in a way not intended by the developer. Achieve absurd things, and make the impossible happen in way no video game maker could evr imagine, but young saiyan, you fail to navigate the trachelous field of getting the dumb b***h. You may be imagining the dumb part.
Aw but I like saiyans, the few I've heard of are generally ok. Bulma and Chichi aren't fools lol they wouldn't have married asses ^-^
Load More Replies...Throughout history of human kind, men have been taught that women are property. That women are given to men as prizes. That they are OWED a woman. That 1 goat and an acre of land will buy them a wife. They get angry and verbally abusive when a woman won't date or sleep with them. They get pushy and rude and tell women to smile. They get mad when women aren't skinny enough, pretty enough or friendly enough to them. They will ask lesbian women to sleep with them, convinced that their penis is magic enough to make a lesbian straight for them. They get angry at transgender women because they don't fit "traditionally" into what a woman "should be". We sexualize young female children by telling them to dress and act a certain way so that they don't "tempt" a man or another young male child to touch them or rape them or molest them. "They say "boys will be boys" when they stealth a woman during consensual sex, which makes it basic rape.
A guy messaged me on a dating site : What no message for me? I'm sad now. BLEH :vomit: Bro, I don't even KNOW you.
this will never happen to me because im an ugly and immature b**** lol
That's false advertising. It has absolutely nothing to do with nice guys.
What an irrational, illogical response from you, considering the fact that data doesn’t support your claims. Since most crimes are committed by males, then the scales aren’t balanced AT ALL. Both genders can say bad things to the other, but statistically, it is males who tend to be perpetrators of stalking, threats, assault and murder. Add to that the delusion many males have of them thinking that they’re ‘nice guys’ when they aren’t, it all increases the amount of distress that a woman or a girl endures frequently throughout her life, since such males are literally trying to gaslight the woman/or girl with that fake ‘nice guy’ crap, and arrogantly, too. Literally a 60 year old male killed a 40 year old woman because he didn’t like that she wasn’t interested in him; he isn’t the only one, yet such data isn’t there from females towards males who aren’t interested.
Load More Replies...You weren't “friend zoned“. She simply had no romantic interest in you. This shitty idea that women “decide“ to “put“ men in some imaginary “zone“ really needs to DIE.
Load More Replies...Tell ya what, bucko. You find those things, and you make your own post. This is a community contribution site, so you have no excuse.
Load More Replies...Ooof this was a painful read. So much hormonal rage from these guys. A lot of them need to put down the phone, take care of themselves and have a nap. The rest need to see therapists.
They need to put down the phone and open a dictionary, to see the definition of the concept of "nice". (Nah, I don't think that would make them understand....)
Load More Replies...Ninety percent of these dudes I would have blocked without warning after the first couple messages. Way too many of these women tried to be polite for way too long! If someone calls you a bitch or slut, LEAVE and BLOCK.
as an Aro/Ace, I'm always fascinated by how much value does sex brings to a person. does it really matter that much whether you had to have sex with someone or not?
Possibly an ego thing as well. Long term unplanned singlehood could make them feel inferior, that they ain't 'man' enough to attract a mate.
Load More Replies...My husband can never die or leave and I'm wrapping my daughter in bubble wrap
If you’re a nice guy you don’t have to say it. Actions speak louder than words is not just a cliched statement. It’s true.
I literally sent my husband a message after reading these saying that I'm so grateful to have him, because good lord this does paint men in a good light...
Lastly, real nice guys don't resent being in the friend zone. They value a woman's friendship enough that they're happy to be there. If you just want "friends with benefits" because she's hot and you don't care that that's not what SHE'S looking for, you're not the nice guy you think you are. OTOH, if you're really looking for a life together with someone, you might find yourself in a very painful place of loving someone who loves you back as a friend, but because you are so close, she can see where it could never work out... even if you'd really would be better for a little while with her than some guy she's still willing to see how it works out with.
I write each of these as a socially awkward guy who was "friend-zoned" a lot until I finally met the right woman and grew up a lot... and can look back at my mistakes.
Load More Replies...There was this really genuinely nice and cute guy that worked next to the same dept in my last job. Everyone liked him, he was kind, polite, smart and just a cool person to everyone. I had been friends with one his coworkers who tried to act the same way, but got angry about how much everyone/women liked his coworker. He went off one day that the way the actual nice guy was just an act, that any guy that acts like that is secretly just acting that way to f**k women, and women are all superficial and only care about money. He just couldn't grasp that some people are just nice without ulterior f**k motives, whereas he was just acting nice to try to f**k women that he didn't even respect as human beings. That was the last time we hung after I called him out on it and he yelled at me because I was going slower than the speed limit and a couple of rude texts about how I had changed and was disillusioned.
I have never read so much anger and frustration in one Bored Panda thread. It's not that women don't like nice guys. These men seem to ignore the fact that attraction is deeply personal. And, no matter how much they plead, curse, insult, and yell, they will not change a woman's mind, especially if she is already in a committed relationship.
What is all this nice-guy-stuff even about? Seriously, if it is just about intercourse, go to a brothel, pay what is due and a little extra ... no texting, no need to public self-humiliation and all that. I just don't think any woman ever said "He told me he's nice, then insulted me, told me to kill myself and, well, here we are - 50 years of marriage!" ... or do I miss anything here?
Learn from us gay guys. 🥱☝🏼 The way to gain a woman’s respect is to literally not try to have sex with her every f*****g chance you get. Just be a friend, simple as that. And stop thinking women = sex. Try woman = human = possible friend = close emotional relationship = trust = love. The bottom line to every relationship is friendship and trust. And yeah the sexual need can be strong with testosterone flushing through your blood, but you’ve just got to fix that on your own. In the private of your home where nobody’s got to know about it. Don’t involve other people bc you’re desperate. Be decent. Please. 👏🏼
My partner of almost 5 years and I are polyamorous, and a few years back she went on a few dates with this guy. As always, she was very upfront about being poly and already having a live-in partner, and he had to be cool with that. Everything was going fine until one day he starts telling her how he's going to 'rescue' her from me, because he just KNOWS he's a better man than me, and she DESERVES better. Christ, that was almost 4 years ago and we still get a good belly laugh out of it periodically 🤣
Oh, and FYI, in poly circles that's what is known as a 'cowboy.' Git along, little dumbass.
Load More Replies...Also: The "Friend Zone" is what happens when guys are too shy. If you'd ask a girl why she'd prefer a dildo to you, shyness is not your problem.
I really liked a girl. She had heard so much about me being "nice" that she got curious about me. We begun to go out on dates. But after a few awesome dates (we never got physical, just had a great time) she developed cold feet & straight up told me that she can never be in a relationship with me. She thought that was the end of it, as I would've been massively led on by her, by now to expect something from her & was ready to give up on the amazing & genuine bond (read friendship) we developed during that time. But I, though massively dissapointed not coz my whimps & desires didn't get fullfilled but just at the thought of losing her forever; just couldn't let her go off as the great friend she had become to me. 2 years later, we are still great friends, she cares for me like mad & so do I. I could've never been so happier, coz I realised when u genuinely like someone, u care about them & not just want to have s*x but just be happy having them in ur lives in whatsoever capacity.
I shudder to think that there are so many 'nice guys' like that out there... I really don't get how they can think of themselves as 'nice' when they are being anything but. And the vitriolic resentment and anger that's behind it all. Very scary. I'm sure the women who receive this sort of harassment must be utterly perplexed by the psychotic 'turn arounds' in these exchanges.
These type of guys do not make things look good for men in general. Not all men are like that, we just hear more about the negatives than the positives. Seems like BP has a male bashing theme going on tonight.
I know that this only represents some men and not all, but I'm dreading the arrival of "nice guys" rushing to their own defence like in any other post that tries to highlight what many women are forced to deal with from some men
Load More Replies...I really wish they didn't censor the guys' names. They should have to live with their BS.
Here's a tip: When a girl chooses YOUR shoulder to cry on and ask, "why can't I meet a nice guy like you?", or when she regularly initiates non-sexual physical affection, you're in the friend zone. If not, you're just some guy making unwelcome advances. How did Jim know Pam liked her? SHE KISSED HIM.
So overwhelmed by all this fragile masculinity. I am glad that I don't go through that with women but I see my straight and bi girlfriends having encounters with guys like these way too often. Maybe the guys that were insulting us on the "what would you do in a world without men" post will learn something from this?
Trying to wrap my mind around this. I think that giving out participation badges for everything (making effort and skill useless and killing any hint of ambition), or the completely opposite, pressuring kids like a dictator (everything is a competition, no sleep, no treats, no friends, work harder!) are both unhealthy methodologies that produce monsters with no empathy who believe they're owed something. You don't have to kill yourselves to reach your goals, but some good effort is needed, and sometimes even that will not work, you need to learn to cope with loss. Besides that, there's the obvious feeling of inadequacy after having oppressed the sh*t out of women for thousands of years, and now we're finally trying to treat all genders as equals (emphasis on trying), some of us obviously still have a problem with that. Well, I don't know, humanity is doomed, probably.
This is an excellent example of why I didn't leave my home BEFORE the pandemic. Ugh.
This is why we should have random executions. But I get so upset and angry at at the depths of entitlement and depravity men will sink to, just because they've got a d**k between their legs. It's depressing that women still have to deal with this s**t day after day. This is why women should run the world.
I have never been more grateful to be out of the dating pool in my life. Looks like the pool closed in 1985 and has been filled with slimy water, snakes, and god knows what else. My heart breaks for the young folks who are living with this.
I don't know why men do this. The only women who'd fall for their BS are brainless w****s...
I can't decide which group is worse: Nice Guys or Nice GIRLS. Nice Guys are entitled and creepy, but Nice Girls are downright INSANE.
There are a lot of rude, thirsty men but what's worse is I even see some of them would try to justify for rapists and pedophiles. Seriously?
The way half these conversations escalate would be a great horror movie. I wonder what it would be called?
Neckbeard’s Revenge....incel nonsense on the high seas of the interwebs.
Load More Replies...You can formulate complex strategies to beat computer and console games, locate, exploit and use system glitches to beat levels in a way not intended by the developer. Achieve absurd things, and make the impossible happen in way no video game maker could evr imagine, but young saiyan, you fail to navigate the trachelous field of getting the dumb b***h. You may be imagining the dumb part.
Aw but I like saiyans, the few I've heard of are generally ok. Bulma and Chichi aren't fools lol they wouldn't have married asses ^-^
Load More Replies...Throughout history of human kind, men have been taught that women are property. That women are given to men as prizes. That they are OWED a woman. That 1 goat and an acre of land will buy them a wife. They get angry and verbally abusive when a woman won't date or sleep with them. They get pushy and rude and tell women to smile. They get mad when women aren't skinny enough, pretty enough or friendly enough to them. They will ask lesbian women to sleep with them, convinced that their penis is magic enough to make a lesbian straight for them. They get angry at transgender women because they don't fit "traditionally" into what a woman "should be". We sexualize young female children by telling them to dress and act a certain way so that they don't "tempt" a man or another young male child to touch them or rape them or molest them. "They say "boys will be boys" when they stealth a woman during consensual sex, which makes it basic rape.
A guy messaged me on a dating site : What no message for me? I'm sad now. BLEH :vomit: Bro, I don't even KNOW you.
this will never happen to me because im an ugly and immature b**** lol
That's false advertising. It has absolutely nothing to do with nice guys.
What an irrational, illogical response from you, considering the fact that data doesn’t support your claims. Since most crimes are committed by males, then the scales aren’t balanced AT ALL. Both genders can say bad things to the other, but statistically, it is males who tend to be perpetrators of stalking, threats, assault and murder. Add to that the delusion many males have of them thinking that they’re ‘nice guys’ when they aren’t, it all increases the amount of distress that a woman or a girl endures frequently throughout her life, since such males are literally trying to gaslight the woman/or girl with that fake ‘nice guy’ crap, and arrogantly, too. Literally a 60 year old male killed a 40 year old woman because he didn’t like that she wasn’t interested in him; he isn’t the only one, yet such data isn’t there from females towards males who aren’t interested.
Load More Replies...You weren't “friend zoned“. She simply had no romantic interest in you. This shitty idea that women “decide“ to “put“ men in some imaginary “zone“ really needs to DIE.
Load More Replies...Tell ya what, bucko. You find those things, and you make your own post. This is a community contribution site, so you have no excuse.
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